The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 881-900

Chapter 881

Before Clark could respond, Serena sent him another message.

[Hey, we could also head to Vegas for a couple of rounds, maybe a Chinatown

visit, and the 360° observation deck in Chicago as well.]

[Serena, I’m occupied this weekend. Let’s plan for next time,] Clark replied, his

fingers tapping out the words on his phone.

His mind wasn’t on leisure activities right now. There was only one thing he was

concerned about, finding Carol. All the food, drinks, and entertainment held no

appeal to him at the moment.

Enter title…

[Sure, we’ll plan it for next time then,] Serena sent back, along with a grinning

emoji. [Didn’t you say we have plenty of time together in the future? No need to


[Okay,] Clark responded, not in the mood to add anything else.

On the other side, Serena felt a chill in her heart. She noticed that Clark’s

responses were becoming shorter and shorter.

At Villa Cascada, Jack thought that his boss was becoming stubborn and less

receptive to suggestions. Well, if he couldn’t handle him, what about Romeo?

Considering the power dynamics, only Romeo’s influence could stand up to their

boss. So, swallowing his pride, he called Romeo via WhatsApp, informing him

about the boss’ plan to visit Lidaria.

Arabella was driving when her phone buzzed.

She pressed the answer button on the steering wheel, and Romeo’s voice filled

the car.

“Bella, are you going to Lidaria?”

Arabella thought: Jack again? Fine, she would dock his annual bonus later, no


Meanwhile, the oblivious Jack was feeling quite pleased with himself. Finally,

there was someone who could handle the boss!

“I have some business there;’ Arabella explained. “I was planning to call you

once I reached Reflections Villa.”

She hadn’t expected Jack to reveal her plans. Now Romeo might think she was

keeping something from him.

“What have you been up to recently?” Romeo asked, sounding worried.

It was Clark, sitting in the passenger seat, who answered him.

“Romeo, it’s me.”

“Clark.” Romeo sounded surprised. “You’re with Bella?”

What were these two up to lately?

“Yeah, my girlfriend disappeared a year ago, and Bella has been helping me

find her. We are going to Lidaria because we have some leads. Don’t worry,

Bella is safe with me.”

Romeo wanted to ask how Clark planned to protect her. If those power groups

decided to take action, even with their combined skills, they might not be able to

handle it. And Clark’s skills were average at best?

“I’m coming too.” Romeo decided, not feeling assured.

Clark looked at Arabella as if asking for her opinion.

“I saw on Carl’s Facebook that he’s visiting Dawnstar in the next few days. If I’m

not mistaken, you two are together, right?” Arabella asked casually.

“He can handle it on his own,’ Romeo declared. “I don’t have much to do


“We’ll be back in a couple of days. You can focus on your work.”

“Bella.” Romeo wanted to talk about the power groups, but with Clark present,

he couldn’t. They both knew this wasn’t a joking matter.

“Your safety is more important than work; he said finally.Chapter 882

“After you wrap up your stuff in Dawnstar, you can come find me in Lidaria,;’

Arabella said, pausing for a moment before adding, “Be a good boy.”

Romeo fell silent. He initially wanted to refuse, but her last plea melted his


“I’ll be just fine. Besides, aren’t you sending someone to watch out for me?”

Romeo had no choice but to acquiesce, “Fine, you go ahead today, I’ll come find

you tomorrow.”

Enter title…

Carl voiced his confusion, “Boss, how on earth are we supposed to finish all the

work in Dawnstar today? Are you planning to have me work non-stop for 24

hours?! Is there no justice?! I’m not a machine!”

“You’d better keep your men well hidden.”

Romeo couldn’t help but give a little smile, “Will do.”

She had proven to be quite adept at detecting his surveillance. She always

managed to sniff out whoever he assigned to watch her.

Reflections Villa.

Serena was surprised to see Clark returning with Arabella. Had Clark gone out

earlier just to meet up with Arabella?

With that thought in mind, a feeling of unease began to stir within her.

Clark headed to the dressing room to grab a few changes of clothes, then

knocked on Louisa’s door, mentioning that he and Bella were going on a trip


“You finally got your head on straight!” Louisa exclaimed cheerfully, “I’m leaving

Bella in your hands, Clark. Make sure to take good care of her. Stay at the best

hotels, take her wherever she wants to go, buy her whatever she wants to eat.

And especially remember to take care of her health as it’s getting cold, don’t let

her catch a cold.”

Louisa, thinking that her son was taking Bella on a holiday, was both excited

and incessant in her instructions.

All of them were thinking about how to take care of Bella.

“Alright, I’ve got it.”

Clark didn’t let on about the potential dangers of their trip, intentionally leading

his mother to believe that they were merely going on a holiday.

He patiently waited for his mother to finish her instructions before leaving.

In the living room.

Seeing Clark with a suitcase, Serena couldn’t help but ask, “Clark, where are

you going?”

“Got some business to attend to abroad; Clark patted her head lightly, “Next

time, I’ll take you along.”

Serena wanted to probe further into where he was going and whether it was

really work-related.

But seeing Arabella descending the stairs and Clark moving towards her, she

felt left out.

Noticing that Arabella didn’t have any luggage with her, Clark couldn’t help but

curiously ask, “Aren’t you bringing any luggage?”

“It’s already on the plane’ Arabella whispered.

Clark nodded and said, “Alright, let’s get going then.”

The plane was parked nearby at Reflections Villa. The siblings left together.

Serena was left confused. Clark said that he was going abroad, so why was he

leaving with Arabella?

“Serena; Martha rushed over to Serena’s side, whispering anxiously, “I

overheard your mom on the phone with your dad. She said Clark is taking Ms.

Bella to Iridia for a few days!”

“What did you say!”

“It’s true!”

Serena’s face turned pale. Her hands clenched into tight fists as she watched

their retreating figures. She couldn’t believe it. She had just requested Clark to

take her to Iridia, but he told her that he was too busy.

And the next thing she knew, he was taking Arabella abroad?!

She had wanted to take pictures with Clark, she had so much plans in mind.

But Clark had left her behind and was only taking Arabella?!Chapter 883

How could Clark do that to her?!

Tears welled up in Serena’s eyes, filled with a blend of anger and heartbreak.

“Serena, as I’ve said before, they all have the Collins family blood running

through their veins .”

Martha gazed in the direction where they had left, releasing a sigh.

“I never expected Clark to be so partial. Doesn’t he even fear the news reaching

you and shattering your heart?”

Enter title…

“Or perhaps, he simply doesn’t care about your feelings. Whether you’re

heartbroken or in distress, he’s indifferent. All he wants is to have fun with

Arabella, after all, she’s his biological sister .”

“Clark’s behavior is utterly outrageous! He’s even more biased than Hans and


“I’ve told you before, their words are nothing but deceit .”

Tears trickled down Serena’s cheeks as her mind replayed the joyful moments

shared with Clark since their childhood.

“Serena, he’s not worth it, Martha said sympathetically, “Stop crying thinking

about him.”

“How could Clark do this to me?” Serena wiped her tears, looking at the

direction Clark had left, she uttered sorrowfully, “How could he! He always

claimed that he treated me as his real sister, that he would cherish me for life,

but it was all lies. They’ve all deceived me, treating me as a naive child.”

“Now you understand the importance of money, don’t you?

Fortunately, you accepted the $3 million. Although the affection is gone, at least

you still have money. You felt guilty about Clark initially, but look, he doesn’t

have the same emotions for you at all!”

Serena wiped her tears and ran back to her room, not wanting to listen to those

disheartening words anymore.

Watching her retreating figure, Martha knew that that incident would serve as a

lesson for Serena. Painful as it was, it was better to have short-lived pain than

prolonged suffering.

That family was only good at making money, talking about feelings was



Clark was staring at the luxurious private jet in front of him, completely


That model was from two years ago, with only one in the world, purportedly

purchased by a powerful magnate.

He never expected that this magnate would be his sister.

His sister’s financial capability far exceeded his expectations.

Looking at the jet worth a fortune, Clark was filled with mixed feelings. Did he

give his sister too little pocket money?

Would someone who could afford such a jet feel that the pocket money he had

provided was too stingy?!

“Clark, why aren’t you coming?” Arabella looked at him, puzzled.

Clark climbed the jet stairs and curiously asked, “Did you buy this jet two years


“It wasn’t me who bought it; Arabella truthfully said, “It was gifted by one of the

grandfathers I told you about.”

A gift?!

Upon hearing that, Clark was taken aback. His own grandfather wasn’t even that

generous. Who was that mysterious person?

Giving away jets worth hundreds of millions?!

That person must be doting on her to an unimaginable extent.

“They often give me gifts,’ Arabella explained.

She owned over a hundred properties under her name alone, not to mention

other commercial properties and shares.

However, most of those were real estate and since they were gifts from her

grandfathers, she never had the heart to sell them even when she was in need

of money.

The pocket money her grandfather gave her were used for investment. Every

time she made a profit, she would buy gifts for her grandfathers under various


Including this time she came home, the pocket money she received from her

parents and brothers, she also invested that money, planning to give them a

little surprise after making a small profit. Chapter 884

Once they were inside the plane, the lavish interior was a sight to behold, with

attendants offering them coffee, pastries, and fruits.

“Clark, grab a bite first, then you can retire to the bedroom for a rest.”

There were four separate rooms on the plane. The master suite was hers, and

of the three guest rooms, only one had been used before by the injured Jack.

The other two remained totally untouched.

However, they were regularly cleaned and maintained, leaving them spotlessly


Enter title…

“You don’t seem tired, Clark. But you, after staying up late last night, waking up

early this morning, and conducting experiments for hours, should rest.”

Clark felt guilty, yet admired his sister, who was unlike any other rich young lady

he knew, always committed to her business.

Most heiresses would be impeccably dressed, attending all sorts of parties,

pampering themselves with spa treatments, and indulging in shopping sprees.

Compared to them, Bella’s life was more fulfilling and meaningful.

“Oh, I just remembered something,’ Arabella said, sitting on the single-seater

sofa, sipping on her lemon water, “I didn’t find anything related to you in Carol’s


Upon hearing that, Clark’s eyes darkened.

Arabella guessed what he was thinking and explained herself, “They said she’s

a traitor. I was wondering if she was afraid to involve you, so she erased

everything related to you. If that’s the case, she must love you a lot”

Clark looked up abruptly, his heart pounding at the thought.

“She was protecting you in her own way,’ Arabella added, trying to comfort him.

Ever since Carol left, Clark had been desolated for a year. At that moment,

hearing that possibility, his heart seemed to revive, full of life again.

“We have about ten more hours before we reach our destination.

Let’s rest for a while,” Arabella suggested, standing up and heading to the

master suite.

Under the guidance of a subordinate, Clark went to the guest room.

With the possibility offered by his sister, his mood lifted, and he soon fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Arabella busied herself with her own affairs in the master suite until

the plane landed hours later.

Clark had a good, long rest, and woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

It was only ten in the morning there, twelve hours behind Solterra.

As soon as Arabella got off the plane, someone sent by Romeo came to pick

them up.

“Are you Ms. Bella? Mr. McMillian sent me. I’m Jerry, responsible for your and

Clark’s transportation.”


Just as Arabella was about to get in the car, Jerry beat Clark to it, opening the

car door for her first.

It was quite considerate of him.

They followed the address to the apartment rented by Carol’s parents. It was on

the first floor of a small apartment complex, complete with a small yard where

laundry was hung out to dry.

Arabella rang the doorbell and waited. A woman came out to answer the door.

It was Carol’s mother, Taylor Earwood. She looked at the unfamiliar young

woman with curiosity before her eyes landed on Clark. She immediately

understood that they were together.

“How did you find us?” Taylor had a strong impression of Clark.

After her daughter left the Earwood family, that young man would show up at

their doorstep every now and then, clearly a love-struck fool.

“Hi, Mrs. Earwood, we didn’t mean to disturb you,’ Clark feared leaving a bad

impression on her.

“We’ve told you earlier we don’t have any news about Carol,’ Taylor was almost

about to close the door.

Arabella spoke softly, “Carol might be in danger. We’re here to help her.” Chapter 885

Taylor paused mid-step, looking back at the petite and pretty girl.

She was so young; how could she possibly be of any help?

“No need.”

Having said that, Taylor prepared to close the door again.

“Ma’am,’ Arabella stopped the door with her hand, speaking gently, “There are

people out there looking for Carol. We need to find her before they do, or she’ll

be in danger.”

Enter title…

Upon finishing her sentence, Arabella took out her phone and showed Taylor a

picture of a bottle of vitamin C.

“This thing.” Taylor’s eyes widened. She immediately recognized the little bottle.

It had always been in Carol’s room. How did that girl get a picture of it? Had they

been to her house, and entered Carol’s room?

“The substance Carol has been taking might not be vitamin C, but a lethal


Taylor’s anger subsided at the mention of poison, replaced by disbelief, “How

could that be!”

That thing had been in her daughter’s room for a long time. She had even seen

Carol taking it. Before Carol found her biological parents, she had been taking


That was more than a year ago.

“Was the stuff she took powdery?” Arabella curiously asked, “Vitamin C usually

comes in tablet form.”

Taylor’s face was a picture of shock. That was right, how could she have

overlooked that important detail? Pills in bottles like that were usually tablets or

capsules. But what Carol had been taking was powdery.

If not for the girl’s reminder, she wouldn’t have given it a second thought even at

that moment.

She had once seen her daughter pour powdery stuff into water.

When she asked Carol what she was taking, Carol said that it was iron

supplements and whitening agents.

A few days later, she saw the bottle when she was cleaning. It said vitamin C, so

she didn’t think much of it.

Looking back, Carol had been acting strange for over a year!

“Why would she even take such a thing? Do you have any evidence that it’s a

lethal poison?!” Taylor couldn’t keep her composure; her voice trembled as she

asked in disbelief.

“Because there are people trying to kill her, calling her a traitor”

Arabella could only tell her what she knew, trying to gain her trust.

Upon hearing that, Taylor shook her head vigorously, “No, my daughter couldn’t

possibly be a traitor. You’re talking nonsense.”

“We’re not sure about the details either. So far, we only know this much. The

reason we came here is to get more clues from you.

My brother Clark loves Carol. We have no reason to harm you.”

Seeing the sincerity in the girl’s eyes, Taylor was finally persuaded and stepped


Clark didn’t expect his sister to convince Mrs. Earwood. He looked at her


Taylor was still thinking about what Arabella just said, feeling somewhat


Just then, a man walked out from inside the house.

“Honey, who was at the door? You’ve been gone for quite some time.”

Taylor looked up to see her husband. Just as she was about to explain the

situation to him.

Mr. Earwood asked, “Why is it you again? How did you find us and you also

brought a girl?”

What did that mean??

“Let’s let them in first!” Afraid of being overheard, Taylor tugged at her husband’s

sleeve and whispered, “They’re here to help Carol.”

Mr. Earwood was somewhat skeptical. Since Carol’s departure, they had

encountered too many dubious characters. Chapter 886

But the sincerity in the girl’s eyes was unmistakable, and she also nodded,

emphasizing, “We won’t hurt Carol.”

Because Mr. Earwood’s place was on the ground floor, passersby would often

walk by, and some would even peek into the yard.

“Let them in,’ Taylor murmured, entering the house with a sense of trepidation.

Mr. Earwood, filled with mixed emotions, followed her inside.

Arabella and Clark exchanged a glance, as if to say that they had agreed.

Clark closed the yard gate behind him and followed his sister into the house.

Enter title…

The living room was small, but tidied up to neatness.

“Make yourselves comfortable.”

At Mr. Earwood’s words, Arabella and Clark settled down on the couch, sitting

obediently like a pair of well-behaved students.

Taylor went to the kitchen to fetch some water for them. Arabella wanted to tell

her not to bother, but seeing her preoccupied expression, clearly still pondering

over earlier events, she didn’t have the heart to interrupt her.

Instead, it was Mr. Earwood who glanced at Arabella, then at Clark as he

expressed his assumptions, “Brother and sister?”

They both nodded in agreement.


They nodded in unison again.

“How long have you been seeing Carol?” Logan Earwood turned his gaze to

Clark, asking.

“A year, Clark answered truthfully, “A year after, she left me. I spent another year

looking for her.”

Addina it up, he had been entanaled with Carol for two years.

“Come here, carefully, I’ll handle the shards,’ Logan extended his hand towards

her, afraid that she might step on the glass shards.

Taylor was led out of the kitchen by him, leaving Logan to clean up the mess.

Arabella examined her wound, asking softly, “Where’s the first aid kit? I can take

care of this.”

“No need, a band-aid will do.”

“That won’t be enough. This cut isn’t small, if it gets infected, it could be


SISLET dIONgs Logan clearly understood that the situation was far from simple.

Clark coming alone was one thing, but why bring along his sister?

What if something unpleasant happened to her?

Clark wanted to say that his sister was no ordinary person, that they found this

place thanks to her.

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering came from the kitchen.

Logan was the first one to react, rushing towards the kitchen, “Taylor, what


Arabella and Clark also hurried over, only to discover that Taylor had broken a

glass, and was picking up the shards, having accidentally cut her finger in the


“Don’t move,’ The three of them said in unison.

Taylor was startled, finally snapping out of her daze.

“Come here, carefully, I’ll handle the shards,’ Logan extended his hand towards

her, afraid that she might step on the glass shards.

Taylor was led out of the kitchen by him, leaving Logan to clean up the mess.

Arabella examined her wound, asking softly, “Where’s the first aid kit? I can take

care of this.”

“No need, a band-aid will do.”

“That won’t be enough. This cut isn’t small, if it gets infected, it could be

serious.” Chapter 887

Taylor was taken aback by the girl’s persistence, her mind drifting to her own

beloved daughter.

“My sister’s a doctor. She’ll take care of you.”

Upon hearing Clark’s words, both Taylor and Logan were taken aback.

Especially Logan, who paused his cleaning of the broken glass, disbelief evident

in his eyes.

The girl looked young, probably a high school student. How could she already

be a doctor?

Enter title…

“Where’s the first aid kit?” Arabella politely asked again.

“There are some over-the-counter medicines in the first drawer to the left of the

TV stand.”

The house was rented, so they didn’t have a proper first aid kit, only a few

scattered medications. Arabella took out what she could use, and cleaned the

wound with practiced ease, causing Taylor to stare in amazement.

“This might sting a bit. Try to bear with it, Arabella disinfected the wound and

began to treat it.

Taylor watched the girl working diligently, and she was once again reminded of

her daughter.

When she first opened the door, she saw a cool and aloof young girl standing

there. For a brief moment, she thought that this young girl resembled her Carol.

But she had to admit, this girl was even more beautiful than Carol.

Her eyes and her features were faultlessly perfect.

And looking at Clark, the whole family’s appearance and demeanor were far

above ordinary people.

Even though Carol had never mentioned those siblings, judging from their

behavior and manners, their family background seemed far from ordinary.

“All done. Try to keep it dry for now,’ Arabella quickly tidied up the area.

Seeing that the siblings meant no harm and were considerate towards them,

Taylor felt a warmth in her heart.

By then, Logan had also finished cleaning up the kitchen mess, and brought two

glasses of water to them. Seeing how Arabella had skillfully treated his wife’s

wound, his guard against them relaxed considerably.

“I realized we haven’t asked for your name yet,’ Taylor knew that the girl’s

brother was named Clark, but she didn’t yet know the girl’s name.

“My name is Arabella Collins.”

Taylor nodded, turning to her husband and said, “Arabella just mentioned that

what Carol ate earlier might not have been vitamin C, but a potent poison.”

Upon hearing that, Logan was dumbstruck. He turned to Arabella and wanted

her to explain the situation, “How can you be sure it’s a potent poison? Have

you seen it before?”

“We’ve tested it’ Arabella explained, “This powder is extremely toxic, made from

sixteen poisonous herbs. If ingested by a healthy person, it would lead to

immediate death.”

Like the lab mice in her laboratory, who died on the spot after licking the powder.

She didn’t even have enough time to attempt a rescue.

“Are you sure of this?” Logan asked with a trembling voice.

Arabella nodded in agreement, “Absolutely.”

“But if the poison is so potent, why didn’t anything happen to Carol after she

took it,, Logan asked, still in disbelief.

“We suspect she might have been poisoned and needed another type of poison

to counteract it. But this process would be extremely painful.”

Arabella told them everything she knew.

“This poison cannot fully detoxify the body. So, we also suspect that there might

be no antidote for the poison in her body, forcing her to rely on this toxic powder

to prolong her life.”

“No, that’s impossible.” Logan couldn’t believe it. His daughter, poisoned and

relying on another poison to survive! She’d never mentioned anything like that to


“So, I wanted to ask if you’ve ever seen Carol consuming anything from a

vitamin C bottle before?”

“That was over a year ago,’ Taylor confessed, “Around last summer, I

accidentally saw her pouring powder from the bottle into her water. I asked her

what she was taking, and she casually replied that it was an iron supplement for

skin whitening. Later when I was cleaning, I saw that the bottle was labeled as

vitamin C, so I didn’t think much of it back then.”Chapter 888

If their daughter was poisoned, how could she possibly appear so calm and


The process of using poison to counteract poison, the girl had said, was

extremely painful.

After swallowing the deadly powder, how could her daughter still smile at her so

beautifully and gently.

Arabella’s eyes deepened, “Last summer, when Carol was still seeing my


Enter title…

“Arabella also mentioned that a group of people are looking for Carol; Taylor

brought it up again to her husband.

Logan was somewhat skeptical, looking at the girl in front of him, “How do you

know all of this?”

Arabella did not hide anything from them; she told them everything she had

heard from the neighbors, and how she climbed over the wall into their house.

Logan and Taylor were initially a bit angry, because that girl had barged into

their house uninvited.

But when they heard that their house was filled with cameras and listening

devices, and that the group of people came knocking on their door as soon as

the girl removed the devices.

They were shocked, but at the same time, they were relieved.

Thank God Carol didn’t go back, otherwise she would have fallen into the hands

of those villains.

“Arabella, you were not hurt, were you?” Taylor asked again.

If Arabella was hurt because of that, the couple would feel terribly guilty.

“No, Arabella said truthfully, “But those people said Carol was a traitor, so I

guess she might have wanted to stay with my brother and didn’t want to bring

danger to you. Maybe she wanted to leave the organization completely, so she

was forced to swallow the poison. The poisoning process was very painful, so

she had to maybe use another strong poison to counteract it. Maybe to save her


Hearing his sister’s analysis, Clark suddenly remembered, “Last summer, I

gradually lost contact with Carol. When I asked her, she always said that she

was busy. I didn’t take it to heart. Sometimes when we finally got a chance to

eat out, she would go to the restroom for a long time, and she would look a little

pale when she came out of there.”

“What did she say then?” Arabella curiously asked.

“She said she had a stomach bug, or she told me that she was on her period. In

any case, her reasons were different each time.

Sometimes when we went shopping, she would suddenly say that she didn’t feel

well and didn’t want to continue anymore.”

Thinking back on those things, Clark asked in disbelief, “Could it be that at that

time, the poison was already affecting her, and she couldn’t hold on-”

Hearing that, Arabella nodded, “It’s entirely possible. Alternatively, she might

have had a bottle of Vitamin C with her. When the poison started to take effect,

she would hide in the restroom and take it, trying to use poison to counteract the

poison. But the process is very painful, so she couldn’t hold on and told you she

wanted to go home and rest.”

Clark clenched his fists. Thinking of those two possibilities, he wished he could

punch his past self!

How could he have been so stupid not to realize that Carol was hiding

something from him!

When Taylor and Logan heard that, they kept shaking their heads.

“No, no way. Carol has never hung out with any shady people since she was a

child, let alone join any organization!”

Logan believed that his daughter was not stupid. If an organization was

dangerous, why would his daughter even take the risk of joining it?

“I know Carol. Even if the organization offered her a lot of benefits, she would

reject that offer’ Mr. Earwood pounded his chest in assurance.

Arabella asked calmly, “Since she was a child? Didn’t Carol grow up in an


Hearing that, Logan and Taylor were taken aback. Yes, they had adopted Carol

from an orphanage.


Carol was just a few years old at that time!

“Your assumption is invalid,’ Logan waved his hand, denying it repeatedly,

“When we brought Carol home, she was so young, just a little timid at first” Chapter 889

“Yeah, I remember when she first came home, she’d agree to anything you

asked, so obedient and non-fussy.”

“I think the orphanage is a little sketchy,’ Arabella’s sixth sense told her, “Is there

a possibility that all the children in the orphanage are not ordinary children?”

That assumption took Logan and Taylor by surprise, including Clark who was

also taken aback.

But since her sister started investigating that matter, every guess she had made

turned out to be correct. So, Clark took out his phone and said, “I’ll have

someone look into it.

Enter title…

“Let my people handle it.”

Arabella insisted on doing it with her people as she thought Clark’s people might

make some noise, but hers were different, all specially trained.

Clark paused, looking at his sister, trustingly said, “Alright.”

Arabella took out her phone and sent a message to Jack, nearly giving him a

heart attack.

Ever since he found out that the boss was taking a risk coming to Lidaria, and

that Romeo had the audacity to trust her without coming along, Jack had been

utterly disappointed in Romeo. At the same time, he was extremely worried,

always feeling that the boss was in danger. Finally, he had to sneak into Lidaria.

When he heard his phone beep, he took it out and saw that the message was

from the boss, his face turned pale.

Jones was puzzled by his facial reaction, “What’s the matter with you? Are you


“The boss sent a message! She needs me! Oh no! Does the boss know we’re

here? Is she going to settle scores with us?”

“Really?” Jones was also frightened, “Can I still catch a flight back home?”

“You don’t care about the boss’ safety?”

“We have you, right? I’m more worried about whether my neck will be wrung by

the boss.”

“So, you’re just going to let the boss wring my neck alone?” Jack grabbed him,

“You’re not going anywhere! If we’re going down, we’re going down together!”

“Stop it, let me go, I’ve never been in love, I’ve never experienced the beauty of


Jack’s phone vibrated again; it was a question mark sent by the boss.

He wanted to cry but had no tears. He summoned up the courage to unlock his

phone, clicked on the message, only to find out that the boss wanted him to

investigate an orphanage back home!

He couldn’t believe it; the boss didn’t know that they were there!

Why would the boss suddenly make them investigate an orphanage?

Oh my God, he was almost scared to death earlier!

[Don’t worry boss, I’ll get it done!] Jack quickly replied to her.

Seeing that Jack even sent several emojis expressing his love for her, Arabella

resisted the urge to block him, put away her phone, and looked at Taylor and

Logan again.

“We should have results in a couple of days.”

Taylor and Logan couldn’t believe it, who was that girl who could get results on

an orphanage investigation in just two days!

Keep in mind, they had been looking for their daughter for two to three months

and had yet to find any leads.

“When will we be able to find Carol?” Taylor was clearly worried; it sounded like

their daughter was in a lot of dangerChapter 890

“But just let us know anything you can,’ Arabella said sofitly, “I believe we can

find Carol soon.”

Arabella paused for a while, then continued, “Carol lied to you that she had

found her biological parents and was going to live abroad with them. But we

checked all the flights in the past year, and there is no record of her leaving the


At those words, Logan and Taylor were taken aback.

“I knew Carol couldn’t be so heartless. Something must have happened to her,’

Taylor, who had been with her daughter for years, had a telepathic connection

Enter title…

with her. Ever since Carol mentioned finding her biological parents and leaving

them, Taylor had had a nagging feeling that something wasn’t right and that she

was hiding something.

Seeing Taylor wiping away her tears quietly, Logan felt a lump in his throat, his

voice slightly hoarse, “I rather hope she really found her real parents, and she’s

not in any danger.”

If they could, they’d rather have their daughter happy for the rest of her life, even

if they could never see her again.

“Your neighbor mentioned that a few months ago, a group of people visited your

house. It was raining, but they kept walking around your yard,’ Arabella looked

up at them.

It was said that after that day, the Earwood family didn’t open their doors for

about four or five days. When their neighbors saw them after a few days, they

inquired about the situation. The Earwoods simply said that they had relatives

visiting but didn’t elaborate any further.

“That time.” Logan hesitated, unsure if he should disclose the matter.

“Tell them, they are good people. They really want to help us,”

Taylor urged.

Eventually, Logan decided to spill the beans, “It was a rainy night. I was asleep

when I heard some noise in Carol’s room. At first, I thought I was hearing things.

But then, I heard it again, and this time, Taylor heard it too. We both thought

Carol had come back.

We were so excited that we got up to check it out. However, the storm was so

loud that it made us nervous. The door to Carol’s room wasn’t fully closed. I saw

two or three people sneaking around, going through her stuff. At the time, I

thought we had a break-in. I held Taylor’s hand, and we tiptoed downstairs,

hoping to ask the neighbors for help. But to our surprise, there were also people

in our living room, rummaging through our things. Once we got down there, we

walked right into their hands. They saw us, rushed over, and we got hurt while

resisting. Afterward, we somehow managed to escape to the yard, but they

caught us and knocked us out.”

Arabella nodded in understanding. No wonder there were so many blood stains

on the living room floor and a few in the yard. As she had suspected earlier, Mr.

and Mrs. Earwood had also been in danger.

“When we woke up, we were tied up. There were a few people in the living

room, guarding us. They were all wearing black masks and black clothes, so we

couldn’t see their faces clearly. They kept asking us the same question over and

over again — where is Carol? But we had no idea where she was. At first, we

thought Carol had been targeted by some gang because she’s young and pretty.

But as time went on, we realized things weren’t that simple.”

Arabella then asked, “How long did they keep you?”

“Three days,’ Logan replied truthfully.

“Did they mention anything else other than Carol?”

“No, Logan recalled, “They wouldn’t answer any questions we asked. Oh, they

also went through our cell phones, looking at our chat history. It seemed like

they wanted to know if we had been in contact with Carol privately. They even

took pictures of us injured and sent them to Carol. We think they were using us

as bait to lure Carol out.”Chapter 891

“Did Carol ever show up in the end?” Arabella asked again.

“No, that kid hasn’t answered any of our messages since she found her

biological parents. We were worried she’d come running if she saw that we were

hurt but thank God she didn’t.”

Logan exhaled deeply, preferring to be in danger himself rather than have his

daughter involved.

“They left after three days?”

Enter title…

“It seems they received an important call and didn’t untie us before they left. We

hadn’t eaten for three days. Although the wounds weren’t that deep, they were

untreated, and we both ended up with fever. It took a couple of days for us to

recover at home.”

Arabella understood. No wonder the neighbors said that Mr. and Mrs. Earwood

didn’t open their door until four or five days later.

“Did they leave any message behind?” Arabella kept on enquiring.

“They just warned us to keep our mouths shut if we didn’t want anything bad to

happen to Carol. They threatened that the whole town would suffer if we opened

our mouth.”

On hearing that, Clark asked, “Were those guys good with their hands, like

they’ve had special training?”

Logan nodded in agreement and said, “They didn’t seem like ordinary people.”

At first, they thought they were dealing with street thugs, but they soon realized

they were not ordinary hoodlums.

“So, you figured Carol was in danger and wanted to find her?”

Arabella asked again.

“Yes,’ Logan nodded, “But what we didn’t expect was that we’ve been in Lidaria

for almost three months and there’s been no news.

Plus, we’ve noticed some strange things.”

“What things?” Arabella and Clark asked in unison.

“When we come home from our tutoring jobs, we always feel like things in the

house have been moved.”

Upon hearing that, Arabella had a very bad feeling, “You mean, someone’s been


“Stop talking; Arabella immediately stood up, turned off all the lights in the

house, took out a detector from her bag, and scanned the entire living room.

She found six cameras and four bugs.

They’d probably been filmed from the moment they stepped into the living room.

Arabella began to dismantle the hidden cameras in the wall sockets, the

miniature cameras in the screw holes, and so on.

Taylor was frightened and took refuge in her husband’s arms, watching the girl’s

actions in disbelief.

She couldn’t believe that those seemingly insignificant items were actually

“eyes” that were watching their every move.

Logan realized suddenly that those siblings were not ordinary people either.

After all, they carried such detection devices with them at all times and the girl’s

calm demeanor was far from that of an ordinary high school student!

Who were they? What was their identity!

Seeing the girl dismantle and destroy everything, Taylor couldn’t help but ask,

“Kid, are you sure these things are cameras and bugs?”Chapter 892

“Hmm, these are just like the ones installed in your house. They’re not the latest

models, but they’ll do for eavesdropping.”

“Why would they be watching us?”

Taylor thought to herself, no wonder her husband had felt something amiss

about the house a few times before. She had initially dismissed his concerns,

but at that point it seemed that their house had been invaded multiple times, and

cameras and bugs had been installed!

The mere thought of it sent chills down her spine.

Enter title…

Arabella pulled out a tiny button, indistinguishable from the real one unless

inspected closely.

Not only Logan and Taylor, but even Clark was also surprised by that. He didn’t

expect his sister to carry such gadgets around.

Arabella had come there with the intention of investigating Carol’s whereabouts,

so her small backpack was filled with various devices.

“But our arrival here must have been captured on camera, though the audio

would be disrupted. They can’t hear us, but they can see us.”

“So, this place isn’t safe anymore?” Taylor was worried.

Nodding, Arabella said, “Pack your stuff. We need to leave as soon as possible.”

“Arabella mentioned earlier that Carol didn’t come to Lidaria.

There’s no point in us staying here. We should pack up and leave with them,’

Taylor discussed with her husband.

She was wary of those people. After all, they were ruthless and skilled.

Logan nodded, and they both went to pack.

Arabella took out her phone again, pulled up Jerry’s WhatsApp she had added

earlier, and asked him to book a room at a hotel owned by McMllian

Corporation. It was relatively safer than this place.

“Bella, I don’t know how to thank you.”

With the investigation reaching that point, his sister was the unsung hero, but

Clark was also worried about bringing danger upon her.

“I’m just looking for my sister-in-law. It’s my duty.”

Carol was a part of that family. It was her responsibility to find her if she was


“Aren’t you worried that you might not get along with your future sister-in-law?”

After all, Arabella hadn’t met Carol yet and didn’t know what kind of person she


“It doesn’t matter. As long as you’re happy with her.”

Arabella wasn’t one for sweet talk, but if Clark had chosen Carol, her character

obviously couldn’t be too bad. So, she wasn’t worried about it.

Even if both she and Carol were aloof and didn’t have much to talk about, if

Clark was happy, that was enough.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise from the bedroom, and Taylor instinctively

screamed, “Arabella!”

Realizing something was wrong, Arabella exchanged a glance with Clark and

immediately rushed into the room.

Inside, a masked man in black was covering Taylor’s mouth. Logan was

struggling with another black-clad man.

Seeing that, Arabella tried to kick the man in black by Mr. Earwood aside. The

man in black knew that she was no ordinary girl. He dodged her kick, not

wanting to waste time with Mr. Earwood and focused on dealing with Arabella.

Clark went to rescue Mrs. Earwood. As he struggled with the man in black,

Taylor was trembling with fear.

Logan told Taylor to hide by the nightstand, grabbed the lamp on it, and

smashed it toward the man in black!Chapter 893

The man in black noticed the impending danger and swiftly evaded, barely

missing Clark’s head with a table lamp. Fortunately, Arabella managed to kick it


More men in black poured into the first floor. Arabella turned to Logan behind

her, “You all escape through the window. I’ve arranged for Jerry to meet you

outside. Clark, use my phone to call Jerry.

With that, she threw her phone to Clark, bolted the door, and turned her steely

gaze to the dozen or so men in black.

Enter title…

“Who are you, and why are you meddling?” The leader of the men in black was

bristling with murderous intent, his piercing eyes radiating terrifying intimidation.

“Your worst nightmare,’ Arabella retorted as she was in no mood for small talk.

Clark had no clue about his sister’s phone password. Fortunately, he was a

hacker. After a bit of effort, he managed to crack it, only to find out it was simply


He almost shed a tear at the simplicity. After calling Jerry, he helped the two

elders climb out the window, leave through the yard, and arrive at the entrance

just as Jerry’s car pulled up.

“Don’t worry. Jerry will take you to a safe place; He had to go back to help

Arabella. He couldn’t let her face that danger all alone.

“My ba..” Taylor whimpered, “It has the scarf Carol knitted for me, and the

necklace she bought me with her first paycheck.”

Even though they were not valuable, they meant the world to her. It was all she

had left to remember her by.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get your bag,’ Clark assured her as more men in black

approached. He quickly closed the car door and prepared to face them alone.

“Stay safe, Clark.” Taylor banged on the car window, terrified as she saw Clark

being surrounded.

Logan didn’t expect things to get that complicated and dangerous, “Stop the car.

Jerry thought he heard wrong.

“I can’t leave those kids alone in this danger. Stop the car; Logan insisted,

feeling that he needed to help them, “Those people are after us. We can’t leave

those kids to face them all by themselves!”

Wasn’t that just sending the kids to their deaths?

But Jerry hesitated, eventually saying, “Um. Mr. Logan, even a hundred of you

wouldn’t stand a chance against Ms. Bella. If she can’t handle them, you won’t

be of much help.”

It would be a sure death.

He was taken aback by that comment.

A hundred of him!

Logan and Taylor were stunned. That girl, could she really take on a hundred


Looking at Bella, who was always so cold, quiet, and well-behaved.

Could she really fight all those men?

“Who are you?” Taylor asked Jerry, who was driving, “Where are you taking


“Don’t worry, Ms. Bella and Clark will meet us soon; Jerry reassured them. While

waiting for the traffic lights, he reported the situation to Carl.

The gist was, when his car left the apartment, the men swarmed out. Some of

them probably saw his license plate, so he needed reinforcements, or else they

might fall in danger.

Logan and Taylor were still puzzled.

What did he mean by that?

After receiving the news, Carl ordered his subordinates to rush to the apartment

to help Ms. Bella.

Meanwhile, Arabella and Clark had already taken down the men in the

apartment with relative ease. Arabella pinned one of the men under her foot,

“Spill it.”Chapter 894

The anonymous figure in black was ready to bite his own tongue off but

Arabella, with a casual flick of her wrist, sprinkled a white powder that filled the


One by one, several people dropped to the floor unconscious.

By the time Romeo’s men arrived at that place, the room was littered with

bodies, more than a dozen of them sprawled in every direction.

Their masks had already been removed, revealing unfamiliar faces, and there

were no tattoos or markings on their bodies.

Enter title…

“The rest is for you to deal with.”

Arabella knew that those men were notoriously tight-lipped, and it would take

days, if not weeks, to extract any useful information from them.

“Just be careful not to attract attention.”

“Yes, Ms. Bella. We will take care of it from here on.”

The lead bodyguard watched Arabella’s retreating figure, pulling out his phone,

intending to sneak a picture of Arabella.

But Arabella noticed it, turning back to ask, “What are you doing?”

Startled, the bodyguard’s hand trembled, “I was taking a picture for Mr.

McMillian to prove that Ms. Bella is safe.”

God, Ms. Bella’s aura was intimidating. Even after years of navigating through

the underworld, he found himself a bit unsettled.

Clark was also stunned. He thought the man had taken a liking to his sister and

wanted to sneak a picture of her as a memento, but he didn’t expect that it was

Romeo’s idea.

Arabella was likewise at a loss for words. Before she left that place, she

instructed, “Clean up this mess as soon as possible.”

“Yes!” The man blushed, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Clark picked up a bag from the ground, opened it, and found a scarf and some

other personal items.

It must be the bag Mrs. Earwood had mentioned earlier.

A car was waiting outside to take them to meet up with Jerry.

As soon as Arabella got into the car, she asked, “Clark, any new discoveries?”

After they had taken down those men, they confiscated their phones and

discovered their conversation was coded with special terms. There was even a

picture of Arabella, apparently, they were planning to capture her.

The picture was a screenshot from a surveillance video. Clark knew that his

sister was being targeted and the situation was very dangerous.

He had tried to decipher the codes in the room but didn’t find anything new.

“Once I decode these messages, I’ll try to trace them remotely and see if we

can find any leads;’ Clark said.

Arabella leaned back, exuding the aura of a boss, “If that doesn’t work, we’ll wait

for the next batch to come, and I’ll pretend to be overwhelmed and let them take


In that way, they could locate their hideout, find out what kind of organization

they were.

And even uncover the truth about Carol’s past in the process.

“No, I won’t let you take that risk!” Clark immediately rejected the idea, “If

anyone’s going there, it’s going to be me!”

“Do you think you can get away?” Arabella raised an eyebrow.

Clark was at a loss for words. He knew that those men were skilled fighters. If it

wasn’t for Arabella, he would have had a hard time facing them alone.

“Anyway, this is not open for discussion. I won’t cooperate with you on this, nor

will I allow you to take the risk.” Clark was unwilling to let his sister go on a

dangerous mission alone.

“Clark, I Know what I’m doing.”

“No! There’s no room for negotiation; Clark knew that his sister was stubborn.

Even if he disagreed, she would carry on with her plan secretly.

“Clark, you should give me those phones.”

“Do you think I won’t tell you once I decode the messages?”

“But you will go alone, won’t you?”

Clark was stunned. He didn’t expect his sister to be so perceptive.

Arabella was clearly a better hacker than he was. If he gave her all the phones,

she might decode them first and go there alone. Chapter 895

“Clark, I feel like there’s a certain lack of trust between us.”

He was speechless. Clark, feeling the pressure from his sister, could only say,

“Alright, I promise you, after I crack it, I’ll share the information with you. But you

also must promise not to venture out alone. If we’re going, we’re going together.”


She agreed to his proposal, but he still was hesitant on believing her.

“No lying,’ Clark emphasized.


Enter title…

Hearing her promise, Clark’s anxieties were slightly alleviated.

Their car pulled up in front of a vast ranch on the outskirts of town, with

sprawling fields and a herd of cows grazing leisurely.

There stood an inconspicuous house in the middle of the ranch, where Mr. and

Mrs. Earwood had been taken.

That was a safe location owned by Romeo, a place where no one would think of

looking for them at that time.

As Clark got out of the car, he fumbled with his bag, causing its contents to spill


Arabella bent down to pick it up, only to find something odd about the necklace.

“What’s wrong?” Clark asked, puzzled.

Arabella shook the necklace in her hand, “There seems to be something inside


“Something?” Clark took the necklace and saw that it was a simple red string

necklace with a pendant, like a talisman from a temple.

Mimicking Arabella, he shook it and indeed heard a faint sound from within.

There really was something inside!

As they approached the house, Taylor, who had been anxiously waiting at the

door, saw their safe return and couldn’t contain her relief and guilt.

“I’m so glad you’re okay.”

Seeing that they were unscathed, Taylor couldn’t help but hug the two children

as she prayed for their safe return.

Logan was becoming more and more convinced that those siblings were not

ordinary. They had managed to return safe and sound from such perilous


No ordinary person would have such skills.

“Mrs. Taylor, this is your bag,’ Clark handed her the bag.

Taylor was overjoyed, “Thank goodness, nothing is lost, everything’s still here.”

“And this necklace.” Clark handed her the necklace, reminding them, “There

seems to be something inside.”

“I suggest we open it up and see; Arabella said gently.

Something was inside!

What could it be!

“This is a necklace that Carol got from a temple last year for her dad, for

protection. But then the string broke and he stopped wearing it,’ Taylor

explained. Last year, Logan had been having a bit of bad luck, so Carol got this

from a temple and insisted that Logan wear it every day without taking it off.

“Let’s open it,, Logan also shook the pendant and heard the faint sound from


What if there was a clue inside?

“How do we open it?” Taylor was unsure of what to do.

“Let me try; Arabella found that the pendant was not simple, it used a lock

mechanism, layer upon layer. If not opened in the correct order, it wouldn’t


Eventually, everyone saw a tiny chip inside the opened pendant!

“Why would this be here?” Logan and Taylor exclaimed in unison, “What is it


That was the first time Arabella had seen such a small and delicate chip, slightly

bigger than a grain of rice, its purpose unknown for that moment.

“Could it be that Carol had something to say, and she wanted to tell us through

this chip?” Chapter 896

Clark seemed to have stumbled upon something that linked him with Carol, and

his heart pounded with excitement.

Arabella suddenly had a thought, “Clark, didn’t Carol give you an amulet as


Upon hearing that, Clark realized, “You think there might be something hidden in

the amulet too?”

“There is a chance.”

Clark instantly pulled out his wallet and retrieved the red, triangular amulet.

Enter title…

He shook it but heard no such sound from within.

The thought that it might be hiding a clue made him brace himself, and he

carefully began to unravel the amulet.

Logan and Taylor held their breath, watching his actions closely, and soon, a tiny

crescent moon appeared at the very heart of the amulet.

That moon was about the size of a fingertip, made of platinum, and had a

strange symbol carved on it.

“Is this a clue Carol left for me?”

Clark couldn’t believe that Carol had hidden that in the amulet so long ago, and

it had taken him all that time to finally find it!

If it hadn’t been for his sister’s reminder, he likely would never have discovered


He felt so foolish!

“What’s the meaning of this tiny moon, what’s its purpose?” Taylor couldn’t

guess, “What message is Carol trying to get across to us.”

Logan too, was unsure of its purpose, examining it closely in his hand, “If Carol

really is involved with some organization, could this symbol be the organization’s


“It could certainly be a possibility” Arabella confirmed, “I’ll have someone look

into it.”

She took a photo and sent it to Jack, asking him to identify the symbol as

quickly as possible.

“Carol must have realized long ago that she was in danger, she didn’t abandon

us, her parents, or leave Clark. It must have been a last resort,’ Taylor surmised,

tears streaming down her face again.

“I have a suggestion.”

At Arabella’s words, everyone turned to look at her, curious about her new idea.

“I propose we examine everything Carol left behind.”

“You mean we should even take this scarf apart?” Taylor’s tears were welling up,

but what could possibly be hidden in a scarf!

She had washed it so many times, any clues would have surely been washed

away by that point.

“What if we find something new?”

Hearing Arabella’s suggestion, Taylor thought it over, and finally decided to

unravel the scarf to see.

Logan picked up a platinum necklace, “This was the first gift Carol bought for

her mother after she started making money. It’s made of platinum, there’s

probably nothing suspicious about it.”

“Let me see,’ Arabella took the heart-shaped platinum necklace, it looked

ordinary, but she pulled out a magnifying glass from her bag to see if there was

anything written on it.

“Kid, aren’t you overthinking; Logan couldn’t help saying, “How could there

possibly be a clue on this tiny thing.”

“Have you heard about a news story, a calligrapher who could write characters

3mm tall with a brush, it was called micro-calligraphy:”

Arabella explained as she examined the necklace, “Later, another calligrapher

broke the record by writing characters only 0.8mm tall, and now there’s even

smaller writing.”

Logan was shocked, he’d never imagined such a thing could exist.Chapter 897

Taylor felt as if they had been stuck in their small town for ages, completely

oblivious to the wonders and technological advancements of the outside world.

“Clark, look at this necklace. The heart pendant has some weird symbols on it;

Arabella said, handing over the piece she’d discovered.

Clark studied it closely and gave his observation, “It seems like it’s written in

some special ink or maybe even etched. I wonder what message Carol was

trying to get across.”

Arabella thought Carol was pretty clever, leaving so many clues behind.

Enter title…

Clark was secretly thrilled at that discovery. Initially, he thought finding Carol

would be like searching for a needle in a haystack, but at that moment there

seemed to be some hope. If they could somehow decipher those symbols, they

might be able to find her soon!

“Do these symbols resemble the ones we’ve seen on their cellphones?” Clark

speculated, “Carol must have sensed danger a long time ago. She probably left

these clues for us in case something happened to her.”

“I think Carol might have known she was in danger and left these items behind.

These could be bargaining chips against the organization,’ Arabella suggested.

If they had leverage, they had a chance to negotiate.

At that moment, Taylor unwrapped the scarf and found a thick strand of yarn

with something hidden inside it.

“What’s this?” She cut it open to find a small silver key. It was about the size of a

fingertip and its function was unclear to them at that point.

“What on earth did Carol get herself involved in?” Taylor felt a growing sense of


“Carol must have had something on that organization, which is why they’re so

desperate to find her; Arabella guessed, “When those guys came to your house

a few months ago, they didn’t harm you. That might have been because Carol

had something they badly wanted. They clearly knew that if anything happened

to you guys, Carol wouldn’t hesitate to bring them down with her.”

Hearing that, Taylor felt a lump in her throat. What else was Carol hiding from

them? Was she safe?

Arabella’s phone vibrated just at that moment. It was a call from Romeo.

“I’ll take this call” She said, moving toward the window.

“Bella,” Romeo’s gentle voice came through the phone, “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine; Arabella smiled as she teased, “Didn’t your guy send you a picture?”

Romen fell silent for a moment. He really didn’t expect his man to be so

careless. He quickly changed the subject, “I have something to tell you.”

“Go ahead,’ Arabella turned back and saw Taylor quietly wiping her tears while

Clark and Logan tried to comfort her.

“Before I tell you, you have to promise me that I’ll be part of your next move,’

Romeo began to negotiate with her.

Arabella immediately guessed that he must have found some important clue, so

she agreed without any hesitation, “Okay.”

“I found out the last place Carol was seen which was about a month ago in the

triangular zone.”

“Are you absolutely sure about that?”

“Yes,’ Romeo correctly guessed Arabella’s next move and said, “Take me with


Arabella didn’t expect Carol to be in the triangular zone, but it made quite sense.

It was a lawless region, the most dangerous and yet the safest place.

“Then, have your people take Taylor, Logan and Clark back home.

Find a safe place for them to stay. Tomorrow, meet us directly in the triangular

zone,’ Arabella instructed.

Perhaps surprised by Arabella’s swift agreement, Romeo simply responded,

“Okay, see you tomorrowChapter 898

After hanging up the phone, Arabella looked up and said, “Chris, prepare the

plane. We’ll be sending them home first.”

“Yes.” Chris quickly responded.

Taylor, with tearful eyes, asked in astonishment, “We’re leaving so soon? But we

haven’t found Carol yet.”

“It’s not safe for you two to stay there.” Arabella approached them, speaking

softly, “We will find Carol, trust us.”

Enter title…

“Take us with you.” Taylor pleaded, clutching Arabella’s hand, “We dont want to

go home. We promise we won’t be a burden. As long as we’re in the same city,

we’ll stay out of your way.”

“No.’ Arabella was firm, “The place we’re heading to next is even more

dangerous than here.”

After all, the Triangular Zone was notoriously chaotic.

Even though she and Romeo had a stronghold there, caution was always wise.

“I can guarantee that we’ll have news about Carol within a week.”

Arabella’s words seemed to provide a soothing reassurance.

Within a week?

Clark found it hard to believe that they could locate Carol in such a short time.

Had that phone call Bella received earlier brought some clues?

“Carol will be found within a week?” Taylor’s tears started flowing again, unsure

whether to feel relieved or excited, “Which country is she in now? Which city?”

“Not far from us.” Arabella didn’t elaborate, fearing the seniors might act on their

own, “You’ll stay at a place we’ve arranged until we find her. There, you’ll be

looked after and protected, and you won’t have to worry about food or


“Do we have to leave?” Taylor still wanted to stay close to her daughter.

But Logan seemed to have made a decision, “Let’s do as they say.

We wont be of any help here, and we’re just causing them trouble.

They said we’ll hear about Carol, and I believe that. Arabella, let’s exchange

contact information.”

Logan took out his phone and, saved Arabella and Clark’s numbers, and added

them on WhatsApp.

Taylor did the same, but there was still something bothering her, “We’re leaving

so abruptly, and we haven’t even notified that old professor.”

“Yes, he’s a poor man. I’ll call him first.” Logan made several attempts, but the

call went unanswered.

“We should say goodbye in person and return the rest of this month’s rent to


Taylor’s words were promptly rejected by Arabella, “No, you can’t go anywhere

right now. The plane will be here soon.”

“But that old man is so pitiful.’ Taylor felt guilty about leaving so abruptly.

She told Arabella that the old man was from Solterra and had moved to Iridia

with his son after his son married a foreign woman. But he couldn’t

communicate with his daughter-in-law because he didn’t speak any foreign


Later, due to a job change, his son and daughter-in-law moved to a far-off

suburb, which made it inconvenient for the old man to even buy groceries.

So he stayed alone in the old house in Iridia, hired a tutor, and studied every

day. He only did this so he could communicate with his grandchildren when they

visited him each month.Chapter 899

If Logan and Taylor left, the old man would be even lonelier.

Usually, he was alone, with no one to talk to.

“He gave us a lot of money at that time. What’s left, we have to return to him.”

Taylor didn’t want to take advantage of him.

“Then give me his phone number. I will call him later. If he doesn’t answer, I will

deliver the money to him.”

Arabella said softly, “Give me the address.”

Enter title…

“Okay, just tell him that we sent you to express our apologies. Say that we really

had something come up and didn’t stand him up on purpose.” Taylor felt truly


Arabella noted down the phone number and address, then said to Clark, “Clark,

you stay here later and see them off to the airport.”


At this moment, Arabella’s phone started vibrating again. It was a call from

Grandpa Beck.

“Bella, what have you been up to lately? You haven’t visited the lab in a while.

The results from the P31 research are out, and I was planning to start the next

experiment with you.”

Arabella moved to the window and spoke gently, “Grandpa Beck, I’m abroad at

the moment, dealing with some things.”

“What? You’re overseas?” Grandpa Beck’s eyes widened, “Didn’t you say there

were a few factions looking for you? Isn’t going abroad like walking into a trap?

Come back quickly! Nothing is more important than your safety! Are you short

on money? I have plenty, and I’ll give it all to you”

“The few factions have quieted down a lot recently.” Arabella smiled, “Don’t

worry, I can take care of myself. It’s not about money, and I’m just looking for


“You’re safer in the lab.” Grandpa Beck was always worried that if Arabella were

too public, it would cause more trouble.

Before, when people didn’t know her identity, she could go abroad for some

errands. But now, she was the target of many people.

“I know I’ll be back as soon as possible,” Arabella reassured him.

“I’ll start on other experiments first, and we’ll research this together when you

return. Let me tell you, if this turns out as we expect, it will be a world-shattering

achievement in medical science. Your name will be worth its weight in gold, and

your future will be limitless.”

“That’s all thanks to your efforts, Grandpa.” Arabella didn’t claim the credit but

said, “You’re the one who spends the most time in the lab and forgets to eat or

sleep because of the research.”

“I’m planning to retire after this project and spend my old age in the


Grandpa Beck also felt that he was more willing than able. “I’m getting old, while

I still can. I want to contribute more to society, help those who are sick, and

reduce some pain.”

The image of his wife’s death was still fresh in his mind. It still pierced his heart

and caused him great pain.

If only there had been a cure for certain incurable diseases earlier, his wife

wouldn’t have had to leave him.

Now, once the medical achievement he and Bella made came out, it will save

countless people and spare countless families from suffering.

He had experienced the pain of losing a loved one and didn’t want others to go

through the same.

“Are you thinking about grandma again?” Arabella knew that, at this moment, he

must be thinking of his wife.

“When we get these projects done, I can brag about it to your grandma in the

underworld and let her praise me.”Chapter 900

Grandpa Beck chuckled over the phone, “Alright, keep up your work, but try to

return home as Soon as possible.

It’s a different ball game outside, not like here back in the States.”

Here in the States, she had her own influence, the backing of a few influential

grandfathers, and Romeo’s power.

All of these could ensure her safety.

But abroad? That was a different story.

Arabella flashed a small smile, “Alright, I got it.”

Enter title…

After hanging up the call, Arabella saw two messages from Jack on her phone.

[Boss, those four guys at Villa Cascada aren’t eating or drinking. They’re trying

to off themselves at every chance they get. If it weren’t for your life-saving

injection, they’d probably be dead by now.]

[We’ve tried everything, but they won’t spill a single word. What should we do?]

They had tried both physical and psychological torture, but these guys were

tough. They didn’t let out a peep.

Arabella’s slender fingers typed in response, [Won’t spill? Didn’t they already?

Those obscure, insignificant organizations would have blabbed everything they

know under such pressure.]

She added, [To prefer death over revealing a single word, only a handful of

organizations here and abroad would have such loyalty.]

Jack replied almost instantly, [Right, I can start investigating these few

organizations first. Maybe we’ll find a lead]

[Get me the results of the other investigations as soon as possible.] Arabella

didn’t want to waste time.

[Roger that, boss! I’ll hurry.]

After responding to the messages, Arabella looked up at Clark, “Clark, come out

for a moment.”

Clark, who had been softly comforting the elderly couple, stood up and walked

outside upon hearing his sister’s words.

“Romeo just called me. He said that about a month ago, someone saw Carol in

the Triangular Zone”

“What did you say?” Clark gripped his sister’s shoulder in excitement, “Are you

sure? Could there be a mistake?”

“Romeo’s information is usually reliable.”

Clark was ecstatic, “Then what are we waiting for? As soon as the folks board

the plane, we should head over to the Triangular Zone.”

“Let’s not act rashly.” Arabella said calmly, “I’ve already promised Romeo that

we’ll meet him there tomorrow.”

“Can’t we go today?” Clark was impatient, wishing he could fly over to the

Triangular Zone right now and search every nook and cranny for his beloved


“We can go tonight.”

Because it would take about ten hours to fly there, and by the time they

reached, it would already be the next day.

Clark tried to suppress his excitement but was also worried, “That place is a

notorious lawless area. Carol will definitely be in danger there. I don’t know who

she’s with, or if she’s alone. Bella, the people there are not good!”

He was extremely concerned about Carol’s safety!

Arabella thought: Clark, are you talking about me? Am I not a good person?

“Every single one of them is no good!” Clark expressed his worry, “Shouldn’t we

go there right now?”

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