The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 177

Third Person POV

"You did what?" she screamed, so shrilly that the windows shuddered and almost shattered from the ear-piercing noise she made.

The two guards glanced at each other uneasily, one attempting to clear their throat, a look of hesitation on his face "I'm sorry Luna Bianca" he said gravely, swallowing hard at the look of pure rage on her face "but Alpha Johnathon has managed to escape" he almost squeaked the last part out.

Brynn grasped the man by his throat, watching his eyes bulge out of his head "Do you have any idea what you have done?" she demanded icily "What you have allowed to happen?"

Ashton was brooding and silent, staring at the two men with a mixture of anger and relief. He hadn't wanted to kill the old Alpha and now, he didn't have to. "Unfortunately Beta Cody got in the way," the other guard said stiffly "and we were forced to deal with him before we could get to Alpha Johnathon."

A wave of sorrow flashed through Ashton as he realized his friend was dead. Brynn just looked pissed. "You mean to tell me that two werewolves, heavily drugged with wolfsbane and barely able to speak, let alone walk, managed to overpower your two miserable excuses of a shifter form?" The men bowed their heads and were silent. Brynn's mouth opened and closed. She was speechless, she was that angry. Her mother scowled, putting a hand to her forehead and closing her eyes, breathing deeply. "Mother, what are we meant to do?" Brynn said, looking helpless, while Ashton fought not to roll his eyes.

Luna Bianca looked at her daughter with disdain "Must I think of everything?" she hissed and then motioned to the guards "Some sentences are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Jo bn Visit Job nib. co m to read the complete chapters for free.Get your best trackers out there and start searching for him. He's in no condition to be able to make it very far. Hunt him down, for heaven's sake, and do not come back here until you've found him, not if you value your lives" she snarled.

The guards gulped and nodded, quickly leaving as they mind-linked more warriors to join them. Luna Bianca slammed her fist on the table. "Goddamnit to hell" she yelled, her chest heaving, her hair disheveled, and her usual composure gone. "Mother, please, you must calm yourself," Brynn said nervously, putting a hand on her mother's arm as she tensed. "Stupid girl" Luna Bianca growled as Brynn's mouth dropped open in shock "Are you that naive? That idiotic? Think hard" she urged her daughter with heavy sarcasm "What do you suppose will happen if your fool of a father manages to escape our clutches? Do you think he'll merely forget all the t*****e and beatings we've put him through?" she snapped,

straightening up and glaring down at Brynn whose face drained of color "or do you think that he'll want his revenge on us both? Perhaps even attempt to bring down everything we've worked so hard to achieve?" she added with a grimace "I knew we should have killed him when we had the chance."

Brynn was silent. She knew that the only reason her father wasn't dead in the first place was because she had been too weak to order his demise or execution. Even though her mother had pushed and urged her to do so, part of Brynn had been unable to force herself to kill her father. She knew her mother was blaming her for this, even if she wasn't outright saying it. Ashton gritted his teeth "Perhaps we should stop all this breeding nonsense then" he made the mistake of saying, as both women turned their heads at him, glaring at him with frosty expressions "and go back to ruling the pack like we did before?"

"Without the money coming in from your father or Alpha Johnathon?" demanded Luna Bianca dismissively "no thank you. I've become accustomed to the nicer things in life and I aim to keep them. No, what we do now is track that miserable bastard down before he takes us down first. We increase security around the perimeter, make sure there are no blind spots in our patrol" Luna Bianca said thoughtfully "I've noticed that patrol has gotten rather sloppy of late" she said with a twist of her lips "That's on you, Ashton. You're rather a poor Alpha and it's reflecting badly on the pack. Maybe you should think about whether you want to remain mates with this lazy, no-good, loser Brynn" she said callously.

Brynn looked flabbergasted, giving Ashton an uncertain glance while he merely stiffened. He had known it was a matter of time until Bianca brought that up and had been expecting it. There was no love lost between them. To be honest, things had not been going well between himself and Brynn either and the arguments had been explosive of late. She refused to heed anybody's advice besides her mother and it caused nothing but conflict. Ashton was tired of living like this, tired of Bianca's influence, and tired of Brynn's shallowness. They were vain, cruel and they were dragging the pack down.

"Mother, we're mates, I can't just..." Brynn trailed off.

She didn't even mention the word love, noted Ashton wryly. He found himself thankful that Brynn had never gotten pregnant with his pup. He blinked and put a hand out to steady himself, taking another sip of the water in front of him, feeling thirsty. Luna Bianca's eyes glittered as she watched him.

"Just because you chose to become mates, doesn't mean you can't undo it" Luna Bianca urged her daughter, with gleaming eyes "just look at your father and I. We decided to reject each other and it worked, didn't it?" she said pointedly.

"But that was different. You hated father" Brynn said casting another glance towards Ashton as he slowly sank onto his chair, his breathing becoming slightly erratic.

"I loved your father initially, but he became weak and soft. Ashton is the same Brynn. I've heard your arguments, heard how he pushes you to stop the breeding program and become a regular pack again. You would be poor again, instead of living a life of luxury, you would be getting your hands in the dirt. Is that what you want?"

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