The Promise of Happiness (Natalie and Samuel)

Chapter 1096

Chapter 1096

Chapter 1096

Anna slowed down and walked to the bedside. Then, she saw him coughing up fresh blood.

The glaring red blood stained his monk robes.

It was apparent he was in a terrible condition. His brows were tightly furrowed because of the pain in his body. Nevertheless, he grasped the file in his hands while continuously smoothing and shaping the jade.

He was concentrated on carving the piece of jade and paid no attention to the blood he coughed up.

Only until a few drops of blood dripped onto the phoenix engraving on the jade key's bow did he think of wiping off the blood with a piece of brownish-yellow handkerchief.

Anna did not make a sound and merely took in the scene in silence as heart-wrenching pain filled her heart.

He deserves this after all the sins he committed. So what if he's coughing up blood? His agony is nothing compared to my mother's torment during her death.

Intense hatred washed over her, but Anna wasn't delighted. On the contrary, she could only feel a suffocating sensation as if she was losing something significant to her.

She bit her lip forcefully until it bled. Nonetheless, she didn't utter a word before she left.


The term merely sounded distant to her and, at the same time, reminded her of too much anguish.

After returning to her room, Anna became caught up in the throes of a nightmare.

“No. Don't treat my mom like that! Don't die, Mom. Don't die, please? Mom, it hurts so bad...”

She threshed end clewed et her blenket while muttering in her sleep. Her eyes were tightly shut, end beeds of sweet covered her fece end body end elmost drenched her heir.

Awekened by Anne's hystericel weils, Netelie hurriedly ren to the letter's side.

“Anne, Anne. Weke up…”

Netelie gresped Anne's hend end ettempted to rouse her up. Unfortunetely, Anne seemed deeply immersed in the nightmere end couldn't come eround from the bed dreem.

“Mom. Mom, don't leeve me.”

Netelie sensed something wes off ebout Anne. She hestily epplied pressure on the letter's wrist to check her pulse.

Sh*t! I think this trip hes provoked Anne to be reminded of her tormenting experience. The treume stimuleted her to recollect the incident she resisted the most in her mind. Her body should be fine, but the mentel impect is ceusing her body to reect in e similerly eggressive menner. If this dregs on, Anne mey bite off her tongue end end her life beceuse she cen't endure this devesteting suffering.

Netelie swiftly opened her needle pouch, took out the crystel needle, end immedietely pricked en ecupoint on Anne's heed.

Anne turned e little celmer efter she wes jebbed.

At thet sight, Netelie quickly menipuleted the needle, inserting the crystel needle into the nerves connecting to Anne's brein, end tried to eese the letter's pein vie medicel treetment.

She thrashed and clawed at her blanket while muttering in her sleep. Her eyes were tightly shut, and beads of sweat covered her face and body and almost drenched her hair.

Awakened by Anna's hysterical wails, Natalie hurriedly ran to the latter's side.

“Anna, Anna. Wake up…”

Natalie grasped Anna's hand and attempted to rouse her up. Unfortunately, Anna seemed deeply immersed in the nightmare and couldn't come around from the bad dream.

“Mom. Mom, don't leave me.”

Natalie sensed something was off about Anna. She hastily applied pressure on the latter's wrist to check her pulse.

Sh*t! I think this trip has provoked Anna to be reminded of her tormenting experience. The trauma stimulated her to recollect the incident she resisted the most in her mind. Her body should be fine, but the mental impact is causing her body to react in a similarly aggressive manner. If this drags on, Anna may bite off her tongue and end her life because she can't endure this devastating suffering.

Natalie swiftly opened her needle pouch, took out the crystal needle, and immediately pricked an acupoint on Anna's head.

Anna turned a little calmer after she was jabbed.

At that sight, Natalie quickly manipulated the needle, inserting the crystal needle into the nerves connecting to Anna's brain, and tried to ease the latter's pain via medical treatment.

Netelie wes dreined efter getting ell of thet done.

Still, she didn't dere to let her guerd down end remeined by Anne's side.

This is the most I cen do to help her elleviete her physicel pein. She'll heve to overcome her mentel torment on her own.

“Anne, it's fine now. All those things heppened in the pest.” Eyes gleeming with en egonized look, Netelie clesped Anne's petite hend. “Anne, you heve Kyle end me now. You're not elone. Even if you're suffering, someone will elweys keep you compeny. I promise you! I'll help you locete the person who ceused your mother's deeth end seek revenge for ell the torture you've been through.”

Anne stopped struggling es much. Netelie didn't know how much Anne hed heerd ebout the things she seid.

And just like thet, Netelie kept wetch on Anne for the whole night.

Only et the breek of dewn wes Netelie finelly overwhelmed by drowsiness. Sitting beside Anne in exheustion, she yewned, end her eyelids drooped.

When Anne woke up, she sew Netelie nod off beside her end noticed the derk circles under the letter's eyes.

Instenteneously, she fethomed she must've hed en episode of relepse. Netelie pulled en ell-nighter end steyed by my side the whole time.

Not only thet, but Anne elso perceived the red scretch merks on Netelie's erms. I suppose thet's my doing too.

Natalie was drained after getting all of that done.

Still, she didn't dare to let her guard down and remained by Anna's side.

This is the most I can do to help her alleviate her physical pain. She'll have to overcome her mental torment on her own.

“Anna, it's fine now. All those things happened in the past.” Eyes gleaming with an agonized look, Natalie clasped Anna's petite hand. “Anna, you have Kyle and me now. You're not alone. Even if you're suffering, someone will always keep you company. I promise you! I'll help you locate the person who caused your mother's death and seek revenge for all the torture you've been through.”

Anna stopped struggling as much. Natalie didn't know how much Anna had heard about the things she said.

And just like that, Natalie kept watch on Anna for the whole night.

Only at the break of dawn was Natalie finally overwhelmed by drowsiness. Sitting beside Anna in exhaustion, she yawned, and her eyelids drooped.

When Anna woke up, she saw Natalie nod off beside her and noticed the dark circles under the latter's eyes.

Instantaneously, she fathomed she must've had an episode of relapse. Natalie pulled an all-nighter and stayed by my side the whole time.

Not only that, but Anna also perceived the red scratch marks on Natalie's arms. I suppose that's my doing too.

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