The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 136

Blair POV

Dusk pranced over to Lucian, wagging her tail. He licked her on the face and then peered at her closely, concerned he might have hurt her but she nuzzled him, all her wounds forgotten about. He snuggled against her and then Dusk took off at a sprint towards the forest, Lucian eagerly following in her wake, content to be behind her, rather than be the leader. Dusk moved deeper, her ears pricked for the sounds of animals, trailing a buck and following it stealthily, her body moving silently amongst the trees as she tracked its scent. She tracked it to a lake and watched it drink, allowing it to leave unhindered, slinking forward and drinking as Lucian came up beside her.

They were like playful pups. They play wrestled one another and splashed each other from the lake, getting wet and shaking themselves dry. They rolled on the ground, getting dirty, and jumped over each other, bounding freely through the forest, stopping every so often to nuzzle each other before sprinting off again. It was heartwarming and so sweet. Eventually, I**t took over and Dusk allowed Lucian to mount her from behind. At that stage I put a block up, wanting to give her privacy. It didn't stop me from sensing the feelings of love she had towards him though or the bliss she felt afterwards.

I put the block back down once they had finished loving each other in that manner and they began to slowly trot towards a cliff face. They sat next to each other, Dusk right next to Lucian, her face nuzzling his shoulder as they peered out at the sky and the pack house in the distance, both of them radiant and content. They lay down, resting beside each other, and suddenly I found myself back in control as Dusk settled back into the depths of my mind.

Thank you for letting Lucian and I have time together she whispered, sounding tired.

I felt myself shifting before my human form was embraced tightly in Braedon's, both of us sitting on the cliff, my body tightly snuggled up against him. It had been hours and the sun was beginning to set. My body growled with hunger, but I was at peace otherwise. Food could wait. "I love you" Braedon murmured, kissing me tenderly on the top of my head. "I love you," I told him and then felt him lowering me to the ground as I stared up at him, my lips parted in surprise.

"I have to have you," he told me fiercely and I offered no protest, my legs spreading automatically as he nudged them open.

He entered me slowly, his eyes fixated on me, his lips swooping down to kiss me as I moaned and clutched the back of his head, my body moving to meet his gentle thrusts. It was heaven. My body reacted to him like it always had, my juices flowing, my back arching and pleasure increasing as he brought me to the brink of exploding.

"You're everything I have always wanted," he told me, his muscles rippling in the dimming light as my mouth went dry, my hands beginning to claw at his back "The only woman I will ever want in this lifetime" he promised.

Suddenly he slid out of me and I gave a low whine of disappointment. He lifted me up and rolled me over onto my hands and knees, sliding into me slowly from behind, his arm around my waist, keeping me still as he began to gently f**k me while I trembled and quivered. He kissed my lower back and I gave a whimper. I never wanted this to end. I didn't care that I was covered in dirt, or that we were doing it in the forest. It felt magical and primal at the same time. All I wanted was to feel him moving inside of me and he continued to move, gently, taking his time, while I panted and flung my head back, my o****m washing over me as I sobbed.

My nails dug into the earth. I bit my lip. He adjusted his angle and I gave a cry. He reached down and rubbed my soaking wet p***y and I came again, my body shuddering as he continued to thrust at a slow pace while I rocked my hips back and forth encouraging him to go harder and faster. He refused, while I bowed my head, not sure how much I could take of this. He pushed a little harder and faster and I moaned, as he stroked my back, kissed the nape of my neck, and murmured sweet words into my ears. I felt him beginning to stiffen and then he came, thrusting gently into me one last time, his body stilling and then he slid out of me, laying down and rolling me to lie next to him, one arm going around me as he held me.

I cuddled next to him. "You're so perfect" he murmured "but we are going to have to go back and start organizing this damn summit" he added with a huff.

I laughed.

"We left James back there as well" I pointed out a little smugly "he's probably a bit annoyed with us."

"Good" Braedon muttered "serves the bastard right. Besides, he's a man, he'll understand" he added and I stared at him, my eyes narrowing. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked with a smirk.

"Just that, if he had a chick I would do the same for him" Braedon stammered and I laughed and put my head back down. He relaxed.

I yawned. Today had drained me and Dusk was sleeping in the back of my mind. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to shift. I could see Braedon looking at me thoughtfully. "You've had a big day and you're probably starving" he commented "Let's get you back so we can eat and go to bed. We can start on organizing the summit tomorrow. I don't think you can shift so you can ride me," he said with a lecherous grin "Lucian is delighted to give you a ride," he said chuckling as I swatted him playfully.

"I'll take you up on that offer," I said standing up awkwardly and then staring at him "Thank you, Lucian," I said meaningfully as Braedon's lips curled up into a grin.

I stepped back giving him space and he shifted into his large black wolf. I reached up and stroked his face, as he licked me. He lay down on his belly and watched intently as I climbed on, gripping his fur softly in my hands, before rising to his feet and beginning to trot back towards the pack house. I inhaled the fresh air, feeling it against my bare skin, and sighed, grateful that my clothes would be available back at the grounds. My bare bottom and pelvic region rubbed against Lucian's back and he looked back at me, his nostrils flaring as I began to feel my core throbbing again. Oh uh. He began to move slightly faster as I clung tighter to his fur. We weaved through the trees, almost sprinting back to the grounds. My teeth chattered. He sank down onto the grass as we reached the grounds, which thankfully were empty and I climbed off, quickly grabbing my clothes, while Braedon shifted, looking apologetic.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly as I began to hurriedly dress "It seems you being naked on top of him was a little too much for Lucian to take" he blurted out and I giggled, not surprised in the slightest as Braedon blushed profusely.

I took his hand when I had finished getting dressed and Braedon had done the same. "Let's go get food," I said with a giggle.

His face cracked into a wide grin and he nodded. As we walked into the pack house, it occurred to me that we hadn't used protection this time but just as quickly I dismissed it. What were the odds that I would get pregnant the one time I hadn't used it? I figured the odds were relatively low but I was also naive and should have known that the Alpha King's ability to procreate would be much higher than the average shifters.

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