The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 78

No one would testify against them.

No one was brave enough to.

She was back to square one, as some would say.

And why, why was she so desperate to see them be finished off for good?

Chief Carter lifted her hands and slammed them onto her desk as tears pricked her eyes.

It had been two years ago.

Carter was meant to return home for Christmas that year, seeing as how work had prevent her from doing so the previous year. She was one of five, which in her mind seemed like a big enough family. Her family was inseparable, and it was her backbone

They had always been there for her, yet she had not done the same.

She was twenty-seven minutes late that Christmas.

Should it have mattered? Aren't people late all the time ?

It was the Christmas that her mother and father were murdered as them trekked their way through the snow as they walked towards their house.

It was the Christmas that the Kings and a small gang decided to have a shootout, one in which her parents found themselves caught in.

Did it matter that innocent blood was shed? Did it matter that she, and her four other siblings, had just lost their parents?

Apparently not.

She called in a few officers just after she wiped away the warm tears that scorched her cheeks, telling them to separate the boys.

She didn't need them to make any more plans.

That's why Chief Carter wanted revenge, and that's why she wasn't going to stop until she got it.

They had torn her family apart, and now she was going to do the same with their gang.

Carter fixed her hair, adjusted her clothes, and stared deeply into the mirror. The reflection resembled a strong woman who was powerful and composed; yet when you looked deep into her eyes, that's where you could see the vengeful demons dancing around.

She took a few breaths before she pulled out her phone. Glancing around cautiously, she dialed the number she knew shouldn't have.

<< It's time. >> She said as soon as they picked up. She hung up after those two words, butterflies erupting in her stomach as she realized what she had just done.

There was no going back now.

This was her last plan.

She no longer had the evidence to put away the King as she wanted to-no, she had something much better.

She had a young girl, who had been tormented and broken down more times than anyone could imagine.

This girl was now clay in Chief Carter's hands, for she could now control her however she wanted to.

Chief Carter had someone to testify against the Kings, someone who knew so much more than anyone else would ever.

It was time for Evelyn Claire Summers to make an appearance.

<< One for the money, two for the show

I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go

How did you get that way? I don't know

You're screwed up and brilliant,

Look like a million dollar man,

So why is my heart broke? >>

-Lana Del Rey << Million Dollar Man »

Trust; it's a two way street, as is respect.

So what happens when they are abused? Well that how people become corrupted.

Trust and respect are not easily earned, but holy shit, they can be lost with the snap of a finger, let me tell you that.

I stared at my shaking hands as I sat in the back of the police car, my stomach knotting with trepidation. The fear was paralyzing me, making me sick and dizzy as I watched the scenery pass by through the windows of the car.

In the front sat Sampson and some woman, who by the looks of it, was a police chief of some sort. I felt as though I was about to throw up, as each passing second sent waves of nausea over my body.

How did this happen? How did we go from being so happy, to being completely and utterly fucked.

I feel frustration rack my body as my mind worked over all the newfound information I had just been flooded with.

After Sampson had left me, I let the tears wash over my face. I was hurt, quite obviously, and sickened to my stomach. I cried until my throat was raw, and I was left with a bloody taste in my mouth. My head ached intensely, and I found myself unable to breathe. Even in the midst of all my choking, I continued to cry and sob until I felt nothing.

How I longed to feel numb again.

But not right now. Right now I felt everything; all those emotions I've buried have come back to life. Anger surged through my veins. It fueled my every thought and every breath.

I was livid and this hatred made me blood thirsty.

Betrayal, it's the absolute worst.

It's sickening, consuming, and brings out the true evil that every person fights to keep hidden.

But that's just it. We are human, and humans are flawed and corrupted. We have to be, in order to survive. The evil that dwells within all of us is controlling ; yet it's always the weak ones who fight it. They are the ones who want to stay pure.

I scoffed to myself.

It's the strong ones who allow the evil to take over, to devour them fully. And by doing so, you give yourself the power to destroy that evil.

Betrayal ignited the evil within me, the evil that I have not faced in quite some time. But rather being alarmed by it, I welcomed it.

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