The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 11

(Mila pov)

We all walked arm in arm down the hallway towards the spa room, everyone had a huge smile on their faces as we could barely contain our excitement. It had been a long time since we were all together. The only one that was missing was Priya but she was overseas with her mom visiting family. I’m not sure if Tristan is ready for her and Sadie to meet yet anyways. Even though they didn’t have a relationship or anything I know he was nervous about what Sadie would think and if it would push her away further.

We walked towards the large oak doors where soft music began to play. I had seen things like this in movies or shows but I never thought I would get to do this with my friends. I couldn’t help but feel all warm inside knowing that my mate did this for me..How did I get so lucky?

I glanced at Sadie who looked around the room stealthily, she was always watching..looking for any type of threat and I couldn’t help but squeeze her arm and pull her attention to me.

‘Sadie, I want you to relax today okay? We have John and Dan here..they will be making sure everything is okay.’

I spoke calmly, trying to show her there was nothing to worry about and she needed this as much as anyone.

She nodded her head, her shoulders slumping down slightly as Genevieve began checking us in for our appointments.

‘How are you and Tristan by the way?’

I inquired, watching as her cheeks slowly warmed, turning a soft shade of pink.

‘Well..we..I guess he got us only one share.’

Her eyes were wide as I watched her flatten out her clothes nervously and glance around the room like someone might have heard her private link to me.

‘Are you okay with that?’

I knew this was a lot for her and I don’t want her to do anything she’s not comfortable with. I knew Tristan feels the same, so he must of thought she was ready.

Sadie just nodded her head bashfully while she brushed a curly strand of hair behind her ear.

‘That’s great then, that way you can learn more about each other.’

I encouraged her as she smiled and looked down at her feet now.

‘Do you know he has a hair routine? He washes then conditions it like twice then puts some type of goopy stuff on it.’

She informed me and I couldn’t stop the laugh that burst from my lips, making Sadie smile and nod her head vehemently.

‘I was shocked.’

She blinked rapidly.

I guess Tristan does have some of the nicest hair in the pack I can see it. But who would have though that grumpy Tristan has a hair learn something new every day.

‘Well, he does have some great hair.’

I smirked, walking forward as we were now being led to the locker rooms.

‘I might have..well..this is embarrassing.’

She whispered, drawing my full attention now as I looked at her curiously.

‘It’s okay, you can tell me.’

I whispered back encouragingly..I don’t know why we were whispering in the link though, it just felt right.

‘I might have offered to brush his hair for him..and then..and then we kissed.’

she slapped her hands over her face and shook her head back and forth making me giggle excitedly.

‘Good!! How was it?’

I nudged her in the side, trying to listen to the lady talk about the lockers and some type of robe thing we need to change into.

‘It was really long but super soft…took like thirty minutes to get the tangles all out’

She added innocently and I had to stifle another laugh..was I this naive at the start? Maybe I still am at times…

‘Not the hair silly, the k**s!’

I shot back, seeing realization wash over her and then her cheeks officially turned red.

‘It was magical..’

I had never seen Sadie this vulnerable and flustered before since I have known her and I absolutely loved it. I can see how taken she is becoming with Tristan and I couldn’t be more than happier for my two friends.

‘I’m sure it was..I am so happy for you Sadie.’

I smiled warmly, watching as Lottie and Genevieve began undressing and putting on their robes. They were talking about some type of clothing store that just opened up. Lottie and Genevieve loved to shop..I swear whenever Lottie comes back to the city she arrives with two more suitcases than she left with.

It’s hilarious too because she always buys the latest fashion trend for Blake and makes him wear it. My favorite was a mesh shirt and bucket hat, I actually liked it. I thought he looked so cool..Rowan and Tristan on the other hand couldn’t stop laughing..that was until Lottie told them she got one for each of them too. Of course, they never wore it..well..I had Rowan wear his shirt in way I wanted him walking around practically shirtless. But damn he looked sexy as hell like some type of model that walked right off of the runway.

I couldn’t help but blush while reliving the memory as I stripped down, leaving only my underwear on before placing the robe over my body.

Us being werewolves we aren’t too shy about nudity..well at least anymore..I remember my first time coming to Black Stone and I have never seen other werewolves other than Marcus.

I felt Calypso growing with annoyance just from the mere mention of his name. Honestly..after learning everything he has done to so many people..Sadie’s story sticks with me the most. She lost everything because of that man..even almost her life.

What he did to her was something that will never be dad even erected a memorial for her family in Crescent Moon, that way their lives will always be remembered because of the tragedy that occurred.

“Okay, let’s go this way first girls, and get our massage.” Genevieve said smoothly, she wore a hot pink silk robe that I’m pretty sure she brought from home because the rest of us just had white.

Sadie and I followed behind Genevieve and Lottie like little ducklings as we began to feel completely out of our wheelhouse. At least we had each other and could relate. I was isolated all of my life just like she was..even though I at least had a place I called home. Sadie doesn’t go into much detail, but I know she struggled through a lot more than we will ever know..that’s why she deserves this more than anyone.

we walked into a dimly lit room with some type of lightly scented candles scattered all around. There were four leather bed things in the middle with a hole where the face goes. We all took a bed and laid down on our stomachs before slipping off the robes down to our bums.

Not going to lie..this was weird, especially with John and Dan standing in the corner which Rowan insisted they stay in the room. At least they did their best to look at the ceiling or wall like it was the most interesting thing they had ever seen.

“Get ready for the best experience of your life ladies..the misuses here are amazing. Their hands are practically orgasmic..not to mention they are all stunning.” Lottie explained to us and right on cue four men wearing white polo shirts and matching pants came striding in. My eyes went wide as I met Sadie’s gaze and then we both shoved our heads into the little holes. I didn’t realize they would he men?!

I glanced over at John just as he was looking at Dan with concern and I knew exactly what they were thinking. Rowan would not like this one bit..I know..It shouldn’t feel wrong because this is their job but no other man has ever touched me like that..well other than Dr. Lewis for an exam..

I glanced over at John just as he was looking at Dan with concern and I knew exactly what they were thinking. Rowan would not like this one bit..I know..It shouldn’t feel wrong because this is their job but no other man has ever touched me like that..well other than Dr. Lewis for an exam..

Yeah, maybe it’s just like that, I have to think of it in a medical standpoint.

“Mila, I can feel you freaking out from here. They are professionals..just relax.” Lottie mumbled, making me swallow hard as I felt Sadie just as tense as me. I reached over, gripping her hand and squeezing if softly.

‘Lottie’s right..our mates might kill us but atleast we will be relaxed before they do.’

I joked, making Sadie laugh in our link and squeeze my hand back. This can’t be that bad..right?

“Luna Mila, my name is Cedric, I will be taking care of you today.” The tall viking like man with blonde hair and blue eyes said to me, making me swallow hard as I nodded my head and hid my face one more.

“Thanks.” I squeaked, becoming more tense than before as I suddenly felt some type of liquid being poured on my back, making me jump.

Cedric let out a low chuckle, bending down closer to my ear.

“Just relax, it’s only oil Luna.” He whispered, making me nod again as he suddenly touched me and his hands went to work..

I don’t know who the hell this guy was but his fingers were pure magic..I melted beneath his touch as he worked through muscles I didn’t even know I had. I heard Lottie groaning loudly as she was in a whole different world than us at this point and I was slowly slipping there too.

“Oh my goddess..sorry Finn..I think I’m in love.” Genevieve joked, causing us all to laugh..oh man, we really will be in big trouble for this.

Cedric continued to massage my back and shoulders, his touch was respectful and not straying in any place it shouldn’t..which I would like to think the two large men in the corner glaring our way might have had something to do with that.

‘Are you having fun baby? I miss you.’

Rowan linked me, making me smile to myself as I was on cloud nine.

‘Mmm it’s amazing..I miss you too my love.’

I practically g*****d, feeling like sleep was creeping up on me this was so relaxing.

‘What are you doing?’

He asked curiously, making me turn my head and get more comfortable.

‘Getting a’s amazing. I will have to demonstrate tonight.’

I teased, wishing Rowan was next to me and we were doing this together.

‘Can’t the way..if that guy touches you inappropriately in any way, I permitted John and Dan to kick his a*s..have fun!’

He quipped before closing the link and making my eyes snap open.

So they told Rowan about Cedric..I guess it was the right thing to do, considering how possessive Rowan was. I couldn’t believe that he didn’t freak out though and come get me..he really has come a long way.

But why did I feel sad that he didn’t? What is wrong with I becoming the more possessive clingy one now? Ever since everything that happened with Rowan this consuming need to be with him and have him all to myself has been rising uncontrollably..I don’t want to tell him about it because I’m afraid he will think I’m still not over what happenes..I can get through it on my own..everything will be fine.

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