The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 74

Blair POV

King Braedon nodded his head. "It's a little unique but I agree with Blair's punishment. You start tomorrow and Blair will inspect the grounds to ensure that they meet her standards. If you do not perform your task properly or slack off then I will include cleaning out the stables and so on, until you do as you are supposed to and I will also whip you on top" he growled "My mate is compassionate giving you this punishment, even if you refuse to see it."

She stomped her foot and then scowled. "Leave," Braedon said in a chilling voice "and stay out of my sight. If I don't find you outside tomorrow you are not going to like the consequences."

She paled some more and then quickly headed off. I turned and raced back, Braedon, James, and Cody following behind me. Josie was still on the ground unconscious. I checked her pulse and breathed a sigh of relief.

"James, take her to the hospital" ordered my mate.

James nodded and gathered up poor Josie, cradling her carefully in his arms. "I'll make sure she's cared for" he reassured me, walking off with infinite care.

Braedon sighed. Alpha Cody was amused and intrigued. "I must say Luna that your punishment was rather ingenious," he said lightly "It was not something I would have thought to do."

"She thinks she's better than everyone else and she takes pride in that. By making her perform such menial tasks out in public, where all the pack members can see her, it not only shows her that she's just like everyone else, it humiliates her and forces her to be humble as well as open to bullying and teasing, just like she's done to others. A whipping would not have given the same results" I told them and Alpha Cody nodded, looking thoughtful.

"Perhaps it's time we thought about doing creative punishments instead of the norm in our pack as well" he mused inclining his head towards me "Thank you for giving me something to reflect on."

My mate looked miffed. He quickly put a possessive hand around my waist, pulling me into him. I smiled up at him and he growled. "Now about earlier," he said stiffly and I gulped, sensing his rising anger, while Alpha Cody quickly excused himself "While I understand your logic" he snarled "do you have any idea what effect you had on me and my wolf, calling out another man's name?"

Oh boy. I tried to give him a smile, but he was not having it. "I'm guessing it wasn't good" I squeaked and he glowered at


"You assume right" he hissed, his hand moving up and accidentally brushing my shoulder.

I stiffened and gave a small cry. He immediately paused and narrowed his eyes, his hand moving to push my shirt aside, only to be greeted with the images of deep scratches on my shoulder, put there by Sierra's claws. "Gods" he cursed, looking at me angrily "why didn't you tell me you were wounded?"

Now my shoulder was throbbing painfully. "I didn't think it was that bad" I managed to utter and he shook his head, examining my shoulder carefully.

"Something like this could get infected," he said harshly "especially since you don't have a wolf to help heal you. f**k. We need to get this taken care of."

He gently let go of my shirt and turned me, guiding me towards the pack house. We walked in silence, his expression brooding. It looked like he had forgiven me for earlier, but as we entered, he motioned for me to go upstairs to the bedroom, pointing at the bed as I pouted, sensing that what was about to happen wasn't about to be pleasant. My shoulder was throbbing painfully and I was hesitant to tell him, but he could see the pain on my face, grabbing some water and painkillers from the bathroom cabinet. "Take them" he snapped.

I took them with reluctance. He rifled through the cabinet and came back with a first aid kit.

I eyed him warily. I could think of better scenarios in which he played doctor but I figured voicing them might not be appreciated in this moment. He opened the kit and withdrew a bottle of antiseptic.

"I don't think I need it," I said hastily and saw determination in his eyes as he poured some onto some cotton balls. It was going to sting and I was not a fan of the stuff.

"You can either sit there nicely or I can pin you down, but either way, I'm cleaning that wound," he said nonchalantly. I eyed him and then the door. He smirked.

"You know, we could use the bed for another purpose" I whispered seductively, watching a light enter his eyes.

He gave a chuckle. "Are you seriously trying to seduce me so I won't use this on you?"

I looked at him hopefully. He shook his head.

"It's not working," he said loftily and my shoulders slumped. Damn. He coughed, highly amused as I gritted my teeth, moving to put his arm around my waist in order to hold me still. I gave a hiss of pain as he pressed the cotton wools against the wound, my eyes watering.

It stung, just like I knew it would. To make things worse, instead of being quick, he was thorough, adding insult to injury. "Don't want you to get an infection" he murmured but I sensed he was getting pleasure out of causing me pain. Sadistic bastard. I wriggled, trying not to whimper. Finally, he was done and he put the cotton wool down. I panted the wound feeling as though it was on fire.

"Ouch," I whined, pouting as he leaned over and then gently kissed my lips, his hand stroking the nape of my neck, his eyes beginning to darken as the pain began to fade and all I could focus on was him and the way his lips felt pressed against mine. He pulled away, a devilish grin on his face.

"Now about that earlier offer" he purred as I blinked at him, feeling disorientated "I accept" he added wickedly and my heart skipped a beat.

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