The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 156: Let's go! We got a spaceship to see.

"So, let me just repeat what you just said. You became a 'robber with high moral standards'. Your life was seemingly set, but suddenly the only person you cared about died, now you literally have no connection whatsoever with that planet of yours. You are a free man, right?" Taro asked.

"I don't know, man. The way you make it sound seems so cold." Thankappan spoke.

"But he's kinda right about it, though!" Scarlet jumped in with a reply.

"Huh… I'll never get you alien lots. Sometime, you give out sentimental stories, but lack the emotion to back it up." The MIB agent sighed.

"Hey! Don't group me with this guy! I'm from a pretty well developed nation while this guy is from the dark alley of the universe. So, care to change your statement?" Taro asked.

"Nah, man. I don't discriminate with aliens. As long as you guys are from outer space, you're all the same to me." Thankappan shrugged.

"That's some high-level shit that I just heard." Taro spoke to which Scarlet nodded his head along as well.

"Well, this is a place which has suffered from discrimination, so I'm not gonna do that, even if you beg me to." Thankappan gave out a stern reply.

"Hmm, it's still not going to be NOT bullshit though." Taro replied as Scarlet nodded his head yet again. "Anyhow, where did I stop? Ah, yes. So, you don't have any commitment to that place, then why are we even trying to go back?" He asked.

"I didn't get to see her face after her death since that aberration transported me to this place. I'd like to get one last look at her at least." Scarlet spoke with a singular tear in his right eye.

"Wait, how long have you been here on this planet? And why in the world did we in the MIB not know about it?" Thankappan asked.

"Hmm, it's been about two months now, I guess…" Scarlet replied.

"Aren't you gonna answer the second one?" Thankappan asked again.

"Well, it's not the first time that I've got to a planet without the authorities noticing it. And even if they noticed me, I always got a way to slither out." Scarlet snickered.

"Still, it's pretty unbelievable if you ask me. You, along with your ship crash, landed in our area and you were actually able to hide it?" Thankappan asked.

"Pretty much, yea…" Scarlet smiled.

"Hmm… That's like crazy! I guess I should suggest to our department to identify the ships clearly next time around so that we don't miss out on any person." Thankappan spoke.

"That would be great." Scarlet replied.

"I see. So, anyhow, two months passed since your mom died. Do you even think that you'll get to see her face at this point?" Thankappan asked.

"I'm a pretty high-profile person back on my planet, you know? There's no way that they're not gonna keep her safe for a little more time." Scarlet spoke.

"Hmm, but why do you believe that they will trust you?" Thankappan asked.


"Well, you disappeared mid-way through a chase. What makes you think that they'll think that was an accident and not a pre-planned event?" Thankappan asked again.

"...." For a moment or two, Scarlet had no words to say. "Well, no one jumps into that aberration intentionally, since they know that would mean death." Scarlet replied.

"That might be true. However, it can also be interpreted the way I did, right?" Thankappan asked. "Do you think that they'll keep your mother's dead body safe if they believed you committed treason? No, they won't. Instead, they would put her on a stake and burn her or something, don't you think?" He asked.

"Hey, that was too low!" Scarlet cried, with tears in both his eyes now.

"Yea, it was kinda a low blow, dude." Taro agreed with Scarlet in this case.

"Hey! I was just following up with the dark humor that you guys did! Why was it offensive when I did it?" Thankappan cried.

"Well, you need a certain knack while dealing with dark humor, which you oh so obviously lack." Taro replied.

"Ha… Keep your secrets for yourself then!" Thankappan pouted, but he recovered back pretty soon enough as well. "By the way, I wasn't kidding for the most part when I said that. So, what's gonna happen once you realize that they fucked you over?" He asked.

"... Well, that's a discussion for another day, right?" Scarlet asked.

"Hmm. Then what exactly do you want to do now?" Thankappan asked.contemporary romance

"I need to go home as soon as possible." Scarlet replied.

"If that's the case, then why are you even here?" Thankappan asked again.

"To take the one who has the capability of fixing my spaceship." Scarlet spoke whilst pointing at Taro.

"Well, how come you know about it, huh?" Taro went on a bit of an aggressive route, while Thankappan firmly took the spot of the good cop in the charade.

"Dude, I work as a private investigator here. I know about most of the stuff that happens around here. And in your case, I really didn't have to put in an extra effort. I mean, you were practically making those translators out in the open." Scarlet shrugged.

"Hmm, I guess you're right about that. Never would've thought that someone would spy in at the spare parts shop." Taro sighed.

"It's an establishment where aliens come by on a regular basis. Especially since the release of the new and improved translators, people have been monitoring Ajish's shop for quite a while now. So, don't be surprised if more people like me came by." Scarlet replied.

"I see. So, a few minutes ago, when you said you wanted me, you actually meant you wanted me to fix your spaceship, right?" Taro asked.

"Exactly! You got that right!" Scarlet smiled.

"Of course, I got it right. Anyhow, what do you want me to do now?" Taro looked towards Thankappan and asked.

The MIB agent stood silently for quite some time, thinking about the possible options, before coming to a conclusion. "Let's go. I wanna see this spaceship that went under MIB's radar." He spoke as he gave out a determined look on his face.


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