The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 15

Maximus POV.

Dys turned into weeks, and still, Felicity was nowhere to be found. My anger towards her grew with each passing day, and I found myself becoming more cruel and calculating in my quest for vengeance. My advisors and guards were beginning to fear me, but I didn't care - all I wanted was for Felicity to pay for her disobedience.

"Why can't you find her?" I snarled at my servants one afternoon. "I've thrown every resource I have into this search and yet she still eludes us. Do you enjoy failing me?"

"Y-your Highness," one of them stammered, "we are doing everything in our power to locate the princess."

"Obviously not enough," I spat back. "I should have you all thrown in the dungeons for your incompetence."

"Your Highness," one of my advisors spoke up, attempting to calm me down. "Perhaps we are not looking in the right places. We could try expanding our search-"

"No!" I interrupted. "We have already scoured every inch of this kingdom. She must be hiding with the help of those traitors! And I will not rest until we have rooted them out and Felicity is at my mercy." My advisors and guards exchanged worried glances, but dared not say anything in response.

They knew my temper was unpredictable, and they didn't want to risk their own safety.

I was becoming more unhinged by the day, fueled by my desire for revenge and my anger towards anyone who stood in my way.

"Why can't you find her?" I snarled at my servants one afternoon. "I will not rest until Felicity is at my mercy."

"Your Highness, we are doing everything we can," one of my servants stammered.

"Everything?" I sneered. "Clearly not enough. You all risk being thrown in the dungeons if you don't start finding answers."

As days passed, my search for Felicity became more aggressive.

"I want her found! Bring her to me at once!" I bellowed to my troops.

"Your Highness, we have searched every corner of the city. We have not found her," one soldier replied.

"That's not good enough! Keep searching!" I snarled.

"Your Highness, we have already searched the noble families' residences. Our soldiers even ransacked their homes," another soldier informed me.

"Did you find Felicity?" I demanded.

"No, Your Highness."

"I don't care if they are innocent or not. Keep ransacking their homes until we find Felicity. I want everyone to know what happens when they go against me," I remarked with a menacing tone.

And yet still, Felicity remained beyond our reach. I was growing impatient and desperate, willing to do whatever it took to get her back under my control. And yet, despite my best efforts, she continued to evade us. One night, as I sat alone in my throne room, plotting my next move, I heard a sound that made my blood run cold. Footsteps. Coming from somewhere within the castle.

Instantly, I sprang into action, grabbing my sword and making my way towards the source of the noise. As I rounded a corner, I saw a figure darting towards me, and I swung my sword without hesitation.

But as the figure stumbled backwards, I realized too late that it was not Felicity. It was one of my own guards.

"What is the meaning of this?" I demanded, my voice rising to a roar. "Why are you sneaking about my castle in the middle of the night?"

"Y-your Highness," the guard stammered, clearly frightened, "I was just going to the kitchens-"

"Liar!" I bellowed. "You have been meeting with Felicity, haven't you? Tell me where she is hiding and I might spare your life."

"I swear, Your Highness," the guard pleaded, "I know nothing of the princess's whereabouts. Please, spare me-"

But it was too late. My anger had consumed me, and I swung my sword without mercy, cutting down the guard where he stood.

As his body hit the ground, I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me. One less traitor to worry about. But at the same time, a tiny voice in the back of my mind whispered that I might have just killed an innocent man. I ignored that voice, pushing it down deep inside myself as I continued my search for Felicity.

"She must be hiding somewhere," I muttered to myself. "But where?"

I would find her eventually, I told myself. And when I did, she would regret ever crossing me.

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