The Last Dawn

Chapter 11. Alternate Plan

Logan, Sarah, and Ty, having made their way towards the bridge, found a partially concealed spot near an abandoned building from where they could safely observe the unfolding chaos. The bridge, once a symbol of escape and safety, was now a scene of chaos and fear.

From their vantage point, they could see a dense crowd of survivors at the bridge’s checkpoint, desperately trying to negotiate their way past the military guards. The atmosphere was tense, a volatile mix of fear, frustration, and desperation.

“What is going on?” Sarah asked.

“I don’t know but we’ve got to leave. This is too loud.” Ty replied.

The soldiers appeared overwhelmed, trying to maintain order amidst the growing unrest. Their faces were stern, hands gripping their weapons tightly, a clear indication of the seriousness of the situation.

Amidst the crowd, they could see people of all ages and backgrounds, each carrying the weight of their own stories of survival. Some were arguing with the soldiers, others were sitting in despair, and a few were attending to the needs of their companions.

“This is insane, we can’t get through this.” Ty said.

Their observation was suddenly interrupted by a commotion at the front of the checkpoint line. Raised voices escalated into a scuffle, drawing the attention of the soldiers and adding to the chaos.

The group watched as the situation at the bridge rapidly deteriorated. The military began to push the crowd back, causing panic to ripple through the mass of people. The sound of shouting, crying, and pleading filled the air, creating a cacophony of despair.

“We can’t stay here. This is going to turn bad, really fast. Let’s get out of here.” Sarah demanded.

“Okay, lets go.” Logan agreeing.

As Logan, Sarah, and Ty hastily withdrew from their vantage point near the bridge, the tense atmosphere abruptly escalated into chaos. Without warning, a horde of infected burst onto the scene, surging through the crowd of survivors gathered at the checkpoint.

“Run, get away from the bridge!” Logan yelled.

The infected, driven by their relentless hunger, plunged into the mass of people, attacking indiscriminately. The already panicked crowd erupted into a frenzy, as survivors scrambled in all directions to escape the sudden onslaught.

“What’s goin on?” Sarah yelled.

“Run!” Logan replied grabbing Sarah’s arm.

The scene was one of complete disarray. Screams of terror and pain filled the air, blending with the guttural growls of the infected. Soldiers at the checkpoint struggled to contain the situation, firing shots in an attempt to hold back the wave of infected, but their efforts seemed futile against the sheer number of attackers.

Logan, Sarah, and Ty found themselves caught in the chaotic stampede, dodging both the frenzied infected and the desperate survivors. The danger was immediate and all-encompassing, coming from every direction.

“This way! Through that alley!” Ty yelled.

He pointed to a narrow passage between buildings, offering a possible escape route. The trio darted into the alley, barely managing to avoid the clutches of the infected and the chaotic rush of the crowd.

As they ran, they could hear the situation at the bridge deteriorating. The sounds of gunshots, screams, and the relentless, horrific noise of the infected created a nightmarish symphony.

Amid the escalating chaos near the bridge, Shannon found herself dangerously isolated from Cody and Daniel. The sudden onslaught of the infected had caused a mass chaos scattering of the crowd, leaving her cornered in a narrow passageway between two abandoned vehicles.

From their hidden vantage point, Logan, Sarah, and Ty could see Shannon’s predicament. The horror of the situation was obvious as they watched her desperately fend off an infected assailant. Shannon fought bravely, using whatever she could find as a weapon, but the infected was relentless.

“We have to do something!” Sarah said not knowing what to do.

“Sarah, we cant get to her. Look at the crowd!” Logan exclaimed holding her back.

Shannon’s situation was growing increasingly dire. Her attempts to escape were unsuccessful as the infected lunged at her with a ferocious intensity. The sounds of her struggle were drowned out by the sound of the chaos around them.

In a heartbreaking moment, the infected overpowered Shannon. Logan, Sarah, and Ty could only watch in helpless horror as she was pulled to the ground, her screams echoing the terror of the situation.

“She’s gone. We can’t help her now.” Ty said. “We gotta go.” Pulling on Logan’s arm.

The harsh reality of Shannon’s fate was a devastating blow to the group. Her struggle symbolized the brutal nature of their new world, a world where survival was a constant battle, and the threat of death loomed at every turn.

Cody and Daniel found themselves caught in a desperate struggle for survival. The attack by the infected had thrown the crowd into a state of frenzied panic, making their escape both difficult and urgent.

With adrenaline surging through their veins, Cody and Daniel maneuvered through the chaos, dodging both infected and terrified survivors. The situation was rapidly getting worse, with the infected coming from multiple directions.

“Daniel, this way!” Cody yelled ushering Daniel to follow.

Daniel followed closely as they tried to navigate through the crown. “It’s so hard to tell who’s who.” He yelled.

At one point, they were nearly overrun by a group of infected, but managed to escape by ducking into a narrow alley. The alley provided a temporary respite, allowing them to catch their breath and plan their next move.

“We need to get off the streets.” Daniel suggested.

Cody nodded in agreement, scanning the alley for a possible escape route. They knew they couldn’t stay in the open for long, as the sounds of chaos continued to surround them.

Spotting a fire escape ladder on a nearby building, Cody motioned to it as their next move. They quickly scaled the ladder, reaching a second-story balcony that offered a momentary safe haven.

From their elevated position, they could see the extent of the devastation below. The bridge area was a scene of utter chaos, with no clear way through. They realized that regrouping with Logan, Sarah, and Ty would be impossible under these circumstances.

“We can’t get back to the others right now. We need to wait out the worst of this.” Cody suggested. “Keep a look out.”

After witnessing the horrific scene at the bridge and the tragic loss of Shannon, Logan, Sarah, and Ty retreated from their observation point, seeking refuge away from the chaos. They moved quickly, driven by a mix of shock and the instinct to find safety.

They found themselves at a quiet riverbed. The river flowed steadily, its calmness a brief respite from the relentless anxiety of the city. Here, amidst the natural tranquility, they paused to collect their thoughts and decide on their next course of action.

Sarah shaking, “What do we do now?”

“Stick to the plan, find a way out of the city.” Logan replied.

“What about Cody and Daniel?” Ty asked.

“I don’t know, hopefully we catch up to them.”

As they discussed their options, they heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching. Tense and prepared for a potential threat, they were relieved to see Cody and Daniel emerge from the tree-line, equally shaken but unharmed.

“Thank God you guys are okay. We thought we lost you too.” Ty exclaimed.

“How’d you find us?” Logan asked embracing them.

“We could see you guys running. We climbed a building.” Cody said catching his breath. “Have you guys seen Shannon?”

The reunion was bittersweet. The relief of finding each other was tempered by the shared grief over Shannon’s demise. Cody and Daniel recounted their narrow escape and the impossibility of getting through the bridge.

“The bridge is a no-go. We need another way out.” Daniel said.

“I say we follow the riverbed until we get to a smaller bridge.” Logan suggested.

“Better than going back there.” Sarah agreed.

As they walked along the riverbed, the group’s conversation dwindled into silence, each member lost in their thoughts. The thought that the military couldn’t hold back the crowd and the chaos weighed on the group.

The group found a small clearing by the river, a serene spot that stood in contrast to the chaos they had left behind. They decided to stop for a moment, resting before moving on.

As they resumed walking along the riverbed the group was quiet. They knew it wouldn’t be long before they were out of the city. Buildings turned to trees and the road above the riverbed got smaller.

As they continued along the riverbed, the group discussed their options. Logan consulted the map they had been relying on since the outbreak began, searching for potential crossings that could lead them to safety.

“The bridge shouldn’t be much further.” Logan said.

“Then what?” Cody asked.

“I don’t know, we need to figure out if this virus has spread to other places yet.”

Daniel, who had been quiet, spoke up with a note of caution. “We need to be prepared for anything. Just because it’s a smaller bridge doesn’t mean it won’t have its own dangers.”

Ty, being vigilant, added, “Let’s also plan for a spot to regroup in case we get separated. How about this old gas station here on the map? It’s about halfway to the bridge.”

The group agreed, marking the gas station as a secondary meeting point. They double-checked their supplies, ensuring they had enough water and food to last them the journey. Each member also took a moment to familiarize themselves with the route.

Cody led the way with Logan, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. The city’s once-familiar streets now felt alien and hostile, a maze of potential threats.

“Keep an eye out for that old factory. It should be a couple of blocks ahead.” Noting from the map.

As they progressed, the group maintained a steady pace. The tension was thick, but so was the sense of camaraderie that had grown between them. They moved as a unit, each person watching out for the others.

Daniel and Ty brought up the rear, occasionally glancing back to ensure they weren’t being followed. The quiet was unsettling, but they preferred it to the alternative of facing another horde of infected.

“What if there is no normal?” Ty asked realizing he may never get to play another video game.

“I’m not paying my rent anymore.” Daniel said forcing a smile.

“Does this count as student loan forgiveness?” Sarah asked trying to make light of the situation.

Logan tried smiling. The weight of the knowledge of BioCorp still lingered. He couldn’t help but to feel like if he had just said something sooner, this would not have happened.

The group made steady progress, their movements deliberate and coordinated. Despite their exhaustion, there was a shared understanding that they couldn’t afford to stop or slow down. The urgency of reaching the bridge before nightfall kept them moving forward.

“We should be able to see the bridge soon. Let’s keep our pace.” Sara noted.

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