The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 02

I felt a hand wrap around me and roughly pull me away from the weak pile of shit that was at my feet.

<< Y-You're Evelyn-<< The man gasped out, leaning against the wall for support.

<< Evie, actually, >> I cut him off with a wave of my hand after breaking away from Will, my brother's right hand man.

<< We gave you a warning, » my brother finally spoke, moving forward towards the man on the ground after giving me a harsh glare. Shrugging, I watched as the man gulped in fear, one hand supporting him on the ground, while the other held onto his bleeding nose.

<< P-Please, D-Danny, I will h-have the-<< He screamed out in pain when my brother's foot connected with his chest. A sickening, choking sound followed as the man struggled to breathe.

<< Funny, because I could have sworn you said that last time. » My brother snapped, before turning to look at Will.

<< That's exactly what he said last time, » Will said, with an almost pitying look crossing his face while he watched the man splutter and gasp.

I knew what was going to happen next. As if on queue, the man's eyes desperately found mine.

<< Help me, please. >> His broken whisper didn't break the cold exterior I was trained to have. Instead, I scowled and turned my attention to Danny.

<< Make it quick. >> Turning around, I began walking down the alleyway, a path I knew all too well.

<< Never one to stick by for the real stuff, huh? » Will's voice taunted me, but it was true.

As I rounded the corner, I heard the ignored pleas of the begging man. The faint screams of pain, followed by sound of something that tore through my heart.

The sound of the gunshot rang through my ears while I walked down the cold, empty street.

The silence that came afterwards always made me sick. Pressing a hand to my trembling lips, I held in the whimpers that I so badly wanted to let loose. Once I thought I was far enough, I leaned against a lamppost, and allowed my body to sink to the ground.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to block out the image of the man begging me for help. I tried to not think about how his family would feel, to wake up the next day and find out that he is dead.

I tried to focus on the way he grabbed at me. The way his eyes lit up at the sight of my drunken state. I thought about the way he had been constantly getting drugs left and right, without ever paying.

He was a bad person, Evie you know that.

He deserved it.

<< He deserved it. >> I whispered, my body shaking as I finally managed to stand back up.

By now, my platform heels were bringing my feet an unbelievable amount of pain, but it was one that I was used to.

The revealing outfits, the high heels, and luring men to their deaths, that's what I grew up doing. This is what I know; it's the life I live.

But it wasn't something I chose. No, I didn't decide that I wanted this.

I was born into this.

Growing up in a gang was far from easy, especially when it's one of the most feared gangs in London. The lifestyle was far from something I wanted, but I had to adapt.

Now, I'm not some weak girl, who can't handle blood and gore like Will constantly teases me about. But I can never find it in myself to watch the people get shot, to watch their life end. No, no, I can only go as far as to bring them outside, rough them up a bit, then walk away like nothing happened.

Being a part of 'London's Eyes' my whole life, I only started working when I turned fifteen. At the age of seventeen, I am still the baiter of the gang, so I really wasn't kidding when I said that I lure men out to their deaths.

There was only one gang that was above us in rankings. It was run by a man who should still be considered a boy, if not for the fact that he truly was the most feared man in London. His gang was known for being extremely violent and merciless, and for basically running London.

They were known as the 'Kings'.

I shook my head to rid myself of thought of them, almost as if one of the Kings would pop out at me just because I was thinking about the gang.

Evie, focus, get home now.

My legs were shaking as I continued to walk through the empty, dimly lit streets. I knew that I looked like your cliché about to be attacked kind of girl, the one you would find dead in a trash bin the next day, with my makeup smeared and my trashy outfit completing the whole look.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, I pulled off my heels and began walking barefoot. I knew how to get home using the back streets of London, ones that were strategically picked so that I would rarely run into anyone. Which was something that never happened, until tonight.

The sound of a passing car caught my attention, and the gleam of the headlights coming from behind me told me that it was coming closer and closer by the second. Brushing it off as just a family returning from a trip of some sort, I didn't think anything of it.

<< Hey, babe, how much do you charge? >> Any normal girl would have frozen over with fear and take off sprinting in hopes to escape.

Only, I'm not any normal girl.

<< What the fuck did you just say? » An enraged look washed over my features and I whipped around in anger. A frown replaced my murderous look, as I saw my brother's car, with Nate smirking at me from the backseat. Rolling my eyes, I opened up the door, and climbed in, sitting next to Nate while Danny and Will sat up in the front.

<< You look like absolute trash, »> my brother snapped from the front seat, his eyes hard and cold.

<< Shut up, >> I mumbled resting my head against Nate's shoulder.

<< What did you just say ? » The car jolted as his head whipped around and I was met with a deadly glare.

<< I told you to shut up! >> I snapped, sitting upright this time. << Why are you so angry with me? I've done nothing wrong! >>

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