The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 5

Maximus's pov.

I watched helplessly as Felicity ran out of the room, her footsteps echoing in the silence. I clenched my fists, seething with anger and frustration.

How dare she disobey me and leave like that? I had warned her of the consequences, but she still chose to defy me.

"Stop!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the empty room. But she didn't look back, didn't even slow down.

I felt a surge of anger rise within me.

How could she be so foolish? Didn't she realize the danger she was putting herself?

As i stepped out into the night, the full moon casting an eerie glow on everything around me.

I bared my teeth in frustration. I had to find her, and fast. I couldn't let her escape my grasp, I have to find her and punish her.

My mind raced as i thought about where she could have gone. I knew the pack territory like the back of my hand, but Felicity was always full of surprises. I couldn't let my guard down for a second.

"Bring her back here and alive!" I roared to my servants, my voice echoing through the woods.

I would stop at nothing to get her back, to make her see reason. She belonged with me, and i would make sure she knew it. She will understand what it costs to defy me.

I stormed back to my apartments, my fury fueling my every step. I kicked a vase, shattering it into a million pieces. I threw a chair across the room, the wood splintering on impact. I was livid, and I couldn't control my anger.

I paced the room, my mind racing with all the possible scenarios of where Felicity could be hiding. She had to be found, no matter what it took.

A few moments later, Marcus, my alpha adviser entered the room. "Your highness, we searched the entire territory, but we could not find Mrs. Blackwood"

I gritted my teeth, my anger boiling over. "What do you mean you couldn't find her? She couldn't have just vanished into thin air!"

Marcus bowed his head. "I apologize, your highness. We searched every inch of the territory, but there was no trace of her."

I let out a frustrated growl, my hands balling into fists. "Fine. Keep searching. I want every single pack member to be on the lookout for her. I want her found, no matter what it takes."

As Marcus left the room, slamming the door shut behind him, I was alone with my thoughts, and my rage. I knew Felicity was out there somewhere, and I would find her. And when I did, she would regret ever defying me. The next day, I was still seething with anger. Felicity's disappearance was unacceptable, and I needed answers.

I paced back and forth in my chambers, my anger boiling inside me. I stil couldn't believe that Felicity had run away, and my servants had still not found her. I needed answers, and i needed them now.

I summoned Titus, my head enforcer and gritted my teeth as i spoke. "Titus, I need you to bring Stefan Anderson to me. I want him here as soon as possible."

Titus raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Stefan Anderson, your highness? Why do you want to see him?"

I glared at him, my voice low and dangerous. "Because I want answers his daughter has ran away. I want him to find her and bring her back to me."

Titus nodded, realizing the seriousness of the situation. "Of course, your highness. I will send for him immediately."

I watched as Titus left the room, can't wait for him to bring me back Stefan Anderson.

I was mad at him for selling me an idiot, and now his daughter had run away. He needed to pay me back and find Felicity, or else there would be serious consequences.

Stefan arrived soon after, just wearing underwear, looking scared and overwhelmed. Titus brought him to his knees in front of me.

"Why is he dressed like this?" I wondered.

"Your majesty! We found him having s*x with a whore!" Titus responded.

I narrowed my eyes at Stefan, disgust evident on my face. "You sold me a useless breeder, and now she's gone. And here you are, caught with a whore."

I didn't give Stefan time to fully understand what was happening before i slap him hard gave him an ultimatum to find Felicity.

Stefan looked up at me, his face pale and trembling. "Your highness, please, I can explain-"

I cut him off with a wave of my hand. "I don't want to hear your excuses, Stefan. You will pay me back for your mistake, and you will find Felicity. If you don't, the consequences will be severe."

Stefan stuttered, trying to explain himself, but I wasn't in the mood for his lies. "You have one job, Stefan. Find Felicity and bring her back to me. And don't make any more mistakes, or you'll regret it."

Stefan left the room, looking defeated and ashamed. As he walked out, I turned to my head enforcer. "Titus, make sure that Stefan doesn't leave the territory until he finds Felicity. And if he fails, I want him punished severely." Titus nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course, your highness. I'll make sure that he doesn't leave without finding her."

I watched as Titus left the room, my mind racing with all the possible scenarios of where Felicity could be hiding. I knew that Stefan was useless, but I had no other choice. He was her father, and he was responsible for her.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He would find Felicity, or else he would suffer the consequences. I would stop at nothing to get her back, and I would make sure everyone knew it.

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