The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 13


“Okay, this is officially the best day of my offense to Blake.” Lottie mumbled, causing us all to chuckle as we were now sitting in a chair and getting our toes done.

“I never knew places like this really existed.” I admitted, glancing towards Sadie who nodded her head. She was being a little reluctant through this whole process but was finally starting to warm up it seemed. She chose a bright red color for her nails which I couldn’t help but smile at, knowing she was thinking of Tristan when making the decision.

“You ladies need to get on board, this is like an every-other-week activity for me. How do you think I have been able to put up with Finn for so long? Well besides the mind-blowing s*x.” She smirked, making Lottie roll her eyes as I tried not to blush at her comment.

Don’t get me wrong..Rowan and I have s*x more than anyone here..but I don’t talk about it openly. Even one mention of it and I grow red in the face..Sadie seems to be in the same boat as me..considering her own cheeks are burning just as bright as mine. I guess because we both were isolated for most of our lives. Since coming into a pack people talk about it like it’s nothing..I guess being werewolves we all know how animalistic everyone can be. I’m still getting used to that..especially when going for a run in the woods and stumbling on a pair of newly mated wolves unable to control their urges.. Yeah, it has happened more than once.. Rowan always just walks on by like it’s nothing whereas I freeze and go into shock. So I am still getting used to that aspect of pack life for sure.

“Speaking of s*x..has Tristan stepped up and marked Sadie yet or what?” Genevieve asked mischievously, causing Sadie to stiffen as she stared straight ahead.

“They are taking their they should.” Lottie shot Genevieve a look, pretty much saying not to bring it up. Considering it was all still so new and fragile we didn’t want anything to ruin that.

Suddenly Genevieve’s phone pinged, making her lift it up and smirked at the screen while typing something back quickly.

“Interesting..” She hummed, glancing towards us once more as she smiled widely.

“My friend, April, who works here just said she met the new Alpha. Alpha Ozzy, I guess he is a real hottie.” She informed us and Lottie gasped and sat up straighter, turning her body towards us more.

“Oh my goddess..I heard he is a real hunk..well that’s what Blake said. You know he gives credit where it’s due.” I couldn’t help but laugh…I can imagine Blake saying that for sure.

“But there is one problem..” Genevieve added, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

“What?” I asked curiously..never even hearing about this guy to begin with. I feel so left out of the loop when it comes to the business side of stuff. But I get it, Rowan doesn’t want to bombard me with everything all at once and is trying to get me used to my Luna responsibilities first.

“He gives off major sole Alpha he doesn’t give a shit about the other Alphas..” She raised her eyebrow and looked between us.

“Wonder how Finn is handling that.” She laughed, typing another message out.

Sole Alpha vibes? What does that even mean…maybe I should check in with Rowan.

Before I could, the door suddenly opened, and in walked a tall Blonde with sunglasses and clothes that looked super expensive..I couldn’t tell you the brand of anything but I knew just from the look of her it had to cost a fortune..and that’s when her scent slammed into me.

It was a little different but definitely a scent I would never forget. Sadie must have sensed my change in posture because she sat up, and looked at me worriedly.

‘Who is that Mila?’

She linked hastily, but before I could even answer Genevieve did it for me.

“Chloe? Is that you?!” She asked in disbelief and sure came the sunglasses and there she was..Chloe Humphreys..the woman I detested and my wolf wanted to rip to shreds. I felt Calypso’s fur standing up on the back of her neck as she let out a low predatorial growl. Why was she here?

Chloe plastered on the biggest smile as she turned towards us. Her hair was now blonde and her face looked a little her lips were more pouty or something. I could tell it was her though and I couldn’t help but feel completely uncomfortable.

Suddenly John and Dan were right by my side now, including Sadie who was giving Chloe the death stare. Lottie was just looking at her dumbfounded.

“Well, isn’t this a surprise.” She said in her overly sweet tone.

‘Surprise my a* she doesn’t know Rowan frequents this hotel.’

Lottie grumbled into the link she just formed with me and Sadie.

‘Should I detain her?’

Sadie asked, ready to pounce any moment. I could see her sharing looks with Dan and John as she must have been communicating with them as well.

‘No..lets..let’s just see what she has to say..or why she is even here.’

I breathed, remembering the last time I saw her and how she tried to ruin my Luna ceremony.

‘Baby, I’m coming right now. Stay by John and Dan no matter what.’

Rowan quickly linked, panic filling his voice as I let out a sigh.

“What are you doing here Chloe?” Lottie asked, clearly not hiding her distaste from seeing her.

“Getting my nails done..of course.” She laughed, sitting down in a chair across from us.

“No..why are you in this hotel.” Lottie gritted out, her patience wearing thin.

“Oh, you didn’t hear? My mate and your mate are now partners. They just merged companies..that’s the reason why we are all here.” She smiled cockily, her eyes landing on me as I stared right back, refusing to look away.

“I hope we can all get along, considering we are both Luna’s and will be seeing a lot of each other in the future. Water under the bridge..right Luna Mila?” The way she said my name made Calypso bare her teeth and snarl.. She was a Luna now?

“You a Luna? What poor soul did you trick into becoming your mate this time?” Lottie scoffed, earning a wicked laugh from Chloe..which honestly was creepy.

Before she could even respond, the door flew open and Rowan ran into the room with Blake, Finn, and Tristan close behind. He quickly walked over to me and looked me up and down making sure there wasn’t a hair out of place.

I blinked up at him as he pressed his palm against my cheek, searching my eyes carefully.

‘Are you okay baby?’

Rowan asked me worriedly, his palm grazing my cheek lovingly as I nodded my head and smiled.

Just then the door opened once more and in walked a tall man with tan skin and broad shoulders. He was even bigger than Blake..his hair was short and he wore a deep blue suit that fit him perfectly. I felt Rowan tense in front of me and I felt the man’s aura from here. He wasn’t holding back one bit and something about him seemed familiar..something that I didn’t quite like.

“There you are Chloe, I thought you were up in the room still.” The man said, walking over towards her. Everyone in the damn room was staring at them and they seemed completely oblivious..or maybe that’s what they wanted us to think.

Rowan quickly slipped on my shoes and helped me stand up while pulling me closer to his side protectively. Then it all clicked..this was the Alpha that Genevieve was talking about. It had to be, especially with the presence he was giving off.

I threaded my fingers through Rowan’s as he continued to stare across the room toward Chloe and her new mate. Glancing next to me I saw Tristan holding Sadie’s hand while Blake and Finn stepped closer to their mates protectively.

I guess having an Alpha not concealing any of his wolf’s power makes others see that as a threat..especially when their mates are in the room. But all I could think of was why I felt like I knew this man somehow. Or like I had met him somewhere..which is impossible considering I have never really gone anywhere besides Black Stone, Crescent Moon, and Blue Moon..maybe that’s it. Maybe he was there briefly.

“Oh darling, you were gone for so long that I got bored. I needed to find something else to do.” Chloe batted her eyelashes while thrusting her chest out, making Calypso scoff with disgust.

‘She is so desperate.’

Calypso laughed, rolling her eyes as I tried to hide my smirk. Calypso really hated her with a passion.

Just then the man with her dragged his gaze across the room, meeting my eyes fiercely and causing a chill to run through me. The way he looked at me made me feel completely unsettled but I wasn’t going to let him know that. Yes, I won’t lie he was handsome..but there was something else about him that gave me the creeps.

‘Holy shit he is hot.’

Lottie linked quietly and I shot her a glare..she shrugged sheepishly and wrapped her arms around Blake..she must have linked him the same thing because he was now looking down at her and glaring. That’s Lottie filter and says it like it is.

“Alpha Rowan, this must be your Luna.” Alpha Ozzy said smoothly, walking over towards us as Rowan’s grip on me tightened.

‘It’s okay baby.’

I reassured him, not liking this man approaching us either but wanted to get this over with. I felt..weird..

“Hello, I am Luna Mila Scott. It’s nice to meet you.” I nodded my head politely towards him and the biggest grin spread across his face. Looking over at Rowan, I could sense Bain was inching closer to the surface while his presence intensified.

The air was so thick that the nail techs had to leave the room and Blake and everyone else looked down at the ground submissively. Everyone but me Rowan and Alpha Ozzy..even Finn lowered his gaze at one point.

Alpha Ozzy studied me carefully, reaching out his hand like he wanted me to shake it. I just wrapped my arm tighter around Rowan. Not wanting to seem rude but also not playing into this game.

“Well, my Luna’s description of you didn’t do you justice. You are one lucky Alpha..” He commented to Rowan, making him let out a low possessive growl.

Alpha Ozzy just laughed, pulling his hand away and slid it back into his pocket.

“Chloe, let’s go, shall we? We will see you all at dinner..” He said while walking to Chloe and taking her hand, helping her stand up before walking towards the door. He quickly paused and turned around once more, locking eyes with me.

“I’m looking forward to it.” He added before giving me a teeth-baring grin as his canines were now protruding out, causing a scene from my past to rush through me..I know exactly who he reminds me of now. It hit me like a ton of bricks..

The so-called Rogue King..

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