The Legendary Mage (Alavin)

Chapter 14

To live meant to stand. To stand meant to show resolve.

Come midday, a fine misty rain began to fall.

Returning to the storeroom, Alavin prepared his meal, greeted the elder, grabbed some food, and secluded himself in the hills behind the warehouse. There, amidst the jutting rocks and entangled ancient trees -places unnoticed and unvisited by most-he found his secret training ground. Here, his smile was replaced by a grim seriousness.

From noon to the deep of night, Alavin absorbed the Restoration Aether of the world around him, rejuvenating his spirit and easing his wounds. Perhaps it was because he had begun the second phase of the Restoration Mantra, but his recovery was notably quicker this time.

"Novice Mage Stage VI is clearly beyond my current reach. Strength, I need more strength," he murmured.

Alavin gently touched the palm-shaped scar on his chest, knowing full healing would take more time. He was too weak; he had to become stronger, much stronger.

After years of trials, he had finally achieved his dream of becoming a Novice Mage. It was time to strive for a breakthrough, to work harder than ever before. "Senior Protégé! Elite Protégé! Golden Protégé!"

Alavin recited the ranks of the Cobalt Strike in his mind. With each rank came different privileges and influence. Becoming a Golden Protégé would nearly grant him the status of an Elder. Once merely an Apprentice, he couldn't dare to dream of status, but now, as a Novice Mage, his primary goal was to shed his Freshman Protégé identity. Only with a higher status could he access more Combat Magic, grow stronger faster, and perhaps secure greater benefits for the people of Stormcast.

"For myself, for my kin, and for Stormcast," Alavin leaped up, his mind was calm and focused, his feet were positioned slowly, and his hands flexed. He began a mysterious opening stance.

Who would say he knew no Combat Magic? This was the opening stance of "Goliath Force," a Combat Magic mastered by Brunn, an Elite Protégé of Cobalt Strike.

The strict rules of the Cobalt Strike stated that Combat Magic must never be taught privately. Any Protégé borrowing Combat Magic scrolls from the Sanctum of Mystical Scrolls had to register and mark the return date. Even Elders teaching Combat Magic to Protégés had to be formally recorded.

Alavin had never officially studied any Combat Magic scrolls. Instead, he had covertly learned by observing Brunn's every battle and trial, memorizing each move, and studying Brunn's exterior to understand the interior. After years of relentless practice and refinement, Alavin had, in effect, created his own variant of Goliath Force.

This martial technique could amplify a person's explosive power by up to five times. Its potency was formidable against armor. However, it demanded an extremely resilient physique, requiring one's body to be as strong as iron and bone to wield without self-injury.

Alavin had secretly learned many Combat Magics, like Elite Protégé Fradaley's Wind-Split Sword, Elite Protégé Lartel's Stormsky Spear, and Elite Protégé Maxarcush's Hexaforce Fist. Yet, Alavin had decided to focus solely on mastering the Goliath Force.

His constitution was unique, and after years of tempering with the Restoration Mantra, he far surpassed others, easily harnessing the Goliath Force that many dared not attempt.

Goliath Force was divided into five phases, and Alavin had deciphered the first three. The final two were elusive, too profound to master. But the first three were enough to unleash his full potential.

"First phase, Iron-clad Tiger!" Alavin dashed through the woods, agile and fierce, his fist thundering into a giant tree.

Crack! The ancient tree, wide enough to be embraced by two men, trembled violently. A dark hole was now punched through by Alavin's Goliath Force.

At his peak, Alavin's punch weighed over six hundred pounds; this blow surely exceeded a thousand.

Dust flew, and leaves danced as he moved, stirring up a howling gale.

Boom! Thunderous roars echoed through the secluded hillside as Alavin unleashed his full might, immersed in the arduous practice of Combat Magic. Giant trees and bizarre rocks-all targets for his strikes. Many of the massive boulders were brought here by his own hands.

Denied the privilege of training in the Arena, he had fashioned his own battleground.

"Second phase, Colossus Power!"

"Third phase, Mountain Mover!"

As he sprinted, Alavin's body shook, and his strength tripled, shattering a boulder as tall as two men. Dust clouds billowed, stones scattered, and the darkness trembled unceasingly.

Each phase doubled his power, bringing intense strain to his body. By the third phase, thick veins covered him, and his skin flushed red with exertion.

Alavin had honed the first three phases of Goliath Force with a fervent purity, but his aspirations soared higher. He aimed to infuse his own lightning power into the technique, to further amplify the might of the Goliath Force.



Muffled thuds resounded one after another, occasionally punctuated by the shrill sound of converging electric sparks.

In the heart of the dense forest, Alavin toiled, his sweat merging with the earth as he surrendered himself to the vigorous training of his inner energy.

Guidance and help were foreign to him; he sought his path alone, through trial and error.

He practiced until the midnight hour had long passed. Alavin lay upon the cold stone, gazing into the murky night sky. The gentle patter of rain cooled his fevered skin. Normally, he could wield the might of the Goliath Force for no more than two hours, but today, he had pushed beyond his limits by an additional half hour. The formidable power caused his body to radiate with heat, as if his very blood were boiling.

As he watched the sky, two figures seemed to appear amidst the gloaming, smiling down at him.

Alavin smiled back, though tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. In a hushed whisper, he spoke.

"Father... Mother..."

"My heart... aches for you..."

"Where are you..."

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