The Inauguration

Chapter 36

The sound of children’s laughter echoed in the field, the sounds of their feet running around the field filled her ears. She liked this feeling. The feeling of warmth. The sun shined down on her as if a blessing from the goddess herself. She turned and watched as her pack members mingled with the rest of the packs gathered around in the field.

She was worried, she was concerned that the packs wouldn’t get along well and soon enough turmoil would ensue but here before here, she seeks peace and she can’t help but smile. She turns and looks to Lucius, she sees the ghost of a smile on his face and that is enough for her.

See, he doesn’t need her, she tells her wolf, who grunts in disagreement.

You see, Genhji’s wolf didnt completely agree with her human side. She didnt agree with the idea of separating mates but at the same time, she knew that Solani didnt deserve a mate but who was she to decide who got a mate and who didn’t. She knew that Gnehji was hurting.

Even though they were connected as one, Gnehji and her wolf didn’t share the same views. Their souls were completely different, and you could see that every day. They had similar attributes and characteristics but they were also different. Whilst Gnehji wasn’t good at admitting she needed help, her wolf would always lean on others when needed. Whilst Gnehji often portrayed a fierce exterior, her wolf was nothing but warm. And most importantly Gnehji was not one to forgive so easily but her wolf was.

Her wolf forgave Solani but she herself could never forget what Solani and her other half did. Her wolf didn’t want to hold onto the anger and hate for such a long period of time and honestly, she didn’t care to harbour such emotions.

Genhji’s wolf had moved on, she now had a family to look after. She had a pack to look after, a mother she adores, a brother she loves and a male that is just for her, who was she to deny that for another soul.

She smiled at her human’s emotions, her human was happy. Genhji was happy to be back home, even if that meant opening the doors to certain people, she was still happy to be on the grounds she nursed and loved. She could feel the warm emotions Gnehji felt flow through her as she looked around the pack, as she looked at her alpha, her brother and at her mate, who smiled at her and that erupted a soft feeling that Gnehji often held onto to calm herself.

Let’s go see mama,’ Genhji tells her, ’it’s been a while,’ and she hums in agreement.

Genhji smiles as she passed by Lucius who looked at her but Genhji quickly looked away and her wolf gowled in annoyance at her behaviour towards him. They walked past a puzzled looking Kobus who didn’t miss the interaction between Genhji and Lucius. Tobias did nothing but sigh as he pecked Genhji on the forehead and watched as she left them out on the field and disappeared into the building.

Her wolf could smell the faint scent of her mother from down the hall. The scent of a broken she-wolf who still held on.

Like Lucius, Genhji hesitated to enter the room, all the worries and doubts now filling her chest making her wolf feel queasy. She groaned in anticipation and annoyance at the overwhelming feeling Gnehji was throwing onto her. Gnehji muttered a small apology to her before entering the room.

The curtains were drawn open, and the soft light from outside shined on the light blue comforter of the bed. She could smell the faint scent of Hedrix in the room and she didn’t mind but nuzzle in the familiar warmth. Hedrix was like her brother, just like how Lucius was her brother and just like how Genhji rescued Lucius and their mother, Hedrix rescued all of them.

He looked over the small family and they were entirely grateful, but he was most protective of their mother. Lucius always thought that Hedrix was a reincarnation of his father and nobody ever went against that thought.

She looked at the pale woman.

Her hair had grown and Genhji would tame it every time it overgrows. She would personally bathe and keep her company whenever she had time. Her hair was black with slits of grey here and there. And even on the edge of death, she looked beautiful.

“His plan is going well mama,” she says sitting down on the bed beside her.

“And yes, he finally found his mate,” she smiles, “and you would be happy”.

She holds onto the cold hand while letting the echo of voices from outside fill the room.

“But unfortunately, you wouldn’t like her”, she sighs, ” and I’m not saying that because I’m protective but because it’s the truth. She’s a horrible person that I don’t want near my Lucius but I’m supposed to be happy for him, right?” she asks.

“Tobias says I mustn't stand in the way of a bond, but the moon goddess must have made a mistake. She wouldn’t be punishing me through Lucius, no, that would be cruel…”, Genhji’s wolf feels the hesitation and gives her human a nudge of comfort, "I want him to be happy, I really do but this, if this was a test then I failed,” she sighs letting go of her hand, “give me zero”.

She sighs and gets up to leave.

Right when she is to open the door, she is hit with a scent that makes her wolf cautious and herself angrily. She throws the door open and there in her glory Solani stands in a stance that seemed as if she was to open the door.

Gnehji growled, “you really don’t quit do you”.

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