The Playboy Alpha is my Mate

Chapter 1

He is my mate?

Sarah pov

I sat in the office of the highest ranked business of our pack, which was owned by our alpha, Michael. I needed a job to support my little family. My father was a warrior, who used to fight ferociously for this pack. However ever since his right leg had to be amputated after the last war he fought, he had become dependent on others.

Ever since that fateful day, our family had become rather weak. The respect we had suddenly went down the drain, just because our father was no longer able to take part in the wars as a warrior. It was pathetic I would say. His service should have been acknowledged. But even the families of the fallen warriors got better treatment compared to us. I had a hunch that it was because he was mated to my mother, a wolf from the lowest of ranks, in other words, a rank less one.

It didn't matter to him. He had always showered her with love and affection which my mother reciprocated. And after he became dependant on others, she had started to work even harder. I always admired what my parents had for each other. They were what I would want to have with my mate when I find him. We may not be rich and struggle to put food on the table, but still, our home was filled with love and I wouldn't have it in any other way.

My mother was an omega who worked as a maid in the pack house. And she had been supporting us for the past three years, which were the hardest three years of our lives. It was hard and we barely made it. There were days that we couldn't fill our tummies but we were content with what we had. I am grateful that I had made it through high school and now I believed that it was my duty to give my support to them. There was no way that they could send me to a college for higher studies. And I had no complaints. I was glad that at least I was able to graduate from high school.

I straightened the black pencil skirt I wore and brushed my wavy brown hair with my hands. Lots of young wolves including the high ranked ones had applied for this position that was opened last week. Perhaps I didn't even stand a chance. The job paid well. Better than most jobs a rank less wolf like me could possibly get. Nervously biting on my lower lip, I looked at the file in my hand. Well, there was no harm in giving it a try. I told myself trying to be positive.

I had seen several young wolves walk out from the office after the interview in disappointment. Was the alpha being very hard on them all? If he had rejected them, how in the world could I stand a chance? Furrowing my eyebrows, nervous and regretting that I had chosen to come here, I thought about the different things I had heard about him.

I had heard lots of stories. He was cold and unemotional. Ruthless when it comes to dealing with enemies. Not to mention arrogant and proud. He never associated with lower ranked wolves. He wouldn't bother showing his face to us, the rank fewer ones. Maybe this was a bad idea. I thought, now feeling that my anxiety had reached its peak.

Frowning, worried that I had made a mistake of coming in here in the first place, I continued to chew in my lips. Why would he even consider me? I most probably should leave.

Being a rank less wolf meant that I or anyone in my family would be invited to any pack function. Never had I even seen him in my eighteen years of life. I should have thought about it a hundred times before even applying for this job.

"Sarah Jeffery." The soft voice of the female receptionist made me look up, startled. When our gazes met, she smiled and gestured for me to follow her.

Well, I guess it was too late for me to chicken out now. Sighing and keeping my fingers crossed, I stood up and once again brushed my skirt to straighten away any creases.

Here goes. Taking a deep breath, I followed the young blond who lead me to the door of his office. As soon as she opened the door, I felt as if a cool breeze caressed my face and took away the worry and anxiety that I was feeling. A sudden feeling of comfort and contentment filled my frantic heart calming it down. I could feel my wolf's excitement.

What was happening? I kept wondering to myself. This certainly was not normal.

"Come in." The kind voice of the young blond once again brought me back to my senses.

Offering a forced smile, I followed her in. I saw that the alpha was facing away from us. Slowly, a faint scent of sandalwood invaded my nostrils.

"You may leave Cheryl."

His deep, husky voice made my skin crawl with goosebumps. Okay, this most certainly was not normal.

"Yes alpha." She obediently left the office, leaving me alone in the office with the arrogant alpha.

"Sit down."

He ordered, to which I quietly obeyed and kept my eyes lowered, focusing on my cold numb hands. He rotated in his office chair, but I was too nervous to look up and gaze at his face.

"Hmm... Sarah Jeffrey. Look up!" he ordered.

With my heart hysterically pounding in my chest, I slowly looked up. My light brown eyes met with his sea green ones and I felt as though the world had stopped revolving. I heard a low growl that originated from his chest followed by a deep gruff voice.

"Mate!" He growled making me shudder and freeze.

He was right. It was only after he growled I realised that my wolf was repeating a chant of her own in my head.

Mate. Mate. Mate.

This arrogant and self centred alpha was my mate? No. Fucking. Way.

I sat wide eyed and speechless, frozen on the seat. How could I be paired with the highest ranked wolf of this pack? This must be a mistake. No! All I wanted was a caring and loving mate. I couldn't care less that wolf wasn't ranked.

Unlike most she wolves. They would have loved to be paired with the big bad alpha. After all, then, they would become Luna and be the boss of all she wolves. But not me. I never wanted this.

I felt my heart sink ah his alluring

sea green orbs studied my face. I could feel his gaze linger on my cleavage where I had let two of

buttons of my shirt be undone o

Gulping nervously I looked down at my fingers which were now white with the force I was clenching it.

What if he tries to claim me here? I most certainly didn't have the power to resist a mighty alpha. But I didn't want it to be like this. With him as my mate, I couldn't say what was possible and what was not.

was a famous thing among all she wolves. It was well known what a playboy he

alpha's flirtatious enco


He would bed any she wolf he took interest in. And almost everyone fell for his charm. He was the alpha anyway. But not me. I don't want a playboy as a mate. I wanted a simple and loving one. Oh, how could fate be so cruel to me?

I felt him stand up and walk around his table. Oh no. What was he going

to do2ntly, I looked in his

direction His orbs were still burning into me, making me want to disappear. He stopped right beside where I was seated, making the

chant in my head intensified.

Mate. Mate. Mate.

I felt as though I was being pulled into a daze.

"So you're my mate." He murmured. Wait. Was that disappointment I hear in his tone?

Great. Even he is unhappy with this. I should have just stayed at home and never faced our alpha. Then I would never have found out that he was my mate. He snatched the file I was holding and quickly flipped through its contents.

"Impressive. You have an excellent school record. And behaviour too." He said. Then he dropped the file on the desk making a dull thud to echo. He twirled me around and turned the chair towards him. He bent over me, placing either of his hands on the handles.

My breathing hitched. Our faces were just inches away. Nervously gulping, I looked straight into his eyes.

"You smell good little mate. Too bad you are a rank less wolf." He tilted his head and looked up and down my body.

"I'll be frank. I want someone to be my personal assistant. I need some help with the paperwork and a little more personal help with something else." He smirked. "Here in the office. Can you do that?" he asked.

"H..huh...sure..of course, alpha." I stuttered. What could possibly go too wrong?

"Good. I'll hire you for that position, mate. You must be here at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Understood?" he whispered. The scent of sandalwood was now making me dizzy. But I managed to nod.

I walked out of the office feeling better. Not excited as I should, because I had found out that the playboy alpha was my mate. But happy that I had got the job and now my family could live better. Let's just hope for the best.

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