The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 132

Blair POV

"Blair, this is Gamma Lance who is now the new Alpha of the Silver Fog Pack" Braedon introduced us.

I eyed the man. I liked the look of him. He had a gentle unassuming look about him and kind eyes. The complete opposite impression I had gotten with Alpha Richard. I shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Luna Queen" Alpha Lance said respectfully. "Nice to meet you," I said calmly.

"Shall we go to my office?" he said gesturing towards the study and looking a bit bemused about the whole situation, now that he had been made the Alpha. We nodded silently.

As he closed the door, I took a seat next to my mate and Alpha Lance settled behind the desk, still looking a little bit disconcerted. "I admit, it's a bit difficult for me to come to terms with being the new Alpha but I am doing the best I can," he said exhaling. So he was humble as well as kind, I thought c*****g my head.

"How are the women doing that we brought back?" Braedon asked quietly.

Alpha Lance dipped his head. "As well as can be expected. They are malnourished which is not surprising and dehydrated. Some are traumatized emotionally and some have been physically assaulted as well as ..." he trailed off, looking sickened but we could already fill in the blanks. They had been sexually assaulted as well. My throat tightened. The poor women had suffered through a lot. If I hadn't shifted, well, that might have been my fate as well. My stomach churned. "What are you doing for them?" Enjoying the book? Don't forget to visit Jo bni b.c om for the full experience. You won't find the next complete chapter anywhere else.I demanded, sitting up straighter and trying not to take my anger out on the man. He glanced at me "The women are being given food and water-proper accommodation in which to rest and recover. I have already implemented wages for the omegas to be paid for their work and am in the process of organizing counseling for them all. The breeding program is being demolished and the cottages are being torn down. Those who want to transfer to other packs are being granted it without hesitation. I have no desire to make these women stay in a pack that holds nothing but bad memories for them. It would be far too cruel to expect that from them."

I was impressed with his compassion and his willingness to do everything he deemed necessary. "Have you found out the location where the truck was going?" Braedon asked tightly.

Alpha Lance shook his head "Unfortunately the only ones privy to that information were the Alpha and Luna and those driving the truck which are now gone. The men that escaped" he glanced at me looking sheepish "did not return to this pack."

Braedon looked pissed but nodded. The men had not been found, even by the trackers that had been sent out after them. We were unfortunately no sooner to discovering who was behind trafficking these girls than we were before. "Did all the women make it back safely?" I asked anxiously.

Alpha Lance gave me a smile "Thanks to you, they did. They wanted me to convey their thanks for what you did, rescuing them and fighting to protect them all. Without you, they would have had no chance of getting away or being rescued. They are extremely grateful for what you did" he said and I blushed.

I had done what anybody would have done, hadn't I? But even Braedon was nodding in agreement and looking impressed. "So what happens now?" I asked.

Braedon looked thoughtful "Was anybody else responsible for the mistreatment of the omegas and the women in the pack? That wasn't forced to do so?" he asked quietly.

"Those that were have already been taken care of. They no longer live" Alpha Lance said calmly. Whoa. For a nice guy, he was also quite ruthless. I approved. Braedon looked like he did too.

"Then you need a Beta for the pack and a Gamma," Braedon said "ones that are trustworthy and ultimately will better your pack and respect the women as well. Ones that aren't afraid of change and will fight to defend it."

Alpha Lance sighed. "There lies the problem," he said with a grimace "These men are great but not the best warriors. We had to stop training due to the Alpha's orders and I don't trust many of them, certainly none of them are worthy enough to be Beta or Gamma. They were too easily led to do the wrong thing and I don't want it happening again. I was hoping perhaps, you might have one or two men that you could possibly spare?" he asked a little bit reluctantly.

Braedon looked a little surprised, but I was already beginning to think. There were two warriors that were perfect. Quiet, strong, and always in the background, Jackson and Theodore were perfect. They had guarded me on occasion and were respectful and courteous. Not to mention I had seen them sparring and they were damn good. I didn't want to give up Buster and Baxter, admittedly, which probably made me selfish.

"I have the perfect men" I cut in and Braedon turned to me with a raised eyebrow "permitting that you agree Your Highness," I said with a wicked grin.

"Pray tell, who do you have in mind?" Braedon queried, eyeing me carefully while Alpha Lance listened intently.

"Jackson and Theodore" I blurted out and Braedon was taken aback.

"They could actually work" he murmured, turning to the alpha "They are strong warriors, kind and respectful, and would not hesitate to defend this pack. But they are also loyal to me and should you disobey or ignore one of my laws, they will inform me immediately" he warned Alpha Lance who brightened with optimism.

"They sound perfect," he said excitedly "With your permission," he asked but Braedon grinned "It will be entirely up to them but I believe they would be honored to take the positions of Beta and Gamma. Let me introduce them to you" he suggested and his eyes went cloudy as he mind- linked the two men to come to the study.

Jackson and Theodore gratefully accepted the position, much to Alpha Lance's relief. Braedon shook their hands. "Thank you," he told them "as much as I hate to lose some of my best men, I know that you'll make a real difference here." The warriors nodded. Braedon turned to me "Shall we go back to the pack now? Are you ready to go home?" he asked. "But what about everything going on?" I said, even though I had no desire to remain at this pack.

"Alpha Lance has it under control and now Jackson and Theodore will keep me notified. I'm also keeping some of my men behind to help. But there is something I will need your help with and unfortunately, I also have to go back and keep a close eye on my sister, to make sure she isn't up to some mischief." I had forgotten about Sarah. Not to mention everything else still happening back home. I rose to my feet, Alpha Lance doing the same.

"Take good care of the women" I whispered "Get them the help they need" I added and he nodded, looking determined. "I will make this pack something to be proud of once again" he declared and I believed him.

We wished him well and shook his hand, before heading out of the pack house and towards the cars. It was time to head back home, even though we hadn't yet solved the mystery of who was trafficking the girls. We had narrowed it down to a few packs though, which was a start, I thought, but we had more questions than answers and now there was also the question of who my birth parents were as well. If anything the mysteries were beginning to build up and I wondered just how much more was going to happen as we began to head home, my head resting on Braedon's shoulder as we drove, not anticipating the chaos we were about to walk into.

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