The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 188: Odd Coincidences

The next day Taro realized the gravity of the job he just accepted. Scarlet couldn't be considered as a normal person. Rather, he was like a curious child. He hopped around like a freaking monkey for no apparent reason. It was weird, because he's been in this world for far too long for him to act like this. Maybe it was because of the fact that he was roaming the world with his 

"friends" for the first time. And this made him extremely happy. Nevertheless, it made Taro's work really hard.

Taro not only had to look out for himself so that he doesn't cause any ruckus, but now he was on double duty. He had to look out for Scarlet as well and regularly check whether he was trying to pull off any shenanigans.

Although last night's Scarlet acted real mature and spoke maturely as well, the current Scarlet acted entirely different. The primary reason Taro could think of was that the Crimsoner was having way too much fun with it. Also, no one other than Taro could sense it, so if he were to reveal it to anyone else, they'd probably think that he was crazy after hearing Scarlet last night.contemporary romance

So, in the end, the Wadorian had to deal with this mess himself. Before he left the Holy Land for the school, he grabbed Scarlet by his collar and dragged him all the way; not that anyone knew about it. And when someone asks the status of Scarlet, he just simply shrugs and says that he's in the corner or something while he was right in Taro's clutches.

Other than that part, that morning was the same as every other morning. Thankappan tried doing his usual shtick with the coincidence thing, while Shivani acted as if it was totally a coincidence as well.

Well, initially that wasn't the case. Shivani rarely acted so. Rather, it was more of her giving out a disappointed look whenever Thankappan tried pulling it off. However, recently she had a change of mind due to all the events that happened and decided to play along.

After the usual five minute talk about it being a total coincidence, the group made the way to the school, where they felt really weird for some reason.

"Hey, does it feel like we haven't been here for a long time?" Thankappan asked.

"It's funny that you say that because that's exactly how I feel." Gibli, who hasn't been involved in any of the chats recently, decided to chime in with Thankappan's opinion.

"Hmm, I thought I was the only one who felt this way." Taro gave out a look of comradely to the two.

"So what you're saying right now is that we all felt the same thing?" Thankappan asked as he looked towards Kunjan.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kunjan asked.

"Well, I said we all and by we all I didn't mean we three. There are four of us, remember? How about you dude?" Thankappan asked again, this time staring even harder at Kunjan.

"What's gonna happen if I say that I felt like you do as well?" The plankton asked back.

"I don't know. It'll just end up as a weird coincidence, don't you think?" Thankappan gave out a sly smile as he said that.

"My goodness. You and your thousands and thousands of coincidences. You do know that you'll get punched by these fists someday, right?" Kunjan asked as he brought his fists towards Thankappan.

"I wasn't kidding about the coincidences, dude! At least not this one. I mean it's way too bizarre to term it as a one off coincidence. I feel like there is something sinister beneath it." He spoke in a really spooky manner, as if to bring forth the horror element of this incident.

"Okay, let me just process what you are trying to say. You think some hundred year old witch just barged into our house and sped up the time or something? Or else what? They took some of the time we spent here making us feel like we haven't been here for a long time? Either way, both of the scenarios feel like utter bullshit." Kunjan replied.

"I know that! I didn't mean it like that. Just wait a minute. Let me ask this to someone else. Hey Shivani, what do you think about it?" Thankappan asked.

"About what?" Shivani looked puzzled since she wasn't giving any attention to whatever crap that Thankappan and company were spouting.

"Didn't you just hear what we said?" Thankappan looked disappointed as he heard Shivani's reply.

"You know I was looking around for my friends out here, so I couldn't actually hear what you guys were talking about. My sincere apologies, but could you repeat the question again?" Shivani decided to go on a polite route with this.

Thankappan gave out a sigh. "Okay. We were talking about how every single one of us felt as if we hadn't stepped foot into this school for the longest time." He spoke.

"Maybe that's because of all the holidays you took recently. But did you take too much leave though? I mean, I remember a few of them, but was that enough to make you think as if you haven't stepped here for a long time? I don't know. But if you are asking my opinion, I guess, I felt like it too. Just a little bit, but I did feel like we had a long break. I don't know why. Don't ask me that but yeah. Now that I think about it even more, it seems more and more clear that I felt the same way as you guys too." Shivani looked amazed at discovering this fact.

"See? What did I tell you guys?" Even more than her, Thankappan was the one who looked like he had one of the biggest victories of his life.

"Okay. Now, what conclusion can we take from this? That every single person who resides in the Holy Land felt as if there was a big break before we returned to school? What, we had selective memory loss? Like, all five of us did?" Kunjan asked. 

Honestly, he was feeling a bit skeptical about this situation as well. However, he wasn't willing to actually reveal his skepticism to them. Thankfully for him, before Thankappan could get another word in, the teachers were called in for a meeting by the principal. 

Although, Thankappan looked as if he wasn't going to leave this matter aside, Kunjan had already made plans to avoid him for the entire time that he walked around speaking of this odd coincidence. The plankton had hated coincidences to the point that he didn't want another one brought up anytime soon.


"It's so boring." Taro spoke while he was seated, waiting for the principal to arrive at the meeting.

"Bear with it, dude. I feel like it's gonna be some kind of big announcement for the principal to call upon the entire faculty like this." Kunjan spoke.

"Big announcement, huh? What do you think it will be? I mean, we already had our arts day and our sports… Wait, did we have our sports day yet?" Taro asked.

"I believe that happened." Kunjan replied.

"Damn. Time just flew away like the wind that I didn't even realize it happened. Then what would the announcement be? Don't tell me! Is she gonna announce the date of our annual day?" Taro asked excitedly.

"Really, do you think so? I mean. It's four or  five months away from now, isn't it? At least that's how it usually happens." Kunjan replied.

"Yes. That's the usual case. However, this isn't any other usual year, am I right? Think about it, we had a huge flood and stuff. Don't you think that's gonna accelerate this year's annual day a bit earlier than usual?" Taro posed the question.

"I have no idea, man. The best we could do right now is wait for the principal to come here and announce whatever she plans to announce." Kunjan spoke.

"I guess you're right about that. But where the hell is she even?" Taro asked as he looked around.

"And as If she was waiting for someone to look for her, the principal arrived into the meeting room at the exact same time that Taro looked around for her.

Everyone stood up as a sign of respect towards the principal, to which she asked everyone of them to be seated. After that, she headed towards the podium where the mic was and checked it a few times before getting any words out.

"Since we don't have much time to have a long meeting, I am gonna keep it short. I called you out here so that I could announce that this year's annual day will be taking place in two months." She announced, to which she received a thunderous applause.

:See, what did I tell ya? I knew it! Doesn't that mean the kids could start practicing right now? Yay! Another two months of free time to enjoy." Taro looked elated as he applauded with the others.

As if she heard what Taro just said, the principal followed up her announcement. "You sure know what this means, right? You gotta work your ass off to cover two months of portions in the next month so that the kids get one month of time to practice the stuff they're gonna do. So, chop chop, off you go to work." She left the podium as soon as she came after dropping the bomb that made Taro gape his mouth open.


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