The Palace Beast

Chapter 24 - Hard Time

The Kingdom of Maxis Seated beside the pool of the palace, King Afa leans back, crossing his leg. He was seated on the pavement. It was morning and the sun was just out, "I have been looking for you, brother," Bonnie said as she walks in on King Afa. "I decided to be here for a while," said King Afa.

"You mind if I sit next to you?" Bonnie asked with a fixed gaze on her brother.

"You are always welcome to sit beside me, sister," King Afa replied as he adjusted.

"Thank you," Bonnie replied as she sat beside her brother.

"You don't look well," Bonnie said as she glances at the King. "You look bothered. You mind sharing with me?" she added with her eyes not fixed on her brother.

"You have nothing to worry about, sister. I am just feeling groggy. You know walking back from the land of the dead is not an easy thing and with all the troubles of Kay," King Afa said lowering his head.

"I can tell something is bothering you and you need to let your sister in," Bonnie said as she gently grabbed the king's hand and places it on her palm. "Talk to your sister. Whatever it is, we can work it out together," she grinned. "When I was in the land of the dead, I saw father," King Afa said in a low tone.

Adjusting on the pavement with a wide-eyed surprise, she asked in her refined voice, "Did you get the chance to speak with him?"

"Of course I did and I am still shocked at what he told me."

"And what exactly did he tell you," Bonnie enquired expressing her curiosity.

"His death is not natural. He was killed."

On hearing this, Bonnie quickly stood to her feet. She felt like crying all over for the death of her father. But deep down her heart, she knew even her tears won't bring him back. She was able to console herself as she slowly paced around the round pavement where the king is seated.

King Afa at this time realized his sister needed to be alone. He slowly stood to his feet and approaches his sister. "I know how you will feel when you will hear this, but you have to know that I will not rest until his killer dies by my sword," he said.

"Did he tell you who killed him?" Bonnie asked with a cracked voice from a broken heart.

"Before he could get the chance to speak on that I woke up in the cave," King Afa said. "But don't worry, we will find the killer and put him down."

"There is something you should know about Drew," Bonnie said. "I will be damned if I do not suspect him," she added.

"I know, but he denied the fact. Don't worry, we will have our pound of flesh," King Afa assured.

The Kingdom of Wex "Let me out, I need to see the king!" Drew cried out kicking against the wooden door of the dungeon. He has stayed there all night long and losing his strength for yelling and kicking against the door. He leans on the wooden door as he slides down on his arse. "I need to see the king," he mutters below his breath.

Not quite long he hears footsteps approaching. His strength revived as he quickly jumped to his feet. "Who is there? Let me out," he cried out again.

"The king has ordered to let you go."

It was the voice of Leo and he was standing outside the dungeon. The king just ordered the release of Drew after much talk with Leo a night ago. They believe Andrew will only be a setback to their plans and they need to let him go. "What are you waiting for? Open up!" Drew said.

Stepping out from the dungeon, he weirdly gazes at Leo and then slowly lowered his head in shame, "What now?" he asked in a faded tone. "The king no longer needs your services. You are hereby banished from the Kingdom of Wex," Leo said as he quickly called out two guards. "I can still bring Maxis to its knees don't do this," Drew cried out.

"It's the king's order," Leo replied.

The two guards were already waiting for Leo's order on what to do. Turning towards the guards, Leo said to them, "Take him out of here."

Without hesitation, they seized Drew and dragged him out of the castle, and dragged him towards the gate of Wex. "Don't treat a noble like this," Drew cried out. "At least I deserve a horse."

"The king said you should leave Wex and never return," said one of the guards as he pushed Drew out from the gate.

The Kingdom of Maxis A banquet was thrown in the honor of the king's return from the land of the dead. Many nobles from the far and near kingdom came in honor of it. It's already a week since the king made it back home alive. Some of the kings who were on good terms with the Kingdom of Maxis send delegates in honor of the king's banquet. It was a day of joy for them all as they all ate and drank.

"Great Nobles and Knights!" said King Afa as he stands to his feet to address his guests.

Gazing at them all, he continued, "It's an honor for you to honor the King of Maxis and to be here present in this banquet. As the newest king and the youngest of all the five kingdoms, I still want to keep the peace. My father was able to keep the peace and I won't be the one breaking it. But we should know that one of the five kingdoms have raised their sword against me and the entire people of Maxis. If worst comes to worst, I won't hesitate to retaliate."

His speech stirred up fear in the Nobles and Knights of the represented kingdoms. The only kingdom absent was the kingdom of Wex. The nobles and knights stared at each other. 'What's the king talking about? Does he want to bring back war after years of peace that his father maintained?' The very thought went through their mind but no one was bold to speak up because they feared King Afa as they did with King Gilbert.

There were only five kingdoms and for the past decades, King Gilbert's ancestors have kept the peace that they handed to King Gilbert, even though he fought several wars with the Kingdom of Wex to keep the peace.

The wealthiest and the most fortified kingdom amongst the five is the Kingdom of Maxis. Their closest neighbor is the kingdom of Wex. The Kingdom of Wex also shares a border with the kingdom of Wessex. The rest of the kingdoms are Uzex and Kez. Their main purpose is to live in peace with each other but the kingdom of Wex is stiff-necked for years.

The banquet ended well but each noble and knights mounted on their horses with many thoughts going through their minds. They don't want to witness any war but they truly understood the decision of King Afa who was attacked by the kingdom of Wex.

"Brother, you shouldn't have told them your plans. They might end up siding with the kingdom of Wex to attack us," Bonnie said as she approaches King Afa.

"They should know where they are standing, either with me or against me. This will help me know my enemies."

King Afa just like his father hates traitors, was certain that not all the kingdoms will queue into his ideas but he never wants to conclude just yet. He grinned at Bonnie. "You have nothing to worry about, sister."

"I am worried already. We have no one to turn to for help when all the other kingdoms team up and wage war against us.'


Bonnie expressed her fear and concern. She can still remember the last battle their father fought before he died. Even as a child, those memories were still fresh. She doesn't want his brother's reign to be remembered as a king who strives and hungers for war.

"I will not let that happen," Afa said with smiles.

"What are your plans?" Bonnie inquired with curiosity.

"I will be sending envoys to the kingdom of Uzex, Kez, and Wessex. I want to enter into treaties with them to make sure the kingdom of Wex will not buy their heart to wage war against us."

"That's a good one brother. We should do that fast."

"Of course, they will be on their way tomorrow."

"My Lord," Eva makes her way to the king, and then took a low bow before the king.

"Sister, I want you to meet the new adviser to the king," King Afa said in confidence as he took Eva's hand.

"When did this happen, what about Kay?" Bonnie never liked the king's decision. She still wanted her friend around the king and most importantly to be the one her brother will settle for and not a maiden. She glared at Eva and then hissed. Kingdom of Wex King Charles has been expecting a visitor from Maxis. He was relief from his troubling thoughts when Leo walked into the throne hall. He took a bow before the king. "She's here my king."

King Charles grinned and then spoke in excitement. "Where is she? Usher her in at once."

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