The innocent reject

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Will to survive

Aaron's pov

We were heading towards the southern borders when we saw the shadow of a small figure coming towards us

On getting closer we realised that it was Angela

She had dried tears on her cheeks and her eyes were red from crying

Her elbows were bruised and she had a scared look on her face

On seeing us she fastened her footsteps and came running towards us

In a swift movement Dan picked her up and hugged her

Thank god she was safe,I don't know how but she was like a magnet of love, everyone loved her for her innocence and pure heart and I was no exception

Emma came running towards us on seeing Angela,

giving her kisses all over her face,she said soothing words to her.

Suddenly I got a mind link from the pack wolves who were at petrol

"Alpha,we see 2 rogues near the border!"

"Capture them but don't kill them,I am on my way!"

"I will kill these bas***** who tried to hurt my daughter!"Dan said in animosity

"Let's go 2 have been seen near the border!"

I said

We reached the location to find 20 of my warriors surrounding one rogue

Whereas another rogue was limping with a wounded leg trying to cross the border.

I attacked him in my human form, he tried to claw me but before his claw could reach me I held his neck in my hands and with one movement of my wrist his neck broke and his body fell on the ground .dead. I turned around to see that the other rogue was pressed against the tree bark by Dan.

I expected him to finish it but his hands left his neck and he stood there still like he saw a ghost.

"Dan what is wrong with you!!just kill it !!"

But still there was no reply from him

The rogue could attack him!!

These rogues can never be trusted

You turn your back to them and they backstab you with their sharpest and most deadly weapons.

how can he be so careless!!

I picked up a knife from the ground and went towards it

It was lying on the ground with head back,I couldn't see his face but who wanted to see their ugly faces anyways

Without wasting a second I stabbed it with the knife.

I don't know what happened in that second

Dan screamed "nooooooo00"

I felt a sudden pain in my body and my wolf whimpered in pain even when there were no wounds

Then I felt a hand touch my hand on the knife

It was not just a touch but a firework of sparks

No no noooo this can't be

She can't be this rogue!

I couldn't ki....Il

I looked properly at her face

And my worst fear came true

Lying on the ground in a pool of blood I saw those deep black eyes staring at me

Even in this devastated and bloody state she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen

I just couldn't kill....her

My own mate....

The one I am supposed to love and protect....

I looked at my hands to see her blood on them

My hands started trembling

No this is a dream this is not true

I touched her face to end this dream

But I could only feel one thing and that were sparks

Sparks on every inch of the skin I touched

Moon goddess no you can't do this....!!!


I managed to call her in my broken trembling voice.

The most authoritative and powerful voice of the Alpha king was trembling and stuttering today,

Can you see the power you have on me mate!!

Her black eyes were staring at me with so much depth and intensity as if she was seeing her heaven.

We were staring at each other when her angelic voice reached my ears


It sounded so hoarse and desperate that my heart flinched

Then her lips curled into her beautiful smile and she closed her eyes.

"Aleka!!!Aleka !! Wake up!!"

I said shaking her,telling her to open her eyes but her body laid limp in my hands.

Dan tried to touch her but I growled at him to stay away

My wolf was taking control as my human was dying with the guilt of stabbing his own mate

I picked her body and hurried towards the pack doctor

Just hang in there Aleka

I'll will not let anything happen to you

3 days later.......

Alpha Aaron's office

I was standing in my office staring at the forest outside the window.

Suddenly I felt Dan come in to my room fuming

"Aaron have you lost it!!

What's wrong with you !!

I always respected your decisions but not today!

You can decide not to talk to her !Ignore her! But sending her to the dungeon in this condition Is just not acceptable!!

She is still healing, her wounds could get infected over there and god forbid but the other vicious rogues could also attack her!

What were you thinking throwing her there dammit!!!

I was already having a severe headache thinking about her,

Was she alright

Has she woken up

Are her wounds healing

And Dan's accusations were making me doubt my decision

"Dan you think I want to do this!! I want to throw my mate in the dungeon? Why don't you realise that I am not just a mate but also an Alpha and not just any Alpha but the Alpha king!

I have to follow the werewolf penal code and according to it a rogue should be killed at sight or imprisoned!!

And for a banished rogue the order is to kill at sight if he enters any pack territory!

What can I do!!

I have to do my duties!!

"I don't give a damn about what that bloody penal code says!!

I just know one thing that you make these protocols and you can also break them!

Do anything but I want my sister out of that dungeon!

"You don't understand Dan! Dad banished her !! I didn't!! I can't revoke it!!"

"I don't care! Just.. just get her out! I can't see her in that dying and helpless state again!!"

With that he went out of the room banging the door on his way out.

I sat on my seat and held my head in my hands closing my eyes

Aleka you are going to be the end of me.!!

Aleka's pov

They say death is peaceful but what I am seeing right now is absolute and complete chaos.

Screams of people can be heard, dead bodies are lying all around me, the only colour I can see around is red.

This looked like the doomsday with bloodshed all around

The sky is covered with dark clouds and thunder is striking the sky making it look like the moon goddess is showing her anger on seeing this bloodshed.

I was standing in between all this wearing white clothes and with not even a single drop of blood on me.

What is this!!!

Where am I !!

People say we are afraid of the fear of death but no of death.

They say death silences all your pains, clears all your worries and seizes your struggles.

It brings peace

But seeing everything around me, it's either that what people say is wrong or I am not dead yet.

Then in the centre of this hell I saw him

The wolf with red eyes and jet black fur

Wolves were fighting around him but his focus remained on only one thing

And that was me

I tried to move but my body was paralysed.

I haven't felt so helpless

He was taking slow steps towards me

Ferocious growls were emerging from him

He was going to kill me

Then I heard an angelic voice whisper

"you can do it!"

It was Nova

My sister

The one I loved the most

She stood next to me

"Aleka don't be afraid I am here with you"

She said smiling


"Yes Aleka I am here

And I will always be with you"

The red wolf growled again and stood just a foot away

"I will.. die ...Nova he'll.. kill me!!"

I said shaking

"Aleka don't be afraid you are more powerful than you think

You know what your name means

It means someone who will protect mankind and is unbeatable.

And I know one day you will do justice to your name

You just have to believe in yourself

Just like I believe in you

I love you Alekaa...

She started taking steps back and her figure was going hazy

"Nooo Nova don't go!!"

"I have to go Aleka

This is your battle

you have to fight it alone

I believe you will win"

And just like that her figure vanished in thin air

Next I know the wolf with red eyes leaped into the air and a scream escaped my lips.0000

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