The innocent reject

Chapter 34

Ch 34 Patience

On the other hand Aaron wanted just one thing and that was his mate's life

He was willing to have her by his side at any cost

He will fight with the entire world if he has to.

Everyone was waiting for the next words to be said which will pave the future of their kingdom

"So disregarding our prior decision and considering it void ab initio we now avoke it and as per our new judgement Aleka Gray is hereby punished with an imprisonment of 1 year,after her punishment she will be dropped of all the charges on her and will be treated equal.

Before finalising our decision we all want our king to accept our decision and say his opinion on it"

Aaron now new that this decision was just

All he wanted to do right now was to engulf his mate in his arms,free her of all charges and declare her his queen

But he knew good things will have to wait

He will have to accept her when every wolf has accepted her and that would be possible only after her punishment has been served

"Elders with all due respect I accept your decision, I also declare that 1 year from now when justice is served you all will have your queen standing by my side

Aleka Gray Allistaire King will be her name and she will be bearing the Royal mark of Aaron Allistaire King"

"With this I adjourn this meeting and this rests the case of crimes committed by the thunder wolf"

Everyone erupted with happiness on hearing this, cheers could be heard all around

No one thought before entering the courtroom that such a judgement would be given

They thought they will find a beast

But they found an angel

They thought they will still hate this angel

But were forced to loving her

They thought what they knew was truth

But realised they all were lies spread by haters

This angel did not pleaded for her innocence

Because this time everyone else pleaded for her

Her goodness was brought forward without her uttering a word

And Maybe that's why it is said that actions speak louder than words.

Everyone was happy to know that at last justice was served

They were happy to know that the veil of hatred was lifted from their eyes when they came to know of the truth.

While everyone was sharing hugs and congratulating each other for having found their queen Aaron and Aleka were looking into each others eyes knowing that this is their last meeting before they get to see each other after one year

This will be their last and longest separation after which they will be united forever.

Aaron held her hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckle's while looking at her eyes which were flowing with tears of happiness

Unexpectedly Aleka threw her body at Aaron trying to give him a hug with the rigidness of her arms

Aaron held her tiny body in his arms and rubbed her back trying to sooth her

Her tears were leaving wet marks on his shirt

They were interrupted when one of the guard spoke

"Apologies for my interruption but My lord it's time to take the prisoner"

They seperated and looked into each other's eyes

"A..aron care of yourself while I am away,

Don't worry about me i'll be fine"

Aaron smiled on realising how selfless she actually was, she is the one who will be treated like a prisoner in a prison and still she is worried about him,who will be living a king's life in his palace.

"Stop sobbing like a child Aleka we

are separating for just one year after that you will be in my arms

again time will fly and now give me that beautiful smile of yours that lightens up my dark world"

Hearing him compliment her smile,she naturally gave him a full smile through her teary eyes and blushing cheeks.

"Wow Aleka you truly are an angel"

Aleka blushed 100 shaded deeper on hearing him complement her again

"Prom..ise me that you wi..Il not stop loving me and will wait for me"

Aleka asked trying to secure her own insecurities of him finding someone better and prettier than her.

"Sweetheart if you have forgotten just few minutes back I made you my Queen in front of everyone,and I hadn't done it if I didn't intended to wait for you"

"Promise me... Aaron just please promise me"

"I promise you with my life Aleka

Gray that I will love you like no one


ever did till my last heartbeat,l ryou

promise that I will wait

I can't promise you anything forever

And I don't think anyone can,

But I will promises you every now,

And everything I am"

With this Aaron placed a lingering kiss on Aleka's forehead sealing his promise

They met for the first time under roaring thunder and piercing rain,

They touched for the first time feeling electric sparks and bounding chains.

He was blinded by hatred,she was vivid with love

Both souls drifted further away when they were bound to be one.

She was beautiful just like a lotus flower

Grown in the dirt of rogues and thorns

He was ferocious and powerful

Just like a wounded lion in a battlefield at war.

They met again by the hands of fate

But this time she bacame their saviour instead of bate

He regretted his mistakes but was too late

She had already lost her wolf who he could call his mate

She was insecure

But it was all gone when he embraced her under his security and care

She thought she was scarred

But he proved her wrong when he kissed those scars with love, adoration and care.

Some thought she was a beauty,

Some thought she was a beast

The revelation of truth made them realise that she was actually an angel sent for their peace.

He marked her with his royal sign

He mated with her all night

He made her his

To make sure that indeed everyone knew that she was 'mine'

Their love blossomed like magic in the air,

And this was how Aleka Gray became a Queen,

To the King called,Aaron Allistaire.000

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