The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 52

My body shook with silent cries as he leaned down, and unlocked the door. With his eyes on me, he pulled me into his body, and opened the door behind me. Up close, I could see the bruise that was forming on his temple. I winced as I thought about the way I had hit him before- there was no question that he was furious with me.

<< Your nose was bleeding, » he stated, cocking his head to the side. << It stopped. >>

A started shriek left my lips as his hand came into contact with my nose. The result was immediate- blood began pouring from my nose, making me splutter and choke in pain.

His hands violently tugged my hair, messing it up even more. Whimpers and cries left my lips as he slapped me a few more times. Leaning back slightly, his eyes trailed over the destruction he caused.

<< There, »> he smirked. With a sudden movement, I was twisted around, my hands locked behind my back.

<< Why don't we go see just how precious you are to the Kings ? » With a powerful shove, Eric began pushing me out of the room, no doubt upstairs to where the rest of the gangs were battling to the death.

After stumbling multiple times, I finally made it to the main floor, with a very irritated Eric behind me.

<< Ready? » He asked, whispering into my ear as we paused in the hallway, just outside of the living room, which ironically, was were people were dying left and right.

Struggling one last time, I had no other choice than to allow Eric to give me one final shove, into the living room.

The gunshots ceased instantly, only after Eric shot a warning one through the ceiling.

I felt all eyes on me as Eric pressed the tip of his gun to the side of my head. The cock of the gun sounded, and I flinched violently, squeezing my eyes shut in anticipation.

« Drop it. » Sebastian's menacing tone echoes throughout the room, and I felt Eric tense slightly behind me.

<< Wouldn't want your whore getting a bullet in her brain, would ya? >> Eric's taunt was full of malice and I felt myself begin to shake against him. The hand holding my arms was removed, and in turn, he wrapped his entire arm around my waist, holding me close to him.

I flinched as his thumb began rubbing circles into my back, in an almost soothing manner.

<< How dare you! >> Sebastian screamed, making my eyes fly open.

I cringed at the scene before me. Bodies were thrown everywhere, blood spattered on the rugs, walls, and soaking through people's clothes.

Sebastian, Callum, and Mason stood on one side, while four men from the Black Pythons stood on the other.

I couldn't help but be slightly impressed by how Sebastian, Callum, and Mason were able to take out over seven men, uncaring that they were so obviously outnumbered.

<< What do you want? >> Sebastian asked, his chest heaving in anger.

I could hear the smirk on his lips as he spoke, «< How about this, Sebastian King, let's make deal. >>

Sebastian's lips thinned, and I could practically see the restrained rage within him.

<< I hand over Evelyn, and you leave immediately. No questions asked, no more lives lost, and we never have to see each other again. >>

My body stiffened as Sebastian smirked, and something in my gut told me something very bad was about to happen.

<< Tempting, >> Sebastian said mischievously, << Or I could just do this. >>

The sound of four, consecutive gunshots rang out, nearly deafening me. The sound of lifeless bodies collapsing onto the ground made me flinch and whimper.

<< You shouldn't have done that! >> Eric screamed, throwing my body to the ground. Blood that now coated my lips and dripped down my chin and onto my neck splattered over the ground. I spat out the blood that had gotten into my mouth, but from the way it just kept running down from my nose, the action was pointless.

I must have looked like I was on the verge of death.

Pale, ghostlike skin, blood flooding down my face, tangled hair and covered in bruises- I must admit, I was not at my prime.

Staring up at the barrel of the gun, I realized one thing. Whenever someone is about to die, there's always something or someone that crosses his or her mind. Waves of emotions wash over the person, and just as they're about to die, they let it all go.

What I realized, well, it was pretty depressing.

There was nothing, no one that crossed my mind. No flood of emotions, or anything for that matter.

Only acceptance.

Acceptance for death.

Acceptance towards no longer living.

I didn't care.

The sound of the gunshot burst through the silence that enveloped us. It rang through my ears, and for a split second, I panicked.

There should have been something-

Something worth living for.

With that, I accepted the darkness that was more than welcoming, allowing it consume me.


His name was Eric Hook.

He was my target for the night.

He was my mission that I could not fail.

We met, we danced, and with all the skill I had acquired from my five years of training, I convinced him to bring me to his home.

It wasn't hard, though it should have been. But like they say, if you think something is too easy, you're probably doing it wrong.

But I didn't I didn't do anything wrong.

I got into the house, successfully followed by Sebastian, Callum and Mason.

It wasn't until we were ambushed.

By 'we', I mean the Kings. As it turns out, the Black Pythons were suspicious of us. Just as we were, the Black Pythons were well aware of Eric Hook's importance to their gang.

They had surrounded the house, and when Sebastian arrived, a war broke out.

He was kissing me ferociously, like an untamed animal. I had no choice but to play along with it, to distract him.

<< I can't believe a bird like you hasn't been claimed yet, »> Eric exclaimed after momentarily pulling away. I smirked, and give him a small shrug.

<< I don't give many the chance to. >> My voice was suggestive, and he quickly placed his lips over mine again.

It was going well- at least that what I thought, until a loud yell sounded, and a man ran into the room.

<< We've got intruders, >> he said breathlessly, his eyes flickering to me. I stiffened when he froze, his eyes boring into mine.

<< Fuckin' hell, is tha-<<

I caught Eric off guard, and sent a powerful punch to his temple, quickly and effectively knocking him out. His body collapsed in a heap on the ground, and I moved as fast as I could to grab the gun that had been tucked into his jeans. The man in front of me stared at me with wide eyes, and I simply smirked and shrugged.

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