The Immortal Player

Chapter 72: Turning Goddess into a Glutton!

"Cap... Captain Aron..." A crew member approached and whispered to Pedro while watching Faunia scoff down foods in the CBCR cooked by Pedro.

"One sec!" Pedro seemed to be playing the piano in the air that made the crew wore an awkward look as if saying 'such a bunch of weirdos...'.


[Text Message]

Sent To: 09## ##1 2##6


Father! For some reasons, I have encountered some mess in-game, that placed me in a situation that I need to sleep for two 'in-game' days (one day in our real-world time). I'll meet you and mother as soon as I wake up! Kindly inform... Sabrina... and my other school mate to familiarize themselves, first with the game!

I am fine and kicking! So, you don't need to worry!

Take Care and see you soon!

Love Pedro!


*Nom! Nom! Nom!contemporary romance

"Human! Cook more food! Else, I'd eat everyone here!" Faunia chuckled as she continues to scoff down the food like a hungry child.


"How cute!"

"Where did Captain found such a cute and innocent kid!" ... 'Completely the opposite of him... khek!'

The crew was attracted to the cuteness of the little girl as they watch Pedro and Faunia like a father and daughter. ... On the other hand, one of the crew in CBCR shook his head as he remembers Pedro arriving at the CBCR earlier, naked. (He has clothes now(since he parted ways with paul) by the way!)


"Tsk! I have cooked you food enough for two days and ate it in less than two hours! Go outside and eat some raw fish! As if you eat human flesh!" Pedro mocked the kid as the little girl wore a frown on her face.



"Heh!" Faunia walked to the deck after wolfing down the last serving. She was received by the Tan and the treants as soon as she came out of the CBCR.

"Goddess~" Before Tan could continue talking, Faunia interjected with an angry and irritated expression.

"Catch me those so-called 'monsters'!"

"But... Goddess..."

"What? You can't do it? Such a simple task and you can't do it?"

"No... But..."

"Enough! Just do as I say!" Faunia crossed her arms as she taps her feet rapidly to the floor just like an impatient kid.

"Yes... Goddess!" Tan glanced to Pedro with a frown as if saying 'Look at what you did! You turned the goddess into a glutton!'. Pedro smiled back to Tan as he shifted his focus to the crew who whispered to him earlier.

"What were you saying earlier?"

"Ah... Captain... About that! Most of us were wondering of what would you do to us after we return to the Aquari Continent?"


"Well... It's not like we want to die early... nor we have the same resolve with the previous Captain! But... We still want to help, in some way, anyone we can! I mean... most of us had experienced difficulties in our lives, because of those monsters! Now... that we were capable to be, at least, of help!" The other crew members glanced at Pedro while nodding in agreement.

"Your lives is something I can not promise to protect! BECAUSE! It is not mine... but yours to protect! Your survival will depend on your individual decisions and strength! Now... Choose! Join my crew or not? Just remember... our mission is still the same! WE'LL KILL THOSE BLOODY MONSTERS! Whether we get something in return, or not! Whether we could save lives, or not! WHETHER... We LIVE, or NOT! CHOOSE!" The crew members glanced to each other. Some of them were even gossiping with each other.


"You have two days to decide!" Pedro stood as he approached the door of CBCR to the ship.

"Ca... Captain!"

"???" ... "You're already decided?"

"It... It is not that!"

"Then, what?"

"It is a protocol that, at least, one of the three highest-ranking official or the owner of the ship to be inside CBCR while in a cruise mode! Since... you are the only one~"

"I need to sleep! The past events drained my energy empty!"

"Then... Shall we go 'Stall mode'?"

"Huh? No need!"

"What about the ship's safety? I mean..." The crew tried to reason out, but he decided not to continue any further after seeing the irritated face of Pedro.

"That won't be a problem! If anything arises... That girl is more than capable! She may not look like it... but... she is far scarier than Madame Soledad!" Pedro chuckled as he pointed to the 'irritated' Faunia who was impatiently waiting for the 'Monster' fishes to be fetched by the treants. The crews could only shift their gaze to Faunia with a confused look as if saying 'That little girl? Won't it be better to say that she is 'Cute' than 'Scary'?'.

"If there's nothing else! I'll leave the CBCR to your hands! I would take a rest and prepare until we reach the Aquari continent!" Pedro left without giving the crew a chance to ask another question.

'The new captain... is kinda weird! Well... If he is normal, the previous captain would not even spare a glance to him!' The crews on the CBCR could only shake their head as Pedro fades from their sight.


'Brat!' Pedro started a telepathic communication with Faunia as he walked towards his room.

'What, Human!'

'I am going to rest for some time! Behave your self! You can only attack monsters and anything that poses a threat to the ship! You are also free to engage with anyone who dares to harm me and the ship!'

'Hmph! So troublesome!' Faunia crossed her arms like a spoiled brat.

'I'd cook food for you when I wake up, as a reward!'

'Hmph! If that's the case... be thankful that a goddess will protect this toy ship of yours! You better be true to your words!'

'Of course! I'll trouble you then!' Pedro arrived at his room and immediately head to his bed as the 'seven' hour duration of his 'Demonic mode' was almost over. After using the 'Demonic mode', Pedro would need to sleep for two in-game days.

'I can't wait to arrive at the Aquari continent!'


Two days later...

"Human! Don't forget your promise!" Faunia stood beside Pedro (Like his daughter) and behind them stood the treants.

'Such a view! Even if... this was the second time... I can't help, but be awed by the view of Naga Kingdom!' Pedro stared in awe to the Naga Kingdom, whose beauty was highlighted by the rising darkness.

'Hmm... Should I conquer it? Nah... Knowing her... Madame Soledad's soul might haunt me on my sleep!' He shooked his head as he remembered his memories with Madame Soledad.

*Fwooog! Fwooog! Fwooog! Fwooog!

A strong wind gusted towards Pedro that blew his new white coat with a word written on it.

" ̷A̷p̷p̷r̷e̷n̷t̷i̷c̷e̷ Captain"

"Aquari Continent... Karakoa fleet returns!"

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