The Immortal Player

Chapter 68: Another Dragon?



[One 'experience-based' Legacy Enhancement Skill can be generated! Do you want to generate and unlock similar Legacy Enhancement Skill? Yes or No]




[Legacy Enhancement Skill Generated and Unlocked!]

Skill: ~Manifestation of Pride(Eyes)~

Rating: Divine-rated Skill

Skill Type: Passive

Effect: The user enters the demonic mode. Allows user to use randomly selected skills(eyes) on each of the 7 houses of the demon organization.

House of Wrath:

~Time delay~

Skill Type: Passive

Effect: Everything would be seen by the user is slower in motion.

Slow-motion delay: 0.05 seconds(Bearth time) would become one second. (If one can see 10 frames per second, User can see 0.5 frames per second.)

Cost: 100 Liters of Blood per hour.


[Conquer the battlefield with the greatest perception!]


House of Envy:


Skill Type: Passive

Effect: Enshroud the target with your aura and copy/replicate/recreate a selected skill. contemporary romance

After Effects: Copied/replicated skill has a percentage chance to retain or have better attributes than it's original copy/source. If Copied/replicated skill retains or has better attributes than the original copy/source, Skill would be retained permanently. Else, User can only use Copied/replicated skill within one day, regardless of cooldown.

Divine-rated Skill: 10%

Legendary-rated Skill: 15%

Gold-rated Skill: 30%

Silver-rated Skill: 40%

Bronze-rated Skill: 60%


[Learning through experience and applying it in real life! When was that bad?!]


House of Gluttony:

~Cook's Stare~

Skill Type: Passive

Effect: Identify the attributes and properties of Ingredients, food, and other 'possibly edible' things, including poisonous stuff.

After Effects: Increase the hunger rate by fifty percent when the user has not eaten for more than one day, when the user sees, smells, or tasted a food.


[Everything has different quality and use! Food! Food! Fooood!]


House of Lust:

~Irresistable Glance~

Skill Type: Passive

Effect: User gets eye to eye contact with the target. Target has a (10 + (Charisma/2)) % chance to be hypnotized if the target is the opposite gender. If the target is of similar gender, Target has a 10% chance to be hypnotized.

Hypnotized: User gains control of the Target like a puppet or pet. Target forgets memories starting from the moment the target was hypnotized.

Cost: Charisma with target must be neutral or above. If charisma of user on the target was below neutral state the success percentage rate of Hypnotize would be reduced to 5%, regardless of gender.


[Can you resist the stare of a Prince?]


House of Sloth:

~Shortcut Detector~

Skill Type: Passive

Effect: Identifies all possible, shortest ways on completing, achieving, reaching a task, a destination or such. Magical energy marks or guides the User to the 'shortest way' without concern to other parameters like safety.

Cost: The remaining magical energy of the user must not be less than sixty percent than the user's overall magical energy capacity.


[Laziness shall give me more time to rest so that one day, I would grow up to be strong and healthy!]


House of Greed:

~Treasure Detector~

Skill Type: Passive

Effect: Identifies, appraise and detects all targeted treasures or such within the vision range of the User. Magical energy can be used to mark certain items/treasures or such.

Cost: Temporary luck reduction of (20+X)% for 6 hours.

Divine-rated Skill: X = 50%

Legendary-rated Skill: X = 35%

Gold-rated Skill: X = 30%

Silver-rated Skill: X = 20%

Bronze-rated Skill: X = 10%


[Things with great value comes with great responsibility... and enemies filled with GREED!]


House of Pride:

~Reverence for the King~

Skill Type: Passive

Effect: User's stare will instill absolute fear to the hearts of the target/s and make them unconsciously follow your commands.

Restriction: two commands per target only! Target/s won't escape control unless the user was out of the control zone.

Control zone: One-Kilometer radius from the User.

Cost: 99% of the user's life force (HP) per target.


[Life-saving skill of the past Governors of the House of Pride!]




Demonic mode: Enter the ultimate demon form of the original owner of the eyes. (Only personal set of skills and the Demon Skills(Eyes) can only be used by the user. However, It would be enhanced and the damage output or such would be increased.)

Control Mode [A]: Gain 10% of ultimate demon form, but retain one's consciousness.

Control Mode [B]: Gain 100% of ultimate demon form, but costs the user 99% of his/her life force (HP). Chance of survival is 1% or less.

Ultimate Demon Form: Temporarily increase one's magical energy in reference to the actual magical energy of the owner. (The reason why it costs 99% of the user's HP)

Duration: 7 hours

Cost: User will enter a 2-day sleep after returning from his/her ultimate demon form.

Cooldown: 66 days

[Ultimate skill of Demon's eyes user! Only unlocked after concrete knowledge about the original owner and years of familiarity with its use!]








[~Manifestation of Pride(Eyes)~ is the remains of the ultimate power of the former Demon King's Eyes!]



(Be noted, In this system notification, Pedro was only able to scan through it while he resisted two breathe of fire from the dragon.)


'This skill is overpowered... but their backlash was too strong to the point that it may result to the user's death!' He wore a frightened smile.

'I should end this 'child's play' fast! I need to catch up with her 'pets' and avoid raising an alarm among other gods!' The Faithpursuer Katana was rammed into the hands as he stood like an Emperor or a King.

"ENOUGH!" The dragon was halted and could only stand in place.

"KNEEL BEFORE ME!" He spoke in a heavy demonic voice as the demonic aura surged and fill the atmosphere around the dragon.



"For now... I guess... I'll start with that! He placed his hand to her head as the demonic aura started enveloping the dragon.



[System Notification!]

[~Replicate~ Skill Activated! Successfully replicated a Divine-rated Skill with 16% increased in attributes!]

[Replicated skill will be permanent!]


Skill: ~God-Beast Transformation(Fire Dragon)~

Rating: Divine-rated Skill

Skill Type: Active

Effect: The user transforms freely to Fire Dragon and vice versa. Original Attributes would be boosted by multiplying it with the user's level, Not including Attack and Magical Damage.

Attack Damage: (User Level) x (Original User's Attack Damage) x (STR + AGI)

Magical Damage: (User Level) x (Original User's Magical Damage) x (2 x INT)

(Attack Damage are attacks that get contact with the dragon itself, while magical damage were the gusts or any non-contact damages, Except Breathe of Fire.)

[Special Transformation Skill:

~Breathe of Fire~

Charge flame for at least 2 seconds and release a breath of fire to the target.

Apply Magical Damage equal to 100 x (Magical Damage) x (Total Charging time)

Charge flame: Consumes 10% of MP per second. (Upgradable=???) ]

[Dragons were once considered divine creatures that represented the gods.]


"Am I a god now?" Pedro's eyes looked like they were going to pop out from their sockets as he read the notification.

'Why don't we try this out!' He chuckled as he started to transform into a dragon.

'I~ Impossible!' Goddess Faunia had just recovered from the pain the demonic aura that shrouded her caused when Pedro suddenly transformed into a dragon.



'So awesome!' Pedro's sadness was temporarily lifted as he charged for a second and blew to the air.


He screamed that caught the fleeing beasts' attention.

'Go~Goddess!' The fleeing beasts' look went pale as they saw Pedro(Dragon + Demonic form) standing beside the helpless goddess.

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