The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 21: Magical Rock Saber

Yifan hugged a coat bag in his arms and walked out of the large square filled with stone pillars. He continued to explore, looking like a scavenger before the apocalypse erupted.

Yifan, who had lost his soul, continued to walk forward for a while. Finally, he saw another building. It was the same style as the sect. All of the buildings were carved out of stone. This building seemed to be a workshop. From afar, he could see many huge stones standing around this square-shaped building.

Slowly, Yifan walked into these huge stones. They were all of various colors. Yifan even saw a huge obsidian-like stone standing there. It looked quite spectacular. The stone styles here were even more bizarre. There were all kinds of stone styles, giving people a visual shock that could be called a great exhibition of wondrous stones in the world. What Yifan saw was even more satisfying, and the previous loss of his soul was even more disappearing.

These stones seemed to be the raw materials they used to forge weapons and other equipment. This could be their forging room. How did they forge these stones? Yifan became even more curious and quickly walked to the square-shaped workshop.

Another stone door blocked Yifan's path. There was no other way. Yifan could only use a bit of strength to push the stone door open. Fortunately, Yi Fan was an SS-class dual-attribute Strengthening Strength and Speed talent evolver. Otherwise, he would have been blocked by this stone door and the Hidden Skill Tower's stone door. This door was heavier than the one in the Hidden Skill Tower, but the odor inside wasn't as heavy as the one in the Hidden Skill Tower.

Yifan walked in. He didn't see anything inside the stove. He was curious, but he saw some moulds of swords. The moulds of these swords were rather strange. They were like boxes for weapons. For example, the moulds of a saber were models of a saber in a pure black stone box.

Seems like they're using some unknown method, compress and recompress the texture of the rock, The rock is then turned into a liquid even after changing its shape without changing its properties, then poured into the moulds, then recondensed into a solid state, and then taken out of the boxes.

Yi Fan's guess towards him was, It was ridiculous, However, the situation and facilities here seemed to be telling Yi Fan that he was right. He pulled out the black rock saber from his clothes. Yi Fan carefully sized up the black broadsaber. Although it looked smooth and polished, it didn't feel the slightest bit of friction when touched. It was like a mirror.

Another peculiar thing was that this weapon was like a piece of smooth stone. It was originally like this, and even the strange patterns on the hilt of the knife appeared very natural. Yifan looked at the material of the rock blade again. It seemed to be the same as the huge pure black obsidian-like stone outside.

Yi Fan picked up a mold and gently scratched the box with the rock knife in his hand. Although it wasn't as easy as drawing the wall of the Hidden Technique Tower, Yi Fan was able to draw a mark on the box with just a little force. Yi Fan knew that these boxes, these box-like molds, were just molds that weren't processed or were simply processed to determine the nature of the box. They had no other use.

Now that I know, The value and forging process of these weapons, So what you're looking for, That's how these weapons are made, Yi Fan started rummaging around again. This was a gigantic tool refining room. There were hundreds or thousands of moulds placed on the stone tables. Yi Fan searched through them without any clues or discoveries. Helplessly, he was afraid that Yi Fan, who was missing something, would fall into a state of searching for a piece of broken rock without any traces...

At this moment, Fei Na arrived at a stone three-story pavilion door. This was a hexagonal pavilion. Fei Na looked at the dilapidated pavilion. There was a dilapidated and weathered stone plaque hanging on the pavilion. There were three characters on the plaque. Unfortunately, Fei Na did not recognize it. There were six stone doors in the pavilion, two were open and four were closed. Fei Na entered the pavilion through one of the open doors.

After entering the pavilion was a hexagonal counter, Inside the counter, there was a huge hexagonal stone container slowly spinning. Yes, it was spinning. Fei Na, no one or living creatures were seen, but the container was spinning all the time. There were many small drawers on the container, each with characters engraved on it, and some with some small characters underneath.

But Fei Na didn't understand, Fei Na walked to the hexagonal counter, He jumped onto the counter and went down to the side of the rotating container. He casually opened a drawer and discovered that there was actually a very beautiful stone inside. It was the size of his palm and emitted a light blue light. It looked a little like a leaf. However, Fei Na had seen it carefully. This was a stone, but why did it give people the feeling of a leaf? Surprised, she put the leaf-like stone back into the original drawer.

Then, she opened some drawers, but they were filled with strange stones. They were very beautiful and made her feel a little surprised. Several times, she couldn't help but pick up some stones and look at them. Finally, she reluctantly put them back in place. She looked at the pavilion with strange eyes and was a little confused about what the pavilion was for.

So Fei Na jumped out again. She wanted to go to the second floor to see what was on the second floor. When she went up to the second floor, she discovered that there was only one stone platform.

There were many on the stone platform, Stone bottle, It's pretty big, There are also characters on the bottle, There are also some beautiful patterns, Some were even like jewel bottles, It's beautiful, She was a little dazzled, Look left and look right, She picked up a stone bottle and shook it. It turned out to be empty, So she put down the empty bottle, He picked up one and shook the other, It was still empty. When she finished shaking all the bottles, she only found that there were three bottles that were jingling. He opened the lid of one of the bottles and poured out a "stone". Anyway, she thought it was a stone. It was dark and not as good-looking as the bottle. After looking at it, she saw that it was nothing new and put it in the bottle.

Fei Na cleverly put the three noisy bottles together and remembered the color of their bottles. At this time, Fei Na knew that she could not distinguish what these things were and how valuable they were. She thought of Yifan and smiled naturally. However, she thought for a moment and decided to go to the third floor first.

Fei Na quickly went up the stairs to the third floor. Found that the third floor was just a small room, Nothing, There are only some household appliances, There was also a stone table and four stone stools, There was a rotten book on the stone table. She remembered Yifan's instructions and carefully tried to pick it up with her hand. Unfortunately, she pressed her finger directly into the book. She knew that the book was useless and completely rotten. If the wind blew over, the book would turn into ashes and nothing would remain.

Fina retracted her hand. She was so smart that she decided to wait for Yi Fan to arrive.

Fina remembered Yi Fan's explanation. She felt that shouting was too unreliable. Find him, Fina finally feels.

Just as Yifan was still desperately searching for those stones, not letting go of his spiritual energy detection, he was extremely tired.

Sigh, such a miraculous method of refining stone weapons has been lost. What a pity. Yifan sighed regretfully.

Just as Yifan was about to get up and leave, he sensed that Cauliflower was rushing over. He passed through the workshop and walked out of the workshop to an open space. Walking forward, Yifan found that he seemed to have encountered an invisible barrier. He knew it was a spatial barrier. We're done here.

Yi Fan turned around and walked back. Since the search had been completed, it was time to head to Fina's side. She should have discovered something. Otherwise, she wouldn't have rushed over with Cauliflower. Very quickly, Yi Fan saw Fina and Cauliflower's figures in the stone pillars near the Hidden Technique Tower and quickly welcomed them. contemporary romance

Yifan: "Well, did you find anything?"

Fei Na: Yes, I found a three-story pavilion. In that pavilion, there is a very big stone cabinet. There are many beautiful stones in the cabinet. Follow me and you will know.

Yifan didn't say anything more. The two of them ran quickly, while Cauliflower silently followed behind them. Very quickly, they arrived at the pavilion that Fei Na had discovered.

Yifan raised his head to look at the dilapidated plaque that was carved with the words "Pill Refining Pavilion". Yifan's heart was burning with excitement and he immediately entered the pavilion. Fei Na also quickly followed suit, while Cauliflower was too big to enter and guarded the door.

As soon as Yifan entered, he saw the huge counter in the middle and the container. He jumped into the container and carefully read the words on the container.

[Blue Leaf Rock], Tendon Opening and Blood Activating Function...

[Jade Linyan], nourishing qi and blood, nourishing the mind and calming the mind...

[Rainbow Rock], Qi Nourishing, Blood Nourishing and Yin Converting Functions...

'"Hiss" These are all medicinal stones. This is truly a miraculous sect. Weapons, buildings, cultivation methods, and even the medicines used to refine pills are mainly medicinal stones. Yifan thought with emotion at this moment. Unfortunately, this container is too big. Otherwise, he would have to move them all away.

Yifan: "Did you find anything on the second floor?"

Fei Na: "There are a lot of strange bottles and cans. There are two bottles with a few stones in them. It's so strange."

Hearing Fina say this, Yi Fan's mind suddenly flashed with the word "pill".

"Quickly take me there!" Yifan said anxiously.

The two quickly arrived in front of the stone platform on the second floor. Yifan opened his mouth again and asked, "Fei Na, which bottles are they?"

Fei Na pointed at the three tinkling bottles that she had put together and said, "So... these are the three."

Yifan followed her fingers and saw three bottles placed together. She picked up one of the bottles that looked like the colorful agate of the earth and looked at the words on the bottle.

"Spirit Awakening Pill, Innate Spirit Essence, Heaven-defying Grand Dao!"

Yifan's pupils contracted. Seven years of experience and memories in his previous life instantly allowed him to have a certain understanding of the bottle of pills in front of him. Four years after the end of his previous life, someone had also dug out similar pills. However, they were not called Spirit Awakening Pills, but Yuan Gathering Pills. They were also dug out from the ruins of a small sect. At that time, the summary was as follows;

"Gathering Xiantian spiritual energy and cultivating the Grand Dao of Spirit."

Later on, someone consumed the Essence Gathering Pill, He actually awakened a superior wood attribute innate ability, One had to know that highly talented elementium evolvers were extremely rare, The number of people who were able to awaken elemental abilities during the first evolution of their own evolvers was extremely rare. From then on, this kind of pill has been flocked to others. As long as you release news, a large number of powerful forces and survivors' bases will come looking for you, threatening and tempting you. They will use all means to fight for the spirit pills in your hands.

This was a heaven-defying thing. It was one of the few divine objects that could change the innate talent of an evolver.

Yifan stopped his thoughts and picked up the bottle to shake it. There was definitely more than one jingling sound inside. Yifan lifted the bottle and poured the pills into his hand. There were actually three of them. The pills were red brown and smooth. Yifan's heart was filled with ecstasy, and his face was even slightly flushed red. This was due to excitement. He quickly poured the pill into the bottle and put it away.

"Ah …!" Fei Na was picked up unprepared.

Yifan smiled excitedly and said, "Fei Na, you've done a great job. You're really my lucky star." He even hugged Fei Na on her lips and kissed her a few times.

Fina was affected by Yi Fan's excitement and asked happily, "Really? Then you can't leave me behind in the future. I will definitely rely on you."

Yifan said happily, "How can I? I can't wait! Haha... Hahaha..."

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