The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 581-590

Chapter 581

All the instructors were drawing lots for their classes, grouping every five classes into one team.

Arabella’s neurology class, along with the surgery, pediatrics, dentistry, and anesthesia classes, all drew a “one,” meaning they were the first batch to enter

Each class lined up in a row, and five rows of students marched in through the entrance.

It was early morning, and the place was filled with thick fog, looking a bit creepy.

“Arabella, this place is freaky Mya couldn’t help but grip the corner of Arabella’s clothes.

Joyce was also a bit scared, “Is there something terrifying waiting for us up ahead?”

Many people retreated, and in the end, only Arabella from the neurology class was leading the way.

“Don’t worry, I guess it’s probably things like log bridges or stump hopping: Arabella was experienced, and her cute face showed no sign of fear “Such a strong mental game for a straight-A student

“Right, she’s not scared in this creepy place.”

Tve decided to follow her. A straight-A student like her can surely lead us to success.

“I think so.”

Arabella noticed that some of the fog was sprayed out by a fog machine to create a suspenseful atmosphere.

Although she was left speechless by this, many students were still uneasy because of the fog.

“There’s no ghost up ahead, right?”

“There shouldn’t be any wild animals, right?”

“There’s no maze waiting for us, right?”

Students from all the classes started speculating, their fear growing.

A minute after the five groups of students started walking, five log bridges appeared in front of them, with a mud pit underneath. “How deep is this mud pit? Will we drown if we fall?”

“I can’t swim.”

“This log bridge is thin and narrow. How are we supposed to walk on it?”

Their only path was forward, over the log bridges, with walls of chain-link fences on both sides.

“Follow me.”

Arabella quickly walked onto the log bridge, and in a few seconds, she had crossed it smoothly.

Mya and Joyce nervously followed her, nearly falling several times, but with Arabella’s help, they successfully made it across.

Meanwhile, Kelly looked at the log bridge in front of her and, without concern, walked across easily.

The remaining students were cheering, anxious, and indecisive.

A young boy agilely jumped onto the log bridge and crossed it in seven or eight steps.

“Where are the students from the Neurology class? Aren’t you coming?”

He spoke with a commanding tone, good-looking, and relaxed.

“Are you guys okay with letting girls lead the way?”

He looked like a wealthy and handsome boy, immediately attracting many girls’ attention.

“Adair Irwin, step up”” He directly called him out.

A very handsome boy walked out from the crowd, but next to him, Adair seemed more like his sidekick

“Hiding behind girls? What kind of man does that? Come here.”

Chapter 582

“Barry. I just can’t!” Even though Adair was usually pretty ballsy, he couldn’t help but hesitate at the sight of the muddy pit ahead.

Mainly because he was scared of getting his limited-edition kicks dirty, and if he fell in, he’d end up looking like a complete fool, which would definitely mess wit his game with the ladies.

“Get your ass over here!” Barry Olson’s tone was as tough as nails.

In the end, Adair mustered up the courage and changed ahead, only to crash into Barry, causing both of them to fall, almost smooching each other.

“Hey, get off me!” Barry was obviously peeved and shoved him away.

“Barry, it’s not like I wanted to! I haven’t even kissed a girl, let alone a guy like you.”

“Do you think I give a damn?”

Barry brushed off his clothes, then nodded to Arabella, “Hey, stick with me. I got you?

He led the way, with Arabella and the other three girls trailing behind him.

The other girls from the neurology department couldn’t help but whisper.

“Is that the Barry everyone keeps talking about?”

“Yep, that’s him!”

“He’s so hot! Can’t believe he’s in our class!”

“He’s a rich kid, probably just looking for some thrills. Regular extracurricular activities must bore him to death.”

“Must be nice, being rich and doing whatever the hell you want.

The girls from the surgery class were in awe, “Noreen, look, those people from neurology are so badass. They just crossed like it was nothing. Did you notice the girl who was leading? She’s so pretty, classy, and has a great figure.”

She looked so good even in those ugly clothes, it’s not fair!

Noreen had noticed that girl from the beginning. Wasn’t that Arabella? The one who beat her up so bad she couldn’t sleep for days!

Today, Noreen had specially asked Roger to help her get in the same group as Arabella so that she could get back at that arrogant and rude gir!!

Roger was under orders from Lieutenant Madden to take special care of Noreen due to her unique status.

But he had no idea Lieutenant Colonel Capra had also taken a shine to Arabella. All he knew was that Arabella had given Noreen a good thrashing last time and Noreen was pissed and looking for payback.

He didn’t really care about the girls’ disputes, because they couldn’t really hurt each other. He just reminded Noreen not to go overboard. He couldn’t afford to take the fall if things got out of hand, even if Arabella was just a poor student.

After Noreen promised several times, Roger agreed to help her.

Now, seeing Arabella trailing behind Barry and Adair, Noreen was green with envy, her eyes almost shooting flames.

“Noreen, you seem to really dislike her, huh?” The girl speaking was Daryl, her tone soft and her appearance adorable

“She’s the Arabella I told you about”

“Wait, the one who beat you up and embarrassed you?’ Daryl had taken the day off due to her period that day but heard from Noreen later about a super arrogant girl in neurology who had given her a good beating. It turned out it was the girl who had just crossed the bridge.

“Let’s go meet her” Noreen marched onto the log bridge, with Daryl following closely, both determined to make Arabella pay

Not long after Arabella’s group crossed the log bridge, three walls appeared before them, each taller than the last Barry scrambled over the first two but ran out of steam by the third

He cursed under his breath, wondering what the hell the instructors were thinking about setting up such high walls. Did they have a death wish?

Just then, out of the comer of his eye, he noticed a girl effortlessly flipping over the three walls and landing smoothly on the ground.

He couldn’t believe his eyes, and then another girl did the same, even high fiving the first one

Can they still call them girls?

Chapter 583

Can they actually climb over such a high wall? Was it because they used to sneak out of high school and have accumulated much experience?

Arabella didn’t heed their surprise; just encouraged Mya and Joyce to come over. However, Mya and Joyce barely managed to climb over the second wall, and for them, the third wall was almost an impossible task.

“Looks like we’re stuck here today.” Mya was a bit deflated.

Joyce also knew they couldn’t climb the two-meter high wall before them and was immediately disappointed.

They had just seen Arabella and Kelly easily climb over, but when it was their turn, they realized that although they could see it, their bodies couldn’t do it.

“We’ll go together” Arabella was still waiting for them, “Think about the method I just taught you. Give it a try.”

Arabella moved too quickly earlier, and Barry didn’t notice, but when Kelly climbed over, he learned.

Now, using Kelly’s method, he quickly climbed to the top of the third wall and extended his hand to Joyce below, “Come on, let me help you”

“I can’t reach.” Joyce jumped several times, but she could only touch Barry’s hand, and had no strength to climb up.

“Well, you guys can step on my shoulders.” Adair squatted down, without any hint of his wealthy background, looking quite willing to help.

With their help, Joyce and Mya also got up. In the end, Adair took a few steps back, sprinted, and jumped up. Barry gave him a hand, and they landed stylishly together.

“Thanks.” The two girls thanked them.

“You’re welcome.”

The six people continued to move forward, somehow becoming teammates.

Noreen and Daryl, with a few friends, originally wanted to settle accounts with Arabella, but just after crossing the single-plank bridge, they saw the six of them climbing over three walls and walking forward.

“Hurry up, we can’t let them get the red flag!” Noreen jumped up, and the other friends also followed.

They walked and saw a man-made lake in front of them, and they could only step on the rope ladder above and go over.

This checkpoint was much more dangerous than the previous two. Although the man-made lake seemed only five meters long, it was not easy to cross

The rope ladder had no handrails, and one person would shake. Not to mention six people lining up together.

“I’ll go first.” Barry got on the rope ladder, stabilized, and quickly walked over.

Adair was a bit awkward, but he went over quickly, too.

Then it was Arabella, Kelly.

Finally, it was Mya and Joyce. They were one after the other, almost sitting on the rope and slowly moving forward

After a while, Noreen and Daryl arrived.

At this moment, Mya and Joyce had just moved to the middle of the rope ladder, suddenly feeling the rope ladder shaking badly, and the sound of nidicule reached

their ears

Noreen deliberately stepped on the rope ladder and coldly mocked, “Are medical students so timid? No wonder only neurology suits you!”

Joyce was already a bit nervous and being told that she became even more nervous.

“Move your foot!” Kelly was standing on the other side of the rope ladder. Seeing Noreen deliberately stepping on the rope ladder and shaking it, she couldn’t help being angry She said, “Have you forgotten the lesson last time? Have you forgotten the pain as soon as the scar healed?”

“Yeah, I thought it was a dog barking at me.” Noreen deliberately increased her strength, making the rope ladder shake more violently. My couldn’t stand firm and fell into the water

“Ah, help, I can’t swim Mya struggled in the water a few times and was about to sink

“What a useless girl Noreen continued to mock her

Chapter 584 

The finish line of this game was set up with a massive tent where all the instructors were hanging out, munching on food, sipping water, and chatting while watching the students tackle their challenges.

Jerome had just stepped into the tent when the surveillance feed went blank.

His gaze instantly shifted to Roger, “What’s up with the surveillance? You mess with it?”

Roger, sitting in front of the monitors, immediately kicked the chair next to him, “You’re really blaming me because the surveillance is down? Jerome, you know how to pull stuff out of thin air!”

“Noreen was clearly picking on my students just now! You think I’m stupid or blind?”

“Probably both.”

Jerome clenched his fists, ready to charge, and Roger, not one to back down, stood up as well. The other instructors quickly stepped in to calm things down.

“What are you guys doing? You’re instructors! You should be setting a good example for the students!”


Roger let out a cold laugh, tauntingly staring at Jerome, “You seem to be pretty interested in your student, Arabella. You think she’s pretty, trying to make a move on her?”

“What did you say?” Jerome’s fists clenched even tighter,

“I said, are you into her? Wanting to be with her?”

“You son of a bitch.” Jerome punched Roger’s face, who retaliated, and a scuffle broke out.

On the other side.

Kelly jumped into the water without hesitation to rescue Mya.

Noreen climbed the rope ladder, saw Joyce blocking her way, and shoved her off.

“Holy smokes, are you guys even human?” Barry couldn’t believe what he saw on the first day of the extracurricular activities.

Although he and Noreen went to the same high school, and knew she was a snobby rich girl, he never expected her to be this arrogant Noreen had confessed her feelings to Barry previously, and after he rejected her, she would glare at him whenever she saw him.


Seeing Joyce fall into the water, Barry immediately jumped in to rescue her, which enraged Noreen even more!

Arabella quickly climbed up the rope ladder and stomped hard.

One second, Noreen was all smug. The next she almost fell off. Arabella kicked her off just as she managed to hold on to the ladder

With a splash, Noreen fell into the water.

Daryl, who was halfway through, was livid at the sight“Arabella, you’ve got some balls! Do you know who she is? You actually kicked her off!”

“A bunch of losers.” Arabella put a bit of strength into it, and the ladder shook, sending Daryl tumbling down into the water.

After Barry had pulled Joyce uphe was stunned by the sight. How did this arrogant girl knock them off while standing steadily on top? Had she received special training?

Joyce sneezed as she got onto the shore, shivering from the cold.

Kelly, Barryand Adair pulled up Mya. She coughed up several mouthfuls of water before coming to her senses.

Do you guys in the surgical class enjoy digging your graves?” Barry was already not a fan of Noreenand now he was downright pissed.

Noreen and Daryl were struggling in the water, and their friends tried to climb the rope ladder but were knocked off by Arabella one by one, tumbling into the water.

Kelly saw Daryl trying to climb up and kicked her right back into the water.

“You!” Daryl emerged from the water, “I’m telling you, there are cameras everywhere. Try kicking me again!”

Chapter 585 

Ohthanks for the headsup.” Kelly kicked a pebblehitting a surveillance camera on a tree and smashing the screenThenshe picked up leaves from the ground and slowly covered two other ground–level cameras.

“Problem solved, Kelly saidbooting Daryl’s shoulder and sending her splashing into the water.

Daryl tried to climb out a few times but failed, and so did Noreen.

Anyone who tried to get out was promptly kicked back in by Arabella and Kelly.

After being kicked three or four times, they learned their lesson and stopped trying, hoping Arabella and Kelly would just leave.

But Arabella and Kelly didn’t budge, so they were stuck soaking in the water.

There were changing rooms nearby for those who accidentally fell into the water Arabella told Joyce and the others to change while she and Kelly stood guard on the shore.


When they left that day, each person had a small bag with spare clothes. When Mya and the others went to change, Kelly kicked pebbles at each of them in the water.

“This is fun.” Kelly said after a round, then turned to Arabella, “Doesn’t this remind you of whack–a–mole?” 

Don’t insult moles like that.”

Noreen was furious but helpless!

After Mya and the others finished changing, Arabella and Kelly finally left.

Girl’s fights are terrifying.” Adair remarked on the way, “Guys are much simpler. We just throw a punch when we’re upset. If that doesn’t work, we throw another. “What? They started it!” Mya corrected him.


A few instructors separated Roger and Jerome, urgently saying, “Stop it, what’s going on? Lieutenant Madden is coming soon. Do you want to be punished?” “Rookie with no respect.”

Roger wiped his bloody nose and glared at Jerome, “Just because you’ve been recognized a few times and did a few good thingsyou think you can show off in front of me? I’ve been here six years longer than you!” 

Jerome scoffed, “So what if you’ve been here six years longer? You’re still loser.”

“What did you say? Say that again!”

“You heard me! Fix the surveillance cameras now. my students get into trouble, you’re going to pay!” Jerome gave the cameras a hard smack.

Roger laughed, “Don’t think I don’t see it. Arabella is a handful! Who’s bullying is still up in the air? Maybe she’s just a spoiled brat.”

Jerome lost his patience and threw few punches at Roger.

Arabella and the others passed the high jump, low hurdlesand tire climbing platform and finally reached a grass field.

There were no fences installed here. At first, they thought they were near the finish line, but as they moved forward, they lost their way in the thick fog. “What’s going on?

“We overcame so many obstacles. Why haven’t we reached the finish line?”

“Why don’t we see the finish line flag- the red flag?”

“Is this fog another test?” 

Everyone was increasingly puzzled, even losing their sense of direction.

Did you notice that we have already passed this place?” 

“Right, I remember this tree. It looks very unique. So, we are back where we started?”

“This is weird.” 

Arabella was calm in the face of dangerJoyce, take off your watch.”

Joyce complied, although bit confused. She gave her the watch.

“Arabellawhat are you doing?” Mya asked, watching her busy.

Arabella stuck a small branch vertically into the ground, then placed the watch horizontally on the ground.

“Referencing the shadow of the branch and the position of the hour hand, the direction of 12 o’clock on the watch dial and the middle of the scale pointed by the -hour hand is south, and the opposite side is north. We set off from the northso if we go in this direction, we should reach the end.” Arabella pointed.

Joyce was immediately impressed, “Arabella, you’re amazing.”

The two boys also didn’t expect her to have such professional knowledge. Adair couldn’t help but say, “If we didn’t have a watch, wouldn’t we be stuck here?”

Not necessarily.” Arabella said as she walked forward, “If you don’t have a watch, you can look for ant hills. They usually face south.”

“Arabellayou know so much.” Mya admired her even more.

It’s basic knowledge.” Arabella spoke calmly, It’s taught in textbooks when we were kids.”

“What if there are no anthills?” Adair continued.

“Then look at tree stumps. The rings can also indicate direction; the side with wider rings is the south.”

“What if there are no tree stumps?” 

“Observe the trees, and there should be trees in the forest, right? The denser side is souththe opposite is north.” 

After hearing Arabella’s explanation, everyone was in awe of her. As expected of the top student, she seemed to know everything, and nothing could stump her! Look, the finish line is there.” Arabella pointed.

Everyone was surprised to see the red flag in the grass ahead, so they had passed the test.


Lieutenant Madden heard that Arabella was participating in today’s competition and came to watch.

As soon as he arrived near the tent, he saw people trying to break up a fight.

Several muscular instructors struggled to separate Roger and Jerome.

Both Roger and Jerome had injuries on their faces, and they glared at each other with hostility.

“What the hell are you doing!” Lieutenant Madden’s face darkened as he walked over, “What do you think this school is? A place for fightsIs this how you set an example for the students?” 

Roger immediately stood straight, saluted, and played the victim.

“Jerome is pursuing Arabella, a student from the neurology class. I request a thorough investigation.”

Instructors hitting on students, now that’s a surefire way to get a significant demerit, and in severe cases, he would be out of here!

Jerome reported with full confidence, not to be outdone, “Roger is letting his students bully mine, including Arabella!”


What? Arabella? She’s the student Lieutenant Colonel Capra had been stressing they needed to take special care of.

“What happened to Arabella?” Lieutenant Madden asked urgently.

“Roger’s students are picking on her, and just when I was about to figure out what was going on, Roger shut off the surveillance!”

You’re slinging mud!” At this point, even though Roger didn’t quite understand why Lieutenant Madden was suddenly so concerned about Arabella, the surveillance made him a bit jittery.

Chapter 586 

Because, he turned off the surveillance!

When he saw Noreen and Daryl gearing up to mess with Arabella, Jerome happened to walk into the tent. He quickly hit the remote to turn off the screen.

The screen was offbut the surveillance still recorded in real time. Jerome just couldn’t see it.

“What the hell happened?” Lieutenant Madden freaked out, and his voice was tense. He looked at Roger, his eyes fiery, “What did your student do to Arabella? Spit out the truth right now!”

“Lieutenant Madden, don’t listen to his bull crap. Roger was more nervous now. He didn’t understand why Lieutenant Madden was so pissed, but he felt bad. On the other hand, Jerome angrily added, “Last time, it was his idea for the competition. Arabella beat Noreen, and Noreen couldn’t take it. Today, she probably wanted to get back at her, so Roger let her take her revenge on Arabella behind the scenes!”

“You’re framing me!”

  1. 1.

“Then why don’t you dare to turn on the surveillance and let everyone see?”

“Turn on the surveillance!” Lieutenant Madden barked.

All the instructors were stunned.

Since when did Lieutenant Madden care so much about a student?

Roger was surprised that Lieutenant Madden did not react to the name Noreen, but Arabella’s name set him off.

He turned on the surveillance, and Jerome snatched the remote and minimized the screen to 49 windows, all showing students going through obstacles. There was no sight of Arabella!

Jerome had a bad feeling. He pushed Roger aside and sat before the computer, quickly running a program to lock onto Arabella’s face. Soon, all the historical records where Arabella showed up were displayed.

At first, Arabella was smoothly going through the obstacles, until they had to cross a river using a rope ladder. That’s when Noreen and her gang showed up.


He zoomed in to see Noreen intentionally stepping on the rope ladder, causing Mya to fall into the lake, and Kelly jumped in to save her.

Then, Noreen pushed Joyce into the water, tooand that’s where the surveillance cut off

Jerome slammed the desk in rage, glaring at Roger, “Look at what your student did! If anything happens to my student, you’re screwed for the rest of your life.” He didn’t have time to assign blame. He stood up and said, Everyone, follow me to the back mountain to save them!

Arabella must not be in danger!

Not just because of Lieutenant Colonel Capra’s reminder, but also because she was his student!

His students must be fineand they must be healthy for the rest of their lives!

Because the history records were deleted after Arabella’s intrusion, everyone only saw Noreen pushing people into the water, and they didn’t know how Arabella and the others fought back.

Just as Jerome was about to leave the tent, another instructor sat in front of the computer and started to check other surveillance footage.

He was surprised to find Arabella appearing in other shots. She led a few students through the high board diving platform, low stake, and tire climbing platform and finally successfully grabbed the red flag at the end!

He quickly pushed open the tent door, shouting at Jerome’s back, “No need to go.”

Before finishing his sentencehe saw Arabella and a few students laughing and talking as they walked toward the tent.

She’s okay!!

She’s actually okay?! 

Chapter 587 

Jerome couldn’t help but rush forward, seeming entirely worked up, “Are you guys alright?”

“What do you mean? What could possibly happen to us?” Barry retorted, smirking, “You’re the one who seems to be in trouble. What happened to your face? Did you get into a fight?” 

Adair laughed, “Did you lose a fight?” 

Jerome scrutinized Arabella carefully, then let out a sigh of relief, casually brushing it off“Nonsense, I’ve never lost fight!”

Mya and Joyce were a bit puzzled. Why were there so many instructors watching them from the tent? Was it because they quickly got the red flag and everyone was surprised?

“No need to be surprised. We were following a straight–A student, so we reached the finish line quickly.”

“Seriously, the obstacles you guys set up were too easy. They weren’t even fun! Are the people from the other classes not here yet? They’re so slow!” Lieutenant Madden emerged from a group of instructors and walked straight towards Arabella, giving her a close look.

“Arabella, did you guys encounter any troubles on the way?” 

Arabella was a bit taken aback. Why would she have any trouble?

Seeing Lieutenant Madden looking so worried, could he possibly know about Noreen bullying them?

Luckilyshe had deleted the surveillance footage right after they left the artificial lake.

She smiled slightly, “I’m fine.”

“That’s good, as long as you’re fine.” Lieutenant Madden finally relaxed, then noticed Barry and Adair, “Oh, Barry and Adair are here tooFinally, attending extracurricular activities, huh? How were the challenges set up?” 

“Way too easy

Lieutenant Madden laughed, “You guys should leave some room for your classmates. Look, they haven’t even reached the finish line yet.”

Just as he finished speaking, he saw Noreen leading a few classmates over, their faces red with anger!

Once Noreen reached Lieutenant Madden, she reported, “Lieutenant Madden, I want to report Arabella and Kelly. They pushed us into the water, wouldn’t let us climb ashoreand even pelted us with stones!”

“Stones hit our heads!” Daryl also began to complain, looking upset.

The others also started accusing Arabella and Kelly.

Mya and Joyce nervously held each other’s hands. What to do? Although Noreen and her group started it, they indeed ended up being beaten up pretty badly by Arabella and Kelly.

Barry and Adair wanted to help defend them but saw Lieutenant Maddenwho was all smiles before now looking grim.

“You guys actually have the nerve to lie? I saw the surveillance footage, and it was you!” Lieutenant Madden looked at Noreen, “You intentionally shook the rope ladder, causing her to fall into the water, and you pushed another one into the water. Is this true?”

Noreen was completely taken aback. Wasn’t her father supposed to have asked Lieutenant Madden to take good care of her? Was this his way of doing it? And what about Roger?

She then looked towards Roger. Didn’t she ask him to turn off the surveillance and stop recording when things went south

Why did Lieutenant Madden see it?

More importantly, why wasn’t Roger defending her

Lieutenant Madden looked at Arabella and asked, “Arabella, aside from these two falling into the water, did anyone else from the neurology Class get hurt?” His expression softened slightly.

Arabella obediently replied, “No.” 

Only those from the triangular zone could cause trouble for her and Kelly.

Lieutenant Madden breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily, both rich kids were alright, or else he could lose his job today!

Chapter 588 

“You’re the ringleader bullying your classmates, and I’ll report to the school and give you a serious penalty.” Lieutenant Madden stared sternly at Noreen, showing no favoritism.

“Lieutenant Madden.” 

Before Noreen could explainLieutenant Madden turned to Daryl and his buddies, “You accomplices won’t escape punishment either! I’ll request the school to have you write a 3000–word reflection, not a word less!”

“Lieutenant Madden.” Daryl and the others wanted to argue.

Lieutenant Madden turned to Roger “You’re to write a 10,000–word reflection today and receive a severe penalty! If you don’t finishyou don’t have to stay in this team.”

Roger knew any words now would be futile, so he stood straight, saluted, and responded loudly, “Yes, sir!”

“Arabella, you guys have had a tough journey. Go rest. As a reward, the entire neurology class can have a day off tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Lieutenant.” Arabella handed him the flag and left with a few people beside her.

“Arabella, do you know Lieutenant Madden?” As soon as they walked far enough, Mya couldn’t help but ask, “I feel like he’s pretty friendly to you.” “No, I don’t.”

But Lieutenant Madden knew her. If she had any problems today, he might not be the only one implicated.

“He’s a snob. It seemed like your family background is pretty solid?” Barry looked at Arabella, suddenly interested in the girl.

“My dad’s just a businessman.”

“Your family’s in business? What kind? My family’s in business, too.” Adair suddenly remembered something, “Hey, this is our first successful challenge together. Why don’t we celebrate? Go for a meal?”

Arabella and Kelly were about to decline when they heard Mya and Joyce simultaneously say, “Sure.”

Previously, Barry and Adair had helped them during the competition, so now they wanted to treat them.

With nothing else to do, Arabella and Kelly went along.

There was a shared commercial street in the university town where students from ten nearby universities could eat and shop.

At a beautiful restaurant Mya and Joyce chose, they saw Yolanda walking in with a boy.

“I feel so bad always having you treat me to meals.” Yolanda feigned modestytucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, displaying a coy demeanor.

The boy looked about 400 lbs and had a cute, simple look. He smiled and said, “As long as you enjoy it, I don’t mind bringing you here daily. Let’s sit over thereand we can enjoy the lake view.”

Yolanda followed his steps, smiling. When she saw Arabella dining, her face immediately turned sour.

The seat the chubby boy chose was right next to Arabella’s table.

Yolanda wanted to sit elsewhere but saw all the other spots were takenso she had to sit at the table next to Arabella’s, trying to keep a low profile.

“Yoli, what would you like to eat?” The chubby boy scanned the QR code and handed the phone to Yolanda to order.

In the past, Yolanda would never choose a small restaurant like this, nor eat such cheap food. But now, every meal since the extracurricular activities started was paid for by suitors. She might as well save some money when she had the chance,

“That’s it.” After ordering, Yolanda sneakily glanced at the following table. Arabella was eating her food slowly, completely ignoring her. Yolanda finally relaxed a bit. “Kelly, if you hadn’t jumped in the water to save me today, I might have drowned! This drink is for you! Thank you for saving me!” Mya raised her drink to toast Kelly. Kelly smiled and said, “Don’t mention it. We’re all dorm mates, and we have to help each other!”

“Barry, thanks for saving me, and Adair, Kelly, thanks for pulling me ashore.” Joyce picked up a strawberry drink and turned to Arabella, “Arabella, thanks for avenging me!”

Even though she fell into the water, she saw how Arabella dealt with Noreen and the others.

All she could say was Arabella was really excellent!!

In her eighteen years, it was the first time she met such a cool girl!

Kelly had just finished her drink when she heard someone at the next table call Yoli. She turned to see and realized it was someone she knew.

“Yoli, I don’t know if you already have a boyfriend.”

After all the dishes were served, the chubby boy nervously looked at the girl before him, carefully expressing his feelings, “If you don’t have a boyfriend, I don’t know if I’m qualified to be your boyfriend.”

Yolanda lowered her head, thinking this chubby boy had just treated her to a few meals and wanted to be her boyfriend. He must be daydreaming?!

“You certainly have the qualifications, and it’s just that she might not.” Kelly, watching the drama from the following table, shouted, “Her private life is very complicated. Even her fiancé left her because of it. If you don’t mind and are determinedyou’ll need to work harder because her standards are high. There’s a gap as wide as Mount Everest between you and the man she wants.”

“Kelly, what are you talking about!” Yolanda was gritting her teeth in anger. She didn’t expect Kelly to reveal her private matters to so many people, making her highly embarrassed!

All eyes were on her.

The chubby boy was stunned. This was too much information to take in at once. How could the innocent girl before him have such a complicated private life and even be abandoned by her fiancé

Didn’t she say she was busy studying since childhood and had never had a boyfriend? What was going on

“Berg, don’t listen to her nonsense. I’m not eating anymore. If you believe her, then you can stay!” Yolanda angrily grabbed her hat and left.

Yoli.” The chubby boy didn’t understand what had happened and followed Yolanda.

Kelly felt a bit disappointed that the drama ended so soon.

Some guys were clueless and can’t see through some girls‘ tricks.

Joyce and Mya were all ears about the matter, grilling Kelly for the lowdown. Kelly didn’t spill the beans; just warned them that Yolanda was terrible. They shouldn’t swallow whatever she said.

After they had wolfed down their food, Barry and Adair bolted to play ball while Arabella and the others walked back to the dorm.

From a distance, they spotted Yolanda at the school’s west gate, gabbing with a woman and clearly having a cow.

Only when they got closer did they catch the drift of their conversation.

They heard Yolanda snapping, “What the hell are you doing here!”

Chapter 589 

don’t want it!” Yolanda’s face twisted with disgust, and her voice was full of hostility. “Don’t bother coming around anymore. If I need something, I’ll buy it from the convenience store myself!”

“Here, take this money. If it’s not enough, call me.” Yvonne stuffed a few hundred bucks into her pocket.

The money in Yolanda’s pocket wasn’t much. Although she thought it was too little, she still accepted it. “Alright, you better head home now.

Her voice was still laced with impatience.

“Call me if you need anything.”


Yolanda turned to head back to school, only to see Arabella and her gang. Seething with anger, she made her way towards Kelly.


What’s it to you what goes on between Arabella and me? Are your her little minion or something? Always attacking me whenever you see me?” 

“And what are you? A shameless scumbag. Do you have any idea how much Arabella has done for your family? And how do you repay her?” “What’s it to you how we treat her?” 

“Of course, it matters!” Kelly retorted angrily. “If you mess with Arabella, you mess with me! I’ll teach you a lesson if you dare to pull any stunts behind her back. Got it?”

“Hmmm, don’t get too cocky. Maybe one day, you’ll fall flat on your face, too.”

Upon hearing Yolanda’s words, it was clear she was now setting her sights on Kelly, ready to seize any opportunity for revenge.

“Try laying a finger on her.” Arabella glared at Yolanda coldly. “Fancy a stint in jail with those two heartless people? Go ahead and try.“;

“Yoli.” Yvonne, who was standing not far away, saw the altercation between Yolanda and the group of students and wanted to step in.

“Stay out of it!” Yolanda glared at her impatiently, then turned to Arabella. “We’ll see about that!”

“See what? Who wants to look at you? You’re full of yourself.”

Kelly completely dismissed her, but Yvonne, who was not far away, kept watching. When Yolanda left, she walked over.

Auntie, just to be clear, she was the one who came over and started yelling at me. I was just retaliating,” Kelly quickly explained.

“She has changed lot in the past few months, but I hope you won’t hurt her. It was wrong of her to yell at you, and I apologize on her behalf,” said Yvonne, bowing deeply with a sincere look on her face.

“I don’t get it. She doesn’t even see you as her mom. She only turned to you because she had no one else. She’s just using you!”

“I know, and that’s okay.” Yvonne lowered her head and accepted the bitter truth. “As long as she still calls me mom, I can’t abandon her in this life. No matter how hard and tiring it gets, have to ensure she has foodplace to live, and books to read. But she’s been pretty cranky lately, so if she offends you guysyou can tell me, and I’ll talk to her.” 

Kelly was at a loss for words. If talking could solve the problem, things wouldn’t have escalated to this point.

“Please.” Yvonne bowed again, pleading with them to spare her daughter.

“As long as she doesn’t start anything, we won’t do anything to her. But we can’t let her off the hook if she goes too far. After all, we’re not her mom, right?”

Kelly bowed and said, “We’ve got stuff to do so that we won’t bother you any longer, Goodbye.”

Watching their retreating figures as they entered the school, Yvonne thought to herself, hoping that Yoli wouldn’t make any more mistakes. Kids these days were not easy to deal with.

“Yolanda’s mom is so nice. I just don’t understand why she raised such a terrible daughter,” Mya said, puzzled.

Joyce agreed, saying as they walked, “Yolanda was just acting sweet and innocent in front of the guys. But when she talks to her own mom, her attitude is so poor.” “That’s because she’s her foster mother,” Kelly said nonchalantly.

“What? Foster mom? Where’s her biological mom?” Mya and Joyce asked in unison.

In jail.”

Mya and Joyce exchanged glances, surprised by the complexity of Yolanda’s family background.

So, what’s the deal between her and Arabella?” Mya asked again.

“It’s a long story. Basically, Arabella has been good to their family, but they repaid her kindness with ingratitude and ended up getting themselves locked up. In shortkeep your distance if you bump into her.”

At that moment, the school’s broadcast station was making an announcement.

“Noreen, Daryl, Greta, Keely, and others from the surgery class bullied their classmates during extracurricular activities. They are to write 3,000–word reflection paper, and the ringleader, Noreenis given a major demerit! This is a public warning for the entire school. All students are to take this as a warning. School is a place for learningso don’t bring the bad habits from outside here. We hope all students will get along, be united and friendly, and gain knowledge and happiness here.”

“Serves them right.” Joyce felt instantly relieved upon hearing, the announcement.

“It’s good that they’re being publicly admonished. At least they’ll remember this and won’t dare to mess around for a while, Mya agreed.


But Kelly glanced at Arabella. If it had been Arabella who got into trouble today, these students would probably had been detained at the police station, let alone expelled.

Joyce and Mya probably didn’t have any powerful family connections, so the matter was simply brushed under the carpet.

But they didn’t lose out in this incident.

But it’s strange. We clearly taught them a lessonso why didn’t the school publicly admonish us?” Joyce had been puzzled by this question since earlier.

Mya was also at loss. She reasoned“Logically speaking, we were the ones who made them soak in water and threw rocks at them. We’re the ones in the wrong.”

When Kelly heard thisshe patted Arabella on the shoulder and saidThat’s because your straight–A classmate deleted all the surveillance footage of us teaching them a lesson.”

What?? Can you delete surveillance footage? How did you do that??” 


Both girls were completely stunned. Arabella was with them the entire time and didn’t go anywhere, so how did she delete the surveillance footage?? 

Arabella, I just realized you’re so amazing. You seem to know everything,” Mya said, looking at Arabella with even more admiration and curiosity.

Kelly patted her on the shoulder and said, “Be more confident. You can drop the ‘seem to.” 

Her Bella really knew her stuff, man. If there’s anything she didn’t know how to do, it’s probably dating. Who knew what she was like when she was dating Romeo? Was she icy or shy??

“Hey, Bella.” Kelly suddenly leaned into Arabella’s ear, teasing her quietly, “Your man hasn’t been looking for you recently?” 

“Him,” Arabella was about to say something when her eyes caught a tall figure in the distance.

Romeo? What’s he doing at school?

Chapter 590 

Today, Romeo rocked up casually, looking every bit like a college student.

Despite donning a black 3D mask, his eyes, reminiscent of stars, were too attention–grabbing. Coupled with his tall stature, he had many girls‘ eyes on him when he showed up. The girls flocked to him, asking for his contact info.

“Hey, Can I add you?” 

“I want to know more about you.”

“I have some academic issues to discuss with you.”

“Do you have a girlfriend? If not, do I stand a chance?” 

Romeo’s gaze remained fixed on Arabella. He slightly raised his chin, signaling to the girl in front of him.

“Taken already.”

Seven or eight girls turned towards the school gate, only to see a gorgeous, tall girl with extraordinary temperament walking towards them.

She’s gorgeous. How can there be such a girl at their school?

Judging by her clothes, she must be a freshman. Who knew these clothes could look so good on someone? It’s mind–blowing.

Romeo and Carl, who were also casually dressed, walked towards Arabella. Before they could get close, several boys rushed to Arabella.

“Hi, I’m Boris, a sophomore. I really like you. Would you be my girlfriend?”

Faced with the nervous boy, Arabella responded calmly, “Sorry, no.”

“Hi, I’m Colby. The bread from the store at the school’s west gate is said to be delicious. I bought some. Would you like to try?”

Another sunny, handsome boy in sportswear handed the bag to Arabella.

But Arabella didn’t take it and politely responded, “Thank you, but I’ve eaten.”

“What about cupcakes? They’re supposed to be great. I bought a few. How about taking them back and giving them a try?”

“No need, thank you.” Arabella didn’t take his stuff.

“Hi, I’m Fabian from pediatrics. I have some medical questions to discuss with youCan I have your contact info?”

You can ask your teachers if you don’t understand,” Suddenly, a pleasant male voice came.

Everyone turned their heads, only to see a tall boy walking towards themHis bright eyes and handsome face made everyone else pale in comparison. The next second, he took Arabella’s hand and said lightly, “She’s taken.“.

Several boys were stunned, apologizedand quickly left.

Arabella looked up with her beautiful eyes and asked, “What brings you here?” 

“How would I know so many boys are after you if I didn’t come?” Romeo said and looked at the girls next to her.

Mya and Joyce were shocked. They couldn’t believe Arabella had a boyfriend and such a tall, handsome one at that! Despite his mask, his eyes were just too captivating!

They looked like such a perfect match!

Seemingly used to this scene, Kelly casually greeted, “Hey, I’m Kelly. Arabella and I are good friends.”

“Nice to meet you,” Romeo removed his mask and nodded. His handsome face and charming voice were irresistible. “Hi, I’m Arabella’s roommate, Mya.” Mya didn’t expect Romeo to look even better without his mask.

No matter from which angle, he was impeccably good–looking, too handsome to pick holes init was jealousy–inducing.

For Joyce, this was her first encounter with such high handsomeness. Romeo’s attractiveness stunned her, leaving her in awe.

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