The Prodigies War

Chapter 66: Underground forces

The next morning.

Before dawn, Lin Xun was already up and casually practicing the Marching Army Fist in the courtyard. His fist repeatedly whistled through the air and created shock waves.

Although the Marching Army Fist was an art widely known throughout the empire, very few people had mastered it to the extent that Lin Xun had.

It was just a pity that he still hadn’t reached the perfect realm.

He had skilfully grasped the essence of the fist art, but he lacked a unique martial arts spirit and style that belonged to him.

Lin Xun knew well that he had to further sharpen his skills through real battles if he wanted to make a breakthrough. Only the flames of combat could temper the spirit of a fist art.

He practiced for a full hour and only stopped to rinse himself when his blood and qi were roaring and rumbling like boiling water. After eating breakfast with Xia Zhi, he left with a sack.

He was planning to sell the Explosion Blade that he had made last night.

Xia Zhi was left alone at home. She had no interest in anything in Donglin City except for reading so Lin Xun had bought her several books that would last her days.

Even in the morning, the slum area was dark as usual, and the dilapidated buildings that were randomly built formed several long and narrow cobweb-like alleys.

Walking through the alleys felt like being a labyrinth.

Fortunately, Lin Xun had a good memory and didn’t get lost once. But before he got far into the labyrinth, he felt something was wrong and halted slightly. “Friends, if you don’t come out now, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Before his voice died away, two figures frantically rushed out from a corner of the alley.

It was two men—one fat and one skinny. “Little young master, please don’t be angry. We were waiting here to discuss something with you.” The fatty cried out as hurried over to Lin Xun.

Lin Xun raised his brows. “What is it?”

The fat man hesitated and glanced at the thin man beside him.

The thin man rolled his eyes and gave an ingratiating smile. “Little young master, to tell you the truth, ever since you killed Boss Snake a few days ago, some people have begun to disregard the rules and many despicable things have happened lately. Many brothers and sisters who live nearby also don’t dare to voice their anger.”

Lin Xun didn’t know whether to laugh or not. He could immediately tell the two men weren’t good people yet they dared to complain to him about the despicable things that other people had done.

“We were thinking that this area can’t continue without a leader, so we want to ask you, little young master, to come forward and take control of this area.”

The thin man quickly added, “Of course, we won’t let you work for nothing. According to the usual practice, anyone who works in our area will have to present you with money or things of value every month. What do you say?”

Lin Xun finally understood that the two men wanted him to play the role of ‘boss’, but he wasn’t interested. Moreover, he didn’t want to be connected with hooligans, thieves, thugs and that kind of people.

“Sorry, I'm not interested,” Lin Xun stated as he walked away.

“Little young master—little young master.”

Anxious, the fatty tried to stop Lin Xun, but when he met Lin Xun’s gaze, he shuddered all over like he was threatened by a knife and dared not to make any other movements.

“Leave. I told you already that I’m not interested and I don’t want to interfere in those affairs,” Lin Xun said indifferently before he vanished into the depths of the alley.

Both the fat and thin man slumped and sighed out loud.

“Fatty Diao, what should we do? I don't want to turn to Boss Xiong. I had once offended one of Boss Xiong’s relatives because of Boss Snake.”

The thin man scrunched up his face bitterly.

“After Boss Snake died, Boss Xiong has been eager to act. He is going too far if he stretches his hand into our area as well.”

Fatty Diao gritted his teeth. “It’s a pity that the little young master doesn’t want to get his feet into the muddy water. I really don’t know what to do now.”

The slums were very large. It covered over tens of miles and was inhabited by at least one hundred thousand people, most of whom were insignificant people considered at the bottom of society. Among them, there were many people of the Three Religions and Nine Schools as well as thieves, thugs, murderers and prostitutes.

Naturally, criminal gangs emerged from them.

The underground world in the entire slum area was completely controlled by over twenty criminal gangs and each one managed a specific area but territorial disputes still arose.

For example, Boss Snake, who Lin Xun had killed a few days ago, was a gang leader in one of the areas and Boss Xiong was the gang leader of another area, but following Boss Snake’s death, Boss Xiong had been looking for opportunities to rule the entire underground world.

“Damn it, we might really have to go seek refuge with Boss Lu,” the thin man said through gritted teeth. “Boss Lu is now one of the strongest forces.”

“Beanpole Ma, are you stupid? Boss Lu is ruthless and greedy. If you work for him you are putting your life on the line.”

Fatty Diao shook his head.

The thin man was called Beanpole Ma. He muttered bitterly, “Then what should we do?”

“Why don’t you take refuge with me,” a gentle voice sounded from a distance.

A delicate little figure clad in a black wind-proof robe emerged. A hat concealed the figure’s face.

Naturally, it was Xia Zhi who Lin Xun had asked to stay at home and read.


The fatty looked startled. Despite the figure appearing mysterious, he could tell it was a little kid. His face darkened and he grinned sinisterly. “Little kid, you dare play a joke on me. Do you not want to live?”

Before his voice even faded, a hammer slammed into his chest and sent him flying uncontrollably into the distance. He smashed into the ground so hard that his bones almost shattered but he could only scream in pain.

Beanpole Ma froze with terror. Fatty Diao was sent flying before he even saw what happened.

Xia Zhi stepped forward. Her indifferent and calm voice was filled with unyielding coldness as she said, “From now on, I am the boss of this area and you are my lackeys. Do you have a problem?”

Beanpole Ma quivered uncontrollably. Even if he was possibly facing a child, fear gripped his heart, and he repeatedly shook his head. “No, no—”

“What about you?” Xia Zhi shot a glance at Fatty Diao.

Fatty Diao immediately stopped howling in pain and scrambled from the ground. “I absolutely have no objection. From now on, we will be your loyal subordinates and will not hesitate to go into boiling water or walk on fire for you.”

Xia Zhi lifted her hand and made a slapping motion in the direction of Fatty Diao. With a tragic scream, he tumbled to the ground like a gourd.

Then, Xia Zhi uttered, “I don't like to hear nonsense. If you want to stay on my side, obey my orders and you will be rewarded. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. Do you understand?”contemporary romance


Terrified, the fat man and thin man repeatedly nodded.

“Good, go tell all your comrades in the area that I am your boss from now on.”

Xia Zhi nodded, turned around and left.

Fatty Diao exhaled a breath of turbid air, his face contorted with fear. Then, he remembered something and cried out, “Boss.”

Xia Zhi halted her steps. “Is there a problem?”

Fatty shuddered as he mumbled, “I just want to know what to call you from now on.”

Xia Zhi pondered for a long while before she replied, “Chopstick.”


Fatty Diao and Beanpole Ma exchanged a glance with each other and kept the name in mind.

It wasn’t until Xia Zhi had completely disappeared from their sight that Beanpole Ma whispered, “Do we really have to work for Boss Chopstick?”

Fatty Diao rubbed his swollen and bruised cheeks and inhaled sharply. “Idiot, didn’t you see the slap I suffered just now. She only slapped the air but I already sustained such injuries. Only Spirit Dipper cultivators could achieve this and there are now at most six people in the slums who can do that.”

Beanpole Ma’s eyes widened and he exclaimed in joy, “We are saved. Boss Xiong is only at the True Martial Stage. How can he be compared to our Boss Chopstick?”

A smug expression crossed Fatty Diao’s face. “Our Boss Chopstick may look like a child but she’s a martial arts master. We might even become famous if we work for her.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and tell the others that we have a new boss,” exclaimed Beanpole Ma.

Fatty Diao nodded.

What would Lin Xun think if he saw what had happened?

In the most central location of Great Hundred Street.

This was the most bustling core area of Donglin City. Magnificent buildings rose to the sky and the architecture had an ancient charm with the gray bricks, yellow tiles, painted pillars and carved beams.

Bustling crowds endlessly passed the core area and every person was gorgeously dressed and emanated elegance.

Dressed in coarse linen and lugging around a bag on his shoulder, Lin Xun inevitably was a bit of an eye sore.

Occasionally, he would even receive disgusting and disdainful gazes. Many young and beautiful women immediately moved away when they laid eyes on him.

This was not an exaggeration. The bustling Great Hundred Street consisted of the most money squandering establishments in the city. The shops, restaurants, inns and other stores set up on the street were completely unaffordable to ordinary people. Therefore, the majority of people strolling about were well-off or from wealthy families.

Lin Xun’s simple and clean style of dressing naturally was a symbol of poverty in other people’s eyes.

Lin Xun didn’t seem to be aware of this. He raised his head and peered into the distance, where a dozen-foot high building stood.

Stone Cauldron Alms.

Lin Xun thought for a moment and finally decided to walk in.

Although Mu Wansu had a poor attitude towards Lin Xun when he was in the Qingyang Tribe, she still helped Lin Xun with a huge favor. Lin Xun wanted to sell an aeth tool so the Stone Cauldron Alms was naturally his first choice to sell to.

Moreover, Lin Xun didn’t plan to sell just one aeth tool, he planned to make and sell more in the future. He believed that the Stone Cauldron Alms would be extremely interested and would perhaps even start a long term cooperation with him.

After all, which merchant would refuse such a beneficial deal?

In any case, Lin Xun offered such a beneficial deal to the Stone Cauldron Alms to repay their kindness and not because he was greedy for more benefits.

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