The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 23



I don't know how much time had passed before Luna Bianca came striding back into the bedroom to release me from my restraints. She took one look at my tear-stained, bloodless face and tsked at me. "You need to get some colour back" she advised as I looked at her numbly "you don't look very attractive right now."

"Who cares" I said hoarsely.

She just laughed as I felt the restraints loosen and fall off. I sat up, still very aware of not wearing any panties, and gestured for me to stand up. I looked at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Stop being so melodramatic and come with me" she quipped "you are to have dinner with us and then spend the night in your room before leaving with Alpha Daxton tomorrow."

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry."

She narrowed her eyes. "It would be an insult to refuse Alpha Daxton's kind offer."

She threw something at me. It was a pair of panties. I woodenly put them on and then looked at her mutely.

"You can come nicely," she said calmly "or I can have you escorted to the formal dining room. Which would you prefer?" "I need the bathroom," I said in response and quickly went and did my business, Luna Bianca waiting impatiently.

I felt detached like my mind was trying to escape what was happening in its own way. I splashed water on my face and then came back out. Luna Bianca grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room, my feet stumbling behind her, heading directly into the formal dining room where

Alpha Daxton, Alpha Johnathon, and Brynn of all things, were waiting. I was seated roughly, beside Alpha Daxton who observed me with a small smile on his face. I stiffened. Brynn was watching with glee. I scowled at her. She giggled. Alpha Daxton began to eat, as did the rest of us, while I chased the food around my plate with a fork.

"What time are you expecting to depart with Blair tomorrow Alpha Daxton?" Luna Bianca asked pleasantly, stopping him as he went to take another bite.

"I would like to be gone no later than 10 am," he said quietly "it is a long journey back to my pack and I am eager to get back before it is too late."

I stared down at my plate. There were several warriors in the room, no doubt in anticipation that I might run.

"Oh Blair, aren't you excited?" trilled Brynn, her voice shrill and loud in the room as I turned my head "I always knew that you would amount to a level of importance such as this" she added snidely.

This b***h. I seethed, beginning to get some of my anger back. "I have no doubts, Brynn," I said quietly, staring at her "that if you weren't the daughter of an Alpha, that you too, would find yourself in this position."

It was an insult and Brynn recognized it, her eyes flashing with anger. Alpha Daxton chuckled with amusement, while Alpha Johnathon looked at his daughter and myself with dismay.

"She's got quite a temper, hasn't she," Alpha Daxton said with delight, nodding to Alpha Johnathon who tightened his jaw and nodded.

Brynn sulked. Luna Bianca glared at me. I gave her a wide smile.

"At least I'm not having to be paid to spread my legs" Brynn shot out, her voice uncouth and condemning.

There was a sharp inhalation from everyone at the table. I dropped my fork with a loud clatter. "No," I said calmly, fixing my eyes on her "You do that for free" I agreed, c*****g my head at her as she growled at me "and often too I might add." "How dare you" Luna Bianca snarled, getting to her feet, but Alpha Johnathon spoke out, his voice full of anger.

"Enough" he roared "Brynn started it, so she shouldn't be surprised that Blair has retaliated."

He glared at his daughter who looked shocked to be reprimanded "Brynn leave the table. I'm disgusted by your comments" he hissed.

Her mouth dropped open. I gave her a mocking grin, waving with one hand. She got to her feet and then flounced off in a huff. "Johnathon" Luna Bianca protested.

He shot her a look. "Sit down" he snapped.

She sat. Alpha Daxton continued to eat, enjoying himself immensely. Alpha Johnathon picked up his fork and knife, cutting ruthlessly into his meat. Luna Bianca began to demurely nibble on her food, shooting me looks of contempt whenever her husband wasn't looking. I felt Alpha Daxton's hand on my thigh, lightly resting there and my body instinctively tensed.

"Blair" Alpha Johnathon said calmly, as I looked at him "the contract has been signed."

My hopes were dashed. I bit my lip and fought for control "You will sleep in your room tonight, but there will be guards outside your door and outside the window. I'm telling you this, so that you don't get any foolish ideas" he said sternly. Alpha Daxton snorted "Visit Job ni to read the complete chapters for free. If you are not reading this novel on Job ni b .com, some sentences are incomplete .As if a wolfless girl like her has any hope in hell of getting away from me" he guffawed. Alpha Johnathon looked slightly irritable as he looked at the other Alpha but bit his tongue. "You will leave with Alpha Daxton in the morning" he continued, eyeing me sharply "but you may take anything of yours that you desire."

Did he think he was doing me a favor? I wanted to laugh. I had nothing. Except for hand-me-down clothes that were thin and had holes in them. I had never received a gift of any kind or even jewelry. No stuffed toys to comfort me when I was little. What few dolls or toys that I played with in the orphanage had promptly been taken back when I left.

"There is nothing I wish to take," I said hatefully "other than the few clothes I possess."

Silence. Alpha Johnathon exhaled. Luna Bianca looked outraged. Alpha Daxton just shrugged. "Then the departure tomorrow will prove to be easy and swift," he said nonchalantly, Alpha Johnathon's anger fading. Luna Bianca just nodded, still seething while I just stabbed at my food violently.

"May I be excused?" I said angrily.

Alpha Johnathon waved his hand. Luna Bianca went to stand but Alpha Daxton stood, grabbing hold of my arm. "I shall assist her to her room," he said dismissively as I stilled.

He maneuvered me out of the room and headed towards my room, an omega leading the way as we walked behind her. His grip was tight, his expression amused and his eyes sparkling with humor. We paused and I saw the guards already standing in the hallway, a frown crossing my face. "You're a little spitball" Alpha Daxton murmured, his breath tickling my ear "one that I cannot wait to tame."

I opened my mouth and he kissed it, pushing his vile tongue inside, his hand grabbing my neck and holding my head in place as I gagged, his kiss ruthless and harsh, just like the type of man he was. He took great pleasure in forcing me to bend to his will, my body stiff against him, willing for the kiss to end. When he pulled away, there was a smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes.

"Sleep well Blair," he said chillingly "I look forward to more intimate time with you tomorrow" he breathed as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, a look of disgust on my face.

"I hope you die in your sleep," I told him coldly.

He laughed out loud. "Keep that spirit of yours," he said with a chuckle "It gives me a challenge to work with. I'm going to enjoy breaking you" he murmured "I've never met a girl so defiant before. You are definitely one of a kind" he marveled. He licked his lips and I fought back a shudder. The omega opened the door and he watched me walk inside the room.

"Until tomorrow" he called smirking.

I slammed the door shut, glancing down to find that the lock on the handle was no longer there. They had changed it, to ensure I didn't try and lock myself inside. I wanted to scream with frustration. I didn't trust him not to try and sneak into my room during the night.

I sat against the door, my head between my knees, If he tried, at least I would be given some warning. The night was long and restless. I was too fearful to sleep and as the hours passed, my terror grew. I could hear the guards outside, their pacing back and forth as they kept themselves awake or changed shifts. My eyes became bleary and eventually, despite the fear and the worry of what was to come, my body betrayed itself by falling asleep, my body collapsing onto the ground and against the door, only to be woken unceremoniously the next morning, by the door being pushed roughly against me and filling me with untold horror. The nightmare was about to begin and there was no waking from it.

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