The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 134

King Braedon POV

Sarah gazed over at me helplessly. I shrugged at her. I was not about to intervene. Sarah deserved this. James was watching Blair in awe as he felt her aura and her power. He blinked, confused, watching Blair intently as she flung Sarah away from her, Sarah hitting the wall and giving a cry of pain as we heard a loud thud, Blair turning to regard her with disdain and contempt. "You ever talk like that about me again little girl and I won't be as merciful next time" she hissed and Sarah blanched, awkwardly getting to her feet and beginning to sob. "Braedon" she sniffled and I shook my head at her.

"You shouldn't have insulted my mate," I told her calmly.

She sobbed harder and ran from the room, the door shutting loudly behind her while James began to chuckle with amusement, his eyes darting between me and Blair whose eyes were beginning to turn back to her normal beautiful color.

"I take it that something happened while you were gone," he said wryly, "Blair I can sense your power. How on earth are you an Alpha wolf?" he asked incredulously as she nonchalantly sat down and he stood up, moving to sit beside her and grant me my seat behind the desk. "I don't know" she admitted "but I want to find out," she said looking at me.

"We need to look into who her parents are," I said to James "Can you dig into Blair's background and find out who might have abandoned her as a baby? Check out who might have been pregnant in the surrounding packs around her year of birth?"

James exhaled. "It will be difficult but I can, but what about the pack she came from" he suggested.

Blair laughed. "There's no way that Alpha Johnathon would be my father," she said with a shake of her head "What father would have treated me like he did?" she added incredulously.

I nodded but a part of me wondered. The alpha had shown some consideration towards her and some care. Suspicion lurked inside of me. It was almost unheard of for an Alpha to abandon their child, but could Blair's heart condition have been the reason for it? It would have been shameful for an Alpha to have a child with a weakness. Still, for a father to do that, just caused me to feel nothing but pain and hurt for my poor mate who had already suffered through enough.

"How did it go at the Silver Fog Pack? I've had reports but you two look unscathed for the most part" James commented, looking more at ease now that Sarah was out of his face.

"Well, the Alpha and Luna are dead," I said a little sourly "but we've left a leader in place that's a little more compassionate towards its people. It's going to take some time for him to build up some trust in the pack. I'm more annoyed that we couldn't get to the location that Blair was being taken to. There were several possibilities. We're going to have to check out each and every single one of them."

James raised an eyebrow "You do realize that you are also meant to be hosting the summit this year as well? It's in a few weeks or has that slipped your mind?" he asked and I swore. It had skipped my mind. So much was happening, between this pack and the others, that I had clearly forgotten about it.

Blair looked interested. "What's a summit?" she asked.

James gave a laugh. "I forgot that you wouldn't have attended one before," he said kindly as I grimaced "Think of it as a large party, but one where Alpha's and Lunas from various packs attend to do nothing more than relax, speak to one another and form treaties if they wish in a relaxed setting. It's neutral ground. It's a ball and there's dancing and music and food" he explained and Blair looked at me wistfully.

"Of course, you're coming as my mate," I said with a smile, already picturing how gorgeous she would look "I just might have forgotten to mention it."

"It sounds fun," Blair said, her lips curving "But what should I wear?" she asked.

I eyed her and then grinned "Something tells me that Julia would be more than honored to help you with that request. It's formal attire so you'll need a ballgown, one befitting a Luna Queen."

She looked stunned "But we're not..." she spluttered.

I leaned forward and gazed into her eyes "I think it will be the perfect opportunity to declare that you are my luna Queen and mate in front of everyone. Most of my pack will be in attendance, either helping with the ball or assisting the guests. Most of the pack know you anyway but let's make this official" I told her and watched her blush, looking at me shyly.

"Are you sure?" she whispered.

I winked. "We've marked each other. I'm more sure than anything else."

James grinned "Trust me once he's made up his mind, there's no dissuading him. I happen to think you'll make a wonderful Queen Luna" he boasted "Please remember that should I upset you in the future" he added hastily, making Blair and I laugh.

"Hang on, how come you don't say that to me," I said ironically.

"Because as my friend you have to forgive me and it's harder to upset you" he explained as I growled at him.

"Do I need to help with this summit?" Blair asked, biting her lip and looking anxious "I don't know much about how it should look or the proper protocols but I could learn" she offered.

"I have omegas to do that, but Julia would appreciate your input," I told her honestly, "I think it would do you both some good to spend some time with each other" I added and Blair nodded, looking thoughtful "Not to mention that the colors for the ball haven't been chosen yet." "Colors?" she asked.

"Normally two or three colors are chosen and the decorations are planned around them."

She nodded. There was a small smile on her face. "Black, silver, and white," she said decisively.

"Why those colors?" I asked her.

She looked at me as though I should already know. "Black because that's the color of our wolves," she said and I saw the sense in that "Silver for the color of James's wolf" she added and James looked pleased "and white because that's the color that Luna's wolves tend to be or Silver." Fantastic. I could picture it now. I grinned. "Good work. Let Julia know" I informed her and Blair leaned back, mind-linking Julia while I glanced at James who gave me a thumbs up while I glared at him.

Blair cut off the mind link. "Now what?" she asked.

"Now we see if maybe the summit gives us the information we're seeking as well," I said slowly as James and Blair looked at me "It's the perfect time for us to gather information from the different Alphas and Lunas. Maybe they might let slip some information we can use and we might be able to discern who Blair's parents might be. Now that Blair's shifted into her wolf, her scent should be familiar and possibly even be the same as her parents. All we have to do is find them and the summit is the perfect opportunity to do so. James, get the background information that I need. Did you find out anything in regards to who the traitor might be in this pack?"

James shook his head, looking regretful. I exhaled "Never mind, they'll make a mistake eventually. Let's go Blair" I said, standing and motioning towards my mate "You've got a training session to attend now that you can fight in wolf form."

James's eyes lit up and he scrambled to his feet. "Man I cannot miss this" he exclaimed, almost falling over his feet in his haste as we headed out the door "I can't wait to see Malcolm's face" he chortled, as we headed out onto the grounds "This is going to be epic" he added gleefully as Blair just shook her head at him.

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