The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 240

Blair POV

"Hello sweetheart," Josie said, as Aaron tentatively kissed her.

Josie leaned into his embrace, beaming. She had that glow that only pregnant women had. She closed her eyes, and Aaron calmly turned towards us, a look of peace on his face.

"Good morning" he greeted us quietly. [wpdiscuz-feedback id="8sjiy6cp21" question="Please leave a feedback on this" opened="1"]JOBNIB.COM asking for your feedback on this Chapter.[/wpdiscuz-feedback]

"Good morning Aaron," I said with a smile, liking the quiet and pleasant man "It's a beautiful day, don't you think?" I added as my son wriggled out of Braedon's grasp and headed straight for Aaron, demanding to be picked up by the large man, who instantly obliged him.

Jaxon was smitten with Aaron and I suspected it had something to do with the calm and gentleness he exhibited. Braedon sighed. "I know I shouldn't be but I'm jealous" he grumbled, while reaching over and grabbing Senna who gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. He instantly brightened. "Aaron just has that way about him," I said nonchalantly with a shrug "It's not just Jaxon, but all the kids seem to adore him. Including Sarah's son Michael," I pointed out, causing Braedon to look slightly more cheerful. "Speak of the devil," he said with a whistle, Sarah and a disgruntled-looking James coming down the stairs, holding a giggling Michael in their arms.

"One moment,” Sarah said wryly as she joined our group outside "one moment was all it took. I turned my back on him, and boom. He entered the room before I could move. I'm sorry Blair. We were playing hide and seek" she apologized as I laughed at her. "I'm glad he's okay," I said shaking my head "Besides I think maybe we might have Sierra dissemble the alarms in there. The children are becoming a bit adventurous and I'm certain it won't be long until they do something equally as troubling" I told her lightly, James's eyes sparkling as he nodded in agreement.

James let go of Michael who toddled straight over to Aaron, who picked him up in his other arm while still holding Jaxon. I gave my mate a pointed look and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Sorry" Sierra trilled, joining us and looking abashed "But it's all well and good. He's fine," she said as Sarah raised a brow at her "No harm done."

I giggled. Sarah shook her head and laughed. James just grinned. I saw Aaron put the boys down and let them start running around, while Senna toddled towards them squealing excitedly. "They're so cute," I said with a sigh.

Sierra shot a look with her mate as we glanced at her, a wide smile on her face. "Tobias and I have something we want to tell you all," she said to our group as we eyed her expectantly. "What is it?" Josie asked excitedly.

I glanced at Braedon. I suspected I knew what she was about to tell me. Sierra put a hand on her stomach "I'm pregnant" she said with a shriek.

Us girls screamed in excitement, making the boys wince as it pierced their eardrums. Josie immediately held out her hand towards James "Pay up" she said bluntly.

Sierra's jaw dropped. James swore and reached into his wallet, giving her $50. One by one, we did the same.

"You laid bets on when I got pregnant?" Sierra's voice said in shock.

Josie stared at her. "You did the same when it was my turn. Can I help it if I saw an opportunity to make some quick cash?"

Sierra shut her mouth while Tobias chuckled. We swarmed around her, offering congratulations and hugs.

"Congratulations" I breathed "I hope that your child is a little firecracker like you" I added, envisioning a little child like her.

She looked a little taken aback "god I hope not" she said as Tobias nodded fiercely in agreement "Can you imagine?" she shuddered.

We all laughed out loud. The children continued to shriek and scream as they ran. Some of the warriors outside had shifted and were playing with them in wolf form, allowing them to pet the wolves and touch their fur before running playfully away. It was cute. I saw my father out of the corner of my eye join us and I smiled. He had become the doting grandfather I had envisioned after all and he loved my children with a fierce protectiveness, even going so far as to move to this pack and live here, helping with them any chance he got.

"Isn't this perfect" I breathed to Braedon, my eyes shining as we slowly began to sit on the grass in order to watch the children, our group chatting amongst each other "All of our children are friends, Sierra's having a baby to join ours and we all have our mates" I sighed, feeling blissful "it's magical. I can't think of anything better than this, right now" I mused out loud. Life was perfect the way it was. I couldn't ask for anything better.

Braedon was still standing and looking nervous. I eyed him, wondering what was wrong with him.

"I can think of one more thing that would make this even more magical and special," he said clearing his throat and making the group look towards him.

I was confused. He was sweating and there was a glint in his eyes. I suspected that he was up to something, but wasn't sure what it could be. The children continued to play, but Braedon reached slowly into his jacket pocket. "While our friends and family are here to witness this special moment," he said slowly as I watched him, my lips parting in surprise "I have just one question to ask you, Blair. You've been my rock, my love, the woman I could never picture my life without. We've had our ups and downs, our trials and tribulations. You've come close to death, numerous times and come out fighting on the other side. You are the bravest, most kind, and loving woman I know. You're everything I ever dreamed that I would have in a mate and so much more than I could ever have imagined. You're perfect" he continued as my eyes grew misty-eyed, the group falling silent, "I know that I'm not the greatest at expressing how much you mean to me. I want you to know that you are the best mate and the best mother to our children I could have ever hoped for" he said. "My life is all the richer and the sweeter for having you in it."

I was going to burst into tears. I put a hand to my mouth. I was blushing. "You're already Luna Queen of the pack and Queen of my heart" he added, causing Sierra, Sarah, and Josie to aw out loud, "but there's one thing more that I desire from you. I desire your heart in full. Blair Ryker, will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?" he asked, withdrawing a ring box from his pocket and getting on one knee, before slowly opening it to reveal the ring. Oh my god. I was in a state of disbelief.

Gasps from the crowd. Tears pricked my eyes. The ring was beautiful. An emerald green heart with little diamonds encircling it. I was shaking. He was eyeing me with hope in his eyes. I was stunned. It took me a minute to find my voice. The group was eyeing me expectantly and there was anticipation in the air.

"Oh my god Braedon, Yes" I breathed, a tear trailing down my cheek "A million times yes" I shouted.

He took the ring out of the box and slowly slid it onto my finger. It was a perfect fit. I admired it as he kissed me on the lips, my arms wrapping around his neck as I sobbed into his chest. The group erupted into huge cheers. I had dreamed of this day, but he had managed to surprise me.

"I love you," he told me, as our children began to make their way back to us "I will love you now, tomorrow, and for the rest of our days. This I promise you."

I smiled. "It's funny" I murmured as the group began to move and he helped me stand, "because I had news for you" I added, the group forming a small crowd around us.

"I'm pregnant again" I added and heard whoops from the group, Sierra's the loudest.

Braedon's lips swooped down and kissed me hard, on the lips. "You're amazing," he told me, his eyes suspiciously shiny "I can't believe I'm going to be a father again" he added.

"Pay up" Sierra shouted in the background and the group groaned while I laughed to myself.

"The pregnancy or the proposal?" Braedon asked, turning around.

Sierra was smug "Both," she said jubilently and the crowd nodded glumly.

"I just lost $100" James grumbled while Sarah sighed. I laughed, while Josie hugged me tight.

"Congratulations," she said stepping back.

"Thank you, but you do know what this means," I said raising my voice above the disgruntled people paying Sierra, all of them halting to hear me. "What?" asked Sarah.

I grinned "I'm going to need Sarah, Josie, and Sierra to come dress shopping with me. I'm going to need my bridesmaids to agree on a dress together."

The girls began to shriek. My children put their hands on their ears, wincing and giggling. Braedon put his arm around me. My life was complete and I knew that it was going to be filled with love, laughter and Joy so long as Braedon remained by my side. The End

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