The Oracle Paths

Chapter 1025 Should've Listened To You

Countless light years away from the Magnetic Resonator where Jake was poised to retreat into solitude, another group of humans toiled diligently, their countenances unmarred by the pervasive gloom that haunted almost all the Evolvers on B842.

They numbered in the hundreds of millions, their ranks bolstered by diverse alien races that had rallied to their side, cohabiting on a Floating Island marginally smaller than Jake's. On first glance, one might have mistaken this territory for a expansive nation or a planetary government, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

This huge island belonged to one man alone: Cho Min Ho. The cosmopolitan population, counting several hundred million members and hundreds of factions, came together under a grand organization known as the King's Idol Alliance, this island being their primary stronghold.

Around it, numerous smaller Floating Islands orbited, drifting slowly in the vast expanse of outer space. At face value, everything seemed harmonious, and indeed it was.

Whether it was the flurry of skyscrapers under construction, the bustling activity, or the perpetual clamor blending laughter and shouts of all kinds, this territory was undoubtedly in the throes of effervescent growth.

However, if one were to pay closer attention, they would notice a somewhat artificial vibe to the inhabitants' enthusiasm and vigor. While none of them appeared to be manipulated, their carefree attitudes towards escalating external threats had an unsettling quality.

A troubling detail was the frailty of many residents, their faces pale and shadowed as if stricken by anemia or sleep deprivation. On Earth, this wouldn't raise any eyebrows, but in the Mirror Universe, such physical signs on an active Evolver population were borderline supernatural.

Not everyone was smiling, though. A few individuals bore faces permanently creased in ominous scowls, aware that something was amiss but unable to pinpoint exactly what.

If Jake were present, he would have surely recognized two of these individuals: Amy and Cho Min-Ho's bodyguard, Lee Yoon.

On the flip side, others were genuinely happy, robust, and fearlessly relishing the good life.

At this exact moment, in the heart of the King's Idol Alliance's grand headquarters, Cho-Min-Ho lounged comfortably amid opulence. The mansion, their nerve center, was a spectacle of luxury, mirroring a five-star hotel or a presidential suite, with an aura of wealth and power suffusing every corner. Magnificent chandeliers hung low, shimmering in the glow of the artificial sun above, casting shifting light patterns on the expanse of polished marble beneath. Walls adorned with intricately detailed tapestries chronicled the faction's many victories, while plush furnishings invited their members to savor the comforts their status afforded. In the background, the distant clinking of crystal and the low hum of expensive machinery lent an air of sophistication to the ambiance.

Clad in robes befitting his status, Cho-Min-Ho reclined lazily on an extravagant divan, idly swirling an exquisite crystal glass brimming with the finest Amaranthine wine. His eyes were half-closed in a state of contentment as he reveled in the privileges his status afforded him.

If the self-proclaimed Emperor Pyrrakles were present, he would have surely approved of this grandiose lifestyle befitting his status.

Suddenly, amid the placid lull of luxury, Cho Min Ho's personal device chimed with an unexpected notification. The jarring sound clashed with the soothing rhythm of his surroundings, causing his eyes to snap open and focus on the luminous screen.

The text flashing on the screen was enough to wipe the satisfied smirk off his face. It was a notification about Jake - just moments after he had registered for his fifth Ordeal. Reading this, Cho-Min-Ho's hand tightened involuntarily around the crystal glass.

The atmosphere of indulgence suddenly quieted around him as he absorbed the information. The complacency that had once marked his features was replaced by an intense focus, the full weight of the new development sinking in.

"The time has finally come..."

Rising abruptly from his divan, his idle expression completely evaporated, he pondered for a moment before barking out an authoritative order,


Like a master whistling for his dogs, a three-meter hulk with slicked-back sandy beige hair and a nightmarish-looking insectoid alien blinked into the room as silently as shadows. It was almost as if they had been there from the beginning. "What's up, boss? Do you need more... people, if you catch my drift..." Kang Jun greeted sinisterly, half-serious, half-joking.

Cho Min Ho didn't respond to his insinuation, and the bodyguard's face froze, a flicker of anger sparkling fleetingly in his orange eyes. Natan, whose insectoid face made his emotions unreadable, was more discerning and retorted in a voice that could make one's teeth grate, "I told you he and his faction wouldn't go down easily. As long as you can assert your superiority in the upcoming Ordeal, absorbing his faction and power will be a piece of cake. Besides, with only one other Oracle Knight to deal with, we can handle any unforeseen situation if our ally proves disappointing. Victory will be ours."

Kang Jun, a bit slow on the uptake, changed his expression as he grasped the gravity of the situation, appearing solemn on the surface, but seething with excitement deep down. Still, upon hearing the sinister words of the insectoid alien, an involuntary shiver ran down his spine.I think you should take a look at

He knew exactly what Natan was referring to. It was their leader and King's Idol Alliance's biggest secret. It was the root cause of their meteoric rise in both power and wealth, but it was also a curse to its members.

Joining King's Idol Alliance was akin to riding a tiger, once you were atop, stepping down was not an option, unless you fancied becoming its next meal. Everyone's fate was entwined tightly with their leader's.

Of course, save for a select few like Natan and himself, most members remained oblivious to the Damoclean sword hanging over their heads. The more suspicious, like Amy and Lee Yoon, could only harbor inklings, nothing more. Moreover, it was a fact that the King's Idol Alliance thrived and looked after its members. They indiscriminately accepted everyone, Civilians and Evolvers alike, guaranteeing a full stomach and a roof overhead. A cherry on top, the faction also ensured to bolster the strength of its new recruits safely.

Because Cho Min Ho and his faction lived up to these promises, their development had been explosive, while public adoration for the Korean nearly bordered on cult-like worship.

Yet, behind the scenes, the situation was darker, and their idolized idol had just set his sights on his new quarry...

"We'll engage in our fifth Ordeal tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. Relay the news to our members, and I expect all volunteers to confirm their participation within 60 minutes. No member of the main King's Idol Alliance faction can back out, or they can kiss their place goodbye. There's no shortage of candidates."

Cho Min Ho finally issued his orders, leaving nothing to chance. They weren't rookies when it came to Ordeals, and both Kang Jun and Natan gave respectful nods before vanishing with a blink.

Minutes later, the entire King's Idol Alliance was on alert, and a wave of excitement rippled across the entire island as a staggering 98% of members volunteered, including the majority Civilian subsidiary factions. It was as if they were oblivious or had forgotten that the mortality rate during the Fifth Ordeal neared 99%. 1 Such fanaticism and faith in their leader were both fascinating and terrifying...

Amy and Lee Yoon, witnessing the fervor over a cup of coffee with resigned, but not surprised, expressions, simultaneously sighed, shaking their heads in dismay. "I wonder which Oracle Knight he chose to partner with." Lee Yoon sneered, then added with a disdainful snort, "I was starting to think he was too fond of his luxuries to risk his life again. These recurring Space Digestor attacks must've shaken him from his indolence. To think we were over a billion two years ago..."

"Sadly, he's handling the registration via the Mirror World, so we'll have to wait for him to tell us who our allies are, if any..." Amy responded, annoyance edging her voice as she uncrossed and then recrossed her legs to stretch them.

Inside, a small part of her hoped their cooperation with Jake and his Myrtharian Nerds was still on, but after four years she refused to feed the slightest hope. If she let herself get swept up, the eventual disappointment would be crushing.

'Jake, Will... I hope you're doing well. I should've listened to you...' She mused inwardly, her gaze fixated on a distant point lost in the cosmos.


Back at the Magnetic Resonator, Jake, who had gone to the Conversion Chamber to begin his intensive training, abruptly halted his actions when Xi's soft voice rang in his mind,

[Your suspicions were well-founded. King's Idol Alliance signed up to fight alongside us less than an hour after we confirmed our participation in the Fifth Ordeal.]

Jake had considered this possibility despite the elapsed four years, but he had hoped he was wrong.

"So, there is indeed something off about this Cho Min Ho..." He murmured thoughtfully, resuming his stride.contemporary romance

Despite Amy's favorite idol being at the helm, his Cosmic D Starfeyrves instincts had never steered him wrong. A normal person would never have waited this long.

Recalling this, a sardonic chuckle escaped his lips as an expectant expression solidified on his shadowy face,

"Well, it's a chance to see what he's made of. If I can give Amy a hand for old time's sake, why not. Will would probably be pleased too..."

With that, Jake finally entered the Conversion Chamber where the Magnetic Field Disruptor and the Aether were generated and stored. A captivating smile flashed across his motivated face, prompting thousands of Aether Cores to magically materialize around him, with innumerable more continuously appearing.

In response to his mental command, the huge futuristic device acting as the Magnetic Field Disruptor began to emit an immense magnetic field. Shortly after, a blindingly white column of plasma swallowed his sight and the Aether Cores he had just conjured.

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