The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 79



As I walked out of the room, I could feel my heart breaking into a million pieces. How could Felicity accuse me of something like that? I loved her, and I would never keep something like that from her. I hated myself for slapping him, I got so angry I was so angry

I stood outside the door, trying to compose myself. I didn't want to leave things like this between us. I knew I had to talk to her and make her understand that I was innocent.

I couldn't abandon my son, I didn't know him when he was born, I didn't want to abandon Felicity anymore, I didn't want to make the same mistake a second time. I loved her and I didn't want to lose her.

I left the HQ and started pacing outside, I was stressed, so many ideas crossed my mind, I wondered if I should go back to HQ or go back to my castle. No i should go back with felicity and our baby.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of doubt and fear that was creeping in. What if Felicity refused to hear my side of the story? What if she believed that I was guilty? Would she leave me? Would she take our son with her?

The thoughts were overwhelming, and I could feel myself getting more and more anxious with every passing second. But something inside me urged me to keep trying. To go back to HQ and talk to her. To make things right. Taking a deep breath, I headed back inside. I felt like my heart was in my throat as I made my way our room.

I walked back into the room, and everyone was looking at me with hostility. Kyle was still angry, and Ava was crying in the corner. Felicity was still on the bed, tears streaming down her face. Adrian was next to her giving her a hug to comfort her.

As I looked over to Felicity, I felt a pang of guilt wash over me. I knew that I had caused her pain, and it tore me apart inside. It was clear that Adrian was doing his best to console her, but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Especially since I knew he was taking advantage of the situation to win her over, and that made me angry.

Someone else comfort Felicity made my blood boil, and I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me.

But I knew that creating more scandals for the seers was the last thing they needed. So, I held my tongue and took a deep breath. As I approached Felicity, I could see the hurt etched on her face, and it broke my heart.

"I didn't do it, Felicity. I had no idea about your parents," I said, trying to explain myself.

"How could I believe anything you say?" Felicity said, her voice shaking with emotion.

"I swear to you, I am innocent. I had no idea what my father had done," I said, trying to calm her down.

Kyle stepped forward. "How are we supposed to believe you? You're his son, Maximus. You could have been in on it," he said, his voice full of anger.

"I wasn't in on it, Kyle. I swear to you. My father was a stranger to me until a few years ago. I had no idea what he had done," I said, trying to explain.

"You could have found out and kept it from us," Ava interjected.

"I didn't find out until today. I didn't keep anything from anyone," I said, my voice getting desperate.

I looked at Felicity, hoping to see some kind of understanding in her eyes. But all I saw was hurt and anger.

"Please, Felicity. You have to believe me. I would never hurt you or keep something like this from you," I said, trying to reason with her.

Felicity looked away, still crying. "How can I trust you, Maximus? You hit me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I know, and I am so sorry. I should never have done that. I was angry, and I lashed out. But I love you, Felicity. You have to believe me," I said, my voice getting more desperate.

Felicity looked at me, tears in her eyes. "I don't know what to believe anymore, Maximus. You've hurt me so much," she said, her voice full of pain.

"I know, and I am so sorry. Please, Felicity, can we talk about this? Can we try and work things out?" I said, hoping she would give me another chance.

As I tried to reason with Felicity, Kyle and Adrian stepped forward, blocking me from getting near her.

"You have no right to talk to her, Maximus. You're a liar and a coward," Kyle spat at me.

"Stay away from her and the baby," Adrian added, his fists clenched.

"I just want to talk to her, to explain everything," I pleaded.

"You've said enough, Maximus. You've hurt her enough," Adrian said, his voice full of anger.

"I want my son. I have a right to see him," I said, desperation creeping into my voice.

"You have no rights over that child. He's Felicity's and ours, not yours," Kyle said, his tone final. Felicity was crying, holding the baby tightly. He was crying too, inconsolable in her arms.

"Please, Felicity. Let me see him," I said, my voice getting more desperate.

"No, Maximus. You've lost that right," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Suddenly, we heard noises outside. We stopped arguing and all came out to see what was going on.

"I swear to you, I am innocent. I had no idea what my father had done," I said, trying to calm her down.

We saw wolves, lycans in our HQ attacking us. I recognized them as the wolves of Alpha Melezo's pack.

I immediately turned to Felicity and said, "Get to safety with the baby. We'll take care of them," my tone firm yet concerned.

I saw fear in her eyes as she replied, "But, Maximus..."

"I'll be fine, love. Just take the baby and hide somewhere," I assured her, gently handing over our precious bundle.

Felicity nodded, too scared to argue as she clutched the baby tightly to her chest. "Okay, be careful," she said before quickly making her way towards the back room. Meanwhile, I and the other members of the pack rushed to defend our home,

We all started fighting and transforming into our wolf form.

The sound of snarling and growling filled the air, and the scent of blood was overpowering.

As the battle raged on, I couldn't help but worry about Felicity and our baby. I knew they were safe for now, but I couldn't wait to be reunited with them once the danger had passed. The fight was bloody, but we managed to win. However, we had lost several members of our team.

As we stood there, panting and wounded, we saw other wolves from Alpha Melezo's pack manage to flee.

I detransformed and regained my human form. I turned to see Felicity, who was still holding the baby. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked her, worry etched on my face.

She shook her head, tears still streaming down her face. "I'm okay. But we lost so many people," she said, her voice full of sadness.

I walked over to her, wanting to comfort her. "I'm sorry, Felicity. I didn't want any of this to happen," I said, my voice full of regret.

She looked at me, and for the first time, I saw a glimmer of understanding in her eyes.

Felicity looked at me for a long moment before finally nodding. "Fine, we can talk. But you have a lot of explaining to do, Maximus," she said, her voice cold.

I sighed, relieved that she was willing to hear me out. Maybe there was still a chance for us.

As we stood there, Ava came over to us, holding her arm. "We need to get everyone to safety. We don't know if they'll come back," she said, her voice urgent.

We all nodded, picking up our wounded and making our way to a safe location. As we walked, I held Felicity's hand, hoping that we could work things out between us.

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