The Legendary Mage (Alavin)

Chapter 286

"I take it you've agreed to accompany me to Cobalt Strike." Alavin declined gracefully. It wasn't that he was rejecting the idea out of hand or being overly fussy; his concern lay in joining the Bloodlore coven and getting entangled in more complex dangers, potentially bringing vengeance upon the fragile Mallister family. After all, Bloodlore had made many enemies, and while the threats might diminish openly should he join their ranks, the shadows would teem with greater peril. Thus, he chose a middle path – alliance! Alavin sought out various powers with whom to forge partnerships, such as the Mollen clan, the Iron kin, and even Bloodlore!

Alavin harbored a lofty aspiration. "I am my own provenance, the bedrock for all my kin and comrades!" Someday in the future, when others beheld him, it would be his own person they respected or feared, no the might behind him.

Alavin was aware of the difficulty, but as the saying goes, "No rest for the mighty!" He was determined to be among their ranks. This was his life's quest! And his resolve began now.

"Best me in a duel, and if it pleases me, then I shall decide whether to join you on your journey to Cobalt Strike."

"At your service!"

Oda rapped on Helna's chamber door, beaming like a butterfly. "Look who's here."

"Hello, Helna," Carlys said as she entered, her beauty lighting up the room.

"You are...?" Helna didn't recognize her at first, only that the sight was a breath of fresh air, a lovely and beautiful maid before her.

"Take another good look." Carlys smiled sweetly.

Oda chuckled. "See who she reminds you of. She's the child who used to play with me in the castle."

"Carlys?" Helna ventured.

"Heehee, hello, Helna."

"Carlys! Is it truly you?" Helna exclaimed joyfully, rushing to greet her.

"I should have come to visit you sooner."

"Nonsense, come in. Forgive the humble abode." Helna surveyed Carlys with great pleasure, repeatedly nodding. "Carlys, you have grown into a fine lady, more beautiful with each passing day."

Her joy was heartfelt. Over the years, the Mallister family had suffered greatly, toiling as servants under Cobalt Strike's command. Many once close had vanished, some even adding insult to injury. The Mallisters had seen the true colors of the world, a harsh reality that led some to despair. The genuine aid for the Mallister family came only from Carlys, Celesse, and their mentor Hamund, who esteemed Alavin and protected him, just as Carlys and Celesse did.

Adversity revealed true friendship, especially for the Mallisters, who felt this bond deeply. She always remembered and was always moved.

"Where's Miss Celesse? Didn't she come, or has she gone in search of Alavin?" Helna peered outside.

"She is off with our mentor on a journey of trials, with no word on their destination or return. Rest assured, once she's back, we'll visit you together."

"Oh, good, good, I haven't seen Celesse in years. We were too ashamed to face her when we lived in the mines, but now things are looking up, and Alavin has grown up." Helna's eyes misted slightly. "Don't think like that. We've always been one family."

Helna clasped Carlys' hands tightly. "It's rare for you to visit. Stay a few days and let me have the chance to properly thank you."

"No need for thanks, nor does my sister expect it. We simply did what we could," Carlys replied, a tad embarrassed.

Helna sighed. "Celesse is a good soul. Without her, Alavin might not have endured these years."

"Alavin is strong. Don't worry so much."

"I truly am grateful to you two. We once thought nothing of watching Alavin and Celesse as children, hand in hand, carefree. We even spoke of betrothal. But before anything formal, the Mallisters fell on hard times. Alavin became a servant, Celesse was taken by Hamund, and the gap between them grew. We were too ashamed to face you, but you never scorned us and never scorned Alavin." With Carlys' arrival, Helna couldn't help but recall the years past, her eyes welling with tears.

"In truth, it is Alavin who never gave up on himself. He once said, 'If you're not strong, others can't even help if they try.""

Helna smiled through misty eyes. "He is indeed strong."

"Things are improving. Alavin has made a name in The Clash of Eight Orders, become a Golden Protégé, and is tasting the sweet life after years of bitterness. Once our mentor returns, he's likely to take Alavin as an Elite Protégé. Then, with my sister and Alavin together, and our mentor's backing, no one will dare trouble him. The Mallister family and Stormcast will regain and even surpass their former standing. I have faith, and you should, too."

"If Hamund took Alavin as his Protégé, that would be wonderful." Helna nodded happily.

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