The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin by Moonlight Muse

Chapter 128

The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin by Moonlight Muse Chapter 128
The Strength of a Mother
Agony rips through me, but it’s nothing
compared to the pain that he has caused me, and what he put our child through.
My entire life was a façade, a game of lies...
I don’t even know the man before me.
“I will never accept it. You will not leave me,” he growls dangerously.
“Then the council will force you to accept her rejection,” Charlotte says quietly.
I look at her. She isn’t shocked...
She’s composed, angry, yes, but calm...
She knew... she knew everything...
“You knew...” I whisper.
She nods slowly.
“Yeah, I did... Mom, not only did Dad order
Victoria’s death, but he has been experimenting on Royce and possibly Aleric from a young age because Royce held a lot of
power... he tried to keep a lot hidden from you, Mom.” Charlotte says quietly, as she looks away unable to hold my gaze. 2
My entire world is shattering before me. The walls of my kingdom are gone, my castle has

I have nothing left. I am nothing but a horrible mother... a failure. 3
I let my own mate abuse my children and I thought I was doing well.
No one deserves such a disappointment for a
mother as I am. 4
My kids deserve better.
My eyes blur with tears as the agony of the truth eats up at me, like a piranha ripping through flesh.
“He even had Aleric try manipulating the Lycan King’s Daughter Skyla into taking
him as a mate for power!” Charlotte continues.
“Enough Charlotte, I will not tolerate disrespect!” Kenneth snarls menacingly at her and I move her behind me.
This man had his own daughter commanded to be killed.... I can’t trust him around any of my children.
“He didn’t want people learning of Royce’s power because he isn’t the type of sick person that Dad loves!” Charlotte screams.
“Enough!” Kenneth is in front of me in a flash, trying to grab her, but I push him back just as Marcel grabs him, punching him
across the face. 5
Kenneth snarls.
“How dare you strike me!” He spits at
“I will not tolerate that shit in front of me!”
Marcel snarls, his eyes glowing menacingly, and I hear the cracking of bones as he flexes
his hands.
I glance at Winona, who is looking away, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Winona...” I whisper, reaching for her.
I don’t deserve to be in her life, but I don’t want her crying before me. She’s pregnant, she shouldn’t take stress.
She looks up slowly, and to my surprise, there’s guilt in her eyes.
“I didn’t mean to ruin things,” she whispers.
I shake my head, shocked.
No, she didn’t.
“You ruined nothing! I just wish the truth had come to light sooner.” I say regretfully.
Kenneth looks at me, wiping the blood from
his nose where Marcel had struck him.
“Don’t let your anger blind you, Cathy... Do
you want to ruin your life for the lives of
your children, who are happily setting up
their own lives? In the end, you will be the only one alone.” 4
I tilt my head and laugh humourlessly.
“Oh? Then I’ll happily be alone. You forget that a thousand mate bonds will NEVER
compare to the bond between a mother and her children.” 5
“You don’t mean that.” He says, hurt clear in his voice as I advance on him. 1
“Don’t I? Do you want to test me, Kenneth?” I hiss as I grab him by his neck, letting my
claws out.
He scoffs, he really doesn’t think I mean it! 1

I plunge my hand into his chest, unable to control the beast of hatred and rage within
1. 1
I hear the girls gasp but I don’t care. After
all, Catherine Arden can become a monster if
she needs to be, and for her children. Oh, she’d do anything. 9
“Accept the rejection, or I will kill you!” (5
He stares at me in shock, disbelief clear in his eyes as he holds onto my wrist tightly, his heart pulsing in my hand. All I need to
do is rip it out, the anger and betrayal I feel will
make me do it.
A part of me is telling me to calm down and have him brought to justice the right way, but the urge to pass judgement is enticing.
“You will regret this, Catherine... Once I
accept this rejection, I will never take you
back.” 7
A threat.
“Good, because I never want you back.”
He clenches his jaw, his eyes glimmering green with anger.
“I Alpha Kenneth Henry Arden, of the
Shadow Wolves Pack, reject you, Catherine
Arden as my mate, my Luna, and banish you

from the Shadow Wolves Pack!” 5
Even at such a moment, his arrogance rises. above everything else, wanting to satisfy
himself by rejecting me, but it means
“I accept.” I snarl. 1
He clenches his jaw as I stand my ground, as the agony of the bond breaking tears
through me and I let go of his heart. I pull my hand from his wounded chest and he lets go of my wrist as I pull black. Blood
covers my hand and wrist, splattered across my
white dress.
I can’t breathe... and I feel my aura weaken...
it’s suffocating...
“There.” He spits. “Go fuck yourself.
I scoff, “Bastard.”
“Mom...” Charlotte’s by my side, wrapping her arm around me protectively. 2
“The King’s Council will deem you guilty and punish you accordingly. As for the pack, I have my sons.” I reply coldly. 3
“Son,” Charlotte murmurs quietly, but I
look at her sharply, having caught it... but... 1
“Alpha Marcel, can you please bind him?” I ask. Even my voice sounds breathless and

“Right away,” Marcel says as Kenneth snarls in warning.
“What do you mean, son? Charlotte. Royce won’t stay in hiding from here on, will he? It makes no sense,” I say stumbling, both
my daughters grip my elbows.
“Mom!” Winona says.
“I am alright,” I say quietly.
If only they knew that I’m barely able to
stand, but with every ounce of strength
within me, I walk to the desk and allow them
to help me into the seat.
My body has broken out into cold sweat and
I’m shaking.
The rejection hurts worse, the stronger the Alpha is that you are mated to...
For now, my rage and adrenaline are
keeping me going, but I don’t know for how
“Are you alright Mom?” Winona whispers as she kneels by my side.
I tilt my head, smiling softly at her.
“Of course, how can I not be when I have you by my side,” I whisper to her, caressing her cheek with my clean hand. She grips
my wrist, resting her cheek in my trembling

She smiles sadly and brushes away my tears.
“Call Aleric, he should also know about your
father. Tell him to assist...” I trail off,
remembering what Royce had said earlier.
‘Only Aleric can answer...’
Almost as if he was insinuating, he’s the reason he’s in hiding...
“There’s something more, Mom,” Charlotte
whispers as she kneels by Winona’s side as Marcel and Kenneth struggle, but Marcel is winning.
After all, the rejection would have weakened
him too...
The crushing pain in my heart is killing me as I look at the man I loved.
The man who fooled me all my life.
I drag my attention back to my daughters. Seeing them together is giving me strength.
“What is it? Why is Royce trying to remain hidden? He is the Solaris-”
“Mom... please, hear me out before you speak, ok?”
“Maybe now isn’t the time,” Winona whispers to her.
Charlotte shakes her head. “No. She needs to
“I need to know what?” I ask sharply.
Things really can’t get worse than this. 2

Both my daughters are different, one gentle
and the other headstrong, but both have
hearts of gold.
Charlotte closes her eyes.
“Aleric tried to kill Royce. He first shot Beta Quade and then Royce, leaving him for dead. He has partnered up with Apophis.” 4
I was wrong.
Things can get far worse...
“He tried to kill Royce, Mom... he wants what Royce has. His power, his strength.... I’m sorry, Mom, but Aleric is truly father’s
son,” Charlotte finishes softly.
stare at her as I try to comprehend her
I close my eyes as I grip my daughters’
I failed him... I’ve always seen the hunger for
power within him and when I raised my concerns with Kenneth, he would brush it off, saying he was just passionate...
Who have I not failed?
“Royce only survived because Leo Rossi got to him in time, the same Leo Rossi who found Winona at the orphanage and gave
her a home,” Charlotte explains. “He’s a hero Mom.” 8
I open my eyes, looking at Winona, who nods.

“Then... I truly owe him everything.” I whisper as I try to grasp onto the slippery threads of my spiralling life.
Leo Rossi...
He protected and saved two of my children
from their own blood.
The sudden sound of roaring thunder and the blinding flash of lightning filling the sky outside makes me jump up from my seat.
“Royce,” I say, my heart thrumming dangerously fast.
“Something must have happened!”
Charlotte says as she gets up and runs for the door, as the entire ground trembles with the wrath that belongs to my son. 4
He went after Skyla; I hope everything is
“Fuck!” Marcel shouts as the lights spark and he quickly runs to shield Winona, pushing Charlotte’s head down as the lights
and windows shatter.
Sparks fly as the entire power supply is cut off, engulfing the entire room – no building
in darkness. 2
Royce... 30

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