The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 196: A verbal spat

"It might make you wanna do that, but you do know that once you're out of the MIB, you're out of the MIB, right?" Thankappan asked.

"Hey, I retired from the job by my own accord. Which means that it's fine if I'm the person being told about your confidential stuff. I mean, I'm still part of MIB unlike what you claim. It's like I'm in the Hall of Fame of the MIB, you know?" Lena replied.

"My goodness! Just because you retired doesn't mean that you could enter into the freaking hall of fame. Like how does that even make sense to you?" Lonappan looked frustrated as hell from talking with Lena.

"Calm down. I'm considering my accomplishments as I say that, you know? I've done shit that makes me a hall of fame worthy person. At least, I'm a lot better than that Deckland guy who got into it last year." Lena shrugged.

"Oh my! Sure, Deckland might not be a super spy or some shit like that but the man's ninety and he has never missed a day to work until the day he retired. That's not something anyone else can say. He was awarded for his something that you could never say you had for this stream of work." Lonappan hit back. He didn't even know how this conversation escalated to a verbal spat, but now that it turned to one, he wasn't willing to stake his claim at a victorious battle.

"Ooh, was that a jab at my retirement and initial hatred towards the job, then I guess I just have one thing to say. But before that, what the hell are you doing, honey?" Lena turned towards her husband and asked.

Ponnappan expected the both to get so engulfed in the verbal spat that he didn't think that his wife would catch him if he were to bring in some popcorn to the mix. However, now that she did, he really didn't have a explanation other than he did so to enjoy the spat. But he didn't outright say that because he would suffer the wrath of his wife if he were to do that.

Since that was the case, Ponnappan thought that a distraction would be the better option to save his ass.

"Honey, what was the one thing that you were gonna say? I mean, you're gonna lose the flow if you're gonna be involved with me like that." Ponnappan spoke.

"Not gonna happen, my man. You find it really fun, don't you? Your wife's out here going all out in an argument and the first thing you thought of was popcorn?" Lena snapped.

"Honey, it isn't like that. I just… I mean…" Ponnappan was having difficulty in lying for the first time in a long time since the opponent this time was exceptional in catching his lies since he's been with her for years now.

However, like an angel, Lonappan came in for the save—just not the way he intended. "Yea, your dear subordinate is having the verbal spat of his life and your mind was on popcorn? Why aren't you in here supporting my statements, huh?" He asked.

"Umm, just a heads up, if my HUSBAND is gonna support anyone's statement, it's gonna be mine. I mean, he's married to me after all. So, he WILL take my side." Lena jumped into the conversation as she stared darts at her husband.

"Ah, I will support…" Once again, before Ponnappan could spout out stupidity, Lonappan came in for the save.

"Okay, what I'm hearing right now is you threatening your husband to take your side even while is extremely reluctant in doing so. I mean, you do you—if you're that afraid. But if this was fair and square, you know whom he's gonna support, right?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Hey! This is fair and square! I'm not threatening my husband by no means. Isn't that right, hon?" Lena stared darts at her husband once again.

Ponnappan was sweating profusely. He was at a crossroad and he really didn't want to answer such a question. "Uh, I mean…" And yet again, his prayers were answered by a swift interjection by his guardian angel Lonappan.

"How the hell do you think he's gonna go any other way than your way when you are staring at him like that? You seem like you're gonna kill him if he goes against you." Lonappan spoke.

"It's just how I look! I have a scary face—I don't have to act one out to threaten someone. And my hus knows that. So, what I'm doing right now is totally not threatening to him, ain't that right?" She asked as she didn't drop the scary look off her face.

This time around, Lonappan didn't even allow Ponnappan to utter some ifs and buts as he interjected. "See, you did that again, how-"

Normally, even literally seconds ago, Ponnappan would've been pleased by this development, however, the man changed his opinions and thoughts in literal seconds since that's the way he learned to survive. Hence he had a clear answer, but it was ruined once Lonappan decided to interfere in that one case he didn't want the guy to interfere.

"Stop." He roared as the both before him stopped right then. No matter how goofy he behaved at times, Ponnappan still had the aura of a leader and neither his friend nor his wife could go against it—not at that moment at least. "She's right. She has a natural scary face. And I have seen it for years that I've grown immune to it." He replied with a satisfied look on his face.

Ponnappan thought that he did the right thing and supported his wife's statement by saying that. However, Lena thought differently. "Wait a minute! You think my face is scary?" She asked, with a surprised look on her face.

"Babe, I supported your statement right there. So, shall we stop it at that and not cross section my point any further?" Ponnappan asked. He never expected his supportive statement to dig a grave for him like that.

"Ha, if Ponnappan's saying that her face is scary at all times, I just have to believe it, don't I?" Lonappan sighed as he added fuel to the already blazing fire.

"Zip it." Ponnappan glared at his subordinate before turning his attention towards his wife. "Babe, you're the most beautiful person in the entire world for me—scary or not. And I love you deeply. Nothing's gonna change that fact." He spoke as he dropped the popcorn from his hand, walked towards her and caressed her.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yup." Ponnappan nodded his head.

"I love you as well. And I was kidding. I am not angry at you for real. You tried your best supporting me, didn't ya? Just picked the wrong couple of sentences. Good thing is that I'm aware of my imperfections." Lena shrugged.

"Your imperfections make you even more perfect, my love." Ponnappan smiled as he bumped heads with his wife.

"Oh, come on, guys! Get a freaking room!" Lonappan, who was made to watch all this, cried.

"We got the whole house for ourselves. It's unfortunate that an intruder is asking us to get a room in our own house." Ponnappan spoke.

"I'm an intruder? Okay, dude! I know where your allegiance is now." Lonappan spoke with a hurt expression.

"It has always been with her." Ponnappan shrugged. He wasn't an idiot to blurt out any other answer than that. Although, he seriously hoped that Lonappan would get the situation he was in.

"Cool, it's time for me to leave now. So, yea. Bye." Lonappan decided to head straight out after hearing it from Ponnappan.

"Lonappan, wait!" It was Lena who stopped him, as Ponnappan was heaving a breath of relief. However, the relief turned into panic as he had no idea why she stopped his subordinate. "You know, his allegiance might be with me, but that doesn't mean he forfeited his freedom of having an opinion. Who knows, he might be thinking differently about the topic on our hand…" She replied.

"So you wanna reel me back with that and humiliate me once more, huh? I understand." Lonappan turned back yet again towards the door.

"Hey, I'm not kidding! He might have a different opinion. And if he does have one like that, then I'll stop myself from forcing him to cough up the inside scoop of the MIB." Lena promised.

And this promise turned Lonappan's head back. "Are you for real?" He asked.

"Yup. Pinky promise." She swore.

"Okay, I believe you." Lonappan nodded his head.contemporary romance

"Seriously! You don't believe my word but you believed in my pinky promise?" Lena looked surprised.

"A person bring up that manoeuvre only when they are telling the truth. I know that for a fact. So, putting that aside, what are your thoughts, Ponnappan?" Lonappan asked, to which the eyes turned towards the commanding officer for a reply. Now came the real conundrum for Ponnappan. He simply didn't know what to answer as he stood silently for the longest time.


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