The innocent reject

Chapter 32

Charged guilty or not?

Her silence made the king sitting on the throne clench his hand in a fist, his knuckles were white showing the anger building up inside him.

He had told her to explain everything,every single thing to the judges and here she was standing silently asking for a death wish.

He couldn't intervene,his throne wouldn't allow him to.

But he expected her to explain her innocence

His angry eyes were fixed on her face,he wanted to look into them to find the reason for her silence but she refused to open them

Silence continued and the presenter moved on to the next question

Everyone was now filled with rage, this angelic beauty was a deception, she was a beast in the facade of an angel they thought

Her silence made them remember their hatred towards her.

"Aleka Gray is hereby found guilty of killing innocents in cold blood, now I would like the elders to ask her any questions and then announce her punishment"

Aleka's tiny body was supporting on to the wooden structure of the box,her hands were there in front of her but she couldn't use them, these handcuffs were in vain she couldn't feel her arms how could she feel these handcuffs.

She refused to meet the eyes of the king,her head was bowed down and her eyes fixed on her hands

She knew she was defying Aaron but she had her reasons.

Aaron was respected and loved by all, her association with him will only Tarnish and humiliate him in front of everyone and she would never want it.

Her downfall was well known to her when she killed the first innocent soul but she would never bring Aaron down with her.

He earned the respect people gave him in so many years and she will not let it be ruined by her declaration.

If her silence will make people respect him and hate her she was willing to be silent till her last breath.

"Aleka Gray why did you attack the packs, there would be a reason behind it ?right?"

One elder asked her

"I couldn't control my wolf, her power was too strong to be controlled"

The entire courtroom entered into discussions.

This was very rare, wolves were always considered to be loyal and obedient to their human parts.

They all didn't believe her, and this was what Aleka had already expected.

"Are you saying that you defaulted in controlling your wolf, who caused such amount of destruction?"


"Well,then miss Aleka you must have followed code rule 118 which clearly says that if at any point of life you feel that your wolf is overpowering you, you are required to come to us elders directly so that your wolf can be subdued"

"Why didn't you think of approaching us before?"

"No Sir,I didn't wanted to subdue my wolf"

"Miss Aleka breaking rule 118 is punishable with death,you are aware of this right?"

"Yes sir"

"And still you refused to come to us?"

She remained silent showing her acceptance.

"Is your wolf still there ?"

Another elder asked

"No Sir......she died a few days back"

"You yourself said she was a very powerful wolf then how come she died, also these burn marks on your arms look fresh,are they related?"

"A few days back we fought with a wolf, my wolf sacrificed herself to protect me, and yes these burns are from that fight only"

The elders discussed with each other,ready to give their final decision

"Aleka Gray,you had the choice of abiding the law and following the penal code but you refused, you may have not done it intentionally but still you have blood of innocents on your hands and for killing thousands of them it would be just if you also get the same fate"

Everyone in the court and around the

courtroom wanted this,they wanted justice and it would take just a wrong decision by these elders to


them into an angry mob


On hearing this applauses and acceptance could be heard all around

They all were happy to know that the thunder wolf will get punished for her deeds

"So Aleka Gray you are found guilty of killing innocents and as your punishment you will be executed in the city centre in the presence of all your punishment will be carried out in 3 levels,level 1 being electrocution,level 2 lethal injection and finally level 3 of beheadin-"

"That's enough!!!"

Roared a voice making everyone shake in fear

Everyone automatically bowed their heads in respect of their king.

Even with head bowed they all could feel his power and anger radiating in waves.

But the question was, that what was the reason for the most composed and calm person to lose his control?

The presenter managed to ask in a shaky voice

" my ..lord? Did w..e do som...ething....wrong?"

"Yes indeed you all did!!

You all are accusing an innocent of such barbaric crimes,

you are finding ways of murdering a person who risked her own life, who lost her wolf to protect you all!!"

If she hadn't been there you all must have burned down to ashes and I would have been long dead!!

If still you want to kill her,go ahead kill her but remember you will kill your King along with her!!

You will kill your King's Mate

You all will kill YOUR Queen!!!"

Deadly silence followed, no one uttered a single word for few minutes

Their Queen

This beauty was their Queen

The King was mated to her

To this human!!

No one could believe this

But what was the king saying about her being their saviour

Well a lot of secrets were yet to be relieved

This beauty in front of them was a puzzle and they all were hell bound to solve it

They wanted to solve the mystery of

this girl in shackles whose


made her a beast but her

displayed beauty.

t belongs

Only time will tell them now, whether she was actually a beautiful angel or a destructor.

Was she their destroyer or protector.

"Should I believe what I see,

Or should I believe what I hear.

Should I judge a book by it's cover,

Or should I read 100s of pages to be fair.

Let me collect evidences to what I hear,

Let me confirm what I see is real.

Then will I decide what is just,

Then will I decide what is fair.00000000000

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