The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 65

Maximus POV.

As I sat down to pen my letter to Titus, my mind became ensnared with thoughts of Felicity. I couldn't shake her out of my mind, and it almost made me sick.

I couldn't help but reminisce about our meeting, how her eyes gleamed with innocence.

"An innocence you destroyed." Tells me my mind. I hated myself for it.

I remember the way her soft, silky hair smelled of roses, and the way her smile lit up her face. It was as if for a moment, nothing else in the world existed other than her and me.

My thoughts then drifted to the fight with Zarek. I could feel my heart rate speed up at the memory of our struggle. The adrenaline had been pumping through my veins, and my body had felt alive like never before. I could almost feel the sting of Zarek's punches, the huff of his breath as he tried to overpower me.

But, despite the thrill of victory at triumphing over Zarek, my thoughts continued to return to Felicity. I couldn't help but wonder how she was doing, if she thought of me as much as I thought of her.

"Fool, she can't think of you. Do you remember what you put her through?" My mind still told me. I already knew that too, but I still had hope.

I wondered how she had managed to get me so drunk. Me who from the beginning was chasing her to punish her, here I am, finding myself chasing her for love.

Finally, as I finished my letter. I sat my mind still consumed by her.

I was lost in my thoughts as I walked through the forest, trying to sort out my feelings about Felicity. Suddenly, a carrier pigeon flew above me. At first, I thought it might be Titus, but as it came closer, I realized it was different from our usual pigeons. I took the paper from its paw and opened it, my heart racing with anticipation. Who could send me this letter? And what did it contain?

"Dear Maximus, it's been a long time. How are you? I'm doing great, thanks for asking."

"Arrogant bastard," i muttered under his breath. "Let's see what this letter says."

"I'm writing to tell you that I have the girl, what's her name again? Ah, Felicity." He read.

"Melezo! How dare he! He's alive, and he has Felicity. I have to do something about it." I told myself feeling my anger rising in me.

As i continued to read the letter, my heart started beating faster. Who had Melezo teamed up with? Why did he have Felicity? And how? "You know where I am, and in case you doubt me, I've put something to take your doubts away."

My hands shook as I opened the small plastic in the corner of the letter. Inside was a lock of hair. I smelled it, and it was Felicity's hair. "Hmph," i grunted, eyeing the plastic containing Felicity's hair. "Well, at least Melezo didn't lie."

The letter was from him, the former alpha I thought I had killed.

As i read Melezo's letter, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was almost as if Melezo was taunting me with every word.

"I swear to the gods, Melezo," i growled, crushing the letter in my hand. "I will make you pay for this."

I tore the letter to pieces, my anger fueling me. "This is unacceptable. I have to find Felicity and bring her back," I muttered to myself.

Without hesitation, I stole a couple's horse to get to Melezo. When I arrived, the couple insulted me.

"Who do you think you are, stealing our horse?" The man hissed, holding a pitchfork threateningly.

I glared at him, clenching my fists. "I'm sorry, but I need to find someone. It's urgent."

"Can't you just walk like the rest of us peasants?" The woman scoffed, crossing her arms.

I gritted my teeth. I didn't have time for this.

But I didn't care. "I don't have time for this," I said, giving them the middle finger before I pushed past them, galloping away.

As I rode towards the underground cave, I couldn't help but worry about Felicity. If Melezo touched one more hair on her head, I was going to kill him. Felicity belonged to me and no one else.

As I approached the front door of the cave, I paused to take a deep breath. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my rage boiling under my skin.

When I arrived at the cave, I got off my horse without making a sound and entered it. It was eerily quiet, making my heart race even faster.

Suddenly, men attacked me by surprise, they had apparently been waiting for me.

They were strong, but I was stronger. I fought them off with everything I had, using my brute strength and cunning to overcome them. Eventually, I emerged victorious.

suddenly, out of nowhere, I saw Melezo coming towards me feigning surprise to me.

As Melezo approached me, I could see his small frame and shriveled appearance. He was no more than five feet tall, with crooked limbs and deep wrinkles etched into his skin. But despite his diminutive size and advanced age, he exuded a commanding presence that demanded respect.

I could see the gleam in his eyes as he regarded me, sizing me up with a shrewdness that spoke of years of experience and cunning. It was clear to me that despite his age, no one knew his real age, but he was around 150 years old, Melezo was still going strong, his mind as sharp as ever.

His voice was surprisingly strong and clear as he spoke, revealing a deep wisdom that only comes with age and experience.

Despite his frail appearance, there was no mistaking the power and authority that Melezo commanded.

“Ah, King Maximus. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, his voice dripping with fake sweetness.

As i read Melezo's letter, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was almost as if Melezo was taunting me with every word.

"You know why I'm here," I growled, pushing past him to enter a dark room in my right.

Melezo followed me, a smirk on his face. "Oh, I think I have an idea. That poor girl, Felicity. It's such a shame she left you."

"You had no right to interfere," I hissed, turning to face him.

Melezo shrugged. "I did what I had to do. Besides, you should be thanking me. Felicity was nothing but trouble."

"Enough!" I yelled, my patience wearing thin. "I demand that you tell me where she is."

Melezo rolled his eyes. "I don't know. She left a few hours ago. I'm sure she's long gone by now."

"You think you're so clever, Melezo," I seethed, fangs bared as I half-transformed into my wolf. "But you have no idea the kind of trouble you've caused."

Melezo laughed, the sound grating on my nerves. "Oh, I know exactly what kind of trouble I've caused. And it's not my problem."

I couldn't take it anymore. I lunged at him, slamming him against the wall to his right. "Tell me where she is!" I demanded, my eyes glowing with fury.

Melezo just smirked, taunting me. "Hit me if it makes you feel better, but it won't change anything. Felicity is gone, and you have no one to blame but yourself."

I let out a guttural growl and detransformed, my anger turning to despair. Melezo's words had hit me hard, and I felt like I was drowning in a sea of heartbreak.

He laughed again, the sound cruel. "I see you're finally seeing reason. Now, if you'll follow me, I have something to show you."

I hesitated, unsure if I could trust him. But I had no other leads on Felicity's location, so I reluctantly followed him.

He led me through a maze of corridors and down a flight of stairs until we reached a dismal, dilapidated, gloomy room. It was Melezo's throne, and he sat down on it with a smug expression.

"Well, well, well," he said, gesturing for me to sit across from him. "Look who finally came to pay me a visit."

I gritted my teeth, my fists clenched in anger. "What do you want?"

Melezo shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing, really. I just wanted to share something with you."

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. "What kind of information?"

with his right hand, he indicated something to me, I turned my head and I saw Felicity and my heart skipped a beat. "Are you okay?" I asked her, my voice trembling with emotion.

She nodded, tears in her eyes. "Maximus, I'm so glad you're here," she whispered.

I took a step closer to her when I saw something else and was shocked. I almost collapsed on the ground so much the shock was immense. "What is this?" I exclaimed in disbelief, pointing at the sight that paralyzed me on the spot.

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