The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 59

I felt my eyes roll again, almost instinctively as I noticed Sebastian approaching me. What caught my attention was the frustrated expression he now wore. I tensed as he stood next to me, ordering himself a beer.

<< The guy isn't coming tonight, »> Sebastian muttered, gulping down the contents of his beer as he glared out into the crowded club.

I nodded my head, unsure if I was meant to offer any solace, though I wasn't about to any time soon.

<< I get it, >> he spoke, << I pissed you off and now you're going to act all uncaring and bratty, just to prove that you're not some emotional baby. >>

I shrugged in response, although I frowned a bit at his statement.

<< Why don't we just forget what I said earlier, and go back to how it used to be ? » He offered. Staring into his eyes, I could clearly see that something was wrong. Alarms went off in my head, and a conclusion to his behavior crossed my mind. << But I haven't even started yet. >> I drawled out, testing him for a reaction.

Sebastian only scowled at him and roughly gripped my wrist, pulling me to him. I could tell he was annoyed, but that was about all I was getting from him at the moment.

<< Let me guess, >> I lowered my voice, forcing him to strain to hear me, << this isn't the first time a guy hasn't shown up ? In fact, it's been happening a lot lately, hasn't it? >>

The second I finished speaking; Sebastian took on a look of fury. << How the hell did you know that? >> His stare was murderous, almost accusing.

I stared at him for a moment, before a feeling of satisfaction took over. << I didn't, it was merely a guess, and one that you just confirmed to be true. >>

Sebastian stared down at me, his sharp features looking darker than ever. But his eyes, they held so much more than anger. There was worry. And with worry came fear. Sebastian King was scared.

He's scared to lose control, and so he went to me, the one constant in his fight for control.

I felt my insides twist as I stared up at him.

Had I really been right? Had it only been a game ?

I blinked rapidly, and quickly finished off my beer, which unfortunately had no effects on me.

<< You're a bastard. >>

I moved away from him, and walking down the stairs onto the main floor, distancing myself as much as possible.

I was mad at Sebastian, there was no doubt about that, but I found myself hating myself even more.

Sebastian was using his power to make me his submissive, yet something was telling me that it had been myself- I gave him that power.

I wasn't thinking straight; in fact, I haven't been able to have a clear thought ever since I left London's Eyes.

My eyes connected with the exit, and without a second thought, I began pushing my way towards my new destination.

Once outside, I could actually breathe again. My head was clear as I gulped in the fresh air. I didn't mind goose bumps that began to appear all over my skin, proving to be a weak force against the harsh winter winds that bit at me. My body lurched forwards as a hand grasped my elbow. Turning around, I let out a sigh of disappointment as I made eye contact with Sebastian, who had Callum directly behind him.

<< And where do you think you're going? >> Sebastian questioned, anger bubbling to the surface of his tone.

I refused to respond, and only stared at him dully.

<< I swear to-<< Sebastian began, until he was cut off by a muffled scream that came from a nearby alleyway.

I couldn't help myself, and found my feet moving on their own accord, in the direction of the sound. It's times like these that I wish I wasn't so curious, or nosy as some would put it.

The man had the woman pinned to wall by her neck, which made me think back to all the times Sebastian's done that to me.

And why? For control.

Rage burst within me, and I began running to the man, only to be held back by Sebastian.

<< Let me go ! >> I screamed out, catching the attention of the strangers in the alleyway. My stomach lurched as a flicker of hope shot through the desperate woman's eyes. It was as if she was pleading me to help her.

<< This is not your fight, »> Sebastian said quietly, ignoring the way the man stared at us silently, as if he didn't care that he had witnesses to his abuse.

<< Not my !-<< I broke free from Sebastian and whirled around to face him, a lethal look contorting my features. << Not my fight? >> My voice was shrill as I practically screeched at Sebastian.

I turned quickly to face the man, << Let go of her right now. >> I snarled, my hands curling into tight fists.

The man, who was clearly incompetent, looked to Sebastian before saying, << Control yer bitch. >> That was enough.

The demons within had been released and there was nothing that could stop me from lunging at the man. Fortunately, I caught him off guard and even threw in a few good punches before Sebastian pulled me away. The man had collapsed on the group, and was fighting for consciousness as Sebastian separated us.

I felt blood run down my knuckles, and whether or not it was his, or mine I couldn't care less. It brought me a sickening satisfaction to know that I had been able to hurt him.

<< What has gotten into you? >> Sebastian barked into me ear, but I hardly noticed that. My eyes remained on the woman, who was know looking at me and then back at the man, as if she was unsure of what to do.

<< What are you waiting for? >> I asked loudly to the woman, << Go ! Leave that piece of shit to die here. >>

My own words surprised me. For a girl who had always feared inflicting death upon others, it came all too naturally for me to tell the woman to abandon the man and leave him to die.

<< No... » Her soft word sent me into a frozen state, and I stared at her in horror as she began to walk towards the man.

For the second time, I broke out of Sebastian's grip and rushed to the woman, yanking her away from the man.

<< What are you doing? >> I nearly screamed at her, << Why can't you see that he's a bad person? Huh? Why are you going back to him? What is wrong with you? >>

Up close, I was able to see things I hadn't noticed before. Like for instance, the incoherent expression she wore, paired with her glazed, bloodshot eyes.

I pulled my hand away as if she has burned it.

<< Listen, >> I spoke calmly, << the drugs are messing with you. You need to get away from him. He's not good for you. >> I pointed a shaking finger to the man, hoping that somehow she would be able to understand me. << I... » She breathed out, and I tensed. I knew what was coming. I had heard it hundreds of times before.

<< I love him. >>

I felt my insides shatter, though I remained expressionless. I felt bile rise in my throat as I turned on my heel and pushed past the confused Sebastian and Callum, past Mason who had just arrived.

<< What did I miss ? » He asked, his brows furrowing with surprise as he took in my state.

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