The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 31

I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact, but to my surprise, I landed safely on the ground. The adrenaline rushed through me as I took a moment to catch my breath and look back at the window.

I couldn't believe it - I had made it out.

I quickly untied the rope and took off running. I didn't stop until I was a good distance away from the house.

As I caught my breath, I looked back at the window I had just escaped from. It was only then that I realized how lucky I had been. The rope had barely been long enough, and it was torn. If I had fallen, I could have seriously hurt myself or worse.

I had risked everything, including my unborn baby's life, to escape the confines of that life. But I finally felt free.

As I sat there, catching my breath, I remembered something my mother had told me when I was a very young girl: "Fear is the thief of everything worth having."

I had been so afraid to take that leap, but in the end, it was worth it. I was finally free to start a new life on my own terms.

As I walked through the forest, I wondered how I had ended up in this predicament. Was it my fault for thinking I could find a better life outside of the Lycan king's kingdom? Or was it the fault of fate, cruelly taking away any chance of happiness that I might have had?

Suddenly, I heard rustling in the bushes. Instinctively, I braced myself for an attack, ready to fight whoever was coming at me. But as a man emerged from the foliage, I stood frozen, dazzled by his appearance. He was taller than any man I had ever seen, with broad shoulders and muscles bulging under his shirt. His eyes shone brightly, a piercing blue that seemed to see straight through me.

"You have trespassing my territory." He growled, getting dangerously close to me.

My heart sank as I realized that I had accidentally stumbled onto another Alpha's land. I had hoped desperately to avoid confrontation like this, but now it seemed as though I had no choice but to face the consequences.

I tried to find an excuse, but my voice caught in my throat.


This was different from any other Alpha I had ever met. He exuded power and authority, and I knew that I was completely at his mercy.

"Silence." He commanded, his voice deep and commanding. "What is your name?"

"K-Kate." I stuttered out, fear clogging my throat.

I was an expert at lying about first names, but over time, I got used to it.

I was an expert at lying about first names, but over time, I got used to it.

"Why are you here, Kate?" He asked, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I was...just exploring. I didn't know this area was claimed." I tried to explain, hoping he would understand.

His eyes narrowed at my words, and I could feel the weight of his judgment.

"You purposely trespassed on my territory?" His voice was low and threatening.

"No, I swear. I had no idea." I pleaded, hoping he would believe me.

He continued to stare at me, weighing my words and my intentions.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered down to my stomach and his brows furrowed in confusion.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, surprise evident in his deep voice.

I looked down at my stomach, realizing that my secret was out. "Yes," I whispered, feeling vulnerable and exposed.

His gaze flickered at my wrist and he let out a sharp exhale. "A red bracelet," he murmured to himself, his eyes widening.

"Ooh my God! The f*****g bracelet! What possessed me to put it back on my wrist?"

I tried to play it off cool, hoping that he wouldn't question me further. But his piercing gaze was fixed on my wrist, and I felt uneasy.

I tried to shrug it off, but I couldn't stop the nagging feeling of unease that had settled in my stomach. I knew that it was impossible for him to know the significance of this bracelet, but the way he was looking at me made me feel exposed and vulnerable. "You've entered the territory of a known dangerous Pack, with a marked red bracelet on your wrist and carrying a child." He stated, his tone turning cold and calculating." Interesting! Very interesting!"

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I realized the severity of my situation.

"Who is the father of the child?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"I...I don't know. The father doesn't matter," I stammered, hoping he would believe me.

"I can see from your reaction that you're not telling me the truth. Don't lie to me," he said, his voice edging closer to a growl. "Who is the father of the child?"

"I don't know," I repeated again.

"That's not true," he said, his eyes narrowing.

He growled, grabbing my wrist and examining the bracelet closely. "This belongs to the Lycan King. Who is the father?"

I felt the blood drain from my face as I realized he knew everything.

I wanted to lie, to say that it was someone else, anyone else. But I couldn't bring myself to say anything. The fear had taken hold of me, and I knew that there was no getting out of this situation alive.

"It's the Lycan King," I finally admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

"The Lycan King," he repeated, a faint smile creeping onto his lips. "This just keeps getting better and better."

I knew that I was in trouble, and I didn't know what to do next. All I could do was wait, and hope that somehow, someway, I would be able to make it out of this alive.

"Please, I didn't mean to cause any trouble," I begged, hoping he would spare my life.

"You have made a grave mistake, little one," he said, his voice cold and unforgiving. "But I will spare your life...for now."

My heart was pounding in my chest as I watched him approach me. I could feel the fear rising inside of me, making it hard to breathe. He circled around me, his eyes locked with mine, studying me like I was nothing more than a fragile piece of prey. "I have a proposition for you," he said, stopping in front of me. "I will spare your life and let you go if you come with me."

My mind was screaming at me to run, to flee this place and never look back. But my body refused to move, paralyzed by the fear and the thrill of danger.

"No," I said, trying to sound brave, but my voice came out as a whimper.

He didn't seem surprised by my refusal. In fact, he looked almost amused.

"Very well," he said, taking a small syringe out of his coat pocket. "But I'm afraid I can't let you go just yet."

Before I could react, he pricked my neck with the syringe. I felt a sharp pain, followed by a strange numbness spreading through my body. My knees gave out, and I crumpled to the ground, feeling myself weakening little by little. As I lay there, helpless and at his mercy, I could hear him chuckling softly to himself.

"You see," he said, crouching down beside me, "I always get what I want."

The last thing I saw before blacking out was his face, twisted into a smirk of triumph. And then, everything went dark.

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