The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 33 There is No Seat

Yang Xia held Lu Chen's arm intimately.

She gaped at Chen Hao, Ma Xiaonan and the others who were present here.

She could not believe that they had appeared at such a prestigious event.

Chen Hao looked at Yang Xia's luxurious and glamorous outfit. It seemed that Lu Chen was buying things for Yang Xia this morning for tonight's grand opening of Ming Huang Restaurant. Yang Xia seemed blissful and proud.

Chen Hao thought, Maybe Yang Xia and Lu Chen truly loved each other.

In the past, I was just a playmate to Yang Xia when she was bored.

What a joke. I was even worried about Yang Xia yesterday, but it seems like she doesn't need my worry after all.

"Young Master Zhuang, do you know Chen Hao and the others?"

Lu Chen asked in a respectful manner.

The profit from Lu Chen's family factory was just a drop in the ocean compared to the Zhuang's.

The only reason Lu Chen could attend this event was because his mother and Zhuang Qiang's mother were roommates and best friends during their college years.

They had been keeping close contact with each other until now.

Hence, when Lu Chen mentioned the grand opening of Ming Huang Restaurant to his mother, he was allowed to bring Yang Xia along to this event.

"They are Yifan's friends. Lu Chen, are they your schoolmates too?" Zhuang Qiang responded nonchalantly.

"Yes, Young Master Zhuang, they are from the class next door!"

"Zhuang Qiang, Chen Hao is just a loser. Why did you let him come to such a prestigious event?! He is downgrading the classiness of Ming Huang Restaurant. Look at his attire!" Yang Xia gave a contemptuous look at Chen Hao and said.

She held onto Lu Chen's arm tighter.

Yang Xia wanted to let Chen Hao see that she was doing great without him. She even got to attend the grand opening of Ming Huang Restaurant.

Chen Hao, indeed you were very lucky to have won two hundred thousand, but you are nothing compared to these people!

Zhuang Qiang was obviously flattered by Yang Xia's words. He tucked his hands into the pocket and said mockingly, "Well, I don't mind downgrading it a little. It's better to have both sophisticated and common people, 'cause it's not enjoyable to have only the classy things..."

"Ha, ha, ha, Young Master Zhuang is indeed classy, even the way you talk is different!"

"Definitely. Everyone knows who Young Master Zhuang is. But you are right, if the low-end didn't exist, the high end wouldn't have anything to compare it to."

"Alright that's enough. It's not kind to mock Chen Hao like this, even though it's the truth. Hahaha..."

Yang Xia was on the same team as Lin Jiao and the girls this time. They all agreed with Zhuang Qiang.

Chen Hao was listening to them nearby and he was furious.

He thought in his heart, All of you like money too. I'll drown you in cash next time.

How abominable can you guys be!

Zhuang Qiang looked at Chen Hao smilingly. "Chen Hao, don't misunderstand, I was just joking. You won't be mad, right? I know you will surely not be angry. You aren't a guy that can't take jokes, are you?" Chen Hao replied coldly,"Zhuang Qiang, are you trying to pick a fight?"

Chen Hao thought Zhao Yifan invited him here so that he could reconcile his relationship with Zhuang Qiang.

He befriended Zhuang Qiang, and Chen Hao even treated them to a meal at the best restaurant in the mountain villa.

It was the least he could do.

But now Chen Hao was clear that they had set him up to ridicule him!

"Look who's angry now? Young Master Zhuang allowing you to be here is your greatest honor, so how dare you show your temper? Ha..."

Yang Xia was enjoying the sight of Chen Hao being humiliated by the others. She noticed that Zhuang Qiang disliked Chen Hao.

She started to flaunt herself, so at least she could leave a good impression in Zhuang Qiang's heart.

"Stop playing. Zhuang Qiang, where did you arrange our seats?"

Zhao Yifan interrupted.

She was the one who brought Chen Hao here anyhow. The humiliation of Chen Hao made Zhao Yifan embarrassed.

After all, one needed to consider how one's actions would affect the people who were associated with him or her.

"The seats are here. Since Lu Chen and Yang Xia are from the same school as all of you, why don't you all sit together?" Zhuang Qiang led Chen Hao and the others to another place.

He arranged the seats for them.

Lu Chen and Yang Xia did not reject his invitation. In fact, Yang Xia was very willing to sit with them, for she wanted to show off.

The presence of Lu Chen and Yang Xia made the space feel slightly cramped even though the table could fit 15 people.

Zhao Yifan and his dorm mates made six and Yang Hui and her dorm mates made five, making twelve in total when Ma Xiaonan was included. With the addition of Yang Xia, Lu Chen and Zhuang Qiang, the seats for fifteen were fully occupied.

Thus, Chen Hao was left out.

"Well, this is awkward. There's no seat for Chen Hao anymore," Zhuang Qiang sneered and acted apologetically.

Yang Hui suggested promptly, "Chen Hao, why don't you come over here, we can squeeze a little!"

"It won't be nice if you squeeze, especially in this grand opening event. There's a lot of celebrities here, so it won't be a pleasant sight."

Zhuang Qiang scratched his head in frustration. He sighed, "I think it's better go to the stage now and give Chen Hao my seat since I will not be eating. I initially planned to sit here to chat with all of you before join the ceremony on the stage."

"No way! This is a bad idea!"

Lin Jiao and the rest halted him. "If you give your seat to Chen Hao, he will be sitting in between me and Yi Fan. No way! Besides, you can't leave us like this, we want to listen to you and hopefully we will be enlightened!"

All of them refused to give Chen Hao a seat, leaving Chen Hao standing there awkwardly.


I'll remember this.

Chen Hao cussed in his heart. He wanted to leave before their nasty words and expressions destroyed his mood.

At this moment, the emcee on the stage announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, kindly keep your voices down."

The grand opening ceremony had started. The emcee had started his speech and the audience sat down in an orderly manner. The hall fell quiet.

Except for Chen Hao. He stood there embarrassingly since he did not have a seat.

His situation drew the attention of the crowd.

"Hey, look at that guy. Who is he and why is he standing?"

"A waiter? Quite unlikely though. Look at his frumpy attire, is he a beggar who sneaked in for a free meal?"

"Hahaha, that's embarrassing, He has no seat. Zhuang Family is also ridiculous to allow a person like him to attend such a solemn..."

Chatters could be heard from the audience.

At the same time, at the table located nearest to the stage sat a group of young ladies and gentlemen.

Only the distinguished guests were allowed to sit at this table.

Ming Huang Restaurant had a large ceremony hall. Even Zhuang Qiang could only arrange seats that were located in the middle, which was nearer to the back of the hall than the front, for Zhao Yifan and the others.

This showed that this group of young people came from a distinctively noble family.

One of the young men told a young man dressed in white shirt teasingly, "Fei, Yiyi, look there, quick! Someone is embarrassing himself in Ming Huang Restaurant! He sneaked in for a free meal! Haha!"

The man in white raised his head and took a glance. He would be happy if anything embarrassing happened in Ming Huang Restaurant today.

But when he turned and looked, the man in white was left completely shocked.

He rubbed his eyes repeatedly. "Oh my, it's Young Master Chen!"

Lin Yiyi kept her composure until she heard 'Young Master Chen'. When she raised her head and saw Chen Hao, she was astounded as well. Young Master Chen's face was imprinted deeply into her heart. "It really is him!" Lin Yiyi mumbled in disbelief.000

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