The Immortal Player

Chapter 286: Lony and Talia's Attack!

[WARNING TO ALL: Gore Scene Alert! This chapter contains scenes that are disturbing for the general audience. It contains scenes that may not be suitable for young audiences or for those who are eating as of this moment. Consider yourself warned before reading this.]

At this moment, Pedro was riding a black warhorse with golden plates to protect it. Beside him were the NPC General, Lony, and Talia—who were riding their own brown warhorse with silver plates protecting its head, neck, and body.

Lony and Talia were supposed to be unusual with riding a horse since they were even able to ride one in the actual game. However, they were able to experience riding a Dragon—which was more 'thrilling' than just riding a horse. So, the two of them did not have that much trouble riding the war horses.

Behind the four of them were the flag bearer NPCs of the Tradean Empire that were also riding a warhorse with silver plates in it. And as they rushed out of the Empire, the people that they pass through—immediately stops what they were doing before respectfully bowing towards them.

Only when their figure is gone from their sights, do they lift their heads and start murmuring to each other—gossiping about the King personally joining a battle. Most of them are worried about the safety of the King—when they only saw several men coming with him.

Well… Pedro was not even worried about anything. He was confident and capable enough to even head to the battlefield by himself. Add up Talia, Lony, and the NPCs… It was only a matter of time before their enemy gets defeated.

"A straightforward attack would disrupt the enemy lines and make their leaders rethink their plans of attack! With that… It's safe to assume that we would be able to buy sufficient time before the reinforcements arrive!" Pedro said confidently.

"Then… Should we use the Shielder's Formation?!" The General of the soldiers of the Tradean Empire asked.contemporary romance

Pedro simply nodded in response and said, "Use whatever formation you think is best for the survival of the soldiers, General! What is important is that we are able to hold off the majority of the enemy's force until the reinforcement comes!"

"As you command, your highness!" The General said respectfully.

At this moment, Pedro had just exited the eastern gates of the Tradean Empire. The Soldiers Guarding the Eastern Gate, stood in attention, as horns were blown above the walls—signifying the appearance of the King, himself.

The thousands of soldiers waiting outside the Eastern Gate—stood in attention, as they watch Pedro head at their front, together with their General.

"Glory to the Tradean Empire!" The Soldiers shouted in unison as Pedro nodded in satisfaction while stopping his horse and glancing back at all of the soldiers.

"Brave Men of the Tradean Empire! The shameless Defacto Kingdom dares to threaten our peaceful lives! They aim to attack our lands… Our family… Our loved ones, while most of our comrades are busy fighting monsters for us! They have prepared Five thousand men to attack us—thinking that we are WEAK and that WE WOULD EVEN ALLOW THEM TO HURT AND DESTROY EVERYTHING WE HAVE!" Pedro angrily stated in front of all of the soldiers.

"What they don't know is that… Although we are outnumbered by them… We are STRONG! WE ARE BRAVE! AND WE WILL NOT FALTER WHEN IT COMES TO DEFENDING SOMETHING PRECIOUS TO US!" Pedro angrily said that made the hearts of the soldiers burn with fury.

"So… Brave Men of the Tradean Empire! Lift your weapons! AND FOLLOW ME TO SLAY THOSE B@ST@RDS!" Pedro said as he drew his black sword and raised it in the air to rally the hearts of the soldiers. "For the Glory of the Tradean Empire!"

"For the Glory of the Tradean Empire!" The thousand soldiers cried in response as Pedro led their march towards the Defacto Kingdom.

Lony and Talia simply followed behind him as the NPC General took over the management of the soldiers—making them march in unison like an organized army.

After an hour of continuous advance, the Defacto Kingdom and its five thousand men were already insight of Pedro and his thousand men.

Unfortunately for the enemy, the opposing leaders from Team Fuji were just able to learn about the sudden appearance of a seemingly Advance Force on the side of Team ARES. That said, before they could even mock them for their "suicidal" attempt to halt their larger force, two amongst the thousand men of Pedro started charging towards them in a warhorse.

"Go! Horsey, Go!" Talia shouted as she tapped the sides of her horse with her legs—making it run as fast as it can towards the enemies.

At this moment, Lony glanced to Talia and said, "How should we deal with the enemies, Little Shawarma?"

Talia frowned in response and said, "Don't call me little Shawarma, Elder Brother Bulk! And… Do you even need to ask that to me? Isn't it obvious that we aim for their leader quickly?"

"You are right… But what if they are hiding amongst these five thousand soldiers?" Lony asked whilst forcing out a smile.

"Then… Let's just kill all of them!" Talia chuckled.

Lony simply smirked in response and said, "Sounds good to me!"

When Lony and Talia were just tens of meters away from the first line of their enemy. They halted their war horses and hopped down.

This made the enemy soldiers burst into laughter, mistaking Lony and Talia for some peace talk representative that the Tradean Empire sent to them.

Of course, knowing that they already have the advantage over Tradean Empire, the soldiers from the Defacto Kingdom acted arrogantly—giving Talia and Lony enough time to leave their horses and approach them.

"It seems like they mistook us for ambassadors or peace talkers…" Lony said whilst forcing out a smile.

Talia simply lowered the visor of her helm whilst retaining the mischievous smile on her face. She was glaring at the soldiers like a hungry wolf on a chicken farm.

She said, "You better hunt now, Mr. Ace… Or else, I might steal your prey!" 

Lony could only force out a smile in response as he lowers the visor of his helm. Then, he said, "Then… I'd be going first!"

Lony lunged forward—charging towards the soldiers. And when he was two meters away from his first target, Lony drew his sword and used the momentum of his draw to slice the soldier's neck. His first target's head was immediately separated from its body, stunning the other soldiers in response.

But before anyone could even react, several more heads started falling into the ground as the majority of the Defacto Kingdom Soldiers lost their vision of Lony and Talia's whereabouts.

Only those who were around Lony and Talia were the only soldiers who were able to know about their location. But before they could even swing their weapons nor scream to inform others of their location, the heads of the soldiers were separated from the rest of their body—hindering them from doing so.

That said, there was still a limit with Lony and Talia's restricted mode. Eventually, soldiers were able to cry, scream, or even just gasp before they were mercilessly eliminated. There were also soldiers who were fortunate to be distant enough from the two—allowing them to be able to run away from them.

This, in turn, started to make a commotion amongst the Defacto Kingdom's Soldiers as they unintentionally create a space between them and the duo—because of running away from them due to fear.

"This is not good!" Lony said whilst continuously slicing multiple targets at once. "Gaps are getting bigger as we advance! Should we increase the pace a little more?"

"No! We can't! You'd be going above your restriction if you do that, Elder Brother Bulk!" Talia said with a frown on her face.

"Then what should we do?" Lony asked as he was starting to get troubled by the gaps between them and their next targets.

"I have a plan!" Talia said with a smirk on her face.

In the next second, she grabbed a soldier's falling head and threw it up in the air. With her quicker movement ability compared to ordinary players and NPCs, she was able to make it rain of their enemies' heads—consequently slowing the soldiers who were running away from them.

Those soldiers who were not able to notice them beforehand could only throw up as juices and meat fall to them. Unfortunately for them, their heads went flying too, a few seconds later.

On the other hand, Lony and Talia seemed unaffected as they continuously advance towards their enemy. Of course, they got sprayed by the different liquids in the air. But… They could not care less because they experience a lot more of a hell than that.

"I am starting to get anxious, little Shawarma!" Lony said whilst forcing out a smile. "Things are going to smooth according to our plans! We haven't even encountered any retaliation or response from Team Fuji! It's either they are completely dazed from the situation that they were in, or… We are playing right into their plans!"

Talia simply sighed in response, and said coldly, "Don't worry! I got your back!"

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