The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 190: Offending people

"Hmm, that's better… At least a bit than the other scenario." The kids still looked doubtful, but they sounded relieved by the fact that their annual day was gonna be conducted early.

"I guess… I still feel bad for you guys though." Taro spoke in a really sad tone as if to imply that he was indeed sad.

"And why is that?" Ross asked.

"I mean, I'm not the only person who's been asked to do this, you know?" Taro replied.

"Oh no!" Ross and Juan realised it at the same time. The entire class realised it soon after.

"Oh, yes. It's not just English, every other subject's gonna be accelerated so that you get enough time to practice for the annual day." Taro replied.

"That's bullshit!" Ross squealed, after he couldn't contain his own emotions.

"Language, Ross." Taro scolded.

"Sorry for that. But I'm really angry about this decision." Ross replied.

"I sure can see that." Taro spoke giving out a light chuckle in the midst.

"But my anger is justified, isn't it? I mean, the previous annual day never had an accelerated month or shit like that. So why now? Is it a grudge against us? I mean, why else would you do something like that?" Ross asked.

"A freaking flood happened, Ross. Look at the big picture. I mean, everything doesn't revolve around you! Sheesh." Taro shrugged.

"Well, I guess I deserved that." Ross sighed as he quickly accepted the criticism

"Dang. You knew I was kidding, right? Else, I wouldn't have said something like that. I apologise if I hurt your feelings in any way." Taro gave out a light smile as he said that since he believed that it was what humans do when the people opposite to the them are feeling grumpy. It didn't make any sense, but if it ain't broken, don' try to fix it since it might end up creating more disturbances.

"Meh, it's fine. Don't worry about it." Ross told it off much to Taro's relief.

Ever since getting into this world, he had to be extra careful about not offending people. And him not knowing what offends people really worried him. He was reminded of the one time he went to Thankappan to speak about his worries.


A month or two ago, Thankappan was loitering around in the front lawn of the Holy Land for no apparent reason other than the fact that Timothy wasn't gonna come that day at all, which meant they had the whole house for themselves… Or at least, everything except the residence of Shivani.

Not knowing what to do with such a luxury, Thankappan started rolling around in the grass that Timothy recently put up when he was planning to show the house to some other people.

Actually, the landlord wasn't actually planning to do so. Instead, he was using this as a leverage to increase the rent.

Timothy knew it. If the lads were to break off this rent agreement because of a money spat, they'd be in the losing end. Although, the aliens and Thankappan had started building up good reputation in that small village area, that didn't mean that they would actually allow six men to live in their houses, no matter how much money they put into it.

Also, Thankappan didn't curse about this decision. Why? Because John and Scarlet's been living in the room rent free for a long time. So, he was actually planning to give that extra rent to Timothy.

Therefore, he happily obliged to the landlord's request. And this baffled Timothy, since he was hoping for a massive spat. However, this one was way out of his expectation.

While this made him suspicious, Timothy thought of leaving it aside since he got what he came for. Prying into someone's else's life and stuff wasn't one thing that Timothy was so keen of doing.

There's also his worry that the lads would actually turn back on their word if he decided to stick around for a little more. Hence, Timothy quickly made his way out of the Holy Land.

"Now that I think about it, the landlord of ours is really considerate about certain things.." Thankappan spoke as he continued rolling down in the ground.

"Well, I guess you're right about that. I haven't talked to him much since you were the ones doing it, but he seems like a money hungry yet nice dude. I mean, he's allowing you to roll on the grass that he spent his money to set up, after all." Taro replied.

"He didn't give me any permission to do that though. It's just my way of relieving stress." Thankappan spoke.

"Oh, is that so? Then I prefer not to give an opinion about him until I get to have at least one decent conversation with him." Taro replied.

"I see." Thankappan seemed uninterested with the path that the conversation was taking. Also, the rolling on the ground was way too much fun than he expected that he wanted to fully immerse in it. However, before he could do that, he wanted Taro away. He decided to take the polite route of making him leave. "So, why did you come to me?" He asked, hoping that it would be something trivial.

However, he didn't expect the Wadorian to sit beside him once he asked that. "I wanted to ask you a question." He spoke up.

"What is it?" Thankappan grumbled. At that moment, he would do anything for Taro to leave the vicinity. So, a question wasn't much of a big deal for him.

"Okay, I don't know how to begin with this. Wait, I'll think of a right way to convey what I'm meaning to say." Taro spoke before going on a silent streak.

This action pissed Thankappan off as the rolls became more and more aggressive to the point that he had to worry about to fully uprooting the grass from the ground. And just for that reason, he subsided his anger.

"Okay, dude! You got a question. Just spout it out. Don't think about it too much. So, tell me what comes to your mind first." Thankappan requested.

"Yea, sure. First thing that comes to my mind, huh? I would like to eat that pizza thing that you bought yesterday. That's a-" Before he complete his sentence, Thankappan jumped in.

"Okay, I didn't think that I would have to specify about it, but hearing you, I definitely should do that. When I asked you to tell me the first thing that came in your mind, I didn't literally mean that. I meant the first thing regarding whatever it is you wanted to speak about. Now, if it was just about the pizza, I'll hit you up with it soon enough. Don't worry about that." Thankappan assured.

"Oh no. This isn't about the pizza. Rather it's about this weirdness I've been feeling lately." Taro spoke.

"Weirdness, huh? What do you think is the cause of such an event?" Thankappan asked.

"Hmm, maybe it's because I worry way too much for the silliest thing sometimes?" Taro put forth his guess.

"I see. So, you have something that's been worrying you and yet you believe that it could be trivial. But let me tell you something. If something's troubling you, no matter how others perceive it, you should jump into the bandwagon and perceive it with that same eye as well. So, are you gonna tell me?" Thankappan asked, after pulling out bullshit easily. If he was asked to give a short summary of what he said then, he would have a hard time with it because he literally had no idea what he said.

"Okay. You see, there's a slight cultural clash with both of our planets and we're both aware of that. But the thing is, I don't know what offends people in here. So it's hard having a normal conversation without repeatedly double checking yourself. So, I got to know. What offends people here?" The Wadorian asked to which Thankappan had a hearty laughter for a minute before reverting back to his normal behaviour.

"Oh, pardon me. I wasn't laughing at you or something. I was thinking about the answer I was gonna give you." Thankappan replied.

"And? What's the answer?" Taro asked.contemporary romance

"Everything." Thankappan replied with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" Taro looked puzzled as he asked that.

"I mean, wouldn't that be the same in your planet as well. No two people are the same. So there's trillions of actions and each action could be judged by at least one person in this world. So, I see no problem in being carefree because if you're gonna be meticulous with it, you'll have a pretty bad time." Thankappan replied.

"You're right! I don't understand why I've been so conceited about it. Earth in its core is just like Wados. People are shitty everywhere. How come I forgot about that? Thank you for reminding me, dude." Taro sounded enthusiastic and elated as he said that.

"Happy to help. See you later then." Thankappan quickly waved his hand, slowly nudging Taro out of his picture. And once he left, Thankappan finally felt relieved.


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