The Mistakes Of Misfits

Chapter 25

Journal of Sumi Ravenguard page 449

I sat in a tavern right outside of Duriks town square. I of course was disguised, wearing a large set of Templar armor and a heavy metal helmet that I could barely see out of. It put on the ruse of a large Templar male. The tavern was large and it still seemed packed. There must have been at least eighty or ninety people in this one building. I sat at the edge of the tavern overlooking the crowded town square.

Kasious couldn't just waltz in and start a speech. We needed something to start the fire and it just so happened this tavern had received multiple threats from the cult to pay a tithe to the king and his new friends. It was only a matter of time before they arrived.

I looked across the tavern to see Kasious, robed so you couldn't see his face or armor talking with one of the templars we had brought in our battalion. He sent a small nod my way then continued his conversation with the male. I didn't know for sure where Otah and Kerrigan were, they were supposed to keep hidden till the big reveal and the owner of the tavern was more than happy to give them a list of spots that would serve them as cover.

We stayed there for an hour, two, three. For a moment I thought the cult wouldn't come. I thought maybe since Sabastian had us prize they would move on to bigger things. Luckily not too long after those thoughts entered my head six cultists walked through the double doors. Two of them were massive, carrying greatswords and had heavy plated armor. The four others were smaller and seemed to carry knives similar to the one carried by the magic wielders who had attacked my village.

As the cultists approached the bar every patron scurried to the sides of the room. Many abandoned drinks so they could scurry out of the way as possible. No one said a word, in fear it might set off one of the volatile males. The Bartender didn't have such qualms. "What the hell do you want?" She asked them, not bothering to hide the frustration coating her voice.

One of the bigger cultists chuckled. "Is that any way to treat your customers? What happened to the service?" I couldn't see his face with his hood up but I could imagine the cocky grin that he sent the bartender's way.

She shook her head. "You haven't bought anything so you're no customers of mine, I doubt you're going to either." Her voice was firm and I honestly was surprised by the guts on the older woman. We were here to protect her but not many could be this courageous in the face of such danger.

The cultist braced one arm across the bar and leaned toward the woman. He tensed his shoulders and tried to make himself look as intimidating as possible."I guess we'll get straight down to business then." He muttered as he grabbed a drink that a scared civilian had abandoned. "The king demands your tithe, otherwise we'll have to do some... let's say unsavory things. Nobody wants that. So how about you just pay up and we'll be out of your hair." He cocked his head and waited expectantly for her response.

The bartender didn't so much as flinch. "This tavern has been owned by my family for generations. We have served the king's people and even the king himself. I do not care what you do to this place or to me. I will not dishonor the legacy of my family for your damned cult!"

The cultist seemed to tense at the lack of fear the woman showed. "Perhaps first, we need to teach you a lesson in respect." He growled. He reached across the bar and grabbed the bartender by her long brown hair. The woman tried to move away from the brute but he kept his grip tight on her. Her face turned into fear and for a moment I wanted to step in, but I knew Kasious would not allow this to happen.

He leaned in to do unspeakable things to her but Kasious stepped out of the crowd that formed on the side of the tavern. "Let her go, or I will make sure your death is agonizingly slow!" All six cultists turned to face the cloaked man.

"Who the fuck are you supposed to be?" Said one of the smaller cultists in a raspy voice. He held his knife toward Kasious and the bigger man did not let go of the bartender but did turn his body to face the Intruder.

Kasious relaxed his shoulders and threw off the cloak, revealing his gleaming armor. The cultists were surprised at the reveal but my friend just smiled. "I am Prince Kasious, and you are trespassing in my city." He held out his longsword out toward the lead cultist. "Let her go, I would hate to get your blood all over her nice dress." The crowd watched expectantly at the situation unfolding, I thought I even saw a glimmer of hope in a few of their eyes.

The massive cultist unlaced his large fingers from the bartender's hair and let out a thunderous laugh. "Perhaps you haven't noticed prince but we own this city now, and we currently have you outnumbered." The cultists started to move in on Kasious but he just let out a small chuckle.

"You never owned Durik." He muttered. "This city's people cannot be tamed." That was our cue. I stood from my seat and threw off the helmet, revealing my orcish features to the cultists. A few around the room made themselves known as well. till about twelve of us stood in between the cultists and the door. A few of the cult attempted to back up behind the bar but Kerrigan and Otah stepped out from their hiding spots and guarded the exits.

The lead cultist looked around at the fourteen opponents. "You can't stop us prince. No matter what you do you can't stop what's coming!" Kasious walked right up to the man and two of his cultists attempted to strike the prince. I rushed forward and struck the bigger of the two with a slice across the chest and one to his throat, while the Templar Kasious had spoken to earlier struck down the smaller cultist by skewering him on his blade. Kasious was so close to the lead cultist he could probably feel his breaths.

"You're right. I can't do this alone." He said. As soon as Kasious was in striking distance the lead cultist attempted to attack him. The prince caught the man's arm. Kasious smirked as he twisted his wrist. The wrist cracked and painfully slowly was moved to the point a satisfying snap sounded through the tavern.

The cultist let out a scream of pain as he held his hand. Kasious struck the cultist in the gut with the but of his blade, sending him to his knees. This prompted two of the other enemies to run out the back of the bar but they were easily cut down by Otah and Kerrigan. Kasious grabbed the leader by his short black hair and drug him across the floor. "This only stops if all of you help." He said loudly to the crowd as he threw the cultist through the double doors.

The cultist hit the cold wet stone and pure unadulterated fear ran through his face as Kasious followed him out. The crowded streets of the city made it impossible for the cultist to run as Kasious grabbed him again and dragged him to the middle of the town square. "Please! Please spare me! I'll tell you anything you want to know!" Kasious dropped the cultist by a large fountain and stepped on top of the first wall.

Myself and the rest of our troops followed Kasious into the square with the one remaining cultist in chains. It seemed a large crowd was forming around us. This was exactly what we wanted. Kasious nodded. "This is what needs to be done!" He screamed. "This cult can only take this city if we let them! Only if good men and women stand on the sidelines and let chaos spread around them." He pointed down at the cultist. "These people are not immortal, they are not gods! They simply believe they are better than you! Better than this city!"

The crowd's mood started to change from a curious trepidation to a fiery rage toward the cultist on the ground before them. Kasious continued. "I love this city, I refuse to watch it and its people be brought down by this cult!" A murmur started to form in the crowd around us and some of the civilians seemed to be ready for a fight.

"What are we supposed to do?" Asked a scrawnier civilian. He had short scraggly blond hair and looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks. His dark, sunken blue eyes fell to the cultist in what looked like shame. "We're not soldiers like you." The man looked up at Kasious but did not meet his eyes out of shame.

Kasious looked down at the man. "Fight with me... It doesn't matter if you're a soldier. Just fight for what is right! Fight for your city!" He answered. "Tomorrow at dawn my people will face the King's remaining armies and the cult. If you wish to be part of justice then meet me outside of the castle walls at dawn! Let my father know who's city this really is." Kasious stepped down from the fountain and walked right past the two cultists on the ground. They seemed confused for a moment but the second Kasious walked into the crowd the civilians closed in on the two men.

"Please, we were only following orders." They pleaded as they were surrounded by the overwhelming crowd of people. I could see the angry stares from five long years of the cults torture. They needed this as much as we did. I could see the fire of rebellion burning in their eyes. I turned away and followed Kasious. This was their kill

The pleading and pained screams of the cultists filled the air, as did the sounds of the many fists that caused them. Kasious had indeed made his death very slow and it was deserved. Every strike, every crack of bone just felt cathartic. I wish I could have been doing it myself.

Kasious looked at me and the rest of his friends as soon as we cleared the crowd. His gaze was as solid as stone. "It's time." He muttered as he sheathed his sword. "Tonight we prepare for war."

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