The Oracle Paths

Chapter 1029 Beginning Of The Fifth Ordeal

When Jake stepped out from the funnel, he found his companions already assembled, bracing themselves as if they had foreseen his arrival. One glance at his chronometer revealed he was fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. Given that fact, their readiness wasn't as surprising.

Unlike him, they had only a day to prepare, likely having finished their preparations hours ago. Upon seeing him, Lucia's eyes brightened, and she threw herself into his arms with such fervor as though she was trying to ensnare him forever within her grasp.

Xi, watching this from the depths of Jake's mind, snorted at Lucia's brazenness but bit back any biting comment. She knew it wouldn't achieve anything.

She was spared the necessity of further grumbling when Cekt cleared his throat, effectively putting an end to their sentimental display. Lucia released Jake with an embarrassed giggle and a slightly woeful expression that suggested she wanted more, but she understood this wasn't the time for selfish desires.

Before loosening her hold, she whispered in a grave tone into his ear. "For me, you're the only one, but don't wait for me if you find someone else you like. After all, I can't predict how long we'll be apart, let alone when we'll get back to normal life."

Jake, hearing these words, stood in stunned silence, his heart heavy and confused. Was she suggesting he could cheat on her because of their impending separation?

As he grappled with growing confusion and a hint of anger, Xi offered an explanation in a voice rich with empathy-not towards him, but unusually, towards Lucia.

[Lucia grew up in an empire where might makes right, and polygamy is accepted. Influential nobles having their own harems was commonplace. Her own father, the emperor, had dozens of concubines in addition to his wife. As a princess, she likely accepted from a young age that she might one day be bartered away in a political marriage. Her Myrmidian pride drives her to be the strongest, to avoid that fate, but her love for you and her current predicament have upended all that. This couldn't have been an easy decision for her, but in my opinion, she's not just doing this for you, but also for... others.] From Xi's ambiguous words, Jake could guess who she was referring to, but the revelation didn't sit well with him. It may seem naïve, but he was a bit old school when it came to romance, believing in a singular, profound love.

He could acknowledge that a man or a woman might love two things equally. If he had to choose between a burger or pizza, he'd indeed find himself in a serious quandary.

The real issue lay elsewhere. Even if he could love and attend to multiple partners equally, he'd still be dividing his affection, dedicating half the amount of love and attention compared to if he only loved one person. The only winner in a polyamorous relationship centered around him wouldn't be Lucia or the 'others' she referred to.

In the end, Jake could only sigh, burying this existential conundrum deep within himself, his focus shifting back to the looming Fifth Ordeal.

"Are you ready?" Cekt inquired, hovering a meter off the ground, hands clasped behind his back.

The Wendok could sense his disciple's terrifying fluctuations and silently nodded in approval. The last year and a half hadn't been wasted.

His companions and the other disciples also felt the change, gaining a hint of confidence for the upcoming Ordeal. In response to his master's question, Jake responded with a determined expression, "Ready as I'll ever be."

"In that case, let's begin..." Cekt agreed with a somber nod.

With a wave of his hand, he conjured a large Red Cube, about ten meters to a side. But before letting them enter, he used the remaining time to brief them on the looming threats.

Due to the sabotage of the Aether Network, the Oracle System wasn't as capable of enforcing its rules, so the alien felt he could divulge more without fear of repercussions.

Despite this, Jake didn't learn much more than what Aslael had already told them. Still, the knowledge wasn't entirely useless.

For instance, he learned that Epsilom and Lyra would probably join the same front, while Rigel would likely be alone. Jake and the others had a good chance of landing on the same battlefield. An Ordeal World could be as small as a continent or as vast as a universe, and there were no guarantees of meeting each other there. However, members of the same faction and their allies had a higher chance of spawning in the same zone.

When Cekt finished giving his advice, the atmosphere grew heavy again. Amidst the deafening silence, they all started saying their goodbyes, fully aware from the statistics that this might be the last time they saw each other. For all they knew, they might be dead in the next five minutes...

With the ticking clock dwindling to its final seconds, Lucia and Jake shared a lingering, passionate kiss. But soon after, the Red Cube's pulsing light signaled that the time had come.

Without allowing doubt to overtake them, Lucia inhaled sharply. Her red, moist eyes, full of resignation, gazed for a fleeting moment before she bravely stepped into the Red Cube.I think you should take a look at

Jake took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. He gave a firm nod to Hade, Ulfar, and the others, then with the same determined expression as Lucia, vanished inside.

Suddenly, his surroundings shifted to an eerie, timeless void, where even the presence of one's own consciousness seemed intangible. Only the Lucid Aetherdreamer mode provided solace, reminding him that this was but an illusion.contemporary romance

No stranger to the process, Jake patiently awaited the Oracle System's familiar notification regarding the conditions of his Ordeal. Given the damage to the Aether Network, he expected potential alterations. His worries proved Aether Network, he expected potential alterations. His worries proved unfounded when, moments later, the awaited notification popped up before him.

[Participant: Jake Wilderth, Cosmic D Starfeyrves.]

[Successful Ordeals: 4.]

[Awaiting matchmaking for Fifth Ordeal. Allowed species: All (however, location and conditions may vary by species).]

[Matchmaking complete, Fifth Ordeal determined.]

[Type: Battlefield/Total War]

[Aether density: *500 or 5,000 pts.]

[Number of participants: 16,891,386, with 8,445,693 Players per Mirror Universe.]

[Background: Twyluxia, a flat world where each edge connects to a towering, impassable waterfall. From opposing yet symbiotic natures, the water-rich in energy-from each cascade converges at Twyluxia's core, forming the vast Lumyst River, dividing the world into two distinct regions. Due to its scant Aether atmosphere, every conflict in Twyluxia revolves around the power-packed Lumyst water.

[Lustra Plains, blessed by the Heaven Cascade, finds its half of the Lumyst River brimming with life-sustaining forces. Flourishing flora and fauna, abundant resources, and the more the Lumyst River stretches and nears the boundary, its water quality diminishes until it becomes mundane, only to reverse its properties when it crosses into the second region.

[Duskwight Lands, cursed by the Underworld Cascade, is filled with water bearing a chilling energy, an aura of death that favors spirits but spells doom for the living. These lands are barren and desolate, scarce in resources but teeming with wandering souls that endlessly flood the region, their origins a mystery.

[Lustra Plains consists of various clans, sects, kingdoms, and empires, all under

[Lustra Plains consists of various clans, sects, kingdoms, and empires, all under the protective authority of the Radiant Conclave, ensuring a somewhat peaceful coexistence. Lifemancers, Radiant Mages, and Light Warriors are the prevalent cultivation models here.

[On the contrary, Duskwight Lands has always been mired in chaos with tribes and minor kingdoms fighting for meager resources, to the benefit of Lustra Plains. Soulmancers, Spirit Enchanters, and Underworld Barbarians dominate their cultivation styles. 1 [However, the status quo has recently shifted. The Dusken Throne, led by an unprecedentedly powerful Soulmancer, has unified Duskwight Lands, bringing all tribes and races under one banner and declaring war on the Radiant Conclave, vowing utter annihilation. Skirmishes between the Dusken Throne and the Radiant Conclave have intensified, with the final showdown looming. Both sides rally their forces, bracing for the ultimate confrontation.

[As an Oracle Knight and Oracle Colonel of your Mirror Universe, you're part of the last wave drafted into this war, assuming the identity of a lowly, status-less barbarian fighting for the Dusken Throne. A faceless soldier, you'll have to climb the ranks through deeds of valor, starting from the very bottom...] [Main Mission: Ensure the victory of the Dusken Throne at all costs; your final rating hinges on your dedication.]

[Global Main Mission: Players from your Mirror Universe must triumph over the players from the opposing Mirror Universe. Beyond the Dusken Throne's victory, this requires more survivors on your side than the enemy's.]

[Penalty for failure: Half of all you own, 10,000 Rank 5 White Aether Crystals.]

[Mission Benefits & Specifics: A new, temporary identity befitting your Oracle Colonel rank.]

[May fate work in your favor.]

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