The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny – Chapter 2

I must have fallen asleep during the movie because I was suddenly woken up in my bed by a gentle voice speaking to me.

‘Mila, wake up’.

I blinked my eyes, confused by the female voice and wondering if it was a dream. I lifted my head looking around my dark room.

“Hello?” I said quietly.

‘Hello Mila, I am so happy to finally meet you.’

The voice echoed through my head, I rubbed my eyes groggily as I looked through the room once again. Wait..was this my wolf?

‘Yes, I am your wolf, my name is Calypso.’

‘ birthday isn’t for another week.’

I heard her laugh smoothly, her voice regal and refined.

‘Today is your birthday, that is why I am here darling.’

She practically purred at me. Confusion filled me, my birthday was on January 11th, and today was the 4th. Could my wolf have arrived early? Either way, excitement rose inside of me.

‘It’s nice to meet you Calypso, I can’t believe you are really here.’

‘I have always been here, just hiding in the shadows, our bond finally connecting.’

‘So you already know everything about me?’

I linked curiously, not realizing she had been able to see or feel what I have since I was born. I heard her chuckle softly,

‘We are one, two entities with one spirit, I have loved watching you grow and learn. We are very beautiful and bright, we will have our mate begging on his knees when he sees us.’

Her confidence shocked me, I hadn’t thought about finding our mate. It was something I would dream about, wondering what he would be like or how he would look. I never wanted to really get my hopes up too high, considering I never left the cabin.

‘I bet he looks divine.’

I couldn’t help but chuckle, nerves filling me as I bit my l*p.

‘How would he even find us?’

I asked nervously, knowing that I had never left these woods before.

‘Well, Father said we can go on patrols soon, that might be our chance. The moon goddess always finds a way.’

I nodded my head, smiling softly, knowing in my heart that what she said was true. Wherever my mate was…I knew we would find each other no matter what.


“Dude, do we have to do this first thing in the morning? Can’t we eat breakfast like normal people?” Blake said while panting heavily next to me, his feet struggling to keep up as we hit our seventh mile. I know he had been drinking last night, that was partly why I decided to do this run so early in the morning.

“We do this first thing in the morning because we have meetings all day, and you have been slacking on your training.” My voice was firm as I glanced at him, seeing his eyes roll, the action pissing me off as intended.

“Come on, just one more mile, then we will go get some food.” I quickly noticed that energy coming back as he nodded excitedly.

Blake, my Beta, and brother was only motivated by two things, food, and s*x. Considering Greta our head omega and chef was in her fifties I’m pretty sure s*x was off of the table, at least I would hope so.

“I want bacon, I haven’t complained once and yet you reward him.” Tristan glared at Blake, his breathing even and his pace steady as we all ran side by side.

“Well some of us have been working overtime trying to get this Rogue s**t figured out.” Blake shot back at him, almost tripping on a rock as I held in a laugh.

“We have doubled our patrols, and Tristan is getting the new security detail up and running, after that, we should be more secure.” I said firmly, I know Blake feels like s**t since a few rogues were able to cross our borders and ended up outside some of our Omegas housing.

I was pissed, this shouldn’t be happening, plus they manage to break into one of the homes. Luckily no one was home at the time. Those two Rogues are actually in the dungeons as we speak. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on them.

‘Let’s show them why they don’t mess with our pack.’

My wolf Bain growled, causing me to quicken my pace.

We rounded the corner towards our pack house gates. The grey stone building stood tall way up ahead as we passed a few shops that were just opening. Suddenly the smell of freshly brewed coffee slammed into us, even Tristan faltered as we all glanced between each other.

“Rowan, if you don’t stop and let me have some damn coffee, I am going to snap.” Blake said with wild eyes. I nodded my head with a smirk and we slowed our pace.

“Brave of you to be threatening your Alpha.” Tristan scoffed.

“Oh no, I wasn’t threatening my Alpha I was threatening my brother, huge difference.” Blake patted Tristan on the back.

“Brother or Alpha, I will still kick your a*s either way.” I quipped causing Tristan to smirk now.

“I got the coffee.” Tristan said while walking towards the building.

“It’s okay gamma, let your beta pay for your coffee this morning.” Blake winked at Tristan and he rolled his eyes, already done with his bullshit for the day.

“Are you paying for mine too?” I said with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, now that I think about it, you should be the one paying, considering you dragged us here at 4am.” He opened the door for me, standing aside as he still showed respect for his Alpha even though he was an a*****e. Once we got three cups of freshly brewed coffee, we started walking back, sipping it slowly.

“So after the meetings today, I think we should go check in on our guests and see what they have to say.” I glanced towards Tristan who nodded excitedly, he usually handled the interrogations for Black Stone.

I have been the Alpha of Black Stone for the past seven years, my father Vincent was the Alpha before me and his father before him. It was an honor to be born in this pack and to now be the one to care for it. I couldn’t help but feel like something was missing though.

‘Yeah, our f*****g Mate!’

My wolf Bain growled at me angrily, pacing in my mind as his irritation rose.

‘If we don’t find our mate soon, you know what we will have to do.’

My voice was steady and unwavering.

‘No! I refuse to take a chosen f*****g Mate, our Luna is out there and we will wait for her.’

I couldn’t help but sigh as I closed the link, my wolf has been more pissed off than usual this past month. The urge to find a Luna for my pack growing stronger every day. Knowing I needed to pick one soon, considering our mate was nowhere to be found. Plus, we needed to keep this pack strong. To know my mate was someone that I had no say in whatsoever freaked me out.

I couldn’t control her family history or past. The way she looked or acted, it was terrifying. Would that be what was best for my pack? To be given a random mate and not have any clue if she would be a good Luna or not. I needed to think with my head and not my d**k. Knowing my mate would cause a natural attraction like no other as soon as I met her. I reached up, brushing my shaggy silver hair back as I looked ahead of us.

“Bain again?” Blake asked, looking at me wearily as I nodded. For being brothers we hardly looked alike. His black hair was a stark difference from my silver. They say it is a genetic trait that skips every generation. My grandfather had it too, his wolf silver just like mine. Both our parents have black hair, so it was quite a shock when I was born to say the least.

I thought about what Bain said, how he refused to take a chosen mate. Then Chloe popped into my mind. She had been the latest girl I had been f*****g. Her father was a beta from one of our alliances and she joined our pack a few years ago. She was a good candidate for Luna, considering she grew up in the higher ranks.

She was decent enough and knew the Luna responsibilities. Was I in love with the girl? Definitely not. I had never been in love and didn’t plan on it ever happening. It just wasn’t something I was capable of.

Being an Alpha I refused to be. I needed to be cutthroat and professional. Able to make the tough decisions for the good of my pack and not have anything holding me back or clouding my judgment. I decided at the end of this month to start deciding on who my Luna would be. So even though Bain was going to be a d**k about it, he would have to settle for whoever I deemed worthy..sorry buddy.

‘f**k you.’

Bain growled at me, and I rolled my eyes. He was being so dramatic this morning.

We made our way to the pack house and slipped through security. A few omega lived here that worked in the house but mostly the higher ranked and their families resided here. There were certain wings in the house where each family stayed. We even had a pool, a gym, a gaming room, mostly Blake’s idea..and even a small movie theater on the third floor. My parents Vincent and Laura still lived here considering my mother was acting as Luna and there was more than enough room for them to stay.

We entered the building and headed for the kitchen. I already linked Greta, the head omega, to start on Blake’s pancakes and Tristan’s bacon. She was more than happy to help, she respected her Alpha, unlike any omega I had ever met. But Greta specifically had a soft spot for Blake, he always went in there and treated her like a queen. I notice he started getting two desserts after a while and I had to put a stop to that. It was getting to his head.

We walked through the kitchen doors and stacks of chocolate chip pancakes were waiting for us.

“Oh my wonderful Greta, you have outdone yourself again.” Blake said, sweeping her into a hug and spinning her around. She giggled wildly and swatted at him to put her down. “Oh Beta, you haven’t even tried them yet.” She said shooing him towards his food. Greta was a heavier-set middle-aged woman with copper hair and brown eyes. She had worked with us since we were kids, so she was more like family than anything.

“Thank you, Greta, has my dad come down yet?” I asked curiously, usually, he is in here bugging her by now.

“He took his breakfast in the study.” She quickly placed a bottle of syrup in front of Blake who grabbed it hungrily. Tristan looked towards him, shaking his head as he bit into a piece of bacon.

“He’s probably on the call with the elders, to discuss the rogue issues.” Blake said with his mouth full.

“Your such a pig.” Tristan scoffed with mocked disgust.

They were actually best friends if you could believe it. They had been since grade school. Blake and Tristan were both four years younger than me. Tristan had deep red hair and always acted respectful. His demeanor is elegant and poised, he was rarely flustered and handled things calmly and with little emotion. He was our go-to guy for a lot of things but being the gamma he was head of the warriors and their training. I could actually count the few times I had seen him laugh. They usually involved Blake getting hurt or in trouble. Glancing up I suddenly saw a petite blonde skip into the room excitedly and g*****d internally.

“Baby, you started without me.” She pouted at Blake.

Tristan and I gave each other a look.

‘Here we go again.’

Tristan sighed through the link.

Jessica..Blakes girlfriend. Let’s just say she wasn’t his first girlfriend but it’s been his longest. They have dated for six months now, neither finding their mate so far. Considering Blake is only twenty-four he still had more than enough time.

“Sorry baby, Alpha made me run this morning, I needed to eat, I was about to die.” He said dramatically, throwing a sharp look at me.

“If only we would have held off just a little longer.” Tristan mumbled under his breath, causing me to smile.

Jessica glared at Tristan, plopping into Blakes’s lap as he began to feed her. If he was this bad with a girlfriend he chose, I couldn’t even imagine the mating bond and how attached that would make him.

Jessica’s eyes met mine as she slowly took a bite off of Blake’s fork. They were what I called “Come f**k me” eyes and that was another reason why I disliked her. She was hot, yeah, but she was constantly trying to seek my attention. That wasn’t my thing, no way in hell would I sleep with my brother’s girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no saint, but even I wouldn’t go that far. Plus the way he treated her grossed me out. I hated that kind of s**t, the nicknames and puppy eyes, let’s just say I lost my appetite after Jessica came into the room, for more than one reason.

Considering I have never made anything official with a girl this type of stuff turned me off completely. I usually did just casual hookups, never lasting more than a year, I made sure of that. Chloe had been my longest “relationship” and I didn’t even call her my girlfriend. She knew that as well. I wasn’t the only guy she was seeing and she definitely wasn’t the only girl I was with. I made a rule to never sleep with the staff though. That would just make things awkward and messy, we learned that from Blake.

But even when I finally choose a Luna, she will have to understand that I can’t spend all day doting on her. Not to sound like a d**k. No woman I have ever met has drawn me in that much to want to spoil her. She will just have to learn to live with that.

‘You are a d**k.’

Bain growled, I knew he saw things differently, finding our mate was all he ever thought about. I didn’t even know what to expect, it’s hard to imagine falling in love or being with someone because they fit you perfectly. That’s what they say the mate bond is, the perfect match for you completely.

But my brain rationalized that they might just be that..the perfect mate. Just someone to help you continue on the bloodline. I saw how my parents looked at each other though, still to this day. But I honestly didn’t know if I was capable of loving, it wasn’t something I ever felt. I knew how people viewed me, cold and unrelenting. Well, at least outside of my family.

The real people I was around knew I was like that because I would do anything for my pack. That’s why I haven’t been in a rush to find my mate, but every alpha needs a Luna. Was that normal to think that way? Or was there something wrong with me.. we finished breakfast and I took a quick shower. After stepping out I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked toward the closet. Since we had meetings all day I just decided to wear a black button-up long-sleeved shirt and black slacks.

Once I combed back my shaggy silver hair I quickly slipped on some black shoes and began walking down. Suddenly something shifted a feeling inside of me pulling like a string. I stopped in my tracks, wondering what that feeling was. After a few minutes I didn’t feel it again, I shook my head and started my day. Must be lack of sleep, I had been staying up late to finish some reports for the elders on the rogue activity, that must be it.

Before I knew it, it was lunch time.

“Dude, I am starving, those meetings dragged on for hours.” Blake g*****d, plopping down on the leather couch in my office.

I glanced up at him as I continued to check my emails.

“Link Greta to bring some stuff up, we can eat while we work through this last meeting.” I said distracted by my emails as I sifted through them.

‘Alpha, we have required another rogue, she was found a mile from here by the river.’

Tristan linked me, a woman rogue, that was rare.

‘Is she coherent enough to talk?’

I linked back, almost forgetting about the rogues we were supposed to interrogate later tonight.

‘She is in pretty bad condition, not sure how much longer we have.’

‘Okay, be there in ten.’

I glanced up at Blake. “Lunch will have to wait, we have to go to the interrogation rooms.” I said quickly, something inside of me telling me to get this over with now.

Blake frowned and nodded his head. “Better to get that done with on an empty stomach, knowing Tristan.” He sighed, standing up.

We walked through the pack house, making our way toward the dungeons and suddenly an overpowering scent hit me. The smell of honey and fresh rain. My heart began to beat erratically, Bain became more active as he started to prance around.

‘That’s her, that’s our mate.’

He growled excitedly, I looked around, smelling the air as I picked up the mouth-watering scent. It was absolutely intoxicating, I had never smelled anything like it. My heart felt like it was about to burst and my feet moved quicker as Blake looked at me in confusion.

“Bro, what’s up?” He asked, seeing me sniff the air as I followed the scent towards where we keep the prisoners.

She was here, she had to be. Who could it be? Did we hire a new guard or something? I quickly walked past our stationed guards and practically ran through the hallways. The scent getting stronger as we made our way deeper into the building.

‘Mate, mate is here, I smell her.’

Bain said excitedly, his growls telling me to move faster.

“Rowan, what the hell man.” Blake said, struggling to keep up.

f**k, she smelled so good, my body took over, my instincts pushing away everything as I burst into the dungeon. My breathing ragged as I searched the confused guards faces. Only one female was here, I went up to her, sniffing. She tensed as I looked into her eyes..nothing.

‘No, not mate.’

Bain roared in frustration.

“Alpha, is everything okay?” Tristan asked me, a perplexed look on his face.

“Where is she.” I mumbled to myself and sniffed the air once more.

“Who?” Blake asked, exchanging a baffled look with Tristan, they must have thought I had lost my mind.

‘Over there.’

Bain howled, tugging me towards the scent once more. I walked past the cells, the overpowering smell filling me. Causing a shiver to run down my spine as I stepped in front of the last cell. Blake and Tristan stood by me, glancing in. My heart stopped, she was absolutely breathtaking.

“My Mate.” I said breathlessly, panic now filling me as she lay unconscious on the floor.

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