The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 941-960

Chapter 941

How did she manage that?

The weary masked man quickly pressed a button on his wristwatch, and soon, a

squad of loyal operatives appeared at the door.

They seemed like they’d just arrived from the Underworld, each exuding an

intense chill. The cold wind from the window poured in, sending shivers down

one’s spine.

Upon seeing this group, Carol’s eyes dimmed slightly. She knew that today

could very well be her last. She glanced at Arabella and said quietly, “You go


Enter title…

She’d provide cover for Arabella.

Arabella merely arched an eyebrow, “Finally, some useful help?”

“They’ve received special training from a young age, impervious to poison and

invincible to weaponry.”

They were also injected with all sorts of drugs, their muscle strength and power

far exceeding than that of a regular human.

Carol’s current skills were honed through countless battles with these freaks

from a young age.

Of course, she suffered numerous injuries in the process.

Because these men had “indestructible bodies”, blades struggled to pierce their

skin. The toxins within their bodies were complex, making them seem less than

human. Even their complexions were an eerie, sickly green.

“Take him away.”

The ‘him’ Carol referred to was naturally Clark.

If the organization had dispatched this group, it meant they were close to finding

Mafia Flame. It wasn’t safe for Clark to stay here. He needed to return to his

homeland. The sooner, the better.

“He must be taken away.” Carol lunged at one of the operatives first, “Now’s the


But her strikes and moves seemed to merely tickle operative 1107.

1107 stood still, unmoving like a statue.

After Carol had attacked seven or eight times, he retaliated with a swift punch.

With just one punch, Carol stumbled backward, clutching her stomach in pain.

Arabella quickly supported Carol. She had clearly seen the speed of the man’s

punch. It was indeed faster than both of theirs, even the force of it was stronger.

Realizing the severity of the situation, Arabella whispered, “What’s their deal?”

“Over the years, they’ve been injected with all sorts of drugs.” Carol gritted

through the pain, “They’ve become monstrous, half-man, half-ghost,


They were like emotionless puppets, only knowing how to complete their tasks

and never giving up until they do.

“Do they have any weaknesses?” Arabella asked again.

“After all these years of fighting them, I’ve yet to discover any.”

Arabella looked at the thirty-odd eerie individuals before her and felt the

pressure mount.

What she didn’t expect was more reinforcements to arrive.

As far as the eye could see, the crowd was a sea of black, like soldiers sent by

the Grim Reaper.

The organization was pulling out all the stops, determined to bring them back.

“Arabella, find a way to escape.’ Carol straightened her frail body despite the

pain, whispering, “I’ll hold them off

for a while. You help me get him away.”

Looking at the dense crowd before her, Arabella replied, “There’s no way out.”

Carol knew the chances were slim, but what if there was a chance to escape


“I won’t leave you behind.” Arabella added, “I wouldn’t be able to face Clark if

anything happened to you, let alone your Dennis.”

So what if they were just a bunch of half-human, half-ghost monsters?

She pulled out a slender stick from her bag, extending it to about a yard long.

“Tasers won’t work on them.”Chapter 942

A single remark from Carol stirred a series of ellipses in Arabella’s mind.

Was this being truly a hybrid of man and specter, impervious to electricity?

How did they sustain themselves in routine?

How did they follow orders?

There had to be a vulnerability somewhere.

Where was it?


Enter title…

After watching the video, Clark could hardly conceal his excitement, having

dialed Arabella’s number seventy-two times already.

Nearly draining the remaining battery on Arabella’s cell phone.

The more Arabella failed to pick up, the more his heart fluttered with concern

and anticipation for their return.

Earlier, he saw a video Bella sent him. Carol discovered his supposed ‘death’.

The disbelief and deep sorrow in her eyes were sufficient proof of her love for


This love was even more profound than he had imagined.

Moreover, hearing about his “tragic death’ at her hands, Carol’s eyes were filled

with anger and hatred, clearly upset and distressed.

So Carol cared about him so much behind the scenes!

When Arabella suggested finding another man for Carol, Carol disdainfully

stated that even if she went through the entire world, she wouldn’t find another


What a high appraisal.

Carol declared she didn’t need or want that.

That meant she only wanted him, only him.

Believing him to be “dead”, despite being poisoned and physically exhausted,

she still gave everything to seek revenge for him.

Clark was deeply moved, his eyes welling up with tears.

All the pain, torment, anxiety, and self-doubt brought about by their breakup in

the past year.

All dissipated after watching this video.

Bella came up with a method to expel the poison from Carol’s body, allowing

him to see and hear Carol’s true feelings.

Without a doubt, this clever and resourceful girl was like a treasure to him!

He had to reward her properly later on!

But why wasn’t she picking up his calls??

Clark couldn’t help himself and dialed the seventy-third call.

Could it be that her phone was on silent, she was sleeping, and didn’t realize he

was calling?

Or, were they in danger, and she was too occupied to answer his call??

With these thoughts, his heart fluttered in anxiety. He glanced at the time, and it

was past five in the morning.

The dark, stormy night he was pounded on his heart, making him increasingly


Recalling the video, where Carol questioned Bella’s identity, he decided to

properly introduce Bella to Carol later.

His dear sister!


Seeing him pacing back and forth in the living room, his assistant Donald nearly

got dizzy. He couldn’t help but ask, “Clark, don’t you want to take a break?”

“Has Bella contacted any of you??” Clark asked anxiously.

“No, not at all.”

Why would the boss contact them? The boss didn’t need to report her

whereabouts to them unless there was something she needed them to do.

“Do we have to wait till noon.”

Clark had already learned from Romeo that his sister would return at noon.

But having seen Carol in the video and heard her voice, he was already


He wished he could see Carol right now.

He longed to hold her in his arms. Chapter 943 “Do any of you know where she might be?” Clark questioned


His subordinate, Donald, shook his head, honestly replying, “Clark, I really have

no idea.”

Only the boss herself knew where she’s gone.

As her underlings, they had no say and didn’t dare to meddle.

Except for Jack, the daredevil, who dared to tattle to Romeo last time.

As a result, the boss docked his bonus, didn’t she?

Enter title…

Unable to keep his patience any longer, Clark redialed Romeo, “Romeo, are you


Romeo was a light sleeper and quickly picked up his ringing cell phone, “Clark?

What’s up?”

“Did I wake you?” Clark felt apologetic, “I’m really sorry to disturb your sleep.”

Romeo hadn’t wanted to sleep in the first place, but Bella insisted, so he had to

take a couple of sleeping pills and only managed to fall asleep with the aid of

the scented pouch she had given him.

But he had barely gotten any shut-eye when Clark’s call woke him twice.

Would his girl forgive him if she saw his dark circles the next day?

“It’s fine, Clark, why are you still up?” Romeo’s voice was magnetically soothing.

He genuinely respected Clark because of his love for Arabella.

“Bella just sent me a video. She found Carol and even managed to draw the

poison out of her,’ Clark announced excitedly, “But after that, I sent her

countless messages and made numerous calls, but she didn’t respond.”

“Are you worried that Bella’s in danger?” Romeo quickly guessed his thoughts.

“Yes, normally, Bella would reply to my messages or missed calls right away.

But it’s been over an hour since my first message.”

That hour had been filled with agony and unease.

His emotions were like a rollercoaster ride.

“Don’t worry, Clark. Bella promised she’d be back by noon.” Romeo had

immense trust and faith in Bella. “She always keeps her word, or even gets

things done ahead of time.”

She never went back on her word.

“But I’m still worried they’re in danger.” Clark had an uneasy feeling as if he was

about to lose something.

His eyelid kept twitching.

And the more it twitched, the more uneasy he felt.

The more agitated he became.

“Do you want me to look into it, Clark?”

Romeo also wanted to check, but he was worried about Bella’s feelings.

However, if Clark wanted him to, it would be different.

“If Bella brings it up later and feels you dont trust her, I’ll take all the blame,

Clark assured him over the phone.

“L always stand by my word.”

“Clark, you don’t have to take responsibility” Romeo had also dreamed that

Bella was in danger while he was asleep. He feared this dream might come


Soon, Romeo sent people to investigate.

The area wasnt too large, finding someone wouldn’t be too hard.

The rain outside gradually lessened, and the sky began to lighten. Clark couldn’t

wait any longer and began pacing in the castle’s garden, frequently glancing

towards the gate.

Soon, a car pulled up at the gate. When Clark glanced up, he saw Romeo had


Romeo couldn’t sleep either. Instead of waiting for news at the Mafia C, he

thought it better to keep Clark company.

The two waited in the garden together.

After an indeterminable amount of time, someone yelled, “It’s the boss. The

boss is back!!!”

“What’s happened to the boss?”

“The boss, the boss!!!”

Everyone in the castle immediately rushed towards Arabella.

In the distance, a girl was carrying another girl, walking step by step through the

light rain.

Their bodies were stained with blood, and it was hard to tell whose it was. The

large area of red was shocking to the eye.

Seeing this, Romeo and Clark felt as though they’d been struck by lightning and

instinctively ran towards them.Chapter 944

Arabella was completely spent. Carrying Carol on her back, every step felt as if

she was exerting every ounce of her strength.

The drizzle fell gently. Lifting her eyes, she vaguely saw Romeo rushing out of

the castle.

His figure seemed to fracture into several shadows.

A smile tugged at Arabella’’s lips. That guy showing up so early in the morning?

Had he not slept well last night?

Enter title…

Her vision blurred, and the shouts of the youngsters calling her ‘boss’ reached

her ears faintly. But she was too weak to look at them one by one.

Her steps became heavier and slower, swaying with each forward movement

like a mountain about to collapse.


It was Romeo’s voice.

He dashed over, and his eyes reddened at the sight of Arabella’s blood-soaked


Arabella had no strength left, and she passed out. In the next second, Romeo

caught her in time.

Clark managed to catch Carol, but his immediate concern was for his sister.



Dozens of youngsters were both heartbroken and furious seeing their boss in

such a state.

“Damn it, whoever did this, if we don’t turn their lair upside down today, I’ll slit

my own throat in apology!”

Jack just got back from Lidaria. Seeing the boss in this state, his eyes turned


How similar it was to a few years ago when the boss was seriously injured.

They thought that with them around, the boss would never get hurt again.

Tears rolled down Jack’s face as he looked at Arabella’s bloody body. “Whoever

dared to touch the boss, I’ll make sure they never get a proper burial!”

Jones clenched his fists, “I won’t let those bastards get away with this!”

Tom, full of righteous indignation, shouted, “Follow me, let’s level their damn

place! A few of you stay here and guard the castle; don’t let a single fly in. The

rest follow me!”

“Call the doctor first.” Romeo carried Arabella into the house, his eyes glistening

with unshed tears, his voice husky, “Do you guys know who to settle accounts

with now? Bella’s health is the most important!”

Arabella’s injuries were severe, and so were Carol’s. They were placed on the

couch in the living room.

Jack, Jones, and Tom stood by, their hearts aching at the sight of their once

formidable boss, now resembling a wounded lamb.

If possible, they wanted their boss always to be that fearless lion.

Romeo didn’t know where to start. He wanted to wipe the rain off Arabella’s face

but found her pale, her arms bruised, and there were marks of knife cuts.

With her skills, how could she be injured so easily? Moreover, there were

scrapes from bullets.

Just one look was enough to imagine the intense battle.

“Where the hell did Dennis take Bella? Why are Bella and Carol hurt like this?”

Clark’s voice was raspy. He turned to Donald, “Where’s the doctor? When will

he be here?”

“He’s on his way, almost here!”

Doctors from all over the castle were conducting experiments. Hearing that the

boss and Clark’s wife were injured, they dropped their work and rushed over.

Romeo began to disinfect Arabella’s wounds. His voice hoarse, he softly called

out, “Bella.”

There were so many injuries, it must hurt terribly.

“Silly girl” Romeo was in deep distress, his eyes red and choked voice, “You did

it; you finally brought her back.”

Brought her back to Clark.

Fulfilling his dream.

It was clear that the young girl and Carol had fought their way back.

Who could have hurt them so badly?

“Where’s the boss, where’s the boss!!”

Seven or eight doctors swarmed in, panting heavily. Seeing the girl on the

couch, they were all taken aback.

This was their boss!Chapter 945

The indomitable boss!

Who could’ve possibly injured the boss that badly?!

“Let me take a look at the boss.”

“No, I will check on the boss!”

“I was there first! Didn’t you see my left foot stepped in first?”

A few people were scrambling to tend to Arabella while the rest had to look after


Enter title…

“It’s weird.”

When Dr. Nolan saw the bruise on Arabella’s arm, he was taken aback.

“The boss’s injuries look like she’s been hit by a guy who weighs about 800


“What are you even talking about? It’s clear from the boss’s injuries that the

opponent’s strength was immense.”

“It’s ridiculously strong.”

“What kind of person would have such strength?”

Were there people that heavy in the Triangular Zone? They didn’t recall.

Someone else took Arabella’s pulse, “It’s all flesh wounds. Fortunately, no vital

organs are damaged. I’ll clean the wounds first.”

“I’ll apply the medicine for the boss.”

“I’ll bandage the boss.”

“Clearly, the boss is drained. Did she fight dozens of hefty guys all by herself?”

“One hefty guy would stand no chance against the boss”

“Could this godforsaken place even produce that many hefty guys?”

“If it was only one, the boss couldn’t possibly be hurt this badly. Look at each

bruise on her, and they’re all caused by large forces. Also, this cut is deeper

than normal and it almost reached the bone. This means the opponent had

great strength and was incredibly fast.”

“Was there anyone faster than the boss?”

No one knew who asked this question, but everyone looked at Romeo.

Of those present, only Romeo was stronger and faster than the boss.

But it was obviously not him!

Everyone looked at him because there was indeed someone stronger than the

boss in this world, other than Romeo, they didn’t know who else it could be.

“Anyway, the opponent was definitely a hefty guy”

Some doctor said this, and Jack was already impatient, “Can you guys stop

chattering and disturbing? You’re about to deafen the boss with your chatter. Let

the boss rest!”

At this moment, Dr. Nolan’s hand trembled, and he spilled some medicine.

Arabella’s eyelashes fluttered, and she slowly opened her eyes.


Romeo was the first to notice she was awake and rushed to ask, “Are you

alright? What’s wrong? You finally woke up, you silly girl.”

“The boss! The boss is awake!”

“Did you apply the medicine too harshly and woke the boss up?”

“Could you be more gentle, you brute?”

Dr. Nolan was also frustrated. He was indeed gentle, but seeing the boss awake

made him happy. He excitedly yelled, “Boss!”

In a daze, Arabella saw a familiar, handsome face. She held Romeo’s hand

tightly, “Head.”


Romeo leaned in quickly and asked, “Headache? Are you uncomfortable? Did

you get hit there?”

Arabella didn’t have the strength to speak anymore and slowly closed her eyes.

“Boss?? Boss!!!”

“Bellal!” Romeo was just as worried and ordered hurriedly, ‘Quickly check on

her!” Chapter 946

Had Bella hit her head, causing her a headache?

No matter where she was hurt, he would not let those people off the hook!

Seven or eight doctors took turns examining Arabella again and again but found

nothing abnormal.

“Boss is fine, no head injury.”

“We’ve checked many times.”

“Check again!” Romeo didn’t expect that the first word Bella uttered when she

woke up was “head’.

Enter title…

Her head must be hurting.

The doctors didn’t dare to slack off and examined Bella carefully several more

times, still finding nothing abnormal.

Suddenly, someone suggested, “Could the boss mean that Mrs. Clark was hit in

the head? If she woke up and the first thing she was concerned about was Mrs.

Clark, it would make sense.”

Everyone thought this was reasonable, so they hurriedly called the doctors to

examine Carol.

But after a thorough examination, they still couldn’t find any abnormalities in

Carol’s head.

Both of them had no head injuries.

It was normal.

“Could the boss mean that someone at the top hurt her? But she passed out

before she could finish her sentence?”

“That’s possible, but who at the top? Which organization, and what’s the name?”

“It’s probably someone from Mount Doom.” Clark, who was standing by, chipped


“Mount Doom?”

That was just a small group!

In this area, it couldn’t even make a ripple; no one took this group seriously, and

no one looked for trouble with them because they were simply too insignificant.

“They usually keep a low profile, and no one knows that their numbers are large,

and their influence almost spans the globe: Clark’s words left everyone in


“Clark, you’re not joking, are you?”

“Are you sure you’re talking about Mount Doom?”

“A crappy little group like that could hurt the boss so bad?”

“Does that organization even have a hundred members?”

“Our boss could take on a hundred men with her skills.”

Clark had seen the data in the package, so he knew that Carol was a member

of this organization, and this organization was also after her.

Today, Bella and Carol’s injuries must have something to do with this


At this moment, Romeo’s phone vibrated.

“Boss, we’ve found out that people from Mount Doom went to the foot of Misty

Mountain in the southwest in the middle of the night. About three hours later,

Ms. Bella came out of there, carrying someone on her back. It was a bloody

battle back.”

“Just the two of them?”

Against those quys??

“To be precise, it was just Ms. Bella.” Carl said, a hint of heartache in his voice,

“It is said that the person on her back was unconscious at the time. It was Ms.

Bella who fought her way back alone.”

Romeo’s eyes darkened a few shades, “Is the information reliable?”

“Members of other gangs saw it with their own eyes.” Carl added, “Boss, the

guys from Mount Doom are scarier than we thought. Their influence spans the

globe, and they have ties to many political circles. Essentially, they’re the hidden

hands of those big shots. If we take a swing at them, we’ll hurt their left and right

arms and our future.”

“Call all our men.” Chapter 947

Tonight, he was going to make sure this organization was wiped clean off the

face of the earth!

After he hung up the phone, Jack and the others couldn’t help but ask, “Mr.

McMillan, is it the Mount Doom gang?”


“Figured it was those bastards!” Jack was itching to settle the score.

“Damn, what gave that gang the guts to mess with our people!”

“Let’s take it to them!”

Enter title…

“If we don’t wipe them out, I’ll spell my name backward!”

Romeo accepted a moist towel handed to him by a bystander, gently wiping the

girl’s face.

“Bella, I’ll be back soon.”

He waited for the doctor to finish dressing Bella’s wounds, then gave her

forehead a tender kiss, saying, “Wait for me.”

“Romeo, where are you going?” Clark seemed to guess something, showing a

faint worry.

Romeo paused, his tall figure casting a shadow, “Clark, you’re still healing. Bella

and Carol are in your hands. If Bella wakes up, let me know”

“Mr. McMillian, take us with you. We want to avenge our boss!”

“How could we miss out on this, right guys!”

“We have to let off this steam for our boss tonight, so everyone knows that if you

mess with our boss, there’s only one outcome!”

That’s living! Worse! Than! Death!

Romeo knew that with Bella injured like this, the whole Mafia Flame couldn’t just

stand by. He nodded, and they all left together.

Clark wanted to say something, but in the end, he said nothing.

He knew that if it weren’t for Carol, Bella wouldn’t have been hurt like this.

With her skills, she could defend herself, but with one more person, the outcome

would definitely be different.

Thinking about that, he felt guilty and upset.

The sky was completely bright; it was eight in the morning here, but in Solterra,

it was ten at night.

There was a ten-hour time difference.

Unconsciously, a week had passed since Serena last called Clark.

This weekend, Serena took a special trip home and was even more upset to

hear that Clark and Arabella hadn’t returned.

At Martha’s instigation, she called Clark again.

Clark didn’t feel like answering, his mind filled with guilt for Arabella and worry

for her and Carol’s injuries.

But Serena was persistent, calling again and again, until finally, Clark had to

answer, “What is it, Serena.”

Serena was even more upset to hear Clark’s cold tone, even a hint of

impatience, but still suppressed her anger and started talking cautiously.

“I just came home for the weekend, didn’t see you, so I wanted to call you.” Her

tone was careful, intentionally acting timid, “Did I interrupt you and Bella’s fun


Clark suddenly found her annoying, beating around the bush. Didn’t she just

want to remind him of her existence? That they have this little sister?

“Serena, I told you, Bella and I are out taking care of some things. Don’t call or

text me for a while, and I’m busy.”

All he was hoping for now was for Bella and Carol to wake up soon. He really

didn’t have the energy to think about anything else.

“Clark, I’m sorry. I disturbed you.” Serena started to whine, her voice choking

up, “I just missed you. I didn’t mean anything else. I won’t call or text you

anymore. I’m, I’m sorry, Clark.”

Clark was even more irritated by her choking voice, “I haven’t finished dealing

with things here. Once I do, I’ll keep my promises.”

“No, no need, Clark. It’s okay.” Serena sobbed intentionally, “Then, I’ll hang up

first, goodbye, Clark.” Chapter 948

Rather than focusing on Serena’s emotions, Clark was at the moment more

concerned about Bella and Carol’s injuries, so he didn’t bother to explain much.

Serena, on the other hand, was growing increasingly upset when Clark didn’t

call back after she hung up. Tears were streaming down her face like pearls

slipping off a string.

Martha, who was nearby, overheard the conversation and had an inkling that

something was amiss. She asked cautiously, “Serena, do you think Clark is

annoyed with you for disturbing them?”

Enter title…

“Clark is becoming more and more unreasonable,’ Serena huffed, angrily wiping

away her tears. “He deliberately didn’t answer my calls just now. I had to call

four or five times before he would pick up. Then he asked if something was

wrong. Can’t I call him if there’s nothing wrong? He even sounded irritated! As if

I was interrupting something important!”

She sobbed a few times, then continued, “And he said he’s been busy lately and

asked me not to call or text him for a few days. What could he and Arabella

possibly be busy with? Eating out, sightseeing, snapping photos?

That’s not important! So busy that he doesn’t have time even to answer my

calls? Can’t even bother to pretend to care about his sister!”

Serena cried for a while longer before she managed to say, “He claims to treat

me like a sister, but it’s all lies!

They’re probably checking in at some tourist spot right now, having a great time!

Arabella must have been gloating when she heard how Clark talked to me!

She’s probably just a step away from flaunting her victory in front of mel!”

She sniffled, “I don’t see what’s so great about her. She always acts so smugly,

yet everyone likes her! Why, why doesn’t anyone like me? Did Arabella make

them act this way?”

Martha sighed, “Do you now see the importance of blood ties?”

Serena’s tears welled up in her eyes. Could it really be because of blood ties?

“When they mistakenly thought you were a blood relative, they treated you

exceptionally well. But now that you’re not, just think about the change in their

attitudes. Clark was pretending at first when he came back, but he couldn’t keep

up the act. All you did was call to check on him, and he treats you like this!”

Martha’s disapproval of the Collins family, particularly Clark, grew stronger. As

soon as he came back, he was glued to Arabella. Anyone would think they were

a couple!

Nobody stuck to their sister like that. It’s just disgraceful!

Among his five brothers, he was definitely the least respectable!

“Martha, I’m so upset.” Serena sobbed into Martha’s arms, “Why, why don’t they

accept my feelings when I genuinely consider them as my family? My parents,

my brothers, even Arabella!”

All this time, she had been trying so hard to win them over, but to no avail!

“They don’t care about my feelings. None of them care about my feelings!”

Martha patted her back sympathetically and sighed, “The worst part is you can’t

leave this family. If you do, Arabella will only laugh at you even more.”

“Martha, what should I do?” Serena sobbed, “You’re the only one who can help

me figure that out now:Chapter 949

In that household, only Martha was truly devoted to her, treating her with the

utmost kindness.

“I do have a suggestion” Martha proposed while rubbing her back. “Before Mrs.

Collins exposes you as a false heiress, you’re still considered the genuine Miss

Collins in everyone’s eyes. Before the announcement, why not secure a good

marriage for yourself? Use the Collins name as a stepping stone to leap into

another wealthy family. You could take a considerable wedding gift with you.

Wasn’t that better than enduring the hostilities here?”

Enter title…

“But.” Serena hesitated. She was only a freshman in college and didn’t want to

rush into marriage.

Most importantly, she still held a sliver of hope for this family.

She fantasized that they would treat her kindly, that they would change their

minds and treat her as in the past.

“I’ve done some research,’ Martha continued. “On the global billionaire list,

Romeo sits at the top. The second to the eleventh are much older. The

thirteenth is a playboy. The fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth are all women.

The eighteenth and nineteenth don’t fit. All in all, I think the best match for you is

the thirty-sixth on the list—the Cooper family we were discussing.”

A while back, when Louisa discovered Serena was still harboring hopes for

Romeo, Martha quickly covered for her, lying that Serena already had a


Martin Cooper had been pursuing Serena since middle school for a full six

years. After the college entrance exams, Martha lied that Serena was touched

by Martin’s sincerity and was giving him a chance to court her.

She assured everyone that Serena had no inappropriate thoughts about


Since then, Serena had been forced to occasionally go out for dinner or a movie

with Martin just to keep up appearances for her family.

Martin, thinking he finally had a chance, would often buy expensive gifts and

drive to the Collins’ residence just to catch a glimpse of Serena.

He was infatuated with Serena, almost worshiping her.

But Serena didn’t share his feelings.

“Their department store chain has over six thousand branches worldwide,

employing over two million people.

Martin, leveraging his family resources, launched a logistics company. After a

successful round of funding, he now owns fifty cargo planes and exclusive air

routes. His air cargo business has expanded nationwide, outperforming other

logistics companies!” Martha explained.

If things continued in this way, the Cooper family could potentially surpass the

Collins family, ranking in the top fifteen globally.

“The key is his business acumen at such a young age. His future prospects are


At such a tender age, he was already making strategic decisions in business.

How many people in the world possess such capabilities?

Seeing Serena still hesitating, Martha couldn’t help but add, “He could very well

be the next Romeo! Serena, his family is well-off, and he’s quite handsome.

Plus, he’s absolutely and obsessed with you. You must seize this opportunity.

Countless women marry into wealthy families only to find their status lower than

the family pet.

But with Martin by your side, your future is bound to be bright! Instead of

chasing after Romeo, who’s clearly uninterested, why not choose someone who

loved you? I want you to be happy.”

Serena was somewhat disappointed. Her former fiancé, Romeo, was a top-tier

figure, the envy of many. How many people admired her, looked up to herChapter 950

But now, her life partner had become the CEO of a logistics company, which

was somewhat embarrassing.

“If people found out that you were adopted by the Collins family.

Martha didn’t finish her sentence, but Serena quickly lifted her eyes, as if she

had realized something.

Yes, if people knew that she was just adopted by the Collins family, how many of

them would look up to her?

Who would want her to be a part of their family?

Enter title…

Even if Martin liked her and had no objections, what about his parents?

They adored Martin so much. How could they accept an adopted girl as their

daughter-in-law and become a laughing stock?

If she couldn’t even enter the Cooper family, how would other families want a girl

like her, who was neither a legitimate heir nor a real lady?

Thinking about this, Serena clenched her fists in anger.

It was all Arabella’s fault. If she hadn’t returned home, everything would’ve

remained as beautiful as a fairy tale.

Because of Arabella’s arrival, the fairy tale was shattered. She had been

reduced from a princess to a Cinderella.

“Oh, right. At that time, the lady should be sleeping. You could use tonight’s

incident to earn some sympathy, let her comfort you, and take you shopping


Previously, when Serena asked Clark to reimburse her shopping expenses, she

felt guilty. as if she was deceiving Clark.

But now, in her anger, she suddenly felt that the Collins family owed her too


Since the Collins family had more money than they could spend, why not let

them use it to make up for their debt?

On the other side, Clark used a warm towel to gently wipe Carol’s face.

This face that he had missed countless times was finally within his reach again.

Unlike the cold touch in his dreams, Carol was warm and soft in reality.

She was real.

He no longer had to worry about waking up from a dream and losing her.

This feeling was like regaining a lost treasure. It filled him with joy and made him

cherish and appreciate her even more.

Clark washed the towel again, wrung it dry, and gently helped her clean other

parts of her body.

He knew that women liked to be clean, so he was very careful and serious

about wiping every inch of her skin.

The doctor said her injuries were worse than Bella’s, and she needed

meticulous care in the coming days.

On the other side, Dr. Shawn wiped Arabella’s face and then her neck. After

cleaning them, she suddenly noticed that Arabella’s shoulder was a bit red.

Out of a doctor’s intuition, Dr. Shawn quickly turned Arabella over, her

movements light so that Arabella could lie on her side.

Because they were still in the living room, and Clark and Carol were nearby.

Dr. Shawn specifically looked back to see that Clark was not paying attention to

them, and there were no other servants around, so she quickly lifted Arabella’s

clothes to take a look.

Just one glance was enough for her to quickly cover Arabella back up, her mood

sinking to an all-time low, unable to calm down.

A long, red wound was clearly visible on Arabella’s fair back.

The wound extended to her shoulder as if she had been hit by something long.

Was it a wooden stick? An iron rod? Or a plank?

No, none of these things would leave such a severe mark.

Arabella’s fair skin was slightly torn, and blood seeped out from within.

Dr. Shawn’s eyes reddened even more. Thinking back to how Arabella had

carried Carol back, she must have been in so much pain then.Chapter 951

There were marks on her calves from grazing bullets. How had she managed to

carry someone back, step by step?

Perhaps hearing the soft sobs from Dr. Shawn, Clark turned around, asking

softly, “What’s wrong?”

Dr. Shawn couldn’t hold back anymore, tears streaming down her face. “Our

leader’s back and her stomach are injured. Those bastards, they have no

respect for women. They were so brutal, they’re less than human!”

Their leader was so beautiful. How could they harm her? They’re truly


Enter title…

What exactly had the leader endured? She wished she could take on the pain

for her, even if it meant giving up her own life.

“What are you saying? Her back and stomach are injured? Didn’t you notice

before?” Clark dropped the towel he was holding and hurried over to check.

Through her clothes, he hadn’t realized his sister was so badly injured.

How much more had the doctors missed?

“I only just noticed.” Dr. Shawn’s voice held a note of self-reproach.

There had been so many people earlier. Jack, Jones, and Tom were all there,

along with a bunch of their men.

The male doctors naturally didn’t dare to lift the leader’s clothes.

As a female doctor, she also didn’t feel appropriate to examine the leader’s back

in front of everyone.

They had all assumed the blood on the leader’s back was Carol’s.

“Is it serious? Should we go to the hospital?” Clark was worried sick.

Thinking back to the scene of his sister carrying Carol around, his heart ached.

“Clark, you wait outside for now. I’ll apply some medication for our leader” Dr.

Shawn wiped her tears, her heart aching. ‘She must be in a lot of pain. It’s my

fault for being negligent and not examining her thoroughly”

Everyone’s attention had been on the leader’s “head” earlier, thinking either the

leader or Carol had hit their heads.

Now, it seemed, aside from her head and face, she was injured all over.


Clark looked at his sister reluctantly. She looked even paler than before, making

his heart ache more as an older brother.

He said in a hoarse voice, “Call me if anything happens.


Once he left, Dr. Shawn started to disinfect and apply medication to Arabella’s


Thankfully, Bella had developed this healing medication a while ago. Once

applied, it not only relieved pain and accelerated wound healing but also

ensured no scars were left.

After applying the medication, Dr. Shawn gently turned Arabella over. Seeing the

bruise on her pale stomach from a punch, tears welled up in her eyes again.

Bastards, all of them!

They were so brutal.

Sobbing, she thought of her leader.

Once the medication was applied, Dr. Shawn thought things over and couldn’t

swallow her anger. She sent a message to Jack.

[Our leader’s back is torn open! Her stomach was punched, too! When you see

those bastards, show no mercy!

Beat them to a pulp! The more brutal, the better’]

She also sent an emoticon of someone being beaten up, but it didn’t feel


Everyone else had gone out to fight for their leader. What was she doing here


No, she had to go, too!

“Clark, I’m leaving the leader in your care. Call me if anything happens. I’ll come

back as fast as I can. If there’s an emergency, there are other doctors in the lab

who can help”

As Dr. Shawn spoke, she glanced at the girl on the couch, “She won’t wake up

anytime soon.”

“Where are you going?” Clark asked worriedly.

“I have something to do.”

After saying goodbye, Dr. Shawn asked for a location and was about to head

over when she noticed the rest of the house staff stealthily following her,

crouching and sneaking around.

Chapter 952

Dr. Shawn looked perplexed.

“Dr. Shawn, take us with you. We want to avenge the boss, to give vent to our


The cook was still holding a frying pan, while others carried their own makeshift

“weapons”: a broom, pruning shears, a telescopic rod for cleaning high ceilings.

Back in the day, they were no strangers to real weapons!

It was only after the boss ‘tamed” them that they each took on their roles as

cooks, gardeners, and the like in this household.

Enter title…

Now, seeing the boss in such a state, they couldn’t just stand by idly!

‘Who’s going to cook for the boss if you all leave? Who’s going to do her

laundry? Who’s going to clean her room?” Dr. Shawn confronted them, “All of

you, get back to your duties!”

‘The bass’s meal is ready, and it’s in the kitchen staying warm. She can eat it as

soon as she wakes up.”

“The clothes she’ll wear next have already been ironed. Even if I die on the

battlefield, there’s enough for her to wear for a month.”

‘The plants have all been trimmed, and they won’t need any attention for two


‘Dr. Shawn, take us with you. We can’t bear to see the boss in this state”

“We want to do something for the bass. Otherwise, we’ll regret it for the rest of

our lives.

“Don’t underestimate us. Back when we were running the streets, you were still

a kid!”


Seeing their loyalty, Dr. Shawn finally relented, ‘Just make sure you can handle

it. If it gets dangerous, run. The boss will need you when she wakes up. I can’t

explain it to her if you all get killed.”

‘Don’t worry, Dr. Shawn, we won’t die!”

They were determined to survive and continue serving the boss.

They owed the boss a debt of gratitude that they hadn’t yet repaid.


Upon receiving the message from Dr. Shawn, Jack cursed, then turned to

Romeo, ‘The boss has a wound on her back. It’s ripped open. Her abdomen has

been hit, too. Who did this? I’m going to chop off his hand and tear him to


Ripped open?

Romeo’s heart ached again, his dark eyes chilling.

He was standing at the entrance with two gangs, their intimidating presence

threatening to swallow the landscape.

The three elders wha had received the message appeared with a hundred men.

Mr. Benson, the oldest among them, remained unfazed, even managing to

maintain a benign smile.

*Mr. McMillian, Mr. Bryant, are you sure you want to make an enemy of our

Mount Doom for a woman?”

They thought that Arabella was Mr. Bryant’s woman.

And Romeo was leading the charge to avenge her.

Jack laughed at the idea, “So, we need to consult the expert before becoming

enemies with you?

Who do you think you are?”

They were just a ragtag organization, yet they dared to act so arrogant.

‘More than half of our Mount Doom men have been lost.” Mr. Benson said with a


First, Romeo and Arabella had infiltrated Mount Doom by themselves, taking out

Mathew and dozens of his men.

Then, a group of kamikazes had tried to surround Arabella and Carol, only to be


‘Now, we only have a little over a hundred men left.”

Before Mr. Benson could finish, Jack laughed, “What, are you scared now? Too


Anyone who dared to lay a finger on their boss wouldn’t be let off easily!

Mr. Benson laughed lightly, “I was going to say, with only a little over a hundred

men left, it would be quite embarrassing if you lost. It would be the talk of the

entire Triangular Zone.Chapter 953

There they were, two renowned gangs, unable to defeat even a hundred men.

They likely wouldn’t show their faces around here anymore after this humiliation!

“Hey, listen to this old geezer puffing himself up,’ Jack chuckled to himself.

‘Today, I will show you the power of the Mafia Flame! Stand back, everyone!”

He stepped forward, ready to take on the fight himself.

Only one man from the Mount Doom stepped up to the challenge.

Jack could barely contain his laughter at the sight of his adversary, his face

ashen and his eyes bulging in an attempt to intimidate. “Well, well, looking

Enter title…

neither human nor ghost. Is this the famous Mount Doom spirit?”

The next second, the opponent struck. Jack immediately clutched his stomach,

unable to straighten up from the severe pain.

What the hell? What did this guy eat for breakfast? His punch was tao powerful.

He felt as if his spleen, stomach, and kidneys were all shattered.

What was worse, he didn’t even see when the opponent made his move. He

only saw a dark figure, and the next thing he knew, a sharp pain shot through

his stomach.

It hurt like hell.

*What the hell?” Jones, who was standing not too far away, couldn’t believe his

eyes. He turned to Romeo, “Mr. McMillian, did you see that? That speed and

that strength.”

It was simply inhuman ‘I saw it’ Romeo replied. He, too, found it strange. No

normal man could move with such speed and force.

Jack was always known for his resilience, but there was no way he could

withstand such a blow.

With his abilities, he should have been able to dodge it.

The only explanation was that the opponent was faster and stronger than Jack..

Nearby, Carl couldn’t help but voice his thoughts, “Boss, could they be the

rumored Chester? They were injected with various drugs from an early age and

became half-human, half-ghost Monsters with superhuman strength and


Jones suddenly understood, ’So, it wasn’t an 800-pound man that hit the boss,

but these monsters?”

‘I always knew the boss was tough. I couldn’t believe she was wounded, and so

severely at that”

Tom seemed to have finally understood. “Sa it was these monsters that hurt the

boss. Let me teach them a lesson!”

‘Wait.’ Jones wasn’t able to stop him in time.

Tom walked towards the monster, whistling, “Hey, freak, look this way.”

He threw a punch, hoping to catch the monster off guard.

But the monster moved faster. With one swift move, he twisted Tom’s arm,

causing him to yelp in pain.

If it weren’t for Jack attacking the monster, Tom’s arm would have likely been

broken in the next second.


Absolutely terrifying!

They were the right-hand men of the boss, yet they couldn’t even defeat a single


At this moment, Jack was lifted up by the monster and thrown back at the Mafia

Flame gang.

Jones had to step back several times to catch him.


‘Jack, are you okay?”

A crowd gathered around Jack, anxiously looking at Tom, who was still trying to

avenge the bass. He lunged at the monster, aiming for his eyes, nose, mouth,

heart, and stomach, using all his strength.

But he was kicked back by the monster, stumbling back several steps.

The gang rushed to help him up, “Tom!”

This monster was too strong, and everyone realized that they were in deep

trouble.Chapter 954

Romeo flicked his wrist and a shower of bullets sprayed toward them. The loyal

henchmen threw themselves in front of the three elders, their bodies seemingly

impervious to the bullets.

“Are they wearing bulletproof vests?”

‘What’s the plan, Mr. McMillian?”

*One was tough enough, but there are a hundred more.”

*How did the boss manage to carry Carol back?”

“Did he find their weakness?”

Enter title…

‘They’re immune to fists and bullets. What could their weakness be?”

Mr. Benson laughed heartily. “You’re all brave men. Why not join us at Mount

Doom and plan a better future together”

“Screw you, Jones spat contemptuously. ‘We wouldn’t join you if you were the

last gang on earth!”

‘You want us to join you in your dirty business? Dream on!”

‘And look at you, barely hanging on to life, yet you have the audacity to

challenge us”

Despite their insults, Mr. Benson continued to laugh, seemingly unfazed.

‘Enough talk. Today, we’re going to make them pay for what they did to the


Someone stepped forward, and the others followed.

Romeo watched as his men fell one by one, his eyes darkening. ‘Did Bella

forget to take her backpack when she returned?”

‘What??° Jack, who was injured, didn’t understand why Mr. McMillian was

worried about the boss’s backpack at this crucial moment.

The more severely injured Tom recalled, “I think so. The boss values that bag

more than gold.

She must have left it because she had no other choice.”

Normally, the boss would pick up her backpack after a fight.

But this time, with her severe injuries and having to carry Carol back, she

probably didn’t have the energy to pick it up.

Romeo knew that even if Bella were seriously injured, she would still bring the

backpack because it contained an acupuncture set given to her by her

grandfather. Betla treasured it dearly.

‘Mr. McMillian, is there a problem?” Jack asked, unable to decipher Romeo’s

dark expression.

“Shouldn’t we be figuring out how to defeat these guys. Other gangs are

watching us from a distance, and we’ve already lost quite a few men!”

Romeo thought Bella might have left her backpack, but she wouldn’t have Jeft

the acupuncture set.

Unless she couldn’t bring it back.

Why couldn’t she bring it back?

Was it broken?

Or did it serve another purpose?

What use could it have in that situation?

Suddenly, he remembered the first thing Bella said when she returned: “Head”

‘Mr. McMillian? Mr. McMillian??” Jack was shocked that Mr. McMillian was still

deep in thought at this critical moment. “Mr. McMillian, did you hear what I


“Attack their heads. Use sharp objects, like needles or knives.’ Romeo

instructed his men.

Upon hearing this, Jack and Tom were stunned.

Attack their heads??

Could it be?

Their weakness was their heads.

Suddenly, they remember the words of the boss as if they understood


“Ill give it a try!’ Jack exclaimed, rushing forward.

‘Me too”

Romeo attacked their heads with his fists and noticed that their movements did

slow down, but not by much.

Recalling the punch wound on Bella’s abdomen, he deliberately slowed his

movements, allowing one of the henchman’s fists to hit his stomach.

*Mr. McMillian!”


*Mr. McMillian, are you okay?” Chapter 956

Jack was at a loss; the person in question was gone, vanished into thin air, yet

the story wasn’t over.

“Let’s head to T3 Research Institute,’ Romeo said, glancing one last time at the

raging fire before turning his back on it. The others followed suit, each of them

looking just as puzzled as Jack.

Jack couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Why were they heading to the T3

Research Institute? What relationship did this situation have with the institute?

Jones was just as baffled, turning to Carl for answers.

Enter title…

“This fire; Carl began, “hasn’t even touched one-tenth of the core of the group.

T3 Research Institute is just one of their smaller branches.”

“Wait, what? The fire didn’t even touch one-tenth of their core? Isn’t it just a

petty outfit?

You’re telling me that the remarkable T3 Research Institute is just one of their

minor branches?” Jack felt like his world was being turned upside down.

Jones, too, was in disbelief. “Is it really that formidable?”

It was supposed to be an insignificant organization so small that it could be

crushed under their thumb.

Could it really be so influential that it could pull the strings of the renowned T3

Research Institute?

It seemed like they had been playing their cards close to the chest.

“It’s not just the T3 Research Institute,’ Carl continued, “Shadow Serpents,

Darksteel Syndicate, Raven’s Claw, and others were all branches of Mount


Jack and Jones were taken aback. “Are you certain?”

They were well-acquainted with these big names, and their reputations were no

less than that of T3 Research Institute.

“Underneath these branches, there are even more sub-branches. For instance,

the orphanage you guys found out about is one of them.”

Jack and Jones were left completely stunned.

So, Mount Doom was even more terrifying than they had imagined. They just

hadn’t discovered it until now.

“Also, those three elders earlier, I believe they’ve escaped to the T3 Research


There’s a secret tunnel between Inferno Clan and the T3 Research Institute.”

At this revelation, Jack and Jones were left completely dumbfounded,

exchanging astonished glances.

Meanwhile, elsewhere.

After taking care of his sister, Clark turned his attention to Carol. She seemed to

be having a nightmare; her forehead was slick with sweat, and she looked

rather distressed.

Clark fetched a warm towel and gently wiped her forehead. Holding her hand,

he said soothingly, “Don’t be scared. I’m right here with you.”

Carol didn’t seem to be sleeping very peacefully.

“You’re safe now,’ Clark whispered into her ear, “You and Bella, you’re both safe

at home now.”

He softly stroked her hair. From this close, he could see every detail of her face.

Was it to free her from her nightmare or to comfort her?

The next moment, he leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss.


A soft caugh echoed from Bella’s direction.

Clark turned around, his face flushing instantly. “Bella, are you awake?”

The girl on the couch smiled, fighting back her laughter. “Sorry, Clark, my throat

was a bit dry, I couldn’t help it.”

She had woken up just a moment ago and was about to call out to Clark when

she saw him kissing Carol…

Was that something she was supposed to see?

“I’ll get you some water. Clark quickly got up, got a glass of water, and brought it

aver to Bella.

His face was still a bit red, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Bella found Clark’s embarrassed expression rather adorable.

“Let me help you sit up. Take it slow.” Clark knew about Bella’s injury, so he was

very careful as he helped her sit up. Once Bella was seated, he handed her the

glass of water.

After drinking the water, Bella realized they were the only ones in the living

room. “Where is everyone else?”

“They went out.”

“Even Romeo?” Chapter 957

“He’s gone off to fight your battles with your little ones by his side.”

Arabella raised an eyebrow, having anticipated this. She was about to reach for

her charging phone when Clark quickly interjected, ‘Let me do it. You’re still

injured. Don’t move unnecessarily.”

When she had returned earlier, her phone was out of battery, and one of the

guys had set it aside to charge.

‘tll send him a message,’ Arabella said as she took the phone and opened


Enter title…

Fearing that her movements might aggravate her wounds, Clark quickly offered,

“Don’t move. I can send it.”

‘It’s different when you send it and when I send it.”

He had to agree.

Romeo would definitely prefer to see her message.

After Arabella sent the message, she heard Clark ask, “How are you feeling


“Who dressed my wounds?”

“Dr. Nolan took care of the wound on your leg, Dr. Borg handled your arm, and

then,” Clark relayed everything he knew.

Arabella raised an eyebrow. Just as expected, these two, Nolan’s and Borg’s

medical skills were still subpar. Even after all this time apart, there was little

improvement, they had bandaged her up like this.

“Who on earth hurt you guys like this?” Clark questioned further.

He knew his sister’s capabilities. In Lidaria, she had no trouble handling any


“A bunch of freaks, Arabella began recounting the ordeal.

A sudden realization dawned upon Clark, “It’s Chester.”

Since childhood, they had been injected with alt sorts of drugs, altering their

physical functions and turning them into grotesque creatures.

“How did you manage to escape?” Clark asked, anxious.

Arabella initially didn’t have any surefire plan.

No matter how much she fought, she couldn’t injure these freaks.

It wasn’t until she was trying to save Carol and they both fell to the ground that

she saw a first aid box. It was then she thought to use the needles to hit them.

Later on, she accidentally discovered that these people had chips implanted in

their brains.

The needles she inserted had inadvertently damaged these chips.

“So, the organization is controlling their consciousness through these chips?”

Clark was stunned, finding it hard to believe.

“Actually, implanting chips in the human body is not something new. About a

decade ago, the older man who taught me medical skills tried this method. At

the time, he wanted to use the chip to help himself quit drinking”

Of course, he couldn’t bear it later and started drinking again.

He felt that life was short, so why deprive oneself.

Clark couldn’t believe that such technology was already so advanced a decade


“It’s just not widely used in our country”

In fact, in some other countries, some companies and regions have already

started implanting chips.

In Switzerland, the number of people with implanted chips exceeded ten

thousand two years ago.

Such tiny chips were only the size of a grain of rice, and the implantation

process was also convenient, much like a vaccine injection. The whole process

took less than a minute and was painless.

“But I didn’t expect that this technology would be used for evil by Mount Doom.”

This was something Arabella hadn’t anticipated.

‘So, when you came back and said ‘head’, you were referring to their weakness

in the head?” Clark suddenly understood.

‘Right.” Arabella had wanted to say the key paint was on the head, but she had

fainted before she could finish.

She had also mentioned this in the message she sent to Romeo earlier. Chapter 958

At that moment, Romeo was leading his gang in a sweep of victory, undefeated

in every battle. His phone buzzed at that exact moment, and it was a message

from Bella.

She’s awake!

Romeo’s eyes lit up with delight, his voice softening considerably, “Pull over.”

The mighty caravan of cars came to a halt, conveniently right in front of the

Specter Syndicate’s front door.

This scared the living daylights out of the Specter Syndicate.

Enter title…

“Please, sir, have mercy, spare us.”

“We don’t have anything to do with Mount Doom, we’ve never even crossed


Seeing the fear in their eyes, Jack found it amusing and lowered his car window,

“Relax, we’re not here for you, just passing through.”

“Pass through?” the man seemed relieved, almost ready to bow in gratitude,

“Thank you, sir. It’s an honor for us if you’d like to take a break here. Are you

thirsty? Perhaps tired? I’ll bring you some refreshments.”

Seeing them rush into the house to fetch food and drinks, Jack joked with Jones

beside him, “Do they think we’re some sort of villains?”

“Of course, with all the commotion we’ve caused here today, anyone would think

we’re here to take over all the organizations and rule the roost.”

‘Heh, if they don’t have the guts, they shouldn’t be in this business. Look at how

scared they are.”

At this point, Romeo got out of his car, signaling Carl to surrender the driver’s

seat. He intended to leave first.

Jack was baffled and quickly called Carl, “Where’s Mr. McMillian headed?”

Why did he leave them behind?

‘Ms. Bella woke up. The remaining Sable Thorns are for us to handle, Carl


‘The boss woke up? I need to go see her!”

Upon hearing this, Jones immediately expressed, “I want to go too. I wonder

how she’s doing if she’s getting better.”

‘Let me finish off these jerks first, then I’ll get the boss her favorite snacks.”

‘Give it a rest, man. Right now, she only wants to see Romeo. So back off.”

In the living room, Clark looked at his sister’s slightly pale face, feeling a pang of

heartache, “Why didn’t you call me or any of your men at the time?”

At least to have someone back her up.

How dangerous it must’ve been for a girl to fight alone?

Arabella was a bit puzzled by this. Was Clark forgetting something?

She did want to call for backup at the time, at least to get Carol to safety.

But when she took out her phone, it showed 73 missed calls from Clark, and the

next second, the screen dimmed and shut down due to low battery.

‘Did your phone die?” Clark remembered that his men had charged Bella’s

phane after dressing her wounds. Could it be that he had called too many times

and drained the battery?

The phone ran out of battery because of that?

‘It’s me.” Clark felt even more guilty, “I called toa many times and drained your


How desperate and upset she must’ve felt at that time!!

But Arabella was just a bit puzzled.

Her phone died as soon as she took it out, she was speechless at that moment.

‘I’m sorry, Bella. I didn’t help. Instead, I caused you trouble.”

Seeing Clark’s guilt, Arabella dismissed it casually, “It’s not your fault. I should’ve

charged my phone before leaving.”Chapter 959

“Don’t worry about comforting me. I know it’s my fault for making so many calls.”

His little sister had suffered so much because of him and endured so much pain.

If he had known, he would have controlled himself better!

He was just too selfish!

“Clark, they are not ordinary people. Whoever went would have been hurt.”

She would rather be the one hurt than to watch those young ones suffer the


Enter title…

A single punch from them was enough to cause pain for weeks.

“It must hurt a lot.” Clark looked at her with a pained expression, “What can I do

to help?

Get you some medicine or something?”

‘I want to eat something.”

‘rll go get you something from the kitchen.’ Clark quickly stood up and headed

towards the kitchen.

Arabella lifted her eyes to look at Carol, who was lying quietly, not far away.

There were no new injuries on her.

On the way back, Arabella was barely conscious, afraid she couldn’t protect

Caral and add to her injuries.

Fortunately, everything was okay.

‘Here’s the food.” Clark wheeled over a trolley filled with all kinds of delicious

food, “They made all these before they left. They’ve been kept warm on the

heated table.”

Arabella recognized who made the food just by looking at them. Given their

temperament, seeing her in this state, they had probably wanted to grab a knife

and fight.

“When I found out they were planning to avenge you, they begged me not to

stop them.”

Clark pushed the trolley next to the sofa and chuckled, “Your little gang is really


He was much more loyal than any he had seen.

“It’s a bond forged through life and death,” Arabella explained.

Moreover, in her heart, she never really saw them as subordinates.

Even though they called her boss, she never saw herself as one. She treated

them as equals and always shared everything with them.

“There aren’t many ‘bosses’ like you.” Clark looked at his sister gently, his eyes

full of approval.

Even though Serena had been with the Collins family for eighteen years and he

had only known Bella for a month.

Deep down, he didn’t want to compare his two sisters, but he had to admit Bella

was much better than Serena.

This was not just about being academically excellent or talented but about her

character, her magnanimity, her courage, and her charisma.

These qualities not only made her stand out among her peers but also made her

unique in the world.

Even he was attracted to her character and personality.

She was truly exceptional, truly deserving of the admiration she received.


At that moment, a handsome figure rushed over.

Arabella barely had time ta lift her gaze before she was swept up into Romeo’s


Romeo knew she was injured, so he held her gently, carefully.

Arabella could smell his familiar scent, “Finished with work?”

“Just one more thing left to do. [left it to Jack and the others.” Romeo bent down

to kiss her, holding her for a while before he asked softly, “Hungry? Ill feed you.”

Clark silently moved aside. Romeo gave him a look, “Clark, thank you for taking

care of her.

‘It’s okay”

She’s his sister, after all. It’s only right that he should take care of her.

‘Only a few of your people got hurt. The rest are fine.” Chapter 960

Romeo knew how much she cared for her subordinates, so he volunteered to

update her.

Sitting by the couch, his gaze never leaving her for a moment, he asked,

“Feeling better?”

“Yes, much better”

He then fed her something, remarking, ‘Once things cool down here, I’ll take you

back home for other doctors to have a look.”

“Just a small injury, no big deal.”

Enter title…

Arabella didn’t seem to consider her injuries serious, but Romeo was

concerned, “You’re hurt pretty bad, and you say it’s no big deal?”

“Lagree with Romeo,” Clark chimed in. “When we return, we should consult with

more doctors, just to be safe.

“You see, even Clark is saying so.”

Seeing their stern faces, leaving no room for negotiation, Arabella could only

concede, “Alright”

Only when she relented did their expressions soften.

“Clark, any new discoveries from the two data files?” Arabella asked.

“None,” Clark replied calmly. “You rest up. Romeo has already avenged you and

your subordinates today. Let’s consider this matter closed. From now on, you

just need to recover, focus on school, and enjoy your love life. I approve of your

relationship with Romeo.”

Romeo’s eyes softened. Finally, he got the approval of his brother.

“It seems that Clark has some new findings,’ Arabella smirked. “Not planning to

share? Is it dangerous?”

“No, you’re overthinking.

‘Clark, Arabella said with interest, “I made copies of the files before I handed

ther to you.

If you won’t tell, I’ll find out myself.”


Perhaps he didn’t anticipate this move from his sister. Clark hurriedly

responded, “This matter involves many parties. I don’t want you two to get

dragged into it any further.”

‘Do you think we’re not capable of handling it?”

God knows how much it pained him to see his sister injured like this.

“Are you worried about involving us?” Arabella seemed to guess something.

“Are the opposition’s forces strong?”

Stronger than Romeo’s?

“Bella, please, let it go.”

Clark’s words made Arabella and Romeo exchange a look. Romeo seemed to

agree with her, softly saying, “Let’s investigate.”

He also wanted to know who could make Clark so wary.

“Romeo??” Clark never expected Romeo to indulge his sister like this,

immediately admonishing, “Can you two please listen to me?”

“No.” Their answer came in unison. Arabella even took out her phone, ready to

open the two data files.

“Bella” Seeing that they weren’t listening, Clark had to say, ‘This involves

multiple countries, many figures in the political arena. I’m not trying to scare you,

but regardless of your opinions, I won’t allow you two to get involved anymore.”

This was no longer something they could handle on their own.

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