The Palace Beast

Chapter 1- Out in the Dark

"Greetings, your majesty," said Prince Eliot as he made a low bow. He was already drenched in the rain.

"What are you doing here?" King Gilbert glared.

"Here to see the Princess," he said. "I heard what happened and I came as soon as I..."

"Silence!" King Gilbert roared. If not for the respect he had for King Charles, he would have thrown the brothers out like commoners. "Your brothers should be in the guests' chambers. Join them there at once!" There was a strong resentment in his voice.

"Father?" the Princess called out. She's shocked that her father is asking her visitor to leave without even getting to see her properly.

The king swirled, making a hand gesture. "You need to return to bed at once!"

"But father, he just came!" she cried out. Her plump face flushed with indignation.

"Then he could just leave." The King's eyes widened. "They are lucky I am not sending them on their way this night." He turned toward Prince Eliot and continued, "Your brothers have already put up a dishonorable show because of the Princess. I don't want that to repeat again. So, join them at the guests' chamber at once."

Prince Eliot's face turned pale. He's downcast and unable to utter a word. He had journeyed far to see the princess and had risked his life on the road at this odd hour. Although he didn't come straight from the Kingdom of Wex - but from a neighboring Kingdom to the Kingdom of Maxis on his father's business.

He finally broke his silence, narrowing his gaze at the Princess. "Do have a good night, my dear." He forced himself to smile. There was no joy in his heart.

The Princess had a lump in her throat and was blinking away the tears as she watched him walk away, shutting the door behind him.

"You," the king gestured at her. "Time to sleep. We will talk in the morning."

He left the Princess' chamber not paying attention to her tears. All he wanted, as her father, was the best. It was never in his plans to have three brothers fighting over her. She took this upon herself when she opened her arms, letting them all in at once.


"Your Majesty," King Charles' Commander Leo said, as he approached. Making a profound bow before the king, he continued in a distorted voice. "The princes have crossed the border. Our scouts just brought this news to me." He rose, crossing his arms below his abdomen; he stood still, expecting the king's response.

King Charles's face was distorted with rage upon hearing the news. He rose to his feet, letting his long black beard, tied into triple knots, stretch down to the silver-grey belt tied around his waist. His eyes glowed red. "Send men to fetch them at once!" he roared.

"I have done that, your majesty," the commander said, lowering his head in an act of reverence for the king.

The king looked away from his army commander and slumped to his throne, crossing his arms across his chest. The more he fumed, the smaller he made himself. He has warned his sons not to make the world know their secrets and to stay away from the Kingdom of Maxis for now.

"Bring them to me once they return," he growled.

"As it pleases my Lord, the King." The commander made a profound bow and went on his way.

King Charles had been friends with the King of Maxis but he had never for once let King Gilbert see his true form. His true form is hidden from his friends and he's uncomfortable hearing his sons are always in Maxis. The royal family and most noblemen in Wex are werewolves who control their bloodlust, rage, and form, unlike the werewolves that kept attacking Maxis and its surrounding Kingdoms.

After the spread of the werewolves' trial across the kingdoms, King Charles' great-grandfather seized power as the first werewolf to reign over Wex. This was a secret that must be kept. To protect his secret, he turned most of the people of Wex and all of the cabinets into beastly creatures and taught them how to control their bloodlust, form, and rage to fit in.

The majority of the population in Wex were werewolves who had learned control. King Charles wanted to make sure Maxis did not suspect them or be able to discern their true form lest they blame and accuse Wex of all the attacks by these beastly creatures. One thing that kept the nobility of King Charles was that he had never taken part in attacking the neighboring kingdoms as a werewolf and did everything in his power to keep his sons in check.


"I am sorry about my father's attitude toward you," Princess Bonnie said, crossing her arms on Prince Eliot's neck.

Seeing her father had left, she sneaked into Prince Eliot's guest's chamber.

"Perhaps you can tell me right now who you have chosen to spend your entire life with." He fumed.

Princess Bonnie smirked to herself. She brought her lips closer to his and kissed him. She was just trying to avoid making unhealthy decisions at the moment.

Prince Eliot kissed her back and locked his arms across her waist. He's never going to easily break off from her lips. He locked her with a continuous tongue injection.

They continued to caress each other with their lips, aching for more.

As they both continued to kiss, they heard a pitched howl which was followed by many more. This got them to stop as Princess Bonnie's eyes lit with horror. She swallowed a lump in her throat. Her trembling hands hovered across Prince Eliot's skin, afraid of the sound she had just heard, clammy sweat seemed to seep from her cheeks. "Did you hear that?" she asked in a terrifying little voice.

The pitch howl sounded so close and not far from the palace. The beast she has escaped from seems to be stalking her even in her father's palace.

"What has gotten into you?" Prince Damon asked, focusing his gaze on a hairy, beastly creature standing six feet away from him. "Return to your normal state, at once." He couldn't believe that his brother Prince Oswald would put them all at risk by turning into a werewolf in the kingdom of Maxis.

Another pitched howl escaped the mouth of the beastly creature. He locked onto Prince Damon as his nostrils flared. His eyes glowed red in the dark. Snorting out deeply, he started charging toward the crown prince.

Prince Damon didn't see this coming. Before he could step out of harm's way, his brother, Oswald, in his beastly form gripped him and flings him. He sent him flying across the pavement sitting at the center of the courtyard. Prince Oswald isn't himself. He was enraged and flew into a fit of rage when he saw his brother, Prince Eliot, receive the princess into his guest's chamber. While he was trying to find a way to return to the princess, believing the king had left, he saw Princess Bonnie tiptoeing down the hall and finally sneaking into Prince Eliot's guest's chamber.

When he came closer to the door and paid close attention to his advanced wolf hearing ability, he picked up the sound of them kissing continuously. He couldn't help but flare up in a rage.

A violent feeling of anger that he is unable to control has taken over him. Like before, he locked his glowing red eyes on his brother, Prince Damon. He growled with rage in his eyes as he pounced on the pavement.

He snarled and snarled at Prince Damon. His fangs are all displayed and ready to puncture into anyone's skin.

Prince Damon stretched his hand toward Prince Oswald. His eyes were hardened with anger as his brows knitted. "Brother, you will behave and turn back to your..."

Prince Oswald didn't let him finish. He pushed back Prince Damon's words to his throat when he gripped him again. Like before, he flings him, slamming him into the wall of the courtyard.

He has reserved indignation for the crown prince too. After all, the princess was journeying to the Saxon village to meet with him. Plus, when he arrived at the princess' chamber, Damon tossed him across the partition dividers.

The violent feelings toward Prince Oswald had gotten out of hand. He growled as he started hopping around the courtyard, destroying things. He's letting all his rage out. His brothers were not supposed to be there. He's the one that saved the princess from a vicious beast like him and should be the one spending time with her.

When the commander of the king's warriors yelled in a loud voice: "Archers, ready! Release!" It pierced deep into Prince Oswald's ears as he flicked around. It was too late for him to take cover or get away from the arrows that were already raining down toward him like heavy rain from the sky.

The archers were all standing on the roofs surrounding the courtyard. They never seized to rain down their arrows on Prince Oswald. Each time they release an arrow, they hastily drew out another one from the quiver.

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His hairy beastly body is filled with arrows. He couldn't take it anymore. He propels himself into the air and pouched on one of the roofs.

He glanced around and breathed a harsh puff of cold air from his nostrils. Letting one more howl, he started running at a terrified speed to get away from the archers' arrows.

They never stopped raining down arrows on him, even as he jumped the wall of the palace. The king's knights at the watchtower started throwing spears while some shot their arrows at him.

They had no idea he was the son of King Charles. Even if they knew, it wouldn't have changed anything.

"Prince Damon, are you alright?" the king's commander, Commander Gil inquired from the prince as he hastily ran toward him to help him back to his feet. He extended his hand toward Prince Damon and pulled him up to his feet. "I am fine," Prince Damon mumbled. He's enraged at his brother. This isn't the type of life their father wants for them. He glanced around desperately as if he was looking for something. "Is everyone alright?"

He would never forgive his brother if he had hurt any of the king's men. They live a life of self-control to be able to blend in amongst normal people. Prince Oswald is one step closer to ruining that for them and for the entire kingdom of Wex. War will be brought to their doorstep if the rest of the kingdom knows what they are and what their kingdom stands for. They will surely accuse them of being the very creatures that prey on innocent villages and travelers. Before Lord Gil could answer, Prince Eliot rushed in. "What happened?" his eyes widened with curiosity.

Behind Prince Eliot was Princess Bonnie. She was not meant to be there and was sternly asked by Prince Eliot to stay back in her chamber and lock the door there, but she chose not to listen and tiptoed and followed him. "My princess," Lord Gil said, focusing his gaze on her. "It's not safe for you here." He quickly turned toward a guard and gestured for him to escort the princess back.

Instead of harkening, she pushed away the guard. "I need to know if that creature was captured," she blurted out.

Prince Damon's countenance isn't bright on seeing Prince Eliot. He never knew he had come around. Instead of giving attention to the Princess' question, he drew closer to his brother and whispered into his ears, "What are you doing here?" Prince Eliot smirked. "Same thing as you, brother."

Prince Damon gnawed, biting his bottom lip. "Perhaps you should leave at once."

"Not until I find out what happened." He crossed his hands on his chest.

"It will interest you to know it was Prince Oswald. He transformed."

"What?" Prince Eliot gaped at him with a shocking surprise look. "Did he know the consequences of his actions? Father won't be pleased with him."

"What are you two talking about?" Princess Bonnie cuts in. She started walking toward the brothers as she constantly focused her gaze on them. "Is there anything I need to know?" Her eyes widened with eagerness.

"Err..." Damon smiled with fakeness, scratching his nose. "Nothing, my dear."

"The commander told me the beast attacked you. Are you well?” Her eyes focused steadily on Prince Damon. She quickly scanned his body with her eyes for any possible injury.

"I am well, my dear." He flashed another fake smile.

It is a good thing that people like him would have their injuries healed within seconds if they sustained the injury. They experienced fast healing. That's what makes them unique.

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The day dawned with beautiful sun rays spreading across the sky. It ushers a new day of hope for the kingdom of Maxis.

The king's guards escort the noblemen of Maxis to the king's courtroom. They have been summoned by King Gilbert to discuss the troubling incident from last night.

Seated beside the King is his daughter, Princess Bonnie. As the door opened with a loud creaking sound, Lord Gil glanced over his shoulders. His face flushed with excitement, seeing the nobles walk into the courtroom. They all take their place after reverencing the king with a bow.

"I am happy you all came. The king's matter is urgent and demands haste."

King Gilbert was left last night rolling on his bed with thoughts about how the creature got into their walls. This left him with only one conclusion. He narrowed his eyes down on his nobles and continued in a soft, calm voice that betrayed his troubled heart.

"These creatures seem to be living amongst us like humans."

His words stirred up murmuring amongst the nobles as they began to debate amongst themselves what the king meant by that.

King Gilbert raised his hands and gestured for them to be silent.

"Let me make it clear. How can we possibly explain how the creature got into the palace without being seen by the guards?" He was certain of his logic. He paused to peer at his commander. With a hand gesture toward him, he continued. "Lord Gil here has questioned all the guards and knights of Maxis and no one ever saw the creature walk into our walls. So, we are not dealing with beastly creatures as we have believed over the years."

"Then what are we dealing with?" A noble breaks his silence. He focuses his gaze on the king for further explanation.

"I believe we are dealing with shape-shifters. Humans like us could take the form of beastly creatures. That's what we are dealing with."

Another murmuring broke out again amongst the nobles. The king seemed to be speaking like one who had an early morning wine that had intoxicated him, but no one dared to say it to the king for fear that he might have his head on a platter.

Another noble rose to his feet and reverenced the king with a bow. "My Lord, King," he said. "This is impossible. No human has the power to change into a beast like that except that human was a witch."

They believe that the werewolf trials their fathers told them about are just a myth and never existed.

"That's why you are all here so that we can put heads together and find these humans and expose them."

The king still maintained his stand for his logic. He had never been sure of a matter in his entire life that he was now.

Meanwhile, in the hallway leading to the courtroom, Prince Damon and Prince Eliot were eavesdropping with their enhanced hearing ability. They heard all the king had said and this terrified them. Their secrets would be out any moment as the king was now desperate to find out about these creatures he believed to live amongst them like humans.

Prince Damon glanced at his brother and whispered to him. "Father needs to know. Prince Oswald has dared to put us all in danger."

There was no sign of their younger brother, Prince Oswald, yet. The discussion of King Gilbert with his nobles stirred fear in them that they needed to leave at once before the king started with them.

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