The Palace Beast

Chapter 117 - Path of a Witch

John as taught in his dream can use his blood to do a tracking spell. He quickly pulled out the dagger the chief of Zaxson village handed to him and cut himself letting his blood drip on the ground as he enchants, ""The All' seeing eyes, reveal the answers I see and bring it plain before my eyes."

With the help of 'The All', a witch from Neena's line can easily do a tracking spell without gathering herbs, the item of the missing person, and the root of an oak tree. The tracking spell is a charm that revealed and illuminates traces of recent magical activity and showed magical footprints and track marks in an area. This John believes could reveal Bonnie's location.

As he continued enchanting, his eyes turned white and he fell into a vision. "What the hell!" he exclaimed.

As soon as the visions were over, he fell to his knees and his eyes returned normal.

The sound of the unsheathing of the sword got his attention but before he could turn, two swords were placed on his neck. "On your feet, now!"

The voice he heard that has commanded him on his feet was new to his ear that he can't recognize. "If you let me be, you can live."

"And do you think Lord Zeus will be pleased I let you leave?"

It's Zeus' herald with his slave boy. They ignored the rumor they have heard about John and his possessed powers and held their swords to his neck.

John was still battling with the vision he had but these two morons from nowhere just held their sword at him. His desire is to save his anger for Neena but Zeus' herald with his slave is making him think otherwise. He slowly rises to his feet. "It's not too late now for you two to leave me and let me be," he said as he slowly turned to face them.

"You are coming with us to Zeus' palace. You have made him unhappy."

"I can see neither of you is a god, yes?"

"Don't tempt me to slit your throat." Zeus' herald brought his sword closer to John's Adam's apple.

"I can see you two have been blinded by the gods. I will ignore this act as if it never happened. If you don't mind, I have someone to find."

As John was about to take a step to walk out on them, the slave of the herald attempted piercing his sword through John's heart but he was terrified with fear when the sword instead of piercing through John's heart broke into pieces. The herald was paralyzed in fear that he couldn't move. His slave boy however threw the edge of his sword which was the only remaining piece of his sword and started drawing away from John.

John grabbed the herald by the throat and lifted him above the ground. "Tell Zeus I am coming for him and every god that follows him." He releases the herald from his grip and lets him slump on the ground. He then snaps his finger and disappeared from their presence causing them to be terrified the more.

"Lord Zeus has sent us after a god with just mere sword!" exclaimed the slave boy.

...Mystic Cave...

"Look who has come to join us. What took you so long?"

Neena makes her way to John who was standing at the entrance of the Mystic Cave. He was not in a bright mood. But Neena ignored his mood and approaches him.

Enraged, John grabbed Neena and held her against the rock. "What stops me from spearing you to the rock as I did with Eris?" He was guided by the vision he had to the Mystic Cave. He was not surprise in seeing Neena.

"If you make me bleed, my wendigo will tear your vampire limb by limb," Neena chuckles as she points John's attention to the wendigo.

The wendigo dragged Bonnie and held her against the rock the exact way John is holding Neena to the rock.

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"Let her go!" roared John as he cast his gaze at the wendigo.

"He doesn't listen to your order even though you possess almost all my powers."

"I will tear you limb by limb," roared John as he lifted Neena off the ground but still held her against the rock.

The wendigo reciprocates what John did to Neena. The wendigo lifted Bonnie off the ground but still held her against the rock.

On seeing this, John quickly unhands Neena and lets her slump to the ground. The wendigo did the same to Bonnie.

"You took her to get back at me. She has nothing to do with this."

"It took you long to find her."

"Let her go and you and I end this right now!"

"The full moon is in three days' time and I have sworn to rip out my powers out from you and waste you like I have wasted my enemies. But after Bonnie told me you have had a change of mind to accept my plans, I will let your vampire go on one condition."

"What condition?" John glared at Neena but he was eager to hear what she has to say.

In John's vision, he saw that Neena has Bonnie. He came for Bonnie and not for Neena. He still has in mind in dealing with Neena sooner or later but he didn't want to let any harm come to Bonnie.

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"You will go to Zeus' palace now and rescue Ozenzo and the other warlocks. Your vampire will stay away from you until you have fulfilled all I want you to do. Failure to do this, my wendigo will hunt her down wherever she is and tear her limb by limb."

"How am I sure you will keep your words?"

Deep down John he doesn't want to be separated from Bonnie again. He wants Bonnie to return to her people and take over what her late parents left for her.

"That's the only option you have. If you have not made up your mind yet, perhaps my wendigo can help you do that by breaking her arm."

"Don't dare!" John yelled. "I have accepted your terms; just give me some time with her to bid her bye."

"Make it fast!"


John approaches Bonnie. Bonnie slowly lowered her head feeling ashamed for what she has done to John. John wanted her to know he has nothing against her. He gently raised her head and then stared into her eyes. Before John could say a word, Bonnie broke the silence, "I am sorry." Tears rolled down her eyes.

John gently wipes the tears. "I love you and I don't want to let you out of my sight ever again." John kissed her.

This act enraged Neena. She ordered her wendigo to separate them but before the wendigo could take any step John disappeared with Bonnie.

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