The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin by Moonlight Muse

Chapter 67

The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin 67. Unfairness
‘And what are you doing here, Royce? Answer me. You are with the Lycan King... I do not want you to mess this up for us.
Understood?’ Dad warns as he takes a seat, his face not betraying his emotions.
I ignore him. After how he behaved, does he really think I’m just going to agree with anything that he says?
I cross my arms, ignoring the two of them. I can see the signs that Aleric is irritated with the fact that I’m here, he’s trying to cover
it and the way he keeps looking at Skyla is irritating me more than ever.
The fact that he lied to her and pretended to be me, has only made me extremely furious and it’s not something I am going to
simply let slide. But until she’s had a word with him as she requested, I will have to control myself. Something that is fucking
I’ve never felt angrier at him as I do over this...
Speaking of control, even trying to control myself around her is bloody difficult. She makes me crazy, and I want her.
She crosses her long legs sexily as she turns slightly to face Rivers, her sexy thighs capturing my attention and I have to look
away because fuck, I want her so bloody much. She’s not wearing her thong underneath, and I know with just one lift of her skirt,
that perfect pussy of hers could be wrapped around my fingers or better, my cock.
Because she would willingly allow me, but I’m trying to show her she means more to me than just that. If I knew who she was
back then at the club, I wouldn’t have pleasured her in a restroom... I want to do the right thing now.
And when I do take her, I plan to make it perfect.
Focus Royce.
I groan internally, pushing those thoughts away and instead, I return to thinking about the matter at hand.
“So, you are saying Heather may have misunderstood, then?” Rivers asks.
Of course, she bloody misunderstood.

“Yes, clearly.” I say sharply.
Dad’s watching me intently before his gaze flicks to Alejandro. “I’m shocked the council weren’t told all the details regarding the
matter, Alpha Alejandro.”
“My daughter was in the hospital. When the fuck did I get time to fill everyone in?” Alejandro counters coldly. “Call the coven and
tell them to get down here, the girl’s parents and one of the elders at the least. I want to sort this shit out today.”
Rivers hesitates. “Right away, Alpha Alejandro, but she is blaming Skyla and saying she was the attacker-”
“That is ridiculous. We have been fighting this monster for a while and we all know it isn’t visible to the naked eye, she may have
misread and misunderstood the situation.” Dad cuts in.
He’s doing it all to please Alejandro, but I have to give him credit for at least making some valid points.
I almost scoff, resisting shaking my head.
I will never understand why people can be such suck-ups.
“That is a fair point...” Rivers says, sighing, “Excuse me, I’ll summon them.” With that, he leaves the room.
Dad sighs as he turns to Alejandro. “This is a problem. I’m just confused why she would think it was Princess Skyla. Unless she
couldn’t see her wolf properly, no doubt the Princess’s wolf is-”
“Please, Alpha Kenneth, don’t call me princess.” Skyla says, her jaw is clenched and despite her trying to remain calm, she’s
Dad smiles apologetically. “Do forgive me, Skyla.”
Skyla doesn’t reply as Aleric smiles at her, leaning forward.
Move back, asshole.
“I heard the serpent’s dead. That was incredibly brave and impressive of you.” He says, his words grinding on my nerves.
Skyla tilts her head and smiles sweetly. “Thanks, but I think that compliment goes to Royce. He’s the one who saved my life and
slayed the monster. He’s the true hero.” She says, batting her eyelids at me.

Didn’t I say let’s lie low, Love?
She looks gorgeous though.
Though I can’t help but smirk faintly, especially as Aleric’s smile falters as he turns to me, his heartbeat quickening.
“Royce was there?”
“It doesn’t really matter. The main thing is, it’s dead.” I reply.
“Ah... indeed,” Dad says, but I can sense his hesitance and he’s observing me again. ‘You used your powers.’
‘Does it matter?’ I finally respond through the link.
He doesn’t look impressed, and I know Alejandro is watching and observing us as he smokes.
Dad doesn’t say anything more, but I can guarantee I’ll face his wrath later.
Alejandro clearly seems to know Dad’s personality, and I doubt Aleric’s façade will get past him.
“That’s great, Royce.” Aleric says, our eyes meet, and his glimmer of gold for a second.
“Thanks,” I reply simply.
“You should have told us what was going on Royce. Think sensibly.” Dad says just as we hear footsteps, and the door opens
This time Rivers isn’t alone, Heather is with him as well as a man and woman who, by appearance, seem to be Heather’s
parents and High Witch Magdalene. I’ve seen her before.
“The party keeps growing.” Alejandro says as he stands up.
“I’m afraid not due to pleasant reasons.” Magdalene says gravely. “This matter is serious.”
“No, but there has been a big misconception here.” Alejandro replies seriously. There’s no trace of humour left in his voice as he
talks directly to the high witch.
“Yes perhaps, but we will need to handle things properly before the Supernatural Court of Justice.” Magdalene answers, her eyes
meeting his.

“Why the fuck does this need to go to court when you can probe their minds and get the answers right here and right fucking
now?” Alejandro snarls.
“Because that is protocol... and our young witch isn’t lying.” Magdalene replies. The girl’s parents have their arms protectively
around the young witch but I can tell this isn’t what Alejandro was expecting from them.
“Have you checked her mind for the play out of the events?” Alejandro questions.
“I am with Alpha Alejandro on this one.” Dad says seriously. “Why take it to the court when there’s a simple solution?”
“Because that is the law that the king himself created. The child is terrified and there should be no special rules for the children of
the king. Equality for all, remember?”
I glance at Alejandro; it’s obvious Magdalene’s stance has troubled him.
“And right now, my daughter is being wronged but very well, Skyla has nothing to hide.” He replies. “But keep in mind, Heather
may have been confused. Fear can do that.”
“Of course. You may not know this, but Heather is the granddaughter of an elder and one of our most potential young witches, as
Headmaster Rivers knows. She is no ordinary witch that would simply get confused.”
“Then she’s lying.” Skyla says icily, glaring at the girl who flinches and begins crying.
Something isn’t right here; I step forward, placing a hand on Skyla’s shoulder.
“Skyla.” I say quietly. She glares up at me, and I give her the slightest shake of my head.
Her eyes are blazing plum, and she’s trying to control her emotions.
“Those were the eyes!” Heather sobs.
“What more proof do we need? Miss Rossi clearly cannot control herself.” Magdalene says quietly.
“I was a witness. I heard Skyla’s shout for help, and I saw her fighting the real monster. She took a stance so Heather could get
her friend and herself out of there.” I say quietly, yet firmly.
‘If this goes to court, Royce, you will not testify.’ He snarls through the link. I ignore him.

“And you are?” Magdalene asks icily.
“Royce Arden.” I say, my eyes flashing at her cold tone. “High Witch Magdalene, let’s not just jump to assumptions on hearsay,
set a date and I will be there to testify and you can probe my mind to see the events from my point of view as well.”
‘Royce, that is risky! If they probe your mind-’ Dad begins.
‘I don’t really care, and I see no reason for me to keep my abilities a secret any longer.’ I look Dad square in the eye before
Alejandro sighs, making me look up at him.
“Very well.” He says, frowning deeply. “We’ll ask the court to set a date for the hearing.”
Skyla’s heart thumps and she jumps up from her seat, knocking the chair to the ground, making Heather flinch.
“I love the price one has to pay for doing the right thing.” She says sarcastically before kicking the upturned chair and storming to
the door. “Maybe I should have just left you to become snake food. Fucking hell.”
Magdalene’s eyes widen as she clenches her jaw, but to be honest, they deserved it.
“That behaviour will not help her case.” Magdalene says to Alejandro, making him growl.
“She’s pissed off, like Heather. She’s young too and she’s getting fucking penalised for trying to fucking help.” He snarls. “We’ll
deal with this at court and when she’s fucking proven innocent, we’ll talk then!”
“And until that happens, Heather will not be attending school.” Her mother says quietly yet firmly, but she can’t look up to meet
Alejandro’s gaze. Simply hugging her daughter and staring at the ground.
“Or Miss Rossi should be suspended until proven innocent.” Magdalene says.
“Like fuck, my daughter’s going to be removed!” Alejandro snarls, his aura raging around him.
He may be the king, but because of it, he’s being forced like this. The witch’s words clearly making jabs. I’m angry too. This
entire thing was fucking unfair.
“You are the king, but we can’t compromise the safety of the students-” Magdalene begins.
“Yet you seem to be treating her worse simply because she is the daughter of a King. If Skyla Rossi is proven innocent, then
Heather, who is, as you said,a prodigy should be punished for false allegations.”

“Mr Arden!” Magdalene says sharply, but I’m not having it.
“Lady Magdalene. We are here talking laws, rules and equality, then as an outsider I can assure you, you are discriminating
against a student who has done nothing wrong.” I say icily, my eyes flashing. “The King has always stood for the right thing, and
now that he’s doing the same, just because she is his daughter, you are almost forcing him to stand down.”
The woman clenches her jaw, and I can feel all eyes on me, but I really don’t give a toss about it.
“Now now, let’s calm down. I don’t think Skyla Rossi needs to be removed from school, it is your wish to keep Heather off and it
is understandable and fair. To be fair, she must also be grieving.” Dad intervenes.
“Headmaster Rivers?” Magdalene says.
Rivers sighs and looks down at his hands. “I understand both parties... but... I think, I think it’s better for Heather to take a break
for now.” He says, smiling gently at the girl.
I clench my jaw; I can sense Alejandro’s anger, and I also want to go after Skyla.
“Fine.” Heather’s dad says. “Let’s go pack your things.”
“We will await the court date.” Magdalene says, looking at Alejandro.
I’m so fucking done.
“Excuse me.” I mutter, heading to the door, before Heather and her dad can move.
I’m absolutely done with this.
‘Where are you going?’ Aleric asks sharply.
I simply ignore him, needing to find her.
I leave the room, as they begin discussing the date, the sooner the better.
It’s easy to sniff her out and I follow her scent. It leads me outside and soon I find her beneath the bleachers. I can see her legs,
her knees pulled up against her chest, and her head buried in her arms, resting on her knees.
“Leave me alone.” She says coldly.

My heart clenches and it’s not because of her words, but the fact she’s hiding her pain.
I ignore her and make my way over to her before I drop down beside her.
“You’re so annoying.” She mutters.
“And you’re so perfect and beautiful.” I counter, making her growl.
I ignore it, and wrapping my arms around her, I pull her into my lap.
Her heart is thumping, and she’s trembling slightly.
She’s that girl who will hide a world of pain just, so she appears strong.
“Showing emotions is not a weakness.” I say softly, caressing her back comfortingly as I inhale her hair.
‘Says the king of impassiveness.” She retorts.
I smile faintly, kissing her shoulder.
“Yes, but I am still right.” I reply.
She remains silent for a few moments.
“I didn’t do it. I must be fucking awful in everyone’s eyes if they think I’m capable of that shit.”
“No. They’re all just idiots.” I reply, “But this will all be proven soon enough.”
“I’m not sure Royce, I feel like something is wrong, there’s something at work here... bigger than us.... Or maybe I’m being
Malevolent purrs and I turn sharply as she climbs into Skyla’s lap, not even having noticed her approach.
Skyla hugs her as I frown slightly at her words.
She isn’t wrong... this entire situation has made me uneasy.
Something is indeed amiss...

“Either way, Love, we’re going to be ok.”

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