The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 90

Felicity POV.

As Maximus exited the cave, I couldn't help but feel a sense of worry. What if he was caught? What if something happened to him? And all for a simple bottle of water.

Ava couldn't help but notice my concern. "Don't worry, Felicity. Maximus knows what he's doing. He's a smart guy, you know."

"I hope so," I replied, still uncertain.

Kyle chimed in. "Why are we even wasting time and risking our lives for water, anyways? We should be focusing on finding the traitor and taking down Melezo."

"Kyle, we need water to survive," Adrian pointed out. "And besides, we need to rest and recoup our energy before we can take on Melezo again. We can't do that if we're dehydrated and exhausted."

Kyle grumbled, but didn't argue further. We settled back into a tense silence as we waited for Maximus to return.

As we waited for Maximus to return, the baby finally quieted down and fell asleep. I cuddled him close to me, still feeling upset with Kyle and the others for their behavior earlier.


Maximus POV.

I walked down the street, feeling like a complete idiot in my wig, dress, and high heels. Why did I agree to this ridiculous plan in the first place? Oh, right, because my baby was thirsty. But was it worth sacrificing my dignity? Yes!

As I entered the bar, I could feel the eyes of the other customers on me. I tried my best to act natural, but it was difficult when every step I took felt like a potential disaster.

Finally, I reached the bartender's counter.

"Can I help you beautiful lady?" the bartender asked.

"Uh, yeah, can I get 10 bottles of water?" I asked in a high-pitched voice.

The bartender gave me a strange look.

"Excuse me, miss. What's a pretty lady like you doing outside at this time of night?" he asked.

I forced a smile. "Just grabbing some water." I replied, trying to keep my voice soft and feminine.

The bartender's curiosity was aroused. " " 10 bottles of Water? You look like you could use something stronger." He pressed, his eyes narrowing.

I insisted. "No, I'm just meeting some friends," I replied, trying to keep my voice calm and steady. "And as for the water, we just want to stay hydrated."

The bartender was skeptical but decided to give me the benefit of the doubt. "Is that so? Well, alright then. Here's your water."

I gratefully took the water and gave him the money.

The man next to me took a step closer, invading my personal space. "You sound nervous, sweetheart. Don't be afraid to relax and have a little fun."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead offered him a fake smile. "I'm always a little nervous in new surroundings. And as for fun, I plan on having plenty with my friends." I gestured to the door, implying that I needed to be on my way. The man didn't seem convinced, but he stepped back slightly. "Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find us."

As I turned to leave, another man stepped in front of me, grinning widely. "You know, you're too beautiful to be alone. Why don't we sit down and get to know each other better?"

I took a step backwards, feeling trapped. "I really need to go. My friends are waiting for me."

The man reached out and touched my arm, sending a shiver of revulsion down my spine. "Come on, darling. Just one drink. It won't hurt you."

I jerked my arm away, a flash of anger rising in me. "No means no. Now please let me through."

The men reluctantly stepped aside, muttering under their breath.

Suddenly, one of the men in the bar got up and came to stand next to me. He reeked of alcohol and his words slurred slightly as he spoke.

"Well, if it isn't the prettiest thing I've seen all night," he said, giving me a once-over. "What brings a beautiful lady like you out at this time of night?"

I forced a smile on my face. "Just grabbing some water for my meeting," I said, trying to edge away from him slightly. I try to keep my tone light and breezy.

Suddenly, another man approached, then another, until there were five of them crowded around me. They started making crude comments and lewd gestures, and I wanted nothing more than to slap them all.

But I kept my cool, smiling politely as they flirted with me and made inappropriate comments. One of them even went so far as to grab my buttocks, and I tensed up in disgust.

"Why is your b**t so hard, honey?" he slurred, and I could feel myself getting angrier by the second.

I took a deep breath, trying to tamp down my rage. What would a true girl do in this situation? I wondered. But there was no time to think - the men were still leering at me, their eyes dark with desire.

I tried to maintain my composure and shrugged off his comment, saying, "I hit the gym often, that's how I stay in shape."

"Prove it to us," another commented.

The comments continued, and the men started touching me inappropriately. I felt humiliated and violated, but I knew that reacting impulsively would reveal my true identity.

But the men kept on harassing me. One said, "We like 'em curvy," while another added, "Especially when they don't wear a bra." I felt disgusted. Suddenly, one of them touched my b**t inappropriately. Feeling violated, I panicked, wondering how I was going to get out of this situation. That's when one of them asked me, "Where do you live?"

Without thinking, I replied, "Oh, it's far away from here."

The man pointed at a nearby house. "Is that it?"

Without hesitation, I agreed.

The man said, "Maybe we should accompany you to your house."

Feeling trapped, I accepted their offer without hesitation. As we left the bar, I heard them making salacious remarks about me. I wanted to hit them but knew it would reveal my true identity.

I tried to make a quick escape but slipped, almost falling. They caught me and pinched my a*s. I was disgusted.

As we walked, they continued to compliment me. One said, "I bet you're a wild one in bed." While another added, "I would treat you to the night of your life."

Once we were away from the bar, they continued complementing me. I couldn't take it anymore. I watched right and left there were no one else around. I threw my bottles of water in the air, punched each one of them in the face, and caught my bottles before they hit the ground.

"That'll teach you," I snarled before quickly fleeing the scene.

Their salacious comments and inappropriate touching made me feel disgusted and violated. I had to defend myself and show them that I wouldn't tolerate their behavior.

As I walked down the darkened street, I tried to shake off the feeling of revulsion that clung to me like a bad smell.

It wasn't easy being a man disguised as a woman, I thought wryly. But I had a job to do, and nothing - not even a pack of lecherous men in a bar - was going to stop me.

When I arrived in the cave, the smile on Felicity's face confirmed to me that my sacrifice had been worth it.

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